Love in Flame (De La Fuente Book 5)

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Love in Flame (De La Fuente Book 5) Page 3

by Lexi Buchanan

  Her eyes flutter closed at my touch and as she starts to lean closer, they suddenly snap open and she takes a step back, breaking our contact.

  “I take it you’ve been okay?” she asks, glancing at my shoulder where I’d taken a knife.

  “I’m good.” I frown. “What are you doing out here, Rae? It’s not the place to be.”

  “I know that.” She sighs and tears tremble on her lashes.

  It takes everything in me not to close the distance between us. This stubborn woman is still under my skin and very soon I’m going to be putting ‘operation Rae’ into gear. I’ve respected her request that nothing can happen between us in hope that she’ll miss me as much as I miss her. But like I say, she’s stubborn.

  “It’s good to see you,” she finally admits and a grin splits my face. She rolls her eyes and turns to the car. “I don’t suppose you know what’s wrong with this piece of junk?”

  I cock an eyebrow because the car is anything but junk with a two year old plate. “I’ll take a look.” I move to the front of the vehicle and look inside, and straightaway I spot the problem—a loose plug. The only question is whether or not I fix it now or in five minutes.

  This firecracker of a woman woke up my libido like no one else ever has. Since I first met her, I’ve been jerking off with the image of Rae in my head. Imagining her hands on my cock, and that sexy mouth wrapped around me, would do it every damn time.

  Straightening, I meet her gaze and feel lust kick me in the balls, tightening and thickening my cock.

  “Mom, I’m getting hungry.”

  Startled, those words have a dowsing effect on my arousal. I had no idea that she wasn’t alone, probably because of all the crap that’s piled up at the windows.

  “I’m sure we’ll be on our way soon,” Rae replies, watching my reaction before she moves around her car.

  “Your brilliant idea again,” the girl complains.

  Out of curiosity, I follow and find a slender pair of legs sticking out of the car door, and a firm body follows as she stands in front of her mom.

  Her eyes snap to mine and do a once over of my grubby form. She obviously likes what she sees because her eyes light with interest. “Not that I’m complaining, but where did you come from?”

  Amused at her flirting, I point over my shoulder just as two of my friends appear. “In case you haven’t noticed the forest around here is on fire. You two shouldn’t even be in this area even though it’s now under control.”

  “We noticed, which was why we tried to get away from here.” She shrugs, offering her hand. “Andie.”

  I quickly shake her hand, “Diego,” and decide to get them moving again while I absorb the fact that Rae really does have an adult daughter.

  My brother and Rae have told me about Andie, but seeing Rae’s daughter in the flesh is a wake up call.

  Shaking my head, I ignore them both while I turn back toward the hood of the car to quickly reattach the plug. “There,” I step away from the car, “all done. Give it a try.”

  Rae climbs into the car and turns it over—the engine purrs to life.

  She jumps out and her bright smile nearly knocks me on my ass. “Thank you.” Rae takes a step toward me when she quickly halts, looking embarrassed. “We better go.” She glances at her daughter. “Andie.” She motions to the car.

  The girl rolls her eyes and smirks at her mom as she gets back into the car, slamming the door behind her.

  Rae flushes and holds my gaze. “Thank you again.”

  “You’re welcome, Rae.”

  She glances behind me and quickly moves to her car. “Well, we better go…we’re staying with your family so I’ll see you around.”

  My heart thuds in my chest at the thought of her being so close, giving me a new burst of energy to get myself home. “I’ll see you soon,” I drawl with meaning behind my words.

  Stepping out of her way, I watch them drive away.

  “The daughter was hot,” Rich states, wrapping an arm over my shoulders. “The redhead couldn’t take her eyes from you though.”

  I shake the image from my mind before I go crazy. “Whatever. Let’s head back before they send a search party out for us.” We fall into step knowing that after we’ve checked in at base that we can head home for some much needed sleep. I have a feeling that sleep might be hard to come by after seeing Rae again and knowing that we’re both under the same roof won’t help at all.

  While I half listen to Rich and Levi, I wonder if Rae’s missed me as much as I have her.


  I can finally breathe again as I drive toward the De La Fuente farm where Aiden insists we take refuge until the fire isn’t at risk of coming near my cottage.

  It makes sense, I just wish that Lucia would stop going out of her way to make me feel unwelcome. I haven’t been around much over the past few weeks, but the two occasions that I have, made me feel like locking myself in the bathroom and having a really good cry. I’ve seen her a few times around town and while I’ve always been polite, she completely ignores me.

  It makes me sad.

  The last thing I wanted when I moved us here was to cause problems, but that’s all I seem to have done.


  “Yeah?” I glance into the mirror before keeping my eyes on the road. “What’s up?”

  “That man, Diego,” she pauses, thoughtful, “you know him?”

  My heart sinks but I can’t lie to her. “Yeah, he’s Aiden’s brother.”

  Her eyes widened. “Seriously?” She shakes her head. “Of course he is. He was cute.”

  I can’t look at her anymore because I’m sure she’ll see my broken heart so I let the silence hang over us.

  “His friend on the right was cuter though.” She chuckles. “I think I’m going to like living in Great Falls.”

  I groan internally as I turn up the driveway and pray that Lucia is kind to Andie because if she isn’t then I won’t be able to stay silent anymore. I’m not going to let her treat Andie the same way she treats me, she’s done nothing to deserve it…that’s why I’ve accepted Lucia’s behavior up to now because I believe I deserve it.

  “Wow, look at that house.” Andie whistles at her first sight of the farmhouse. “It’s huge.”

  Smiling, I bring the car to a stop and hope Aiden appears real soon. “It is big. They run a business from here and sometimes have overnight guests in relation to that so they need the space. We’ll be staying in the guest accommodation so you’ll see what I mean.”

  “Do you think they’ll let me ride?” she asks climbing out of the car.

  “I’m sure Aiden can arrange that.”

  I follow and once in the fresh air, I stretch my aching muscles and spot Aiden striding toward us.

  Andie screeches and runs straight into his open arms. Aiden embraces her before letting her go with a kiss to the top of her head.

  Aiden chuckles. “I’m glad you grew out of that awkward stage,” he teases Andie. “I’d never have gotten a hug like that otherwise.”

  Andie rolls her eyes. “Let’s forget how I used to be an awkward teenager, and remember how I’m a beautiful, intelligent, young lady.” She smirks and Aiden throws his head back, laughing.

  “You are going to be nothing but little miss trouble in our small town,” he comments chuckling at the wink she sends his way in reply as he wraps me up in a hug.

  “I’m glad you listened to me in the end, Rae. It’s safer here.” He steps toward the back of the car and opens the trunk. “Do you want everything bringing in, or just the suitcases?”

  I sigh and stand beside him looking into the car at most of our belongings. “We each have a bag,” I point toward them, “everything else can stay in here. I just didn’t want to leave all our things just incase you know.”

  “I get it, Rae. I’d have done the same.”

  Aiden grabs the bags as I take in the jumble of the back of the car and I hope that we’ll have a house to go back to once the fi
re is out. “Oh,” I turn and follow Aiden, “we bumped into Diego on our way here.”

  Aiden frowns and stops walking. “You did?” he comments, watching me carefully.

  I clear my throat and add, “Yeah, I did. Car trouble on our way here, and he just appeared through the thin line of trees in his gear.”

  “He was okay, right?”

  “He looked fine…tired.” I smile while my heart beats double time.

  Stepping closer to me, Aiden meets my eyes. “Are you okay?”

  I swallow and look around for Andie who appears to be talking to Erin on the porch steps before I reply, “I…I miss him.” I shrug and try to fight off tears. “Which is stupid really considering we were never together. It’s just that no one has ever made me feel the way that he does.”

  Switching the bags to one hand, Aiden wraps an arm around my shoulders. “I think he misses you too, and that’s all I’m saying.”

  Aiden gets me moving but once inside the farmhouse he ushers Andie toward the bedrooms while I stay frozen to the spot as my gaze meets Lucia’s.

  I don’t say anything while I wait for Diego’s mom to make the first move after all I’m in her home.

  “While you’re here I expect you to stay clear of my son.” She glares, making sure I heard what she said before turning her back to me.

  I blink my tears away and quickly turn to follow Aiden and my daughter.



  Sitting in the dark while everyone else sleeps seems to be the norm for me these days. As tired as I am, I struggle to sleep because every time I close my eyes I see Rae smiling at me. I remember the feel of her against me the night she slept beside me in the hospital, and then my mind starts working overtime to figure out how I’m going to get her to date me.

  Wrapping my hands around the mug of coffee, I drop my head as though I have the weight of the world on my shoulders. It just hurts knowing that she won’t give me the time of day because of our ages. Age doesn’t bother me but I know that it really bothers others… I spot a lone figure making their way across the kitchen, as the figure walks into the dim light I realize it’s Rae.

  I still and watch while she can’t see the longing on my face.

  There’s only a small light on below one of the cabinets so she hasn’t seen me yet, but I most certainly can see her. She walks to the sink and pours a glass of water but then she places it on the side and grips the edge of the sink, her head dips toward her chest.

  It’s when her shoulders start to shake that I realize she’s crying… I can’t just sit and watch her.

  On bare feet, I quickly move toward her and place my hands on the sink at either side of hers. Rae gasps and freezes.

  My heart thumps in my chest at how close she is and my blood rushes south as my body floods with arousal.

  I take a step closer to bring our bodies together and drop my mouth to her slender shoulder. My arm wraps around her waist and the shiver that runs through her ricochets off, landing in my balls.

  When I kiss her shoulder, Rae covers my hands on her belly with hers and our fingers intertwine. I trace along her shoulder and up to her neck and into the hair at the nape of her neck with my lips.

  Closing my eyes, I inhale her into my lungs and feel her shudder. “Rae,” I whisper, nuzzling into her neck. “I know you feel this too.”

  “I do, but—“

  “No buts right now. I’m tired, Rae. I’m tired of closing my eyes and seeing you, and yet, not being able to touch you. Hold you.” I nudge her hair to one side and place a kiss on her nape. “Sleep with me tonight. Just sleep. Let me hold you.”

  “Your family.”

  “This doesn’t have anything to do with them.”

  Silence surrounds us, and just when I think she’s going to push me away, she turns in my arms. Her hands reach up and thread through my short hair while my hands settle on her hips. Desire races through me at her caress and then she lets out a shuddering breath, dropping her forehead to my chest.

  Seconds tick by before she lifts her head and holds my gaze. “I’d like to sleep with you all night, Diego.”

  “Music to my ears,” I whisper.

  “Diego,” she moans.

  “I know. I promise to behave and I will.” I grasp her hips and lift her closer. “Wrap your legs around my waist.”

  She only hesitates for a moment and then she’s wrapped around me. Her legs are tight around my waist as my hands hold her bottom, keeping her pressed to the heat of my body. Her arms wrap around my neck as she holds me close. Having her in this position gives me so many ideas, which has my cock hard and throbbing but it’s going to have to get used to it.

  My legs quiver as I move toward my room and luckily we make it without seeing anyone else. Closing my bedroom door, I make sure it’s locked from unwanted guests and crawl up the bed with Rae still in my arms.

  I hover over her and rest my forehead against hers. “We’ll sleep…once I’ve kissed you.”

  Her eyes search mine before she curves her hand around to the back of my neck and with light pressure she brings me closer. Our lips meet in a light, gentle caress, but when our tongues meet, my blood roars. Her taste consumes me.

  Her pelvis arches and rubs against mine making my eyes roll as my hand skims along her side to rest on her bottom. I cup the soft mound and knead her flesh as my blood heats.

  Groaning, I admit, “We have to stop,” while I drop my face into her neck.

  “You feel good.” Her hands roam over my naked back and when she continues to rub against my erection, her fingers slip into the back of my shorts.

  I catch her wrist and reluctantly bring her hand to my lips, kissing her fingers. “I’m not going to lie, Rae, and even though you can feel the evidence, I want you so damn bad…but not until I’m sure you won’t leave me afterwards.” I offer her a wry smile. “I promised you that we’d sleep.”

  With all the strength I have, I roll to my side and tug her back into my front so that we’re spooned together. I tug the covers over us and sigh feeling content when she settles into my arms.

  As I nuzzle into the nape of her neck, all I’m sure of is that after tonight I’ll never be able to sleep alone without craving her here in my arms.

  Kissing the top of her head, I tighten my hold. “You’re special, Rae,” I whisper.


  Early morning sun streams through the window as tears run down my face. My emotions are still close to the surface, a place that they’ve hovered around since the last time I saw Diego.

  I want him to be my man so badly that it’s a constant ache and I dread the day that he finds someone else.

  “Hey,” Diego turns me over to face him, “what’s all this?” He brushes my tears away. “Rae?”

  “I’m okay.” I try to smile, but my lip trembles as I snuggle into his chest and wrap my arm around his waist. “Just don’t let go of me.”

  He kisses me on the top of my head. “I’d keep you close always if you’d let me.”

  “I know and it hurts so much being away from you,” I admit, and sigh when his large hand cups the back of my head to hold me against his chest. “I don’t know what to do anymore, Diego. I’m so lost and nothing has any meaning anymore. When I’m sitting at home on my back porch, my first thought is always of you. I wonder what you’re doing, if you’re working a fire, if you’re okay…and, I wonder if you’ve met someone else.”

  Diego growls and slips his hand over my hip to cup my bottom. He squeezes before his hand travels to my thigh, which he grasps and brings up to rest on his hip and I completely melt. He has a large strong body and that goes double for the erection that rests between my legs.

  “The only reason why we’re not together is because you think our age difference is a hindrance. This,” he rubs against me, “doesn’t lie. Don’t you think it’s about time you let me in so that I can prove to you how much I want to be with you?”

  He has no idea how much I want to jump up
and down and say yes but his mom already doesn’t speak to me. Diego tips my chin up and shuffles so that we’re face-to-face.

  Exactly, you haven’t been doing anything and she doesn’t talk to you, so what difference would it make?

  “I can see the answer you want to give me in your eyes, Rae, but it’s not the one that’s going to come out of your mouth, is it?” Diego closes his eyes. “Promise me you’ll think about us. Promise me Rae…can you do that?”

  Not trusting my voice, I offer him a sad smile. “I’ve done nothing but think about us since you were in the hospital. My feelings for you and our situation aren’t going to change. There isn’t one person out there who would be truly happy for us.” I shake my head slowly.

  “Fuck other people,” Diego hisses, pressing me to his chest. “It doesn’t concern anyone else.”

  “You know that isn’t true,” I mumble, tracing a finger along his lips. “I wish it wasn’t because I know when you do find someone else, it’s going to hurt…a lot.”

  Diego growls and pushes me into the bed. “I won’t be able to find someone else because no one could ever compare to you, Rae.”

  My heart hurts because I want to be with Diego but how the hell would I explain it to Andie? And how would we make it longer than a week or two with his mom? I suspect Diego doesn’t believe she truly hates me and that he presumes it’s only a slight disapproval. Sadly, I know it’s more than that.

  In a way I can’t blame her, because she’s a mama protecting one of her cubs, it hurts nevertheless.

  Being here, in Diego’s arms, I feel protected and I know that this isn’t just a passing attraction. I’m so tempted to throw caution to the wind when I gaze into Diego’s tormented eyes…I can’t stand to hurt him like this.

  His mother isn’t going to approve, but what I’m about to suggest might ease the worry of her interference. “If I say yes, we’d need to keep it between the two of us. No one, and I mean no one, Diego, can know. I want to see where this is going before anyone else finds out.”

  Diego’s face splits into a huge grin as his head dips to mine. “God, yes.”


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