Love in Flame (De La Fuente Book 5)

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Love in Flame (De La Fuente Book 5) Page 4

by Lexi Buchanan

  Thump. Thump.

  “Diego, you up?” Kasey yells through the door.

  Thump. Thump.

  “I’m up,” he whispers and rubs against me.

  Chuckling, I add, “I’m not sure that’s the kind of up he’s referring to.”

  “I know,” he groans, pained. “I’m going to kill him.”

  “Diego, get your ass up. You promised me some time on the ice,” Kasey hisses through the door.

  I glance at the clock and it’s still early at 05:12, which makes me feel sad that my time with this amazing man is about to come to an end.

  Diego kisses me on the nose before he jumps from the bed. I openly grin at the erection poking up and out from his groin behind the thin gym shorts.

  He offers me a beaming smile before he whispers through the door, “Quick shower, bro. I’ll meet you in the kitchen in ten.”

  Kasey bumps the door and then we hear him shuffle away.

  “I can’t come back to bed or I won’t be meeting Kasey.”

  I smile and take the hand he offers to help me up. I pause, holding his gaze. “Are we really going to do this, Diego?” I question, softly.

  “We are, and I’m going to hold you to it…I have to go back for another shift at the fire, but I’ll let you know when I’m free and we can meet up. I want to take you on a picnic.” He gently caresses my bottom lip with the pad of his calloused thumb and eventually cups my cheek. I lean into his touch. “Knowing that I’m going to be seeing you soon is going to keep me going.” He dips his lips, capturing mine in a light, loving caress, warming my heart in the process.

  “As much as I hate to say this, but let’s get you back to your room before anyone sees us together.”

  Nodding, I move to the door, only to have Diego grab me from behind. “I hope you know that I want to tell everyone, Rae. I’m not ashamed of us—”

  “But—” I try to interrupt but he turns me to face him and silences me with a quick peck to the lips.

  He softly smiles. “I’m going to keep quiet because you’ve asked me to and I understand but I just need you to know that you’re more to me than just a secret fling. I want everything with you.”

  I gently cup his face to bring him closer. “I want you to know that if I didn’t think we’d hit trouble the minute someone finds out about us, I’d be shouting it too. I’m not ashamed to be seen with you, Diego. I just know that Andie and your mother wouldn’t see this between us in the same light that we do, not to even mention what everyone else would think.”

  He gives me a quick kiss. “I get it, babe. Don’t worry.”

  Opening his door, he sticks his head out and then ushers me through. He gets the final word with a smack to my butt as I leave.



  “I can’t figure you out.” Kasey tilts his head to the side, narrowing his eyes.

  I glare just as hard back except I’m the first to break for a change and laugh. “There’s nothing to figure out.”

  The staring competition is something we’ve done since we were kids to see who would be the first to break—the scores pretty even.

  “You’re lying.” He gets in my face. “You never make eye contact when you’re lying.” He smirks, proud of himself because he has me figured out. “You’re much perkier all of a sudden.”

  I shove him on the shoulder, pushing him off balance briefly, and grin. “Yes I am,” I admit and start strutting toward the barn.

  Kasey follows, not willing to give up. Why can’t he mind his own business so that I can get the two horses saddled for my picnic with Rae.

  “Okay, I caught that. You’re grinning like an idiot…It has to be a woman.” Kasey folds his arms in front of him and stands with his feet apart. “But, you’ve only been working or you’ve been here,” he turns toward the house and back to me, “so it has to be…” His eyes widen. “Oh crap…seriously, bro? Mom is going to flip big time.”

  My fists clench as I inhale, taking a step toward him. “Look, you have to keep this to yourself okay? I’ve wanted a chance with her since we first met, and she’s finally giving me one. I don’t want to blow it.”

  Kasey hardens his stance all amusement gone from his face. “She really cares about you, bro.”

  Running my hands through my messy hair, I pace away from Kasey and stand looking out toward the mountains. As Kasey moves to stand beside me, I admit, “She’s under my skin and for once in my life I’m afraid of screwing up. I can’t blow this chance, Kas.”

  “You’re doing just fine.”

  We spin around at the sound of Rae’s voice, and my heart picks up when I see her. She’s wearing skintight jeans with over the knee brown boots and a silky purple shirt…so beautiful.

  She looks down at her feet, embarrassed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. You told me to meet you—”

  “I know I did and it’s fine.” I offer her a wide smile as my excitement grows at her being in front of me.

  “I’m going to go.” Kasey pats me on the back and as he’s passing Rae he gives her a playful shove with his shoulder.

  I chuckle as Rae squeaks.

  “Have fun. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” He winks and waves over his shoulder.

  Reaching out for Rae, I tug her into my arms and rest my chin on the top of her head. “I missed you.”

  She sighs into my chest as her arms wrap around my waist. “It’s been a day since I woke up in your bed.”

  “Ugh, a loooooong day.” I keep my arm around her waist and usher her into the barn.

  We keep the family horses in here and the smell of fresh hay always reminds me of being a kid when I’d toss it around with Kasey and my twin, Emelia. We’d make a heck of a mess and end up spending more time cleaning up than changing the hay in the stalls.

  “What are you grinning at?” Rae asks, pinching my ass.

  I laugh and smack hers. “You do that babe and I’m going to be showing you what it’s like to make out in the hay.”

  She chuckles. “I wouldn’t object.”

  I growl and take a step away. “Not happening.” Holding my hands out, I back further away and laugh.

  “You,” she slowly follows, “are asking for trouble…but I think,” she runs a finger down my chest, “that we’re pushing our luck. So we should head out.” Rae reaches up and places a quick kiss on my lips before walking further into the barn.

  I frown as she walks away because her smile slipped from her face as she turned away.

  While saddling the horses, I leave the silence alone although I keep sneaking looks at her while we work side-by-side.

  She’s tiny compared to me but there’s strength packed into her tight body.

  “I can practically feel you watching me,” she giggles and cocks an eyebrow.

  Amused, I take a step closer. “I can’t not look at you when you’re near me.” I close the distance and wrap a red curl around my finger. “There’s something about you.” Shaking my head I meet her curious gaze. “You were meant to be with me, Rae, and I’m going to prove it to you.” I quickly kiss her stunned lips before wrapping my hands around her waist and lifting her up and onto the horse.


  Diego feels good beneath me as I sit astride his lap with my face buried into his neck. We’re relaxing under branches of a large cedar tree and it’s nice being with him without having to think about anyone else.

  Lucia has watched me like a hawk since I’ve been under her roof and I can’t wait to move Andie and I back to our home, and before I know it my daughter will be back at school, meaning Diego will be able to visit me.

  “Talk to me, Rae,” Diego asks, caressing my back. “I’ve learnt that silence means you’re thinking too hard.”

  Kissing his neck, I nuzzle closer. “I can’t help thinking about all the things in our way,” I admit, wrapping my arms around his waist, wanting to be as close as I can. “My age is always going to be a problem for your family to accept, even Aiden
will have a problem with it.”

  Diego threads his fingers through my hair, gently tipping my face up to meet his gaze. His forehead drops to mine, his eyes flutter closed. “Don’t worry about my family, Rae.”

  I really wish it weren’t easier said than done because the thought of his family makes me nauseous, and nervous which is why I blurt, “Don’t you have a job in New York?”

  His eyes widen in surprise when I cover his mouth with my fingers. “Don’t answer that…well, maybe answer… I’m afraid Diego. I’m afraid that this, whatever it is, is going to be so much more…and then it will all be ripped away.”

  “This already is so much more than anything I’ve ever had before, and I’m not going to let anything rip you away from me.” His lips crush mine in a hungry and passionate kiss as he holds me tightly against him.

  His tongue is silky and wet as he searches my mouth, making my whole body shudder with pleasure. It’s been so long since a man has loved me, that I’m pretty sure I’ve reached the point of wanting our clothes out of the way

  My hands agree as I tease the skin just above Diego’s waistband with my fingers. I dip beneath and move my hand back and forth, feeling his stomach quiver at my touch. I’m desperate to see him so that I don’t have to imagine what he looks like anymore.

  I’ve felt him hard and thick against me a few times, but I want to see the flesh of his penis. Is he pink or red? Is the head a deep purple when he’s heavily aroused? Or does he stay red?

  With the strength behind his kiss, and the way my thoughts have turned, I end up grinding against him to try and ease the building ache between my legs.

  He unfastens my jeans and then he slips his hands into the back, gripping my naked bottom. I hate underwear and only wear it when I have to. The growl Diego lets free at the back of his throat tells me he likes what he’s holding as he helps me to rub against him.

  I break from our kiss gasping for breath at the feel of him all around me. Diego pants into my neck while I make quick work of his button and zipper. My fingers delve into the opening and when my hand slides over him, his hips arch as he hisses between his teeth.

  He pants and a sweat breaks out on his forehead when I have him in full view between us.

  My eyes refuse to budge as they watch him pulse and throb in my small hand. His penis is on the large side and the bulging head is dark purple with pre-ejaculate leaking from the slit.

  When I lick my lips, Diego curses and briefly closes his eyes. Snapping them open he starts tugging at my jeans. “Off.”

  God, yes!

  Scrambling from his lap, I kick my boots off and shimmy out of my jeans. My shirt and bra quickly come off and then I’m standing before him naked.

  Diego tugs his shirt free and then his large hand wraps around his shaft as I watch him slowly stroke. I’m mesmerized watching, and dropping to my knees, I grip his thighs for support and dip my head forward. Swirling my tongue around him, more pre-ejaculate pools on the tip that I lick clear as his legs tense beneath my hands.

  “Ride me,” he moans the request, and then throws his head back against the bark of the tree. “Oh, fuck. I don’t have any protection with me.” He squeezes his eyes closed and his hand tightens around the base of his shaft.

  The sight is my undoing as I quickly straddle his hips and slowly slide down on him. His eyes focus on me and I smile. “I’m on the pill, and I’m presuming you get tested.”

  He lets out a sigh of relief. “Yes. I’m fine… Are you sure?”

  Fully seated on him, I grind my hips and watch as his eyes roll into his head. “What do you think?”

  “Mmm, I think we need to slow this down before I come before the lady.” He grins and sitting up, tugs my face closer.

  Our lips seal together as my arms curl around his neck and my breasts squash against his chest. He supports my back and pulls me away from him before his wet mouth suckles at a nipple, causing my sex to clench around him.

  “I need you, Diego.” I hold his head to my chest as his hands slide to my hips, helping me ride him.

  He clenches his jaw as I rise up to the tip of his shaft.

  I hover and glancing down the sight that greets me is all the more arousing. His penis is coated with my arousal and watching as I slide back down has Diego cursing.

  My eyes snap to his and I realize that he watched our joining as well. “It’s hot…watching me disappear into your body.” He moves a hand to stroke through the light covering of hair on my mound before he presses against my clit.

  “Oh,” I moan and reaching back I rest my hands on his thighs so that I can ride him with more power than before.

  My sex clenches around him as arousal floods my system but nothing hits me as deeply as the look in his eyes…and that’s all it takes for me to convulse and shudder in climax at the same time as Diego.



  It’s been twenty minutes since the mind numbing orgasm with Rae, and I still can’t bring myself to head back to the farm. I know we’re pushing our luck, but this afternoon with Rae has been amazing and I don’t want it to end.

  We’re dressed and Rae is back in my arms while we watch the sun slowly start to drop. There’ll be questions when we head back, but right now I couldn’t care less. I have the woman that I’ve been chasing wrapped up in my arms and I’m happy, happier than I thought I ever could be.

  It’s the first time in so long that I’ve felt truly happy in myself. This way of thinking brings me back to her blurted out question before things between us started to get out of hand.

  “You asked about New York,” I remind her.

  She starts to raise her head, so I gentle push her back down. “No. It will be easier if you’re not looking at me.”

  She hesitates, but with a kiss to my chest she settles back. “Okay.”

  “A while ago I was part of a crew working a house fire. Two children died—a seventeen-year-old girl and a nine-year-old boy. Their mom and dad had gone out for the evening and the smoke had gotten to the sleeping kids before someone had even called it in.” I close my eyes and try hard not to remember the horror of finding the boy still in his bed. “They’d had a fire alarm but it had no batteries in and before they could even wake up the fire had eaten up all of the oxygen and produced carbon monoxide, they passed away in their sleep without feeling anything.” I pause taking a deep breath. “It was the only consolation we had for their parents.”

  “Oh, Diego.” Rae doesn’t give me a choice so I let her go as she sits and searches my face with her eyes. “I’m so sorry.” She lays her hands on my cheeks. I take hold of one and raise it to my mouth, kissing the palm.

  “I left, Rae. I handed my notice in and came home.” I shrug and try to play it off but Rae sees through me. “I can’t do that again. I’m happier here with my family around me, and I can still put my training to use on the Hotshot crew. I’m also on hand with the local firehouse. I keep my hand in but I’m not going back to work in New York.”

  Rae places a sweet kiss to each of my cheeks and then my lips before she meets my gaze. “Although, I wish you were home under different circumstances, we might not have met. But I’m glad that you’re here and if you ever need to talk, I’m here for you.” Rae smiles and leans in, kissing my lips again and I don’t want her to stop.

  “We’d have met sooner rather than later now that you’re living around here.” I chuckle and change the subject, “So, I believe we’re all heading to Vegas for Aiden and Sarah’s bachelorette parties.”

  “Ugh. I’m hoping to get out of it somehow,” she grumbles

  “Hell no!” I jump up and tug Rae with me. “You and I are going to spend our time in Vegas together. I’m not going to take no for an answer. You’re mine, baby.”

  She rolls her eyes and wraps her arms around my neck. “You do realize that Andie is invited and that she’ll expect to be with me.”

  I audibly groan because I’ve forgotten that her daughter will be around. �
�Just book two rooms. Your daughter might want her own space anyway. I mean there’s always guys looking for a good time.”

  The minute the words leave my mouth I realize what I’ve said and freeze while Rae narrows her eyes. “Watch it Diego. I don’t want to think about that, thank you very much.” She lets out a disgruntled breath and chews at her lip. “Leave it with me and I’ll see what I can do about two rooms instead of one.”

  I grin. “I’m paying for it.” I cover her mouth with mine to silence her protest. “I need a room too, but because of Andie it’s going to be best if you book it. However, I refuse to allow you to pay for a room that I’m going to be using with you.” I slap her on the ass. “And that’s final, woman.” I chuckle at the exasperated look she throws over her shoulder while she saunters toward the horses.

  It’s going to kill me having to hide our relationship. I made out that it would be smooth sailing with my family, but that isn’t the truth. I know my mom has strong negative feelings on the subject and it angers me when I see the way she treats Rae. I’m going to have to put a stop to her pettiness soon because it can’t go on for much longer.

  She’s my mom but she needs to let me make my own decisions and to support the life that I choose… I just wish it was easier said than done.


  Stepping into the kitchen, I’m surprised to find Andie sitting at the table talking to Kasey, Diego, and their parents, Emiliano and Lucia.

  Lucia spots me first and her eyes flash with fire before she glances away, proceeding to ignore me. I dip my head to hide the sadness that I’m sure is clear on my face.

  “Rae,” Diego calls, my heart races, hearing my name from his lips.

  I meet his gaze and quickly glance at Lucia who is glaring between us as she leaves the room. Looking back at Diego, he’s stiff with anger, which he tries to hide with a smile. “Come and join us.” He nods. “Andie was just telling us about the graduate program she’s been accepted into.”


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