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Hardware Page 8

by Sara Brookes

  Brown eyes went wide in surprise and her blush spread further. Only this time, it wasn't from embarrassment. Interest caught, he lowered his hand to move between them and levered her up out of the way so he could roll the condom down over his rigid cock.

  Precaution in place, he lowered her into position, but held her body in place so that the tip of his erection nudged her entrance. “Now. Ride me,” he said with firm authority behind his words.

  Without further instruction, she sank onto him in one hard movement. His eyes nearly rolled back in his head as he slid into that tight, wet heat of hers for the very first time. Prepared to give her the time she needed to adjust, he was surprised when she shifted up and plunged down again. Hands still secured to the metal rings, she used the headboard as leverage and undulated her hips against his. She was certainly no novice at this and he thanked the stars for this moment with her.

  Her movements quickly became hurried and frantic as she became caught up in the moment. It was a sign she'd finally given herself over and had done so without apology. He was thrilled with the prospect of awakening something inside her that he would enjoy exploring and discover just how much she could endure. How much they both could. It was inevitable as he was already under her spell.

  She was under his skin, a deep craving he couldn't ignore. The taste he'd sampled of her wasn't enough. He needed more. Needed everything she had to give.

  Muscles clenched tightly around him, a signal the moment was about to come to a boiling point. “Give me another one. I want to feel you lose control while I'm buried inside you.” That streaked blonde hair fell softly around her face as she bent her head. It skimmed across his chest, tickled tight muscles. Leather creaked over his head, her hands white as she clenched them.

  It was a clear indication of the intense strain as she fought to maintain some evidence of control. “Give it to me now, Allison. Share it with me, show me.”

  She jerked in response as something inside her released. The high-pitched sound of her voice filled him as she came, her body tight as her muscles rippled around him, milking.

  The sensation swept through his body. It was unavoidable, despite the fact he wanted to hold back and wait for her to finish. He was going to come—and come hard. His hands clamped low on her hips and held her in place, driving up into her with a roar that reflected his own loss of control.

  Without words, she pulled him along with her.

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  * * *

  Chapter Seven

  Patrick felt Allison stir on the bed and skimmed his hand down the side of her torso as she stretched. He loved to have this much of her skin exposed. It was a feast for his eyes and he couldn't get enough. “Do you have any plans for the day?”

  She groaned softly and buried her face in the pillow. The sheet slid around her as she shifted and exposed all but one leg for him to stare at. In fact, he was fairly certain he'd start to drool in the next few seconds, especially if that sheet drifted down any further. His fingers itched to touch all her gorgeous skin even though he'd stroked it just hours ago.

  Just as he was about to pull away, he realized there was absolutely no reason not to indulge himself. She flinched in response when he lightly touched the nape of her neck. As his fingers followed the line of her spine, she relaxed completely.

  He stirred against her hip as his fingers traced the graceful swell of her ass. There was a muffled groan from the pillow and she pushed against his hand as he scraped his fingernails over her skin. Unless he read this completely wrong, she wanted a harder touch.

  As he filed that information away for later, he pushed up, pressed his lips to her lower back. More than anything, he wanted to continue, discover what else she liked. But the opportunity to tease her had been too tempting, so he pulled away and repeated the question.

  “Bastard,” she swore quietly as she shifted to face him. “You did that on purpose.”

  “You're damn right I did.”

  She scowled at him, but there was no heat behind the expression. “I'm off today so that means I have a few errands to run. You're welcome to join me. They're nothing overly exciting and come to think about it you'll probably be bored out of your mind.”

  “If you're going to geek out at some computer store, I may take a pass. I wouldn't think of trying to compete with something like that.” His fingers mapped a slow path across her abdomen now that she lay on her back and a surge of pleasure spiked when she sighed softly in response. “Or we could stay in bed. Nick's covering the store for the day.”

  There was a loud groan of protest. “I really have to get some things done today.”

  “Then we'll run your errands and a few of my own, then come back here. I have the warehouse for the rest of the weekend.” She nodded in agreement and swung her legs over the side of the bed. Patrick reached out and lightly pinched her upper thigh.

  She used the edge of the bed for balance as she caught herself. Her mouth opened in protest, but something else caught her attention instead. Her fingers sunk into the mattress and it gave under her hands as she pushed down. “Why is the bed so high?”

  He waited until her gaze lifted to his because he wanted to make certain he had her full attention. “Would you like for me to show you?”

  As she caught the meaning, it was delightful to watch her expression change. “Oh. Wow. That's nice.”

  “Then it's definitely something we'll have to explore—at a later time unfortunately because I have some things that need to be taken care of today as well. However, there is motivation in knowing the faster we get our errands done, the quicker we can return here.” He saw a quick flash of her artwork as she moved away to retrieve her discarded clothing. There was something he'd wanted to ask her since last night. “When did you get your ink?”

  “Got it when I turned twenty-five.” She finger-combed her hair into submission and tugged a shirt over her head. “My brother's best friend did it for me. Yours?”

  He glanced at the brightly colored stylized phoenix on his arm just below his shoulder. “Right after my hopes for a career in baseball died. To remind myself not everything is permanent.” It was ironic when you thought about it—a permanent reminder marked on his arm about how life was only temporary, but that was rather the point.

  “That's a bit philosophical of you, Patrick.” She winked as she tugged on her pants and crossed the room to settle at the foot of the bed. As he shifted to sit, she reached out to glide her hand over his bicep and the intricate artwork. “It suits you. I like it.”

  “Thank you,” he pushed a hand under her shirt to skim his fingers over her back where the unicorn was. “And yours? Does it have some deep, thought provoking meaning?”

  “I thought you would have figured it out. The unicorn is a mythical creature. It isn't supposed to exist. Just like me. You know the whole geek girl mystique.” She shrugged. “It's also from one of my favorite movies. Blade Runner, in case you were wondering. Gaff left an origami unicorn for Deckard as some sort of symbol about...uh, never mind. Shit. I'm babbling again and I don't need to do anything to further my case about being some sort of anomaly.”

  “Well, you are certainly one of kind.” He brushed away the hand she'd lifted to her forehead and pressed his lips to hers. “It's striking, just like you are.” He groaned in appreciation when her mouth pressed to his.

  He had to get some errands of his own done, but she nearly derailed those plans. The thought of securing her to the binding cross on the other side of the room spun in his mind even as they kissed. It was vital they come up for air to ensure their heads remained clear. It seemed especially true after last night because he was certain he would never get enough of her.

  As much as he hated to, he had to stop her. When she crawled into his lap and ground against him, his mind went blank. The buzz of need started to drown out coherent thought and he couldn't afford that right now. “Come on, you can tell me things that make me feel like a dumbass while
I think about how you'll look later bent over for me.”

  He left her at the warehouse while he went upstairs to shower and change, then drove her to her cottage so she could do the same. Then there was her long list of places to go despite the fact they lived in a small town. Main Street was relatively quiet for a weekday and before he knew it, they pulled up to the last errand on her list.

  He gave a quiet hoot of laughter as he put the car in park. This store was certainly somewhere he never thought he'd step inside as an adult unless he had a child in tow.

  The smell of ink and aged paper hit Patrick full force as he followed Allison into the single comic book store in Gatlin Falls. He tried to take it all in at once but surrounded by so many vivid colors, it made him feel dizzy. Pop art and culture slapped him in the face and he felt like a twelve year old again.

  Summer days were stretched out before him and the cash he'd earned from mowing lawns burned a hole in his pocket. He remembered spending countless hours at the drug store spinning the carousel rack to peruse through the new releases for the week.

  This, however, was somewhat different.

  Allison jutted her chin at the rail-thin teenager who stood behind the counter and wore a shirt that advertised the fact that Han shot first. “Hey, Edgar.”

  “Missed you last week, Al.”

  “I've been working on an important client's computer network. You should check out Perfect Shot the next time you need a buzz.” Patrick met her gaze and she winked before she turned back to the clerk. “Have my haul for the past few weeks?”

  Patrick hadn't missed the way the cashier shortened her name despite the fact she stood there in a short olive green skirt and slim fit shirt that accented her hourglass shape. Dressed this way and despite those shabby sneakers she wore with everything, she was unmistakably female. It did give him some insight on what she'd meant about being counted as one of the guys.

  He suspected whenever she was normally here, the males were more interested in their hideously ill-proportioned cartoon women than by the living breathing female that stood right before them. They had carelessly assimilated her as one of their own with utter disregard for her feelings. While it was good for him, it was bad for her because it stuck her in a vicious cycle that led her to believe she wasn't worth more.

  The cashier reappeared and slid a plain brown paper bag on the counter before Allison. She pulled it into her arms with a smile. “Thanks, I'll stick what I don't want back up on the shelf.” She waggled a finger and gestured for Patrick to follow her across the store. “Want to come with me?”

  She led him through a sheer curtained covered archway that opened up to another room where even more comic books were tucked into plastic sleeves and filed in tall, narrow boxes. The musty smell of aging paper was even more prevalent here and he decided this was the equivalent of some sort of geek Mecca.

  He watched, enthralled, as she set the bag down on a high table to their left and slid a stack of slim glossy comic books out of the bag. Each one was handled delicately, as if it were a precious object that needed to be held with care. He didn't see anything in the stack of books he recognized, but since he hadn't seen or touched a comic book since childhood, that wasn't especially surprising. One or two titles he did recognize and they seemed out of place with the rest of her selections. The combination of wildly outfitted superheroes next to gory, horrific looking characters was an odd mix.

  He was about to ask her about the attraction to each when his gaze fell on her face, the words caught in his throat, and he was struck speechless by the look of sheer joy. Her chocolate colored eyes were bright and a tinge of pink darkened her cheeks.

  She'd looked the very same way last night when he'd brought her screaming over the edge.

  Each book was carefully scanned as she held it with her fingertips and he watched in fascination. This was so much more than a hobby for her. It was a very serious and deep unshakable passion.

  Arousal pooled in his groin as he watched and when it flourished without any encouragement, he realized he couldn't wait until later to have her. He scanned the room and noted they were the only people in the store aside from the clerk. The small alcove they stood in only had a single entrance and if he angled just right, he'd be able to see if anyone approached.

  He maneuvered himself behind Allison as she continued to study the books in front of her. He pushed the hem of her skirt to the side and she jolted in response to his touch. “I'm going to have you now.” His breath blew hot past his lips and her body shivered against his.

  “Okay, let me get—”

  “It wasn't a request.” Patrick lowered his voice, his stern tone unmistakable. “I'm going to fuck you right here and right now.”

  Allison let herself be pushed into the corner of the room and her body sang in response to the demands Patrick issued with quiet words.

  What is it about this man that makes me want to melt into a puddle?

  She'd never felt this way before and certainly never expected to have him react this way to her. Never mind the fact he was someone who felt as if there was nothing wrong with sex in the side room of a comic book store she frequented almost weekly.

  As her back hit the wall, he pushed her skirt up and lifted her legs in one smooth motion. His fingers scraped through the heat between her legs as he pushed her underwear to the side and suddenly she didn't care where they were. She only knew she needed him even though her body should have been sated from the previous evening. He'd already left quite an impression on her and she already missed the weight of the cuffs around her wrists.

  His movement was frantic and hurried, nothing at all like the smooth grace he'd exhibited last night. That had been about seduction and enjoyment as they'd learned each other's bodies after their initial coupling. This was pure, unadulterated need and about satisfying it as quickly as possible. She fed on it and loved the flood of desire it created through her veins. It was wonderful to discover, like him, she couldn't wait.

  His hand moved away from her hips and she heard the familiar crinkle of a condom wrapper. Her lips curved against his. “Ever the prepared one, aren't you?”

  “You bet your ass I am.” His voice was low and so strained the words nearly came out as a growl.

  The sound of the emotion in his voice sent a thrill through her. “Why Mr. Conners, I didn't think my ass was up as an offer.”

  He rolled the thin sheath on and she watched as his eyes shut in reaction. His head fell against her shoulder and as a quiet shudder passed through him she realized he was precariously close to losing it even more so than he already had. While she'd enjoyed their time together at the warehouse the previous night, this was new and invigorating.

  Seizing the opportunity, she snaked her hand between their bodies, closed it tightly around him. His head snapped up in surprise and she could see the intensity in his eyes grow. She moved her hand to guide him to the heat between her legs and his breath hissed out as he pushed his hips forward to slide inside her.

  The chime of the front door sounded through the store, but he didn't let it deter him. She bit her lip in order to not make any noise as he moved. It was a choice that became remarkably hard to maintain as he pushed fully forward.

  His voice was soft and low in her ear, a sign he possessed far more control than she did despite his urgency. “I want to keep you at the warehouse, naked. Ready for me at any time. To do my bidding, whatever I say. I want to fill you, worship you for the gorgeous creature you are.”

  With his words, her body soared beyond her control. There were quiet voices coming from the other room as some customer discussed the latest and greatest releases with Edgar. However, Patrick moved as if he didn't care others were in the store. Of course, had he cared, he wouldn't have started this in the first place.

  The hushed sounds of pleasure seemed to fuel his words as he spoke again. “You are so soft inside. Wet. Warm. Made just for me. Perfect.”

  She hissed softly as he started to
move his hips so that he plunged into her over and over. This wasn't like the carefully choreographed seduction he'd planned especially for her. This was entirely different and not what she expected to experience with him. She liked to see this completely different side of him that was out of control and wild.

  The muscles inside her flexed around him and a guttural moan escaped from his lips. “Oh God, that feels good. You feel good. I belong inside you, Allison.”

  Even as she fought to maintain control, her body rocketed toward release, and despite the fact they were in a very public place, she let go. They could get caught at any moment and that was probably the reason she found herself so violently aroused. Right now, the only thing she cared about was falling over the edge he'd dragged her to.

  His pace increased just as the bell to the store sounded again. There was yet another customer in the store who added to the risk. Unable to hold off, her teeth bit into his shoulder as her body shuddered out the orgasm. Patrick gave a quiet groan as he drove himself completely into her and held himself in place. His fingers dug into her flesh as he gave himself over to his own body.

  There was a shout from the adjoining room, followed by the sound of footsteps and they scrambled to separate themselves from each other. They ordered their clothes as quickly as they could and stood against the table, intently studying the comic book Allison had spread out on the table between them when the curtain parted. Edgar, with his messy hair, poked his head into the room.

  “Hey Al, is there a Black Widow comic in your stack? I may have put in there by accident.”

  She straightened and shook her head as she gathered the comics that had been set aside from her pull list. “Nope.”


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