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Hardware Page 7

by Sara Brookes

  “Those are known as panic snaps. In addition to other means of communication, they allow the wearer a way out. If things are too intense or someone finds themselves in a dangerous situation, a sharp tug will release the buckle.”

  Once she was done examining them, he surprised her as he lifted one of her wrists to his lips. He pressed a tender kiss to her open palm and she could feel his lips move against her skin as he spoke. “You have your computers and games,” he whispered quietly as he lifted her other hand and pressed another kiss to the delicate skin. “And I have my own version of hardware.”

  His gaze met hers as he lifted his head. The smile she'd been about to give him faltered. The intensity in his gaze overwhelmed her, but any hesitation vanished as he looked at her with hungry eyes.

  She let her arms fall to her side and felt the gentle weight of the bindings as they made her more aware of her body. Anticipation raced through her to touch sensations she'd never experienced before. Her heart raced as he walked a slow circle around her and from his quiet murmurings of approval, she guessed he admired his handiwork. Evidently satisfied, he stopped behind her and simply stood there.

  Finally, his chest pressed against her back and her breath quickened as his hard length fit against the curve of her bottom. Even though there was no skin-to-skin contact, she felt the heat build between them. It was a heat so intense she could nearly taste it.

  His body shifted and pushed against her harder, causing her eyes to flutter closed as his mouth brushed over the delicate lobe of her ear.

  “Does the thought of surrendering wholly and completely to me excite you? Does it frighten you to know that all through dinner, I was thinking about locking these cuffs around your wrists and make you beg?”

  A thrill traveled down her spine. She was shocked to discover, even as the unknown stood before her, there wasn't an ounce of fear to be found. Any uncertainty prior to this moment was merely because she hadn't done anything sexual in nature with anyone else for such a long time. If she thought hard about it, really dug down deep, she suspected there was actually a lot more strength inside her than she thought. The cuffs brought it to the surface. This was right and just as it should be.

  “No,” she said firmly.

  “That's surprising because it scares the shit out of me,” he murmured.

  Shocked, she spun around and looked directly at him. “But you're not the one wearing the cuffs,” she stammered.

  “Not all cuffs are physical, Allison. I've opened myself up for possible rejection and I'm scared as hell that you're going to walk out of here right now and never look back.”

  She swallowed carefully, considered what he said. It astounded her to hear his confession. Given his taste of something out of the ordinary, she would have thought he would be more confident about the matter. Her heart jumped, endeared that he was just as vulnerable as she was.

  This was what she wanted as well. Two hours ago, if someone had told her she would be standing in the middle of a half empty warehouse wearing leather cuffs, waiting for someone to tell her what to do next, she wouldn't have believed them. She would have said they were off their rocker and had mixed their fantasy games with reality.

  “If I wasn't entirely sure and onboard with you, I would have never continued the conversation during dinner. I may not have a whole lot of experience with this whole thing, but I know my limits.”

  “Do you?” he asked quietly.

  “What does that mean?” Wasn't that why she was here? To learn if her limits were beyond were more than she thought they'd always been?

  Patrick tunneled his hands through his hair. “This is about finding your limits or toeing the line of those boundaries as much as it is about finding pleasure for both of us.”

  She'd expected to hear that. Despite not having his experience with this type of thing, the idea it would be one-sided was preposterous to her. If it was, people still wouldn't choose to partake in this sort of activity willingly time and time again. “Limits I assume both partners put in place long before those lines they've agreed upon are approached. Given that, I would assume most of the ground rules we've covered are vital.”

  “Yes, they are essential.” He nodded and let his hands fall slowly to his sides to mirror her position. “As is a safe word.”

  That was something she was familiar with only because she'd heard the term before. “Do I get to choose?”

  “Of course.”

  Her hands lifted so they settled lightly on the center of his chest. The metal buckles of the cuffs clinked together and his heart leapt hard against her palm. As she felt it, she realized he was genuinely nervous this moment would end right now. It didn't shatter the image she had built up in her mind on how this sort of thing was supposed to progress. His nervous energy added a new facet to this experience for her. This was a lifestyle he chose willingly and despite his outward show of confidence, he was truly worried about what she thought.

  It wasn't because he was afraid of not getting what he wanted. Instead, he was worried that she wouldn't get what she wanted out of this.

  Allison had to admit, there was a fire burning that spread through her that wouldn't be ignored. Though her experience was somewhat limited, she was versed enough to gauge her body's reaction. Her blood pulsed with a life of its own and she wasn't about to walk away even though she didn't understand everything about his world. If she didn't try at least once, how would she know if she found pleasure in it?

  “Let's find those limits,” she said firmly, leaving no room for misinterpretation.

  Patrick nodded, crossed the room and flipped off all but one or two lights. Allison stood in a circle of light and he was pleased that his intent to make this only about her was successful. “What's the safe word?”


  He smothered a chuckle because it wouldn't be very authoritative to show amusement right now. He had no idea why she chose that particular word, but the reason ultimately didn't matter. It had been chosen for a reason and it wasn't his job to question. At the moment, his task to take her on a journey she enjoyed so she wouldn't have to use the word. He hadn't had a lover use their safe word yet and he wasn't about to start now.

  His body urged him to take the few steps forward to be near her. Separated from her was the last thing he wanted, but there was little choice in the matter. If he stayed nearby while he gave the first command, everything he planned would fall apart. “Take off your clothes.”

  She stripped to her bra and panties in the space of a few nervous breaths and he stepped forward, halting her further. Despite his impeccable control, he had to touch her. Her eyes shone as his finger trailed over the curve of her breasts.

  Her breath quickened under his touch and his finger dipped below the line of her bra. His nail touched the edge of her nipple and her breath hitched in response. That was just how he liked things. He circled around her again, stopped behind her.

  My God, she has no idea how incredibly gorgeous she is.

  “Continue,” he said in a firm voice and stepped back to admire the graceful slope of her back as she removed her bra and panties. The scraps of fabric fell to the floor with minimal sound and he indulged himself by admiring her from this vantage point.

  Her hands moved to cover her nudity and he fought against the frown that threatened to pull down the corners of his mouth. Once he circled around in front of her, those hands would block his view. Unacceptable. “Put your hands at your sides and keep them there until I say otherwise.”

  She did as instructed and he admired the picture she made standing there, wearing only the leather cuffs. She was gorgeous before, but now she was downright stunning.

  He reached forward to lock the cuffs together and discovered a surprise he would have never expected of her.

  A tattoo.

  The reason for her safe word now made sense. His fingers ached to reach out and glide over the ink, but he resisted for the moment based on his own rules.

Centered between her shoulder blades was a unicorn. Not just any unicorn either. An origami unicorn, done only in shades of gray like a charcoal drawing, the paper folds seemed delicate and vividly life-like. The piece was phenomenal and whomever she'd gone to have it done was certainly an expert in their field. He was certain it meant something, but at this point he didn't care. The sight of it gracing her body gave him new energy. He hadn't expected to find ink on her skin.

  She probably wasn't aware of the fact that with a simple glimpse he'd learned there was a darker side to her. The presence of the intricate artwork opened a door he originally thought he'd have to pry open. Not that he minded, but the ease at which she would succumb to him made things all that much easier. The thought sent him soaring and the apprehension he'd experienced since dinner melted away.

  However, there was something he needed to say first before they continued. “Just so there aren't any questions or doubts in your mind, I want you to know something about those limits. Yes, it's about finding them, but it's also about exceeding them until all that is left is pure, unrestrained pleasure. There are two types of limits—hard and soft.

  “For now, until you and I both know a little more about each other and what we each like, we'll stick to a soft limit. A few orders and nothing more than these cuffs, all right?” He waited a few beats before continuing. “Now that we've settled on that—get on your knees.”

  He kept his tone firm and noticed she only gave a slight hesitation before she lowered herself to her knees. Satisfied with her position, he moved away to lower himself into his favored chair several feet away.

  This room had always been about indulgences and the chair was certainly no exception. That extravagance was why he kept the piece of furniture down here instead of up in his loft. The color didn't match anything else in the room, aside from the sunny yellow throw pillows of the same shade on the couch across the room. It also didn't fit his lifestyle upstairs and wasn't even comfortable—at least for extended periods. It wasn't meant as a lazy Sunday morning chair to enjoy coffee and the paper.

  As he sat in the chair, he studied her form as she knelt. His usual practice was to move on from the given command and tell his partner what else he expected. But something about Allison and the way she currently looked made him want to simply stare and drink all of her in. Based on her inexperience, she had no idea how extraordinary she looked as she knelt before him so submissively.

  It was a picture to treasure and he wanted to pull her in front of a mirror to show her how she looked. But he was selfish and didn't want her to move. It would ruin the moment and he enjoyed this too damn much.

  Instead, he watched, took in the slope of her collarbone and the elegant dip of her shoulder. Even the draping line of her arms as they pulled gently behind her. He'd not said anything, but her head was bowed a bit so her gaze was on the floor. She probably wasn't aware how easily she'd slipped into this role and he'd be sure to point it out later. Done now, it would draw her out of the moment and he wanted her deeper.

  His gaze traveled down further, admired the slow sweeping curve of her waist and hip. Even with the light that shone down from overhead, there was still a shadowed area at the junction of her thighs. As he felt himself grow harder in response to what lay there, he realized he'd kept both of them waiting long enough. Most off all, he wanted his mouth pressed against her skin to see if the rest of her tasted as sweet as her kiss.

  “Come here and stand in front of me,” he said with a stern tone to his voice and was pleased when she immediately moved. She stumbled as she tried to push herself up with just her legs and he surged out of the chair in an effort to catch her. She righted herself without his help and compensated for the misstep, but not without the telling color of embarrassment in her cheeks. He settled back in the chair and watched as she took a few steadying breaths before she came to stand in front of him.

  “Are you all right?” he asked with genuine concern. It was a break in the atmosphere he created for her, however, he felt they both needed the reassurance.

  She nodded and the tint on her cheeks faded a little. “Yes. I'm fine, just clumsy.”

  “Good.” He reached out, trailed one finger across her abdomen, pleased to hear her soft intake of breath. “I don't want you to hurt yourself.”

  His usual method of operation would be to slow down even more now that she was near and explore the expanse of skin spread out before him. But again, he couldn't resist breaking some of his rules when it came to her.

  He leaned forward to press his lips against her heated skin and allowed himself to trail a damp line under her belly button. Her breath whistled quietly between her lips and he was pleased at some of her unsteadiness. If she was completely confident with all of this, it would mean she hadn't been truthful.

  “Spread your legs and put your right foot on the arm of the chair. I want to taste you.” His hand closed around her ankle as she lifted her foot and he helped guide it in place. With her legs open like this, her scent enveloped him and he groaned quietly in satisfaction because she was completely oblivious to the fact she slowly drove him mad.

  The aroma of her arousal washed over him and he inhaled the heavy musk scent as he trailed a line of openmouthed kisses over her inner thigh. He felt her muscles tremble under his touch. His fingers parted the scorching hot flesh between her legs and his tongue slowly rasped over the bundle of nerves he found. Without warning, her knee buckled and he immediately shifted his hands to take her entire weight in his arms in order to hold her steady.

  She whimpered quietly.

  “Hush,” he calmly ordered as he glanced up to her face and saw that ever present gnaw on her lip. Her gaze met his and despite her fumble, he could see the expectation in her expression. “I'm going to touch you now. I have to know what you feel like.”

  One finger, lubricated by her juices, slipped easily inside. While it was nice to know she was this excited, he had news for her—he'd just gotten warmed up.

  Since she'd taken his finger so easily, he slid another inside, felt her body shiver in response. He guessed she could comfortably take another, but decided against it for now. Two would do nicely in order to bring her to the first orgasm.

  His fingers started to withdraw and her hips moved slightly as if she didn't want him to leave her. He would stick to the plan this time and just before his fingers were completely withdrawn, his slid them back inside with exact precision.

  She broke eye contact and let her head fall back as she gave a soft sigh. Her hips moved again as they reached for him. Caught up in the moment, and forgetful of his promise to himself, he moved his fingers with steady, sure strokes. Her body fell into the same pattern and her voice filled in the quiet space around them.

  The sound struck a chord with him. It was unexpected after he'd given her the order to remain quiet. He found it odd that he wasn't bothered by it. Normally, he would have issued his partner a stern warning or even walked away completely as a form of punishment. With Allison, however, it added a new facet to the moment.

  “Louder,” he demanded suddenly. “I want to hear you.” His body grew heavy with arousal as the pitch of her voice altered and wrapped around him. His cock pressed painfully against the ridge of his jeans. Instead of easing the pain, he drew on it, used it to keep his focus entirely on her.

  Each time his fingers slid into her completely, he curled the tips of his fingers forward. After only a few times, he garnered a strangled moan from her. He backed off a bit to alternate the touch and felt her muscles tighten around his fingers in response.

  She was close. But close wasn't enough. He wanted her to tumble helplessly out of control and be his without question. Her pelvis ground against his fingers and he pushed hard into her, all to way to his knuckles. The pads of his fingers stroked against the sensitive spot inside her and was rewarded with a keening cry as her entire body went rigid.

  While her body shook, he removed his fingers and surged upward to undo the buttons
on his jeans. One hand worked at the waistband while the other snaked around her waist. He toed off his shoes and stepped out of his pants in one smooth move.

  He pulled her body close against his and hungrily claimed her mouth.

  She melted into him and allowed him to pull her along until the backs of his thighs contacted with the bed. His fingers found the clasp that locked the cuffs together and released it as he pulled her down to the bed with him.

  Her eyes snapped into focus in reaction to the sound and her post-orgasm euphoria was over for the moment. That would only last as long as he allowed it. He smiled at her questioning gaze.

  “You didn't expect me to keep them latched together the entire time did you?” He pointed to the slatted metal headboard above his head and the D-rings welded to two of the spindles. “How else would I lock you to the bed and order you to ride me?”

  The clarity on her face disappeared entirely as each ring was snapped into place around the loops of solid metal. He tugged against them in turn and trailed his fingers along her arms in order to luxuriate in the feel of her skin against his.

  One hand snaked between them as he reached over to extract a condom from the wooden box he kept on the nightstand. The foil crinkled between his fingers in his rush to open the package. As he lifted it to tear the stubborn square with his teeth, he caught a glimpse of her face. Her brown eyes were wide with apprehension.

  “I'm not going to do anything to harm you. I thought we'd already made that clear and if what just happened—”

  “It's not that. I don't normally...er.”

  Understanding dawned and he fought back a chuckle. “Vocalize when you come?” The blush on her skin deepened, spread out further and heated the places where their skin made contact. It was a confirmation that he'd been correct. “Then I take it as a personal challenge, to find out how loud you can really be.” When her eyes took on a skeptical shadowing, he reached out, grazed a finger under her chin. “You're safe here, Allison. I find the sound you make when you come undone quite enjoyable. I intend to hear more of it.” His hips pressed up between her spread legs as a show of faith.


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