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Love: D'Amato Brothers V (The D'Amato Brothers Book 5)

Page 17

by Vera Roberts

  “No shit,” Eli deadpanned. “I already told Mom.”

  “You told Mom?” Tony gasped again. “How did she take it?”

  “She doubts it’s mine,” Eli shrugged, “she saw her picture and said she doesn’t look like a D’Amato.”

  “You got a pic? Let me see.” Tony walked over to Eli and studied the picture of Elena. Tony picked up the phone and narrowed his eyes to study her features more. “I don’t know, man. I think Mom’s right on this one.”

  “I’m telling Faye tonight,” Eli rubbed his eyes. “We reconciled right before I left and I’m going to tell her this coming back home. She’s going to leave my ass.”

  “Eh, she might,” Tony shrugged, “but hey, regardless of what will happen between you two, you have three kids to take care of. You need to make sure all of them are set.”

  “Oh, no doubt. No doubt.”

  “Speaking of fathers, or I should say…” Tony made air quotes as he sat back down. “…fathers. Giorgio wants to meet me.”

  “Oh?” Eli was surprised. The last time Giorgio had seen Tony in person was when he was an infant. “Why?”

  “I have no clue, man. I’m not even sure I want to. Like it feels like I’m about to betray Art, you know? He’s only been our dad for the past few years but he’s done more for me these past years than that fool Giorgio ever did!”

  “Well, it’s up to you, man. If you don’t want to meet him, you’re not obligated in doing so. No one would blame you if you didn’t.” Eli replied.

  “Why did you meet with him? What was your reasoning?”

  “I guess I needed to find out for myself,” Eli replied, “I’ve always wondered about him and now I know.”

  “Like do you call him Dad or Giorgio?”

  “Oh no. He doesn’t get the Dad title,” Eli shook his head, “that’s strictly for Art.”

  Tony agreed. “I gotta think about it. I’m still uneasy about everything.”

  “Do it when you feel like it,” Eli suggested, “don’t do something you don’t want to do because it’s family.”

  “I hear that,” Tony got up and began clipping Eli’s hair again, “so what’s your status on Simone?”

  “She’ll be coming out here in a few weeks. She wants Elena to meet her brothers,” Eli breathed a harsh breath. “They’re going to meet regardless of how much my wife hates me.”

  “Dude, just don’t pull a Giorgio, okay? It doesn’t matter how much you hate Simone, how much you and Faye hate each other, just be there for your kids, man. Just be there for them.” Tony replied. “Because I don’t know if I can ever forgive Giorgio.”


  “Faye?” Eli called out as he entered their home. “Faye?” He was met with silence again. She wanted him to look for her and a bittersweet grin spread across his lips. It might be the last time they would ever do such an act.

  Eli walked all over the home, searching for his wife. He finally located her in their bedroom. She sat calmly on the bed with a white box in front of her crossed legs. “Hey, baby.” He kissed her. “What’s up?”

  “I have something for you,” Faith motioned at the box.

  Eli picked up the box and shook it. “What is it?”

  “You have to open it, silly!” Faith bit her lip. “Do it!”

  “Okay,” Eli sat down on the bed and carefully opened the box. It was Faith’s pregnancy test. Behind it was a onesie that stated, ‘My Daddy is the Best!’ Eli’s chest pinched in worry and anger. Anger at himself for destroying his family.

  “Well, say something!” Faith replied. “You’re about to be a Daddy again!”

  “It’s amazing,” He put the box aside before he turned to her. “Um, I need to talk to you about something.”

  Faith studied her husband’s face and she knew something wasn’t right. Though he never said a word, he seemed troubled and deeply disturbed since his return from Houston. “What is it, Eli?”

  “Um…” Eli let out a small breath. “I need to tell you what happened when I went to Houston. I didn’t tell you everything.”

  “You didn’t tell me everything?” Faith slightly chuckled. “What are you talking about?”

  “Um…” Eli felt tongue-tied. He swallowed and scratched his head. His stomach was turning into tight knots and his clothing suddenly felt restricted, almost choking him.

  “Eli, you’re scaring me,” Faith warned.

  “I saw Simone,” Eli turned to his wife. “She’s the real reason why I went to Houston.”

  Faith nodded slowly and briefly looked up at the ceiling. She never thought she would hear that woman’s name again, not that she could ever forget her name. Every fight, no matter how minute, was traced back to her. Every counseling session, no matter how much progress was made, was traced back to her. New positions in the bedroom were linked back to Simone and Faith wondered from time to time if Simone pleased Eli better than she ever could.

  Dare Faith admit it, the births of their last two children was traced back to Simone. Maybe that wasn’t too bad. Two beautiful things came out of something bad.

  Eli’s reaction to seeing Simone wasn’t just a simple ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’, Faith sensed. Something bad happened and Faith was waiting for Eli to admit it. She would hate to think he would throw away years of therapy because he felt weak for a moment…again. “There’s something you’re not telling me, Eli.”

  Eli let out another breath. He needed a drink. A drink wouldn’t help him at this point. He needed something. “She has my kid, Faye,” Eli turned to her. “She has my kid.”

  Faith immediately turned to the floor. Her breath was caught in her throat and it became difficult to breath. “Your kid? What do you mean she has your kid?”

  “She has a daughter. A three-year-old. Elena is her name, after me.” Eli admitted. “I had no idea she even existed.”

  “She’s claiming she has a child by you. By you?” Faith questioned. Her mind was racing and she was forced to deal with Eli’s infidelity all over again. “How do you know it’s your kid? Did you see her? Did you meet her?”

  “I just saw her. I went to Houston to see her and Simone.” Eli’s right leg couldn’t uncontrollably stop bouncing. “Faye, I never knew about Elena, I swear.”

  “No, no, no, no, no. I don’t give a damn about that, Eli. You had sex with her raw. Raw, Eli. You’re concerned with a child and when you should’ve been concerned that you could’ve given me a disease!” Faith stood up and walked over to the fireplace. “Do you know how long it took me to trust you? Do you know what I went through? Do you not remember the fights we had? Do you not care about all that therapy we went through? And now you tell me there’s a child?”

  “Faye, I’m sorry and I’ll keep apologizing until the day I die,” Eli followed her to the fireplace. “I swear I had no idea about Elena. I swear to you, Faye. I swear on my life I didn’t know about her.” His voice cracked.

  “And what about Simone? Have you kept in contact with her all this time? Are there more secrets I should know, Eli?” Faith questioned. Her eyes were stinging with tears. “You might as well come out with it.”

  “Faye, I haven’t seen Simone nor have I been in contact with her since she left town years ago.” Eli emphasized. “I told you I’m fully committed to us and I meant that. This is a shock to me as well.”

  Faith walked over to the windows and looked out. Hot tears streamed down her cheeks and she tried to keep her composure. “I don’t know if I can do this, Eli.”

  “Just let me handle Simone, Faye. I’ll keep you out of this.” Eli promised.

  “No, Eli.” Faith turned to her husband. “I don’t know if I can get past this.”

  “What?” Eli walked over to his wife. “What…what are you saying, Faye?”

  “What I’m saying is…” Faith looked up at her husband. “…I don’t know if I can do it. I don’t know if I can do this.” She slapped her husband. “I just…I just don’t know!” She collapsed on the floor as tears
poured down her face.

  Eli joined his wife and comforted her, crying with her. Their marriage had been tested to the brink already and now they faced a new challenge.

  The Devil was hard at work in destroying the D’Amatos.


  It was a beautiful spring day in Houston.

  The weather was perfect, a refreshing 80 degrees. The sun shined bright in the clear blue sky and Alicia relished in the heat beating down on her skin.

  She was about to get paid!

  She had a meeting with a reporter from the Post at Brennan’s. She knew it was a serious meeting because it was going to take place before the fine dining restaurant opened its doors. Privacy and seclusion and it was perfect for Alicia.

  She had already thought about what she was going to do with the money. She was going to get a new weave. Then she was going to get her nails and feet done. Oh, she was going to take Thomas out to eat because they loved to eat a lot. Maybe a trip to the Caribbean. Oh, the possibilities!

  She parked in a nearby lot and walked to the front door. She couldn’t see inside and it looked completely closed and empty. She checked her notes again to make sure she had the date and time correct. Satisfied she did, Alicia waited and daydreamed about other purchases she was going to make.

  The door suddenly opened and a tall man with muscular build stood behind it. “Alicia?” He smiled.

  Alicia pressed a hand against her chest. Short, gelled ebony hair. Doe-brown eyes. Full lips. He looked Latino. Or maybe he was mixed with Latino. It didn’t matter. He was hotter than the August sun. “Yes?”

  “Please follow me,” he let her inside and walked to the courtyard. “She’ll be here soon. Please have a seat.”

  “Thank you,” Alicia softly gesticulated, “I’m sorry, I didn’t get your name.”

  “Eduardo,” he answered and looked up to see his employer coming towards him. “She’s here.”

  Alicia turned back to the petite woman dressed in a black suit. She wore a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses that complemented her pearl jewelry. Mysterious Woman looked like a millionaire, probably more.

  Alicia stood up and the woman lowered her hand, indicating for Alicia to sit back down. “Let’s get down to business. You’re going to stop shopping this story around and you’re going to remain quiet about the D’Amatos for the rest of your life. I don’t give a damn what you say about your sister but you will leave the D’Amatos out of it.”

  And just like that, went Alicia’s caviar dreams. “I’m sorry who are you?”

  “Maybe I wasn’t clear so I’ll repeat it one more time for the people in the back,” Mysterious Woman replied, “You’re going to stop shopping this story.”

  “And what are you going to do to me?” Alicia smirked. “You’re going to threaten me? You’re going to “scare me”? I can just go to another print about this story and they’ll do it.”

  “I won’t do anything to you…” The woman began.

  “That’s what I thought,” Alicia said smugly.

  “I’ll just have your daughter killed.” The woman sipped her waiting cognac. Alicia’s jaw dropped and the mysterious woman simply blinked at the young woman. “Oh, did my answer surprise you?”

  “You wouldn’t!” Alicia replied.

  “Oh, but I would and I’ll get away with it,” Mysterious lightly sighed and glanced out onto the street. “It’s such a beautiful day, isn’t it? A beautiful day to be out and about. Kids love the spring time. They can play outside a bit longer and wear shorts. They can also play better games with their friends outside.”

  “Lady, I’m warning you…”

  “Your little girl…she’s about six, right? She attends Westbrook Elementary.” Mysterious smiled. “A great school. I love their campus. It’s very nice and protected. If you’re not a parent, there’s no way you can get in. I like that. You see, if you want to do something to someone and there’s a roadblock, you have to become creative in doing so. Having a person on the inside helps. You know what also helps? Studying the routine of the target.” Her eyes met with Alicia’s. “And once you know your target’s routine, it’s really easy to get them.”

  Alicia stood and Mysterious lowered her hand, silently telling her to sit back down. Alicia complied. “I will repeat what I said earlier – you will stop shopping that story immediately.”

  “You’re bluffing,” Alicia shot back. “You don’t have the power.”

  “Every day you pack your little girl…” Mysterious snapped her fingers. “…what was her name? Eduardo, what was the young girl’s name?”


  “Ah, yes. Sequoia. Like the tree.” Mysterious’s throaty voice was filled with pleasure. “Every day, little Sequoia gets a packed lunch with enough money to get milk or a juice.” She slowly shook her head and smiled. “Milk or juice, huh? Healthy choices. Today, however, she might make the wrong choice.”

  Alicia got out her cell phone and began to dial. “I’m calling the police right now!”

  “Go ahead. By the time they take you seriously, I’ll be on the next flight and your daughter will be dead from a sudden heart attack.” Mysterious’s face was emotionless, “Meanwhile, you’ll be under investigation for poisoning your little girl to collect insurance because after all, you’re in dire straits, aren’t you?” Mysterious slowly shook her head. “Texas doesn’t look too kindly on child murderers. I certainly wouldn’t want to be you.”

  Tears streamed down Alicia’s face. “I’ll leave them alone! Just leave my family alone! I swear I won’t sell the story! Just leave my family alone!’

  “That’s all I wanted,” Mysterious handed over a stack of hundred dollar bills. “This buys your silence. Have fun and treat yourself and your husband – Thomas, that’s his name, right? – to something nice. In exchange, if word about that fatherless child gets out, I will kill every single member of your family one by one, starting with your three children and ending with your sister and her child until all of you are dead in a series of unfortunate events.” She sipped her cognac. “Now run along. You have a life to live. Do it.”

  Alicia hurriedly left the restaurant as Eduardo watched. “Do you think she got the point, Mistress?”

  Sanora removed her sunglasses and smiled. “Oh yes.”


  “You try to be the best First Lady you can be…you try to be nice and polite to everyone you meet…” First Lady Amy Sheppard turned a page in her world-famous cookbook. “…and Sister Hawkins is still cackling about her her homemade sweet potato pie. Lord help me because I’m about to put the paws on her.”

  It had been a worldwind success for Pastor David and First Lady Amy Sheppard. Building their ministry from the ground up, the Sheppards purchased a large plot of land and created their megachurch. With the main church being the cornerstone, the ministry also offered private K-8 schooling, financial literacy classes, sexual harassment training, marriage counseling, and youth outreach. The Sheppards were recently coined as one of America’s favorite families by People magazine.

  Of course, with the hard work came a lot of expectation and criticism. The Sheppards had to weather the storm of Faith’s marriage being played out on national TV, prompting David to often use his daughter and son-in-law as examples in speeches. David was criticized for incorporating street slang and pop culture into his sermons. There were many memes created of Amy’s apparent resting bitch face.

  They were closely watched by everyone in church, especially those who couldn’t stand how Christ-like and spiritual they were. Amy noticed some younger women were wearing tighter dresses and purposely sitting near the front row in hopes that David and his deacons could get a good look.

  It was amazing, Amy thought, how so many people didn’t believe in God but the Devil surely put in overtime on a regular basis.

  “Sister Amy?” Their maid, Patrice, called to her. “Faith is here.”

  “Send her in, Patrice,” Amy replied as she shook her head as she ke
pt eyeballing recipes. “Maybe I’ll calm down by the time my daughter arrives.”

  Faith walked in and saw her mother hunched over with reading glasses slid down to the bridge of her nose. “Still trying to beat Sister Hawkins, huh, Mother?”

  “She keeps yip-yapping like one of those annoying Yorkies I see up and down Harlem,” Amy tightly pressed her lips. “Someone should probably gift Sister Hawkins some Milk-Bones for Christmas.”

  Faith burst out laughing before she covered her mouth. “Mother! That is not in the word of God!”

  “If God exists, so can the Devil.” Amy put away her cookbook as Patrice served tea and snacks. “But talking about Yorkie Hawkins is the reason for your visit.”

  Faith sighed. “No, it’s not. I’m pregnant.”

  “My baby’s having another baby!” Amy hugged her daughter. “I’m going to have a house full of grandbabies! How far along are you?”

  “I don’t know but I guess five weeks. It’s still super early.” Faith paused. “There’s another issue.”

  “Oh?” Amy wondered. “What is it?”

  “Eli has a daughter,” Faith didn’t hold back. “So there’s that.”

  “He has a daughter?” Amy repeated and Faith nodded. “From the affair or is this a new one?”

  “The affair,” Faith revealed, “she’s now three.”

  “Three?” Amy was astsonished. “How long has he known about this?”

  “He just found out a few weeks ago.” Faith sighed. “It was a shock to him as well.”

  “Hmm…” Amy harrumphed and took a sip of coffee. “…that sounds awfully suspicious, Faith Marie.”

  “It does?” Faith asked. “That he found out and didn’t tell me at first? Yeah, I agree.”

  “No, I understand his unwillingness to tell you. I’m referring to something else. Your husband has that wildly successful reality show, your dad’s ministry has been picked up by TBN, and your father in-law is thinking about running for mayor,” Amy’s eyes narrowed, “a sudden child now sounds very convenient.”

  “Simone has her own successful business in Houston,” Faith did her research on Simone, “I would love to say she has a lot to gain but she has her own.”


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