Love: D'Amato Brothers V (The D'Amato Brothers Book 5)

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Love: D'Amato Brothers V (The D'Amato Brothers Book 5) Page 19

by Vera Roberts

  The feeling began at the bottom of Faith’s feet and raced up her body until it exploded out of her mouth. “I’m pissed, okay? Is that you want to hear?” She yelled as hot tears streamed down her cheeks. “I’m pissed the fuck off! And you want to know who I’m mad at? That little girl! And I feel like an asshole for being mad at an innocent child. I’m mad at her and she didn’t even do anything but say ‘Hi Faith!’ to me. And it sucks, okay? It really sucks! And you want to know why I’m pissed at her? Because each and every time I see her, she is a stark reminder on how for a short period in my marriage, my husband wanted someone else more than he wanted our family. So I apologize if I’m not cursing anyone out. I am so fucking sorry if I’m not being ‘dramatical’ like my husband likes to call it. I’m keeping my feelings to myself as I figure out how I am going to accept a child – his child – into our family fold without holding resentment and anger towards her for bringing up feelings I thought I dealt with four years ago.

  “It’s just…” Faith finally succumbed to her feelings and broke down as her sisters gathered around her. “I don’t know what I’m going to do. I don’t know what I’m going to do.”


  She should’ve known better. This had Faith D’Amato written all over it.

  As Simone stood in the grocery store and eyeballed the newest cover story that featured Faith and her newborn daughter, Abriana, she simply smiled. Faith was good. What better way to say fuck you to Simone in a public but subtle way by announcing the birth of Eli’s only daughter.

  She had to give it to Faith: the bitch was really good with her micro-aggressions.

  Curiosity got the best of Simone and she opened up the magazine. In a large spread, she saw Faith cuddling her daughter, their sons staring and cooing at their little sister, and both sets of parents with all of the shared grandchildren. Simone turned the page and audibly gasped at the picture of Eli wearing a tank top, showcasing his sleeves, as he held a sleeping Abriana.

  Well-played, Faith. Well played.

  She should’ve known it was Faith behind everything. Eli’s visits to Elena became more infrequent as the demands for a DNA test became louder. “I just want to make sure,” she recalled him saying to her, “it’s better for everyone.”

  No, it was better for Faith, Simone guessed. Eli had no issue claiming Elena until Faith got involved. Now it was a problem.

  As Simone checked out her groceries, she decided to settle everything. If Faith was going to be all up in her business, Simone was going to be in hers.

  She was going to pay a visit to Faith at her salon.


  “Gather around, gentlemen. Gather around,” Nick dealt out cards as the brothers and Art gathered for their poker game. “This is New York style poker. If you ain’t got the goods, please take your ass home and let the big boys play.”

  “I got your big boy right here,” Tony added as he perused his cards, “one month of shave, mani and pedi, and cut.”

  “What?” Joey sat back and the others looked at Tony, astonished. “Someone ain’t playing tonight!”

  “I’m feeling myself, I’m feeling myself.” Tony replied. “What’s up? Put up or shut up.”

  “Okay, I got you four tickets to any Broadway play,” Joey added. “Let’s go!”

  “No waiting list to any restaurant in New York,” Eli quietly replied and the others sat back in their chairs. “Yeah, this reality show bullshit came in handy.”

  “Two months of Sunday dinners,” Nick added and everyone knew he was serious. It was no secret Nick threw down in the kitchen. “Yeah, I’m not fucking around tonight.”

  “I got you one month of maid service and an additional month of child care,” Kieran placed his bet. “Top that.”

  “A trip to Italy for an entire week,” Art added and all of the brothers fell silent. “Daddy’s home.”

  “So how is everything going, Brother Eli?” Nick began as he studied his cards. “It seems awfully quiet on your part.”

  “Everything’s going great.” He smiled. “The baby’s keeping us up but that’s to be expected. But no complaints here.”

  “That’s all good but I think he means the other thing,” Joey chimed in. “She Who Shall Not Be Named with a Lifelong Package That Should Not Be Discussed.”

  “You can go ahead and say their names. They’re not lepers.” Eli defended.

  “Any news on that?” Kieran asked. “Last time I heard anything, you wanted a DNA test.”

  “I did ask for one several times.” Eli tossed out two cards. “She’s slow going on it.”

  “Slow going?” Art repeated. “She doesn’t want the test?”

  “I don’t know what she wants. First, she wanted just me to be involved in Elena’s life. Then, when I went to visit her in Houston, she tried to fuck me…”

  “What?” Joey laughed. “She still want that old thing back?”

  “I have no idea what the hell is going on,” Eli shook his head. “So I told Ma about it and she was the one that demanded the DNA test.”

  “Well, Mom’s about that money.” Nick added. “She ain’t trying to give it away.”

  “Damn straight!” Joey scoffed. “After all the shit I went through to make sure our great-great-great-great grandchildren will be set for life? Bullshit that bitch is getting our money!”

  “Hmmph…” Tony harrumphed.

  Kieran looked over to his brother. “Speak now or forever hold your peace.”

  “Am I the only one seeing any of this?” Tony asked.

  “Seeing what?” Eli questioned. “Fool, I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about.”

  “Are you for real?” Tony moved his cards around. “Wow…”

  “Tony, I really don’t…” Eli began.

  “Simone and Faye got pregnant around the same time, bro. If I remember correctly, the time between Faye and Darren breaking up and her reconciling with you were only a matter of days.” Tony added.

  Eli settled his cards down and took a long swig of beer. “You just need to hurry up and say it.”

  “Say what you’re already thinking and feeling?” Tony questioned. “Say what everyone else in the room is probably wondering? You don’t want me to say it or anyone else because if we do, it means the possibility is there and let’s be real for a moment, Eli, can we? Let’s be real for just one moment – while you hope Faye can forgive the fact you might have an outside child, you and I both know…hell, everyone in this room know, that there is no way in hell you’d be able to forgive an outside child by her.”

  “Dude, you don’t think I haven’t thought of that?” Eli replied. “You don’t think I look at E.J. and wonder if he’s truly mine? You honestly think I’m just going around with my head in the clouds?”

  “You’ve been pretty vocal about Simone, bro,” Nick chimed in as the others agreed, “we didn’t know what to think.”

  “Simone coming back is funny as all hell and anyone can see that,” Eli acknowledged, “but it doesn’t take away from the elephant in the room known as my wife and her little friendship with the quarterback.”

  “You said it yourself Faye started talking to Darren again while she was pregnant with E.J. Why else would a married pregnant woman, committed to working on her marriage, would be in contact with her ex-boyfriend during that time?” Kieran asked.

  “They have a point, Eli.” Nick added. “It is suspect.”

  “I’m just saying…” Tony placed his bet. “…if Elena is getting a DNA test, so should E.J.”


  Start your own business, they said.

  It’ll be rewarding, they said.

  You’ll never have to work for anyone else, they said.

  Well ‘they’ can kiss every inch of my Black ass.

  Faith went over the weekly inventory for her salon in the office. It was before opening hours and she had just enough time to get a quick inventory check before she had to open doors. Since the birth of Abriana, Faith scaled b
ack her time at the salon but she kept abreast on business matters. She may not have been present every day but she needed to make sure her business was a well-oiled machine.

  The pressure was especially high on her since the show. Her business had tripled but now there was more competition (read: snarkiness) from other salons that reaped the benefits of MillionHair’s popularity by taking pot shots at Faith every chance they took. While Eli couldn’t care less about social media, Faith was a diehard fan of gossip blogs and Internet chit-chatter. She knew her competition were eagerly awaiting her downfall and she couldn’t wait to show off more success to those hating-ass bitches who had nothing else better to do.

  People who talk about other people’s lives tend not to have one of their own.

  She was almost done when she heard a sudden knock on the front door. “Who is knocking at my door at this hour?” Faith grabbed the revolver she kept hidden in the office in case of emergencies. She said she didn’t need it but Eli didn’t want to risk someone taking advantage of Faith and her salon. She slowly opened her office door and kept the gun hidden behind her as she peeped her head through.

  On second thought, she should’ve shot on sight. Simone.

  Faith sighed and quickly put away the loaded revolver back in her desk. She straightened out her clothing and walked to the front door, contemplating what in the hell that woman was doing at her salon.

  With a small prayer to the Lord to keep her from snatching every one of Simone’s over-fried edges off, Faith unlocked her door and opened it. “May I help you?”

  “We need to talk,” Simone stated. There was no smile in her eyes or her voice.

  Faith stared at the woman for a long moment. Oh, they didn’t need to talk about a damn thing. On second thought, they needed to talk about everything. “Come in,” Faith matched her nemesis’s stance.

  Simone walked inside the salon. Her Gucci heels clicked along the hardwood floor as she looked around. The salon had a bit of a makeover from the last time she’d visited. Before, the salon would be considered just basic and nothing to write home about. Now it was decorated in all white with full-length mirrors at each station. Clients could sit on plush sofas reading magazines as they waited for their stylist. Bright white lights shone down from the ceiling, giving the salon a stage feel. MillionHair had an additional upstairs unit strictly for staff and back supplies.

  The fresh arrangements of flowers screamed Eli from the moment Simone walked in. If Faith and Eli were on the outs in their marriage, their business arrangements were not affected.

  “So let’s get to the chase, shall we?” Faith began. “Would you like anything to drink?”

  “I won’t be long,” Simone interrupted and Faith had to bite back an eye roll. “I want to talk to you about what you’re doing to Eli and his daughter?”

  “His daughter?” Faith smiled. “You mean Abriana?”

  “I mean Elena,” Simone narrowed her eyes. “You’re the reason why Eli started denying Elena again! He was being a good father to her until you had to butt in.”

  “Until I had to butt in?” Faith corrected. “If I remember correctly, Eli denied her at first and if we really want to be honest with it, Simone, he was just doing you a favor by being there.”

  “He had no reason to think it wasn’t his until you influenced him,” Simone accused.

  “Until I influenced him?” Faith repeated and Simone nodded. “Wow, you’re just as stupid as you are rich. The only person who has any control on what Eli D’Amato does is Eli D’Amato. Point. Blank. Period.”

  “Au contraire,” Simone rubbed her hands, “you influence Eli in many ways. After all, you did influence him to sleep with me.”

  Faith shifted her stance and swallowed. She hoped by sucking on her teeth, it would decrease the need to go into the office and retrieve the gun. “Hoe, why are you here?”

  “I’m going to be a part of Eli’s life regardless of how you feel about it. I suggest you get used to it.”

  “If this is supposedly my husband’s child, why are you telling him now?” Faith asked. “Is it the show? Is it Art and Nicola? Do you want our money? Why are you coming back into the picture?”

  Simone gave a condescending smile. “I think the real question is why are you still in the picture?”

  “I’m just curious about one thing, Simone,” Faith began, “how does it feel to hate someone so bad you officially become a secondary character in your life story?”

  “How does it feel knowing I’ll forever a key part of your life, regardless of what happens between you and Eli?” She shot back. “It doesn’t matter if you two divorce or stay together; you will always remember me, Faith. Always.”

  “I don’t really care about you, Simone. In fact, if I had to say it. I think you care more that I don’t. I don’t care if you get on a whole bunch of gossip boards and shred my name to pieces. It doesn’t change the fact Eli rejected you not once, not twice, but three times! You have a man that many women want and you still want mine, don’t you?” Faith smiled. “Forget that being bird behavior; baby girl, you are officially Thotimus Prime.”

  “You are the secretary to Lucifer himself,” Simone retorted, “you couldn’t keep your husband satisfied so he went to someone who could and still can. You don’t know what he does when he’s in Houston and that’s a long ways from Harlem.”

  “But you’re here now, bitch!” Faith laughed. “You’re here now! And guess what? Your fantasy’s not here. If you think you can come back and 'take what's yours', bitch, you have another thing coming," Faith replied in a quiet, yet cool tone. "I'm not the same Faye from four years ago. Bitch, I will beat your ass."

  Simone walked towards Faith and whispered in her ear. "You're just mad because I had his daughter first."

  “Girl, don’t nobody care about your light bright yellow ass that comes with matching daughter. Class and couth sold separately.” Faith scoffed.

  “You want to make this about skin color, Faith?” Simone’s eyes twinkled. “You honestly think all of this is about skin color? You want to make this about favoritism? All right, I’ll play. Will you please sit your underneath the bed, 11:59 PM ass down!”

  “You know I tried to keep this cute and mute,” Faith took off her sneakers and removed her earrings, “but since now you want to be disrespectful, let’s go, bitch. Let’s fucking go.”


  “Welcome to Madre’s,” Eli greeted a young woman with a school-age daughter. “How may I help you?”

  “Hi there,” the woman approached the counter, “I would like a bouquet for my mother. She’s sick in the hospital and I think a bouquet would cheer her up.”

  “Sure thing,” Eli motioned to an available table, “have a seat and I’ll be right over.” He grabbed a sketchpad and a pencil and joined the ladies. “So tell me about your mom?”

  “Well, she’s always been my cheerleader,” the woman began. She was a blonde woman with slender build and a face that revealed it weathered a few storms in her young life. “I’m a single mother and I’m going to school to complete my nursing degree. My mom has helped a lot with child care for my daughter, Lizzie.”

  “Lizzie, huh?” Eli smiled at the young girl. She appeared to be around six in age. He immediately thought of Elena. “Hi Lizzie!” He waved at her.

  “She’s deaf so she can’t hear you,” the mother tapped Lizzie’s shoulder and began signing to her. The young girl waved back at Eli.

  “Allow me?” Eli asked the mother. “What’s your name?”

  “I’m Jackie,” the blonde replied, “and sure.”

  Eli began signing to the young girl. Hi there. My name is Eli.

  The girl signed back to him. I’m Jackie.

  Nice to meet you, Jackie. What’s your favorite color?


  Orange, huh? That’s cool. What’s your favorite cartoon?

  Odd Squad.

  That’s really cool! My son likes Odd Squad as well. Can you tell me about
your grandma?

  She’s makes good chocolate chip cookies.

  Are those your favorite?

  Uh-huh. She also makes great apple pies.

  Sounds like she’s a good cook. What else does your grandma do?

  She dances with me. She says I can feel the rhythm.

  Very cool!

  She’s sick now but I hope she gets better!

  I hope so, too. Hopefully, these flowers will make her feel better.

  She likes roses. She watches your show all the time!

  That’s very cool. Do you think your grandmother would like it if I delivered these flowers to her?

  Yeah, she would!

  Sounds good. We’ll do that.

  Eli quickly drew a sketch and handed it to a nearby assistant. “Okay, so I’ll have one of my girls make a dummy for you and see if you like it or have any suggestions and…” He noticed Jackie was crying. “…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry.” He turned to the cameras. “Yo, stop filming for a moment.”

  “No, it’s okay.” Jackie wiped tears from her eyes. “It’s just Lizzie has been so withdrawn ever since her grandma was in the hospital and she would barely do anything. They have that bond, you know? And this is the first time she’s spoken in several days.” She turned to Eli and hugged him. “Just thank you so much!”

  “Hey, anytime.” He hugged her back. “Anytime.”


  Joey and Nicola watched the interaction from upstairs. “When your brother previously suggested taking sign language classes, I honestly thought it was a waste of time and money. I did not realize he was actually using those lessons.”

  “Well, Eli’s always been special,” Joey commented, “not special as in short school bus special but special as in he’s always went against the grain from all of us.”

  “Mmm, you don’t need to tell me twice,” Nicola replied, “there’s always just something about Eli. He’s always had that…that IT.”

  “That’s why he’s your favorite,” he replied.

  “No, I wouldn’t say he’s my favorite. I love all of you in your own ways. But there’s always something about Eli…I just…I just can’t explain it.” Nicola watched as Eli continued to sign with the little girl. “He’s always just had that something special about him that made him stand out from all of you.” She turned serious. “Did you hear the latest news about your brother? An outside child?”


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