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Love: D'Amato Brothers V (The D'Amato Brothers Book 5)

Page 14

by Vera Roberts

  “Oh?” His revelation surprised Erica. “I thought with your money and status, you would’ve traveled up and down the tri-state area.”

  “Not really,” he shook his head, “sometimes I get so busy with work, I just can’t afford to. Plus, I have the kids at home so I really don’t want to go to many places if they can’t come with me.”

  “I don’t think I ever seen a father as dedicated as you,” Erica mentioned, her British accent full of surprise. “I see parents all the time at the hospital. You can tell the ones who truly care and the ones who don’t give a damn. It’s so heartbreaking to see. But you, though…you would do anything for your sons.”

  “They’re my world,” he turned to her and smiled, “I love those boys to death.”

  Erica’s eyes traveled down to Eli’s full sleeves, which were partially covered up by his rolled-up flannel shirt. “You never did explain your tattoos to me.”

  “Which ones?” He chuckled, his deep voice rich with the right amount of joy and sexiness. “I have so many.”

  “How many do you have?”

  “Only 15,” he casually shrugged.

  “Just only,” Erica laughed.

  Eli walked back inside and removed his shirt, revealing his muscular build. He stood in front of a full-length mirror and began to point them out to his girlfriend. “The rose on my shoulder represents Madre’s and how my mother really got her start by planting a garden in our backyard. The Faith on my forearm is for my ex-wife. The roman numerals on my other shoulder are the birthdates of my kids. The art supplies on my other forearm is because I love to draw and it’s my life. 718 is for Staten Island, where I’m from. The five stars surrounding the big centered star is for the D’Amatos; my mom and me and my brothers.”

  “And this one?” Erica traced a guitar tattoo. “Do you play?”

  “Shh…” Eli’s eyes twinkled. “…not many people know and I prefer to keep it a secret.”

  Erica’s hands traveled down to Eli’s jeans and she began to unbuckle them as she looked at him through the mirror. “You should play a song for me.”

  “Oh?” His cock twitched as Erica slid her hands inside his boxer briefs and began to stroke him. “What do you want me to play?”

  She walked in front of him and slowly kneeled down. She pulled his cock out and lightly licked it. “It doesn’t matter.” She took him into her inviting mouth and slowly sucked him. She ran her tongue up and down his full length before swallowing him whole again, occasionally making a slurping noise as she did.

  Eli briefly closed his eyes and let out another deep breath. The weekend just started and it already had the makings of one of the best weekends of his life. He opened and his eyes and smiled as he watched Erica pleasure him. A woman sucking his dick was the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen.

  He stopped her and helped Erica stood up. He helped her undress before he laid back on the plush queen-sized bed. Erica grabbed a condom and rolled it on his cock before she mounted him. Their lips captured each other’s as Erica slowly sat down on Eli’s thick shaft. “Fuck…” She moaned as she sat up.

  “I want you to fuck me like the world is about to end,” he instructed.

  “Ooh, yes, baby.” Erica slowly rolled her hips before moving into a steady tempo. She placed her hands on his chest to steady herself while he guided her hips. He felt wonderful, with each thrust touching on every one of her senses. She loved the feeling, the taste, the scent of him. She loved how she tightly wrapped around his cock and hugged it, not wanting to let go.

  It was pleasure unknown and she would never forget. It didn’t matter where they were in their respective lives or what the future would hold. All that mattered was them at that moment, seemingly alone in the universe.

  She slowly felt the coils of an orgasm forming and she incrased her tempo, not wanting to delay the climax. When the orgasm washed over her body, she screamed to the heavens and collapsed on him; her body softly shaking from the orgasmic aftershocks.

  “Was that a good cum?” He asked as he continued to thrust inside. Erica was too spent to form a coherent sentence. “That’s my girl.” He thrust a few more times before he met his own release; a guttural moan escaping his lips.

  It was about to be the best weekend ever.


  Shanita stared at her cell phone and shook her head. Eli had an outside child? That would play very bad for the D’Amatos and possibly ruin his brand. If this Alicia person contacted her, it meant she was probably contacting other newspapers as well.

  Eli had to know about this. He was away that weekend but Shanita wasn’t going to contact him. He didn’t need to know about this. She knew the D’Amato who could help. She quickly dialed his number and reached him by the third ring. “It’s Shanny. I’ll keep this brief. Remember when you said you had a friend who was a cleaner? You need to employ that person. Your family is about to have a scandal that will ruin all of you.”

  “What is it?” Nick replied.

  “Someone’s claiming Eli has an outside child and has proof of it,” Shanita replied, “does an Alicia sound familiar?”

  “No, not really.” Nick replied. “What is she saying?”

  “Simone Harris is the mother.”

  Nick remained emotionless as he digested the news. He wondered if Eli knew what was going on. “Okay.”

  “What do you want me to do? I’m sure this Alicia person is shopping the story around.”

  “Sit tight and don’t do anything. I’ll call back with more info. Thanks, Shanny.” Nick hung up and rubbed his forehead. Eli got Simone pregnant? Of course he did. It was bad enough he stepped out on Faith but to not use a condom as well? Eli really did have a midlife crisis back then.

  It was moments like this when Nick hated being the voice of reason among his brothers.

  Being the oldest, Nick was used to playing two roles – pseudo father and older brother. He helped raised his brothers not only financially but also providing the emotional support they all needed as they grew older. That part, Nick didn’t mind so much. It gave him a sense of pride that his brothers valued his opinion so much and often made decisions based on his sound advice.

  It were the other times – playing referee and therapist – that made Nick consider changing his phone number and living far, far away.

  He felt the problems his brothers – namely Eli and Joey – had were their own and anything that came out of said disruptions were solely their issues. Still, condescending thoughts and facetious attitude aside, Nick was willing to help his brothers out with whatever problems that arose be it women, money, or other things. Family always came first and blood was thicker than water. They only had each other growing up and that is how it has always been and will be.

  The Quiet One.

  Nick smiled at the label he was given by the producers of Madre’s. Eli was the Charismatic One. Kieran was the Sensitive One. Joey was the Business One. Tony was the Lovable One.

  And then there was Nick. He kept his business to himself, only revealing he had a wife, a son, and another baby on the way.

  When Hollywood approached them for a reality show, Nick was very happy to stay out of the limelight and only posed for a national magazine cover because the whole family was doing it. He didn’t want to be bothered with a camera crew following him around everywhere, re-takes of him walking across campus, and scripted conflict because a “storyline” was needed for a particular week’s episode. Everyone in the family vouched that Nick was very private and didn’t want to appear on camera.

  Of course, the real reason Nick refused to participate was he definitely didn’t want the intrusion in his personal life. He spent many years creating the persona known as Saint Nick and he didn’t want any disturbance to that. He could already imagine how many eager, willing, and quite frankly, stupid women would know that he was in BDSM and he would be flooded with asinine requests to spank them and get “a little kinky with the hair-pulling and ass-slapping” and blah blah
blah bullshit.

  He was quite content on focusing on his family and academics. His new position of Department Chair required he give all of his attention to the students and the university as a whole. The flexibility in his schedule allowed him to spend his weekends with Pietro and set his own hours to accompany Zerrin to trips and doctor’s appointments.

  His flexibility, however, also allowed him to be available to play a new role – crisis management – with Eli’s relationships.

  He was always the voice of reason when it came to the incredibly immature duo also known as Eli and Faith. They were each other’s first loves and been through more in their decades-long relationship than most people would ever experience. Yet, they were connected and fought for each other as much as they did to one another.

  It was comical to Nick. Despite Eli’s poor upbringing and Faith’s upper-middle class background, they officially had hood love. It was something he’d seen on various TV shows and movies; even popular artists sang and rapped about it. Eli and Faith were the embodiment of it.

  He dialed the first person that came to mind. The phone was picked up by the second ring. “I’ll keep this brief. I need your help.” Nick spat the words out and the taste was bitter. “My family is being threatened by someone and she won’t listen to reason. She’s actually becoming more aggressive with her threats. I’ll provide details later. All I want to know is can you help with this situation?”

  “You know I’ll do anything for my Nicky,” Sanora purred, “all I need is a name and consider it done.”


  “I think I’m going to go bold this time,” Krista mentioned as she perused colors at the nail salon. “I think I want this color right here.”

  Faith looked over her best friend’s shoulder as she eyeballed the neon blue color. “Oh, that’s bold, all right.”

  “You think Tony might like this?” Krista asked.

  “Kris, you could put a paper bag over your head and Tony will still want to do you,” Faith rolled her eyes, “hell, his freak ass might think it’s kinky.”

  The friends met up for lunch and pedicures while on break from MillionHair. Krista got situated in her chair while Faith sat in one next to her. “So how’s it going, Faye? What’s the what?”

  “Nothing going on but the rent,” Faith shook her head.

  “Not dating anyone?”

  “Unless you count the number of batteries I just went through this past week for my vibrator, no.”

  “Damn,” Krista replied, “I need to get you laid.”

  “I don’t need to get anything right now.” Faith lied. Masturbation had its obvious benefits but nothing compared to a man – her man, specifically – breathing, moaning, and pounding into her. Damn, she just became hot and bothered at the salon. “I started going to therapy by myself.”

  “Really?” Krista was surprised. Faith had long-held the belief any problems between her and Eli were entirely Eli’s doing so it was a surprise to see Faith working to address her issues. “How’s that coming along?”

  “Painful,” Faith was honest. Each therapy session made her go through a box of tissues. It got to the point where she started bringing her own. “I really don’t like therapy but it helps.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Everything,” Faith shrugged, “the affair, my reaction, how I felt about Simone, my relationship with Darren. Everything.”

  “Is it helping?”

  “I believe so,” Faith replied. “I think I’m ready to work on my marriage.”

  “You think you are?” Krista repeated. “Faye, either you want to work on it or not. One doesn’t think they want to work on their marriage.”

  “Okay, I know I do,” she replied, “is that better?”

  “Faye, are you serious about this?” Krista chided. “You’re being awfully comical about this and there are two children at stake.”

  “I’m being serious about this now,” she defended herself, “I’m starting to realize where I was wrong and I want to change. Eli deserves better and I deserve to not be so petty and bitter.”

  “Is this really your doing or did a certain somebody help convince you of the sort?”

  Faith turned to Krista with a confused look in her eyes. “What do you mean?”

  “Girl, bye.” Krista waved off her best friend. “You damn well know Eli has a new girlfriend.”

  Faith shifted uncomfortably in her chair. Her stomach tightened and her heart momentarily stopped at thought of Eli being with someone else. He went to Vermont for the weekend and Faith didn’t have to guess why he was up there or who was with him.

  She felt especially uncomfortable at the thought Eli took the new girlfriend to Vermont and he never took her. “So I’ve heard.”

  “Well, this is what you wanted, right? You said you couldn’t trust Eli anymore and you pushed him away so there! You got what you wanted.” Krista shook her head. She couldn’t understand what was going through her best friend’s mind nor did she want to attempt. “You can go out and date Darren now.”

  “I don’t want Darren,” Faith quietly replied, “I want my husband.”

  “Then you know what to do,” Krista flipped through a magazine. “You’re quickly approaching the year-end mark of your separation. Your attitude will only solidify Eli’s actions more.”

  “And fuck you very much for the confidence vote,” Faith flipped off her girlfriend.

  “You can never say I wasn’t honest with you,” Krista shook her head, “you’re mad at me because I’m the one telling you what’s real. You’re mad at the wrong person.”

  Faith opened and closed her mouth several times before deciding to remain silent. Krista was right; Faith was mad at the wrong person. It wasn’t Krista’s fault. It wasn’t Eli’s fault.

  It was entirely her doing this time.

  Faith sighed. Maybe she and Eli could have a serious talk about their future when he returned to Harlem. Maybe she could finally get an answer from him on his feelings towards her. He’d been so cordial and friendly, but she didn’t want to look too much into the smoldering kiss they’d shared that one time. If he was spending the weekend with his new girlfriend, it didn’t mean reconciliation between them was going to happen, if ever. “I just want my home back,” she admitted after a long silence, “it may have been Eli’s fault at first but I take full responsibility now. I want my family back.”

  “Then get it back and most importantly, get him back.” Krista advised. “I can tell he still loves you, despite the new chick. I think she’s only relieving temporary stress and it’s nothing real.”

  “I hope you’re right,” Faith didn’t care if it was just sex between the two. Lustful feelings were fleeting and temporary. It was when matters of the heart were at play; that’s when it was already too late.

  When Faith returned home, she was floored with dozens of roses in various vases in her living room. Her mouth dropped open as she stood in the doorway as she admired the dozens upon dozens of flowers. Soft hues like off-white, pink, and lavender contrasted with dramatic colors like deep fuchsia, yellow, and orange. She slowly counted the vases – there were 13 in all. The number wasn’t lost on Faith; it was the total number of years they’d been together.

  She picked up the sole card from one of the vases and silently read it.

  Happy Valentine’s, Faye.

  I love you.


  “His body may be in Vermont,” Krista spoke as she stood beside her best friend, “but clearly his heart is in Harlem.”


  “I don’t know why I had it in my head you were living in a squalor apartment with barely any room.” Erica looked around Eli’s apartment. Its floor-to-ceiling windows stunned her, a sweeping view of the city from different angles. The apartment was on two floors and was considered the penthouse suite. The open kitchen area was to die for with his marble countertop, sub-zero refrigerator, extensive pantry, and chocolate brown cabinetry. His mas
ter bedroom and bathroom that could probably house her entire apartment.

  She was easily standing in a four million dollar home. “This is incredible."

  “You like it?” Eli asked from the kitchen.

  “I love it!” Erica did a slight twirl. Eli made her one of the best homemade meals she’s ever had – baked lasagna, fresh bread, and cannoli for dessert. Erica knew she had to run 15 miles the next week just to combat the cannoli. “Do you stay here all of the time?”

  “I do now but I mostly rent it out.”

  “Rent it out? To who? Celebrities? Athletes? The very rich?” Erica asked.

  To rent Eli’s apartment, one had to fork over somewhere in the high five figures every month. “That’s pretty much who can afford it,” Eli brought over two glasses filled with rosé wine. “Here you go, my dear.”

  “Thank you,” Erica clinked glasses with Eli and took a sip of the wine. Its crisp notes of fruit and tartness slid down her throat. “Nice.”

  “I like it, too.” Eli motioned her to sit. “I need to talk to you about something important. It’s going to impact our relationship and it’s best you hear it from me.”

  “Oh?” Erica set the wine glass down. “What’s going on?”

  “You’re an amazing woman and I’ve really enjoyed spending as much time with you these past few weeks. I’m afraid we can’t see each other anymore. I’m ending things because of something I found out earlier about my past.”

  “Oh?” Erica became worried. “What is it?”

  “I potentially might have a daughter,” he slowly admitted. “I dated her mother a while back and she sprung this news on me a while ago. I don’t know how true it is and a DNA test is in the future. But with this, coupled up with my separation, and all of that…” He blew out a harsh breath and shook his head. “…to be honest with you, I wouldn’t date me either right about now.”

  “Eli, I always felt we would end up as friends more than anything.” Erica replied. She reached out and interlaced her fingers with his. “I know how you feel about your wife and despite the separation, there’s still a lot of love between you two. You have almost 15 years of history; we only have a few weeks.” She chuckled. “And honestly, things may not have worked out. You’re really busy with Madre’s and doing events; I live at the hospital. I’m only here tonight because I’m not on. I would be at the hospital instead.”


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