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Love in Flame (De La Fuente Book 5)

Page 5

by Lexi Buchanan

  My smile finally reaches my eyes when I see the excitement on Andie’s face, but it starts to slip from her face, and that’s when I realize I’m frozen by the door.

  So quickly moving forward, I sit between Andie and Diego. Reaching out, I squeeze Andie’s hand to let her know I’m okay. She raises a brow in concern before going back to chatting animatedly with Emiliano.

  Diego’s father isn’t stupid and glances between his son and me, setting my nerves more on edge as my left leg starts to bounce up and down. Diego presses his thigh against mine, which slowly but surely calms my nerves allowing me to catch the tail end of Andie’s conversation.

  “…it means switching college’s though, but I’m really excited about the whole thing,” Andie announces.

  “They’re lucky to have you,” I offer when she turns to me. “My clever beautiful daughter.” The smile I offer is alive with affection and delight.

  “She takes after her mom,” Diego comments, resting his arm along the back of my chair. His fingers slip under my long hair and he rests his palm gently on my back.

  My breathing quickens as I turn to meet his gaze—a big mistake. His eyes are a heated caress over my skin and desire races through me.

  Diego twitches back to reality, and swiveling his head toward Kasey, they glare at each other and I know then that Kasey must have kicked Diego under the table.

  I quickly glance at the distinguished man at the head of the table and meet his worried eyes. Diego’s father has always made me feel welcome and I fear that he’ll react in the same way as Lucia if he realizes that I’m in love with his son.

  Feeling the nerves beginning to return, I push away from the table, and when Andie moves to join me, I place my hand on her shoulder. “I’m fine, but I have some emails to answer.”

  Andie frowns, and I know she’s going to have questions later. At least for now she’s keeping quiet as she turns to Kasey. He distracts her with questions.

  “I’ll see everyone later.” Wrapping my arm around my stomach, I quickly make my way to the guest room, thanking God when I don’t bump into anyone.

  Safely in my room with the door closed, I force the tears back as I breathe deeply. Recently I’ve been like a broken faucet and I refuse to let any more tears fall.

  It’s difficult though as I move toward the bedroom window, trying to admire the beauty of the outside world. Nothing holds my attention as my head dips and I let out a heavy sigh.

  Knowing my past history with men, Aiden always used to joke that one day I’d find a man who would knock me on my ass emotionally. I never in a million years expected that to happen. Shows how much I know.

  I freeze and my head whips to the door when I hear footsteps outside of my bedroom. Seconds later, Diego steps inside, closing and locking the door behind him.

  He gives me a once over before he quickly moves and tugs me into his embrace. His hold is so snug that I can’t catch my breath.

  “You’ll be home tomorrow and then you won’t have to face them,” Diego tries to reassure me, but I find his words upsetting and slowly slacken the hold I have around his waist.

  “Rae?” he questions and tips my face, searching my eyes.

  “I know we’re keeping this between us to ourselves…but, you make it sound like the problem will be solved once I leave. It won’t. Your mom doesn’t like me, and hates that you do.”

  Diego shakes his head and starts to back me toward the bed, and then he’s crawling on top of me as soon as my back hits the mattress. “I’m not sure what the hell I’m going to say to her. She’s my mom and I love her, but I’m not willing to stand by while she treats you this badly. I can’t and won’t do that. I won’t do anything with an audience but I’m going to talk to her.” He pauses, stroking my cheek. “I promise baby.”

  Tears hover on my lashes at the fear I see on Diego’s face. He’s wanted me as long as I’ve wanted him, and although entering a relationship with him doesn’t seem to have a happy ending, I still have to try…trying has to be worth something. It all happened so fast, one moment I found him irritating in an arousing kind of way, and the next, he’d worked his way into my heart.

  I smile and cupping his handsome face, I bring him down to meet my lips. Doing this on top of my bed isn’t the best decision I’ve ever made, but to hell with that. No matter our differences, I want him more than I’ve wanted any other man in over twenty years.

  Diego pauses seconds before he settles his weight on top of me. The hard press of his chest against mine, the quiver of his stomach as he settles between my spread thighs. He surrounds me, and when he buries his face in the curve of my neck and shoulder, his arms clasp me tightly against him. “Please don’t walk away, Rae,” he whispers. “I’ve never begged for anything in my life before, but I’ll beg for you.”

  Shivers race through my trembling body when his lips join in with the caress on my skin. He nibbles my earlobe as my fingers grab hold of his head to bring his mouth to mine. I don’t get the hard kiss that I crave from him, but his lips are feathery on top of mine with tantalizing persuasion—turns out that’s the kind of kiss I needed from him. Except now, the tears that I’ve tried to hold back slowly slide down my face and into my hair.

  Diego tries to brush them away with his thumbs but more fall. “You’re so beautiful.” Diego smiles. “Even when you’re crying.”

  Kissing my forehead, Diego rolls from me with a groan as his erection brushes against my leg before he’s on his feet and offering me his outstretched hand. “C’mon.”

  Panic briefly flickers in my eyes and belly until he offers me a wry grin. “We’re going into the bathroom to clean you up,” he admits, a slight blush high on his cheeks.


  He tugs me up, and keeping his hands on my hips, walks me into the bathroom.

  He lifts me up and settles me onto the vanity while he wrings out a washcloth. “You,” he steps between my legs, “need looking after.” He gently wipes my face and when he’s done he tosses the washcloth into the sink.

  After watching me for a few moments, his hands rest on either side of my hips, his eyes looking straight into mine. I can’t look away as I get lost in them…in him.

  While he’s this close to me and we’re lost in our own perfect world, I feel as though I can accomplish anything. He makes me confident when realistically I have no idea how to make this work, and the last thing I want is to hurt him. I’ve done enough of that.

  Not wanting to cry again, I wrap my arms around his waist, snuggling my face into the crook of his neck. “What are we going to do?” I ask quietly as I caress up and down his back.



  “Whatever it takes, we’ll do it together, Rae.” I kiss the top of her head before cupping her face in my hands. “I mean it.” I’m searching her eyes for something, and although I see fear, I also see longing, which makes my heart lighter.

  “Together,” she agrees as I pull her back into my arms.

  She’s pushed me away a few times now, and after the afternoon we’ve spent together, I can’t let her do that again. Usually I’m the one doing the pushing and I’ll even admit to being an asshole with women who didn’t get the hint that I don’t date. That is…until, Rae.

  The petite bundle of pure woman has turned my head from the minute I set my eyes on her, and my life has been turned upside down since.

  Just holding her the way that I am, I don’t want to let her go, and being clingy to anyone isn’t me, well…maybe it’s the new me.

  I smile against the top of her head when I realize that I’m pussy whipped. My grin widens. I’m so pussy whipped that I don’t give a shit.

  “You’ve gone quiet.” Rae looks up and holds my gaze. “Should I be worried?”

  “No.” I laugh and caress along her lips with mine. “You shouldn’t be worried.” I pick her up into my arms and walk over to the lounge chair in the corner of the room.

  Dropping my ass into it, Rae curls up on
my lap and nothing has ever felt so right. “I don’t want to be apart from you,” I admit. “I want to be with you. I want to sleep beside you every night.”

  Rae kisses my neck before rubbing me with the tip of her cold nose. “I’d like that. Before you, it had been so long since anyone held me.”

  Having her in the circle of my arms, I feel at peace and know that I’ll fight to keep this woman. I hadn’t been looking for anyone and when my twin, Emelia, finds out, she’ll probably spend the rest of my life teasing the hell outta me—Rae’s worth it. And before my thoughts turn to the problem of my mother, I distract myself with conversation. “Tell me about you, and why it’s been so long since you’ve been held.”

  Rae lifts her head and holds my gaze. “Only if you’ll tell me more about you.”

  I nod. “Nothing much to tell, but I’ll tell you anything that you want to know. Just tell me everything about you, Rae. I want to know you, all of you, I want to know more than Aiden knows.”

  Her eyes briefly widen in surprise at my statement. I don’t add anything because in truth, it does niggle at the back of my mind that he knows more about the woman I’m with than I do. It pisses me off, not that I’ll ever admit that to Aiden, or Rae.

  Eventually Rae rolls her eyes and settles back against my chest inhaling slowly. Exhaling she starts talking.

  “Andie was born when I was nineteen. She was an unexpected surprise. From the moment Stephen, her dad, found out that she was on the way, he did everything to make sure that we had a good roof over our heads. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for us…and then he was killed two months before she was born.” Rae pauses. “He was twenty-five and a police officer. Knifed whilst apprehending a suspect. I loved him, Diego.” She sits up, watching me while chewing on her lip.

  “I’m not jealous of him, Rae. It was a long time ago and he gave you Andie.” Cupping her face, I continue, “You are a remarkable woman and I want to hear what you want to tell me.” I kiss her on the cheek and settle her against me. “Tell me more?”

  Her hand slides gently up my chest and settles over my thumping heart. “I didn’t know how I’d ever get over loosing him, or how I’d be able to manage with Andie. It was so hard, but we did it together. I stumbled into modeling by being in the right place at the right time, and that part of my life just took off. I hated a lot of it, but it paid well and meant that I could give Andie things that I had never hoped for. My second marriage didn’t last too long and it was a mistake that I’ll always regret. It’s also the reason why I’m so hung up with age.” Rae buries her face into my chest and breathes heavily.

  She continues, “Andie was ten when I met Manny. I thought he would be the father figure that Andie needed, but how wrong was I. He was an arrogant asshole who loved to use his fists.”

  Hearing ‘loved to use his fists’, causes me to stiffen, which has Rae peering up at me.

  “He hurt you? Andie?”

  A stray tear runs down Rae’s face. “He hurt me…and apologized. It was when he went after Andie that I called the cops and divorced him. He was younger than me by a good few years.”

  Cursing, I cup Rae’s face and bring her forehead to mine. “You know me, Rae. It’s only been a short time, but you know me. I’d rather die than raise a hand to you… Please tell me you believe that,” I beg.

  Her eyes search mine as her hands come up and caress my face. “I believe you, and I trust you with my life Diego.” She sighs. “The last person to really hold me was Stephen. My memories of him have faded over the years, but I will always remember his smile and his joy over the news about his pending fatherhood. There will always be part of my heart with him in it. I need you to know that. I also need you to know that what you make me feel is beyond anything I’ve felt before and that scares me. It scares me because you have the power to destroy me.” Her eyes flutter closed, hiding the pain and vulnerability.

  Shaking my head, I bring her closer and caress her lips with mine. “You scare me, Rae. Because until you, I lived the life of a bachelor.” I grin. “Not as bad as you probably imagine, but there has never been another woman to spend so much time in my head. I know you fear our age difference, and yes that will cause problems with others, but I’m hoping in the end everything will work out just fine.” I kiss Rae on the forehead. “It has to work out fine because I’m not going anywhere, and neither are you.”

  Rae’s fingers thread through my hair as she holds me still, her mouth descending. “You’ve no idea how much I want everything with you Diego.”

  “Why do I sense a but in there?”

  Rae sighs and drops her forehead to mine. “There is a huge ‘but’ in there… I’m not sure how Andie will react although I’m certainly sure it won’t be as bad as Lucia.”

  I drop my head back to the chair knowing that my mom is really going to be the only one with issues. I’m not even sure how to handle her because this is something I’ve never had to deal with before, and it means something to me—a lot of something. My mother has never been so…so hostile toward anyone before, and I’d be lying if I said she didn’t have me worried.

  “Leave my mom to me.” I wince at the thought.

  Rae chuckles, which turns to sadness. “I’m taking a chance with my heart again, Diego. If I sometimes act as though I’m pushing you away, I need you to know up front that it will be just that…an act and probably me panicking. It’s been so long, but this with you is different.” She smiles softly, but worry is still clear in her eyes.

  I grab hold of her ass and keeping a tight hold, move from the chair to the bed. She settles under me, her thighs spread to accommodate my hips and it’s all I can do not to come at the sight.

  My cock has been in a semi-state of arousal since I entered the room and having all her curves pressed against mine while she looks up at me with her heart in her eyes, has me hard as rock.

  With lust currently clouding my judgment, I breathe deeply to try and put it on hold, however, I think Rae has other ideas as she undulates against my pelvis. Groaning, I drop my face into the curve of her neck, and whisper into her ear, “I need to think, but find it impossible when I’m this close to you.”

  “Don’t think,” she replies, her fingers threading through the strands of my hair. “Make love to me Diego.” I hold her gaze as she adds, “I want to go to sleep tonight with your scent on my skin. In my bed. Inside of me.”

  I rotate my hips wanting exactly what she asked. “How the hell am I supposed to refuse such a request?” I gasp into her ear when Rae makes quick work of my zipper and grabs my cock. Her small fingers feel like heaven as she jacks me off. I manage to barely hold on to my control, but all bets are off when she tightens her fist and pulls back to my balls. Her thumb rubs around the wet tip as she uses her tongue to moisten her lips…just that image has me imagining her on her knees with her tongue running along the length of my dick.

  Growling, I knock her hand away, tug her leggings down and enter her in one smooth thrust. My eyes roll back into my head at the warmth that surrounds me and when Rae reaches behind me, I feel her nails digging into my ass, which sends bolts of sensation racing through me.

  “God, Rae. I can’t fucking control myself when you touch me.” I breathe deeply and nuzzle between her breasts, when I pause. “This has to go.”

  Struggling, we manage to remove her shirt and bra and then her tits are free. I cup each one and using my thumb and finger rub her nipples. “I love touching you.” I slowly slide out before thrusting back inside. “The feel of having you surrounding me, makes me so hard.” I thrust again, sinking deeper when her legs wrap around my waist.

  “I love the feel of you as well, Diego. How you stretch me open with your cock, and how good it feels.” She arches up and I catch my breath on a curse.

  “I haven’t lost control before,” I admit, panting, hovering over her mouth, “until you.” I crush my lips to Rae’s and the minute she opens her mouth my tongue enters. Seconds later her taste bursts
through my senses and my control is in shreds.

  My hips thrust as I hold her wrists down beside her head while our mouths stay fused together.

  Sweat runs down my back as I struggle for breath with the pleasure centered in my balls and dick.

  With my mouth devouring Rae’s, I can’t see the rest of her body, but I certainly feel her large breasts. They’re crushed against my chest and her nipples are hard buds.

  Beneath me, Rae rocks and accepts my body in and over her, but I can’t get enough. Breaking away to inhale, Rae groans and frees her hands.

  She slips them beneath my arms and grabbing my ass, digs her nails in. I slam up inside of her and start coming seconds before Rae catches her breath and opens her mouth to scream. Silencing her with my mouth, she ripples and convulses along the length of my dick, her nails really digging into me at the height of her pleasure. My seed continues to spill and with how strongly she contracts around me, I feel well and truly milked fucking dry.

  Panting for breath, I wrap my arms around her and roll to my side, making sure we stay connected in the most basic, pleasurable, way possible. Her pussy still ripples around me in small tremors as I hold her tightly.

  “I’ve fallen in love with you, Rae.” I kiss her forehead and move to her lips. Smiling, I add, “And,” I brush the hair back from her forehead, “those words aren’t spoken from post-coital bliss.” I grin as her lips widen into a matching one, but then after a quick kiss, I admit, “I’ve wanted you from the first Rae, and as much as I didn’t want to admit it, my hearts been involved pretty much the whole damn time.” I kiss her again. “I’m not going anywhere unless you ask, and even then I won’t make it easy for you.”

  “Diego,” she sighs, her hands caressing along my back, “I’m falling for you as well.” She chuckles. “Actually, that’s a lie.” All trace of laughter leaves her face as she traces along my lips with her fingers. “I’ve already fallen,” she whispers and my heart starts beating again.


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