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Daddy Morebucks

Page 5

by Normandie Alleman

  Marley scowled, still shaken. Grudgingly, she invited him inside.

  They sat down in the living room, her only room. “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  “You know, you could really use some work on your manners. How about ‘Hi, Sir, it’s nice to see you’?” he said, disapproval written all over his face.

  Her shoulders rose and fell as she exhaled. “Okay. Hi, Sir, it’s nice to see you. Now, why are you here?”

  “You are suspicious, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, I am,” she said, folding her arms smugly.

  “Okay, I missed you, and since you don’t have a phone I didn’t have a choice but to drop by unannounced.”


  “And I’ve been thinking… I have a proposition for you.”

  “A proposition?” One eyebrow shot up quizzically.

  “Yes.” He reached across the space between them and picked up her hand. She didn’t shy away.

  “I’d like you to come live with me.”

  Her jaw fell open. “Live with you? What do you mean?”

  “When you came to the hotel that night and we played—it was amazing. Since then I haven’t wanted to play with anyone else.”

  A tingle spread through her down into her extremities, and she smiled in spite of herself.

  “I know you’ve started a new job and you just got this apartment, but I can get you out of your lease and you won’t have to work at the restaurant anymore.”

  Her forehead creased. “I won’t? Why not?”

  “Because I will pay for your expenses.” He lifted his shoulder in a half shrug, tilting his head.

  “You mean be a kept woman. And what would I do all day?” The idea was slightly offensive, but considering her previous career, righteous indignation didn’t feel like the best response.

  “I don’t know. We’d think of something. How about go to school? How far did you get in high school?”

  That he’d used the term ‘we’ was not lost on her.

  “I have a high school diploma,” she huffed.

  “Good. Then you can attend college. What kind of grades did you have?”

  “Mostly B’s with a few A’s and C’s.”


  “What if I don’t want to go to college?” A thundercloud settled on her face, her lips jutted out.

  “Then we’ll figure out something else for you to do.” He patted her on the knee. “I only want what’s best for you, Marley.”

  For some reason, she believed him.

  “Let me think about it.” She bit down on her bottom lip.

  He rose. “Of course. If you agree, you will be my sub. There will be rules. I’ll expect you to follow them. If you do not, there will be consequences.”

  She stared at him. Rules. Consequences. She hated rules and consequences. But maybe not so much when he came up with them…

  He pulled a phone out of his pants pocket and handed it to her. “Call me when you decide.”

  She stood up to take the phone. “For me?” Her voice squeaked.

  His eyes rolled toward the ceiling. “Yeah, it’s a real hassle not being able to get in touch with you. Feels like I need to hitch up my covered wagon to even speak with you. My phone number is in there. It has Internet as well. Knock yourself out.”


  He touched his index finger to her lips. “Just think about it.” He leaned in closer and whispered in her ear, “I think we could have lots of fun.”

  She became aware of the heat between her legs.

  Not trusting herself to speak, she nodded.

  He kissed her on the forehead, and left.

  Marley plopped down on the futon, her mind racing. James wanted her to live with him. Numerous questions popped into her head. Would she have her own room or would they sleep in separate beds? Would she be ‘on call’ for his sexual whims like a live-in prostitute or would she have a say in when she was available?

  Did any of that matter? From a practical perspective, this was like winning the lottery. He must have a cool pad. She’d have a nice place to live, her bills paid, time to do whatever she wanted. Live a life of leisure. Maybe go to school. Vast possibilities were in reach.

  College had never been an option for her. She needed money too badly. Now it was something to explore. The world was opening up to her.

  But there was something bothering her. A niggling doubt played in the back of her head.

  He was doing this because he liked playing with her. Naked playing. This wasn’t because he loved her, or really cared about her. This was about what she could do for him. An uncomfortable sinking began in her brain, inched lower and lower until it landed heavily in her stomach.

  That’s the way the world works. You don’t get something for nothing.

  A small, vulnerable part of her wished James wanted her for herself, not for her erotic skills or her willingness to spread her legs whenever he snapped his fingers.

  No sense crying over unrequited feelings. Not when an opportunity this rare stood before her. James didn’t know she had feelings for him. She’d do her best to treat this as a business transaction. Perhaps they could both get what they wanted.

  He could use her, but she’d use him too. There were way worse things in life than spending time playing with a handsome millionaire who paid your bills.

  Suddenly her feet didn’t hurt so badly anymore. The bath could wait. She kicked off her shoes and started to pack.

  * * *

  A driver picked her up and whisked her to a massive tower that appeared to climb upwards for days. Shielding her eyes from the sun, Marley gazed up at the monstrous building, feeling like she was in a modern version of Jack and the Beanstalk.

  Nerves jangled inside her. Would she be able to pull this off? Could she fit into this world of high rollers and high society? The self-confident air that was her constant companion fled the minute the driver opened her door. She was out of her element. It was one thing to pretend to fit in, another thing to actually have to do it.

  The elevator ride to James’ penthouse apartment was surprisingly short. She expected it to take five minutes or longer to reach the top, but it felt more like seconds. Did that thing run at warp speed?

  On the top floor, the doorman ushered her into a large apartment with an open floor plan and an incredible view. One edge of the massive room consisted of a wall of windows overlooking downtown Dallas. It had to be stunning at night.

  The furniture was oversized, cozy. She expected it to be more modern and sleek, austere. But the huge sectional sofas, and chairs in chocolate and cinnamon hues created a warm and welcoming atmosphere. A reflection of their owner. There were crimson accents around the room, and unique art on the walls. A few sculptures graced side tables. The biggest television Marley had ever seen hung over a fireplace on another wall. Above her, a vaulted glass ceiling offered a view of the clouds.

  Books lined the bookshelves. Curious, she wandered over to peruse James’ reading preferences. Footsteps sounded and she turned, her nerves on the outside of her skin.

  “Hello, Marley, I’m glad you’re here.” James radiated warmth as he closed the distance between them. He held her at arms’ length and inspected her from head to foot before bringing her into his arms for a bear hug. He kissed her on the lips.

  “Welcome, little girl.” For a split second he resembled a wolf salivating over his dinner.

  “Thanks, happy to be here. I love your place.”

  “It’s yours now as well. I want you to make yourself at home. Let me show you around.”

  He took her on a tour of the penthouse. The spaces were so large, each one beautifully decorated. The laundry room alone was almost as big as her apartment. There was a wine closet, a massive walk-in pantry, and two guest bedrooms. The bathrooms were huge. Everything was clean and new. At least it looked new.

  The place wasn’t exactly lived in, but it wasn’t too sterile or pristine either.

  The k
itchen sported all the modern conveniences—two massive stainless steel built-in refrigerators, a high-end cooktop and range, multiple sinks. Warm, brown swirled granite counters sparkled atop cream-colored wood cabinets. An iron pot rack groaned overhead with copper cookware.

  “Do you cook?” she asked.

  “Occasionally. Sucks cooking for one.” He scrunched up the corner of his luscious mouth. “Maybe I’ll do it more now that you’re here.”

  “Sounds nice.” She smiled.

  “Why don’t we sit down and go over some of the rules?” He motioned for her to perch on one of the wrought-iron barstools tucked under the overhang of the island.

  Sweat tingled in her armpits, and she climbed tentatively onto the seat. He joined her with all the confidence of a man who ruled his castle.

  “I guess I should have discussed these rules with you earlier. I apologize for not doing so. If there is anything here that you feel that you truly cannot agree to, we can discuss it. However, these rules are important. For this to go smoothly I’d like you to do your best to follow them.”

  “Let’s hear ‘em.” She smoothed her skirt with sweaty palms.

  “Okay, first of all, I will be your daddy, and you will be my little girl. You will be mine and only mine. You will do what I say, without complaint. Do your best to be a good girl.”

  “Okay, Daddy,” she said, flipping her hair. In part it felt like play acting, answering him this way. At the same time it was like falling into a pit of marshmallows, knowing there was a soft, sweet place to land.

  “You’ll need to keep me informed about your comings and goings, who you’re with, what you are doing. You can text me. I also want you to eat a nutritious diet and get enough sleep at night. Take care of yourself.”

  She nodded. That didn’t sound too bad. Controlling? Maybe, but not too big of a price to pay. It had been ages since anyone had cared about her enough to make sure she slept and ate properly. Was this what it felt like to have ‘security’? It was easy to see why some women craved it.

  “No drugs. When drinking, limit yourself to two alcoholic drinks.”

  She balled her fists. “Hey, that’s not fair.”

  “Why? How many do you think you should be allowed?”

  Sticking her lip out, she replied, “As many as I want!”

  “I disagree. When you drink too much your judgment becomes impaired, and that’s not good for you. You might make poor decisions.”

  “What do you think is going to happen, Daddy?” she hissed.

  “You will speak to me with respect or you will get a spanking.” The humor was gone from his face.


  “Yes, really.”

  “Well, I still think it’s stupid.”

  “Marley, you have every right to your opinion, but you are pushing your luck with me.”

  “Tough.” Why was she continuing to push so hard? She was out of control.

  “That’s enough. Come here.”

  As if in a trance, Marley obeyed. He slid his stool back and laid her over his knee. The stool was so high that her feet dangled, unable to touch the floor.

  He flipped up her skirt. She grabbed the spindly iron legs of the stool and held them. Gritting her teeth, she prepared herself for his onslaught.

  He pulled down her panties slowly, inch by inch. The anticipation overtaking her, Marley stopped breathing for a minute. Seeing the kitchen from this upside-down angle disoriented her. The smell of his cologne mixed with a lemony aroma coming from the spotless kitchen floor. A ripple of desire skittered through her, and the whole situation took on a surreal quality.

  “I hate to have to do this, Marley. But I hope you will learn a lesson about being respectful.” He placed his hand gently on her bottom. She’d underestimated how much she liked feeling his skin on hers.

  Then he struck her bottom with his open palm.

  She flinched at the blow.

  “I will start with twelve swats because I know this is new to you. In the future, bad behavior will earn you more.”

  Wincing, she bit her lower lip. He hit her harder than the last time, and she bit down harder, breaking the skin.

  Tasting blood, she decided that hadn’t been the smartest idea. She told herself no biting, but it was difficult not to clench her rear molars together.

  He smacked her again.

  She whimpered. He wasn’t holding back. These blows stung. How was she supposed to just take this?

  Remembering to breathe helped, but her ass was on fire. Hadn’t he told her to ease into it? Easier said than done.

  She must think of something else. Take her mind elsewhere. The pretty penthouse. The super-fast elevator. Anything else but the pain of her backside.

  About the tenth slap, she’d given up. Her body was almost growing accustomed to the agony. She lay limp over his knee, not really caring how many more were left.

  Then it was over as quickly as it had begun. He righted her, eyeing her sternly. “Do you think you can be more appropriate now?”

  Cowed, she fixed her hair and stared at him through wide eyes. “Yes, Sir.” She rubbed a hand across her bottom, wishing it was his hand. Wishing that he would comfort her after her ordeal. But there were no signs of that happening. Her spirits fell.

  “Good. Then have a seat and we’ll finish up.”

  Marley plopped into her chair, dejected. Ah, at least the seat is cushy. Her rear sang with the consequences of her actions. Ouch.

  “Are you okay?” He touched her arm. Finally, some compassion.

  She brightened. “Yes, Sir.”

  “All right, Marley. You must always be honest with me. I care about your feelings and your well-being. I want you to communicate with me and I will do the same with you.”

  Feelings? He wants to know about my feelings? What man does that? There’s hope for him yet…

  He continued, “We will discuss your interests and goals and make some plans to help you meet those goals.”

  “I don’t think I have any goals, Sir.” Life had always been about solving immediate problems. The future wasn’t something she had the luxury to contemplate before now.

  “Surely there must be something you’d like to do.”

  She shrugged. What kind of loser didn’t have any goals? She wracked her brain, but came up with nothing.

  “When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?”

  “A ballerina?” As soon as the words left her mouth she regretted them. Her mother hadn’t been able to afford dance lessons. And high school dances had always ended with her stepping on more toes than she cared to remember.

  “Can you dance?”

  She shook her head, fidgeting on her stool. “Can we move on?”

  “Yes. We’ll get back to that later. From now on, your body is mine sexually. No other men, or women for that matter.”

  She made a face.

  “Your orgasms are mine as well. Little girls need their daddy’s permission to touch themselves.”


  “Seriously. Do you have a problem with that?”

  “Not really.”

  “Good. Now let’s talk about punishments. If you break the rules, there will be a punishment.” He reached over and stroked her hair. His voice softened. “I will never give you more than you can take. I will stretch your limits, and I will respect your hard limits. You will always be able to use your safeword. What is your safeword?”


  “All right, Marley, bluebird it is.” He cupped her chin. “Trust that I have your best interests at heart.”

  “So I’m to be available to you whenever you want?”

  He nodded. “You are to comply with my requests. You will still be able to have your own life, but being my submissive, my little girl, will be your top priority. Do you have any more questions?”

  Chewing on her bottom lip, she shook her head. It was kinda like being a slave. But not. A knot formed in her belly.

  “How’s your ass?”

  A sigh escaped her lips. “It’s okay.”

  “I’m glad. Now let me show you to your room.”

  Chapter Seven

  James threw open the door to the most beautiful room Marley had ever seen. A huge mirrored wall framed the bed. Aged with a lacy gray finish, it gave the room an antique vibe. Floor-to-ceiling windows showcasing the view made up another wall. An expensive-looking taupe rug covered the cool, gray stone tile floor.

  A deep plum upholstered headboard rested atop the king-sized bed, outfitted with platinum and pale lavender shantung linens as soft and shiny as cupid’s wings. A lone, fuzzy aubergine pillow centered the bed. Gray damask draperies anchored the view. An upholstered bench butted up to the foot of the bed, and a lamp topped with a stylish white shade was conveniently positioned on a substantial oak chest. A crystal chandelier dripped glamour from the ceiling, and a velvet chaise lounge added voluptuous seating to the room.

  A bedroom fit for a Hollywood starlet… and it was all for her. Wrapping her arms around herself, Marley did a small pirouette.

  “I take it you like it?” James asked.

  “Like it? I love it!” Throwing her arms around his neck, she kissed his cheek. “Thank you, Daddy.” The words slid off her tongue like a Slinky rolling down an incline. He could be her ‘daddy.’ She could get used to that.

  “Have you always had a bedroom like this?” She gazed into his eyes.

  He laughed. “Of course not. It’s a touch too feminine for me. I had it designed especially for you. The designer complained about the turnaround time, but I think she did a fine job on short notice, don’t you?”


  “If there’s anything you don’t like, it can be changed. Or anything else you need…”

  Surveying the room, she noted a television, a stereo, and a desk. Exquisite details were everywhere she looked.

  A realization lit up her brain. She belonged here. “It’s perfect.”

  She walked over to the windowed wall. So many buildings, so many people out there. Usually a view like this made her feel small. Not today. Today she didn’t feel like a nobody. James made her feel important from the forehead he liked to kiss all the way down to her heels.


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