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Love: D'Amato Brothers V (The D'Amato Brothers Book 5)

Page 5

by Vera Roberts

  She wondered where in her life was she still being punished for her sins? It seemed all of the great men were with bitches and there was Simone…alone.

  Such as life. Such as my life.

  Once Shannon and Colin were pronounced as husband and wife, everyone stood up and cheered them. It was Simone’s turn to head to the reception area, make sure everything was set up, and perfect while the bride and groom took photos.

  It would make her distracted from thinking about Eli.


  “You know, Shannon has some single girlfriends,” Colin mentioned to Darren as they waited between shots.

  “I’m aware of them,” Darren grinned at one of the bridesmaids who not-so low-key told him they were going to fuck at the reception, “I think I’ll pass.”

  “If you mean Claire, she comes on to everyone.” Colin mentioned and Darren raised his eyebrows. “Everyone rich, that is.”

  “That’s what I thought,” Darren nodded, “nah, I want to see what happens with me and the wedding planner.”

  “The wedding planner? Simone?” Colin asked and Darren slowly nodded. “She’s beautiful, man. But dude, she has a kid.”

  “So? Single mothers aren’t kryptonite to me.” He thought about Faith and Nathan.

  “There’s a rumor about the father,” Colin casually began, “I don’t know if it holds any weight.”

  “Dude, don’t be a chick,” Darren politely warned, “just spit it out.”

  “The rumored father is some Mafioso guy back in Brooklyn.” Colin waved and smiled at his bride.

  “Brooklyn?” Darren questioned. “With how Saltine American it’s become?”

  “I’m just telling you what I heard, dude. Don’t shoot the messenger!” Colin defended. “I’m just looking out for you. I don’t want to hear about you getting your hands broken in the back of a casino because you pissed him off.”

  “Yeah, no more Martin Scorsese for you,” Darren chided.

  “Do you dig her?” Colin asked. “Simone?”

  “I like to get to know her, yeah.” Darren replied. “It’ll take my mind off other things happening in New York.”

  “Other things,” Colin turned to him and Darren nodded, “such as?”

  “The wife,” He referred to Faith.

  “The wife?” Colin repeated and Darren nodded again. “I thought that was over?”

  “So did I,” Darren shrugged, “but she’s been initiating contact.”

  “Initiating contact?” Colin asked. “About what?”

  Congratulations on the game today. You did well. I’m proud of you.

  Nathan still has the picture of the three of us we took. He asks about you.

  Happy Birthday! Did you want me to get you anything?

  The various texts Faith had sent Darren scanned through his head before they faded in the background. They were going to meet for lunch when Darren returned to New York. He was sure Eli had no idea about those plans. “My guess she’s bored with the husband.”

  “Dude, if the husband finds out…”

  “Who’s to say he doesn’t already know?” Darren defended. “Maybe he’s still playing her and we just aren’t seeing it on the cameras?”

  “Man, stay your ass out of that business. You get involved in that and it’ll be nothing but bad news for you.” Colin advised. “You got a big season coming up. The Commish is on your ass and he smells blood…don’t give that asshole any ideas.”

  The NFL Commissioner had been gunning for Darren for a long time no reason other than he just didn’t like him. It was an open secret to everyone and Darren occasionally trolled the Commissioner to see how far he would go without having a ridiculous fine slapped on him. During an age where domestic violence was proudly protected and swept under the rug, the Commissioner made it a point to make Darren his prime target. “The asshole doesn’t like the fact I breathe,” Darren reminded. “I can’t give him any more ideas than that.”

  “Yo, just watch yourself, man. Leave the wife alone and focus on Simone here. You said you were tired of the New York chicks, anyway.” The photographer motioned to Colin to join his new bride. “Make the wife be one of them.”

  Darren headed inside the hotel and got ready to make his grand entrance along with the rest of the wedding party. Colin was right. Faith and Eli were a reality show both on-screen and in real life. Darren was glad to not be a part of any of it.

  Although Darren did wonder what was really going on between Faith and Eli if Faith kept texting him.


  “May I have this dance?”

  Simone looked up at Darren and blushed. He kept herself hidden in a far corner so she wouldn’t intrude on the wedding party unless needed. Now her flirting groomsman was right in front of her. “How long have you been looking for me?”

  “Long enough until I found you?” Darren motioned his hand again. “They’re playing one of my favorite songs.”

  The song played was “Make It Last Forever” by Keith Sweat. Simone didn’t know if Darren was being honest or if it was low-key flirtation attempt at a wedding. Either way, it worked like a charm. “One dance.”

  “One dance is all I need,” He helped her stand and led Simone to the dance floor. He pulled her close and inhaled her womanly scent. Her hair smelled like apricot while her neck flourished with vanilla and floral scents. He was already addicted to her. “So this is what heaven feels like?”

  “You are slick, Mr. Matthews.” Simone noticed the smile in his eyes. “Real slick.”

  “I’m not slick when it comes to something that I want,” Darren replied and Simone’s interest was piqued, “if I want something, I go for it like it’s the only thing left on Earth.”

  “I see,” Simone nodded, seemingly ignoring the nonstop fluttering of her heart, “this applies to women as well, I take it?”

  “Women are different. Just when I think I figured out one, I have no clue so I stop trying. So I never tried.” Darren replied.

  “Until tonight?” Simone cautiously asked.

  Darren looked into the depth of Simone’s eyes. “You’re not a thing I would try, Simone. If I want you, I’m going to have you.”

  “I’m a package deal,” she replied as she rested her head against his chest. Darren had a solid six inches on her already tall frame. Immediately, she felt a warmth and comfort she’d hadn’t experience since Eli. “I have a toddler at home. She’s my life and I’m not choosing any man over her.”

  “I wouldn’t want you to.” He replied. He smoothed his hands down her bare back and immediately felt his cock twitch in response. Her black halter jumpsuit was modest in front but left everything sexy in back. No wonder she hid from everyone. She claimed business but Darren suspected Simone was being hit on left and right. “Just give me a chance. I could be the coolest guy you ever met or the lamest.”

  Simone shivered at Darren’s touch. Oh, a man felt just right and she forgot how long it’d been since she was in the arms of one. Vibrators and dildos craved her sexual need but a man could only satisfy her innermost deep emotions. “You drive a hard bargain.”

  The song ended and Darren lifted Simone’s face to his. He leaned down to where their lips touched but he didn’t kiss her. “Only with you.” He then walked away.


  It was amazing what two years and a TV show did to the D’Amato family.

  While everyone in the family were skeptical of Joey’s business deal, it turned out to be a brilliant move. Joey’s deal pushed the family’s net worth to just shy of four hundred million. Nicola had an impending book deal, penning an inspiration book to single mothers. Kieran’s and Tiana’s children’s’ clothing line was creating a lot of buzz with Zoe at the helm. Tony opened up a beauty supply store in Harlem and employed a diverse group of employees. And even Nick’s classes were quickly full once everyone knew the connection. He was still just as hard on his students like he was before. Some say he was even harder.

  And then there was

  He remembered how he used to go the Happy Hour with his employees and had a great time with them. Now he could barely get out of his shop at a decent hour. The weekends were crazy busy with more events and tourists stopping by to see the designs in the window Eli’d done. He used to go grocery shopping alone and now he had to make a list and let his assistant do the shopping for him.

  While other reality stars soaked up the fame and newfound fortune, Eli found himself to be more of a recluse. He was content staying home with his wife and sons, inviting his boys over for beer and pizza. He did not to be caught on camera doing something that was harmless to him but could be painted as harmful to others.

  That was the reason he told everyone else. The real reason was something deeper.

  A gnawing sensation grew inside his stomach over the thought of Darren still being in contact with his wife. Eli traced the numbers one night when he was up late with E.J. and pinpointed the contact first started around the time Faith was due. It had been off and on since.

  He wanted to say it was just two old friends keeping in contact but Eli knew men too well. He definitely knew Darren better than Darren knew himself. Oh, the texts may have been friendly but the intention behind them was anything but. Eli didn’t know what spurned Faith to start contacting Darren, especially since Eli had gone out of his way to be a model husband and father.

  No, he knew. Simone.

  The affair was over two years ago and Eli felt like Faith just found out the day before. Oh, she never said her name but Eli knew very well what she referred to when Faith uttered, ‘You owe me’. Faith promised Eli she would forgive him and Eli wondered if that was just bullshit she said to appease the therapist and her father. Maybe Faith never wanted to forgive Eli. Maybe contacting Darren was her way of sticking it to her husband one final time before she started the divorce proceedings.

  Maybe…Eli would make it easy for her.

  He shook his head, relieving himself of the thought. D’Amatos didn’t divorce. They doubled-down and fight harder for their unions and marriages. No, divorce would not solve anything and would just leave more questions and issues than before. He wanted to fight for his marriage and his wife. Eli, however, felt like he was on the sinking Titanic without a life jacket.

  If Faith wanted him out of her life, he wasn’t going to fight her any longer.

  “I keep forgetting how much I love Florida,” Joey stepped out into the balcony of the Four Seasons in Miami. The summer heat beat on his freshly tanned skin and he soaked up every minute of it. “I love New York but there’s something about Miami, man. Scarface was right – it is a giant pussy just waiting to be fucked.”

  “Well, don’t get too comfortable now. We’re here on some serious business,” Eli reminded his brother, “let’s have some fun but let’s focus on business.”

  “Normally, it’s me telling you that,” Joey sat down on the chaise lounge and put on his shades, “but you’re giving me that lecture. What’s going on?”

  “Nothing,” Eli was short, “I just want to focus on things without cameras in my face for once.”

  “Mmm…that sounds personal.” Joey turned to his brother. “Something tells me there’s more than what you’re admitting to. What’s really going on?”

  “I don’t want the family making a big deal about it.” Eli replied.

  “Which will happen regardless so you might as well spill it.”

  “I think Faith is still talking to the quarterback,” Eli admitted and Joey raised a brow, “so there’s that.”

  “You have proof of this?”

  “Phone bill,” Eli replied. “The contact started when she was pregnant with E.J. and is still on-going.”

  “Wait a minute…while she was pregnant with E.J.?” Joey asked. “I thought you two were in therapy during that time?”

  “We were and still are,” Eli stood up and leaned on the balcony, “I’m starting to think it was a waste of time. She’s clearly checked out.”

  “I don’t know about that,” Joey defended his sister-in-law, “Faith doesn’t seem like the type to stay with you for this long if Darren’s who she really wants.”

  “Honestly, I don’t know what the hell she wants,” Eli revealed, “but we’re going to talk when I get back, though. I blatantly asked her in a therapy session if they were still talking and she flat-out lied.”

  “She lied?” Joey questioned and Eli shook his head. “Damn, bro. I didn’t think it was that serious. So, if she says she wants the quarterback? Then what?”

  “Well, that’s it,” Eli shrugged as he took a swig of beer, “there’s nothing more than that. I’ll start the divorce proceedings and gladly step the fuck out of their way.”

  Joey got out of the lounge chair and joined his brother at the balcony. “You sure this is what you want?”

  “It doesn’t matter if I want it,” Eli replied, “it’s no longer about me. In fact, it was never about me to begin with. In therapy, when her own father asked her to accept some responsibility, she flat-out refused! Her own father, man! When we met with the other marriage therapist, each time she pointed out something she did, Faith always had a response as to why she did it. ‘Well, if you didn’t do this, I wouldn’t have done that!’ ‘Well, how was I supposed to know that’s what you wanted? I can’t read minds!’ It was never, ‘My bad. I didn’t know you felt that way.’ It was never, ‘I’m sorry I overreacted.’ It was no responsibility on her part whatsoever. She will never admit to her role leading up to the affair.”

  “Because she doesn’t want to. Her admitting she played a role in the breakup of the marriage means she has flaws herself and no woman will ever admit to that. Think about it – you think Hillary Clinton is going to admit she played a role in Bill’s infidelity?” Joey asked. “You see, women love the idea of being martyrs. They love to blame someone else. They also love to be mad at someone else. When a woman gossips about someone she doesn’t like, she always puts herself on a pedestal because there’s no way she would’ve acted like that. The kicker is, the woman doesn’t know how she would’ve reacted. But because it’s someone she doesn’t like or doesn’t know, well, end of story.

  “Women are always thinking. Their brains are constantly wired. They never stop thinking. You two have an argument, you're over it and she's still bringing up shit she's remembered five years ago that happened for a brief moment and act like it just happened yesterday! If a man cheats, he’s immediately an asshole. If a woman cheats, the man was pussy. See how that works? If I step out on her, I’m the dick but if she steps out on me, I had it coming?” Joey shook his head. “What kind of bullshit logic is that? And what’s worse? The media encourages that shit! You got these talk shows, these songs on the radio, these TV shows that pretty much say if the wife ain’t doing her duty, the man has every right to step out. You have other women co-signing ho behavior but they gon’ turn around and say, ‘Oh, that would never happen to me!’ Bitch, where?”

  “It doesn’t matter now, anyway.” Eli took another swig of beer. “What’s done is done. I’m going to finally talk to Faye when I get home and ask her once and for all what’s going on between her and Mr. Quarterback. I don’t know, man. Maybe we need to have another separation.”

  “Hey, do what you gotta do.” Joey advised. “Just make sure those kids are taken care of.”

  “Oh, no doubt, no doubt.” Eli reassured. “I will always take care of my babies even if the mother hates me.”


  “Faith,” Darren stood up and greeted her with a kiss and a hug, “I’m so glad you made it.”

  “Of course, I would.” She inhaled his scent and held onto him a bit longer. He smelled like musk, earth, and just plain man. Faith met Darren at Melba’s restaurant and sat inside. They made their respective orders and made friendly chitchat until their drinks came.

  “So,” Darren leaned forward with a twinkle in his eyes, “how are things in your marriage?”

  Faith brushed a lock
of hair behind her ear. “Things are good.”

  “Really?” He asked. “I sense a bit of hesitation in there.”

  “I keep thinking he’s going to mess up again and I’m going to be left with egg on my face one more time,” she revealed with a heavy sigh, “so there’s that.”

  “Do you trust him?” He asked.

  “I’m trying to,” she admitted, “it’s hard with everything that has happened.”

  “It’s been two years, Faith.” Darren stated. “How much longer do you think you’re going to be mad at him? You stay mad at him, you might as well leave him.”

  “I don’t want that,” she shook her head, “I just don’t know how to proceed.”

  Darren grabbed her hand and rubbed it with a thumb. “Talk to him, Faith. Let him know what’s going on in your head. Let him in. You’re going to push him away if you haven’t already.”

  “I don’t want to go through all of this again,” she admitted, “if I forgive him and he does it again…”

  “That’s a risk you’re going have to take,” he replied, “but that also means another thing.”


  “This,” he referred to them, “has to end. If you’re going to work on your marriage, we can’t be in contact anymore.”

  Faith rubbed his hand. “I like our friendship.”

  “You like our friendship because you like getting even with your husband,” Darren revealed. “I’m a pretty cool guy but we know the truth here.”

  Darren caught onto Faith’s actions and she briefly wondered for how long. “You are a cool guy and Nathan still asks about you!” Faith smiled.

  “He does?” Darren’s eyes lit up.

  “Yeah! He watches you every Sunday!” Faith smiled. “He puts on his jersey and sits in front of the TV.”

  Darren smiled. He wondered how Eli felt about that. “With his dad?”


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