Broken Dreams
Page 41
and agents 21–2, 23
questions Task Force’s remit 161
ridicules Bean 21–2
Sheffield Wednesday 15, 261, 262
results rigging and 27
Shepherd, Freddie 16, 254, 265, 267–8, 282, 295, 384
Shepherd, Kenneth 295, 308
Sheringham, Teddy 61–3, 97–8
implausible story of 97–8
Shortall, Paddy 123–4
Showunmi, Enoch 386
Silkman, Barry 173, 282
Skonto Riga 315
Sky television 6, 14, 36, 104–7, 363, 369, 379, 381
announced Manchester United takeover bid 162–3
annual profits of 138
Chelsea stake bought by 188
Premier League’s deal with 6, 141
Premier League’s levy on income from 204–5
see also BskyB
Smith, Chris 150–1
dismissal of 229
Hoey’s criticisms of 206–7, 220–1
independent regulator and 206, 207–8, 214, 217
Wembley’s new stadium and 190–2, 193, 197, 198–9, 200–1
Smith, Gordon 267
Smith, Graham 30, 88, 98, 303–4
Smith, Jim 266–7
Smith, John 143
Smith, Sir John 148–9
on Cunningham 212
and IFC, refusal to participate in 213–14
independent regulator and 209, 212, 213–14, 215, 217–18
report of: Football, Its Values, Finances and Reputation 153–4
Smith, Jon 175–8, 275–6, 278, 280–2, 283, 305–6, 308, 310, 311
Dudek and 321–3
Levy hires 278
low profits of 346
Morabito’s partnership with 280–1
see also First Artist
Smith, Phil 175, 275, 308, 311, 312–13
see also First Artist
Smith, Professor Roland 159
Smith, Walter 260, 262, 266, 267, 297
Solskjaer, Ole Gunnar 96
Soma, Ragnvald 239, 243
Song, Rigobert 288
Souness, Graham 295
Southampton FC 16, 181
Hoddle released by 272
Southend United 51
Spencer, Martin 120, 126
Spencer, Phil 272
Spencer Stuart 216
Sport England 185
Sports Entertainment and Media 314
Sproat, Ian 33
Stam, Jaap 306, 307
Staple, George 94
Star Sports 47, 48, 255
Staveley, Martin 110–11
Steaua Bucharest FC 88–9
Stein, Mel 51–3, 307
French arrest warrant for 56–7
Gascoigne sale and 55, 56–7
Stepanovs, Igor 315–18
Sting Ltd 29
Stokoe, Bob 27
Storrie, Peter 5, 248–9, 258
Stoutt, Lavity 114
Stoy Hayward 120, 125
Stretford, Paul 235, 261, 290, 294–7, 300, 301–3, 305–6, 366–7
Gregory’s praise for 295–6
Jeffers and 337
low profits of 346
Reid and 300, 301
Stubbs, Bob 192, 194–5, 200, 226
Sugar, Alan 34–41 passim, 56–70 passim, 75–7, 88–9, 90, 170–1
Ashby’s bankruptcy and 61
Clough denounced by 67
Clough’s ‘bungs’ and 62
and Durie purchase, reaction to 38–9
ENIC buys shares from 271–2
and FA’s fine 77, 93
fans’ rage against, following Venables’s dismissal 67
forbids Ashby to attend board meetings 64
and Gascoigne deal 56–8
Graham appointed by 170–1
Kelly’s antipathy towards 92–3
libel action of, against Venables 164, 169
plans Venables’s removal 64–6
Sheringham deal and 61–2, 64–5
and Sky’s satellite dishes 36, 105
and televised matches 107
Venables’s differences with 38–9, 58–60, 64–5, 71
Venables’s Tottenham deal with 34–7
Sun 31–2, 95
Sunday Mirror 76
Sunderland FC 188, 298–303, 366
see also Reid, Peter
Sun Jihai 174
Svensson, Matthias 166
Swan Management 310–11
Swindon FC 77
Sylvester, Ian 236
Tamudo, Raul 266
Tano, Patrice 269
Taylor, Gordon 157–8, 163
Mellor’s attack on 157
Taylor, Graham 48, 253
Taylor, Lord 139
Temeraire 122
Tessel, Richard 46–7, 53, 55, 255
Thomas, Mitchell 40–1
Thompson, Geoff 16–17, 361, 368–9, 375, 377, 379
becomes FA temporary chairman 187
Thorp, Hamilton 167
Three Star Engineering 15
Times 78
Tollemache, Michael 111
Tollman, Stanley 116–17, 120–1, 131, 372
becomes Chelsea director 127
tax-evasion charges against 310–11
Tortola Development and Trust Co. 110
Tottenham Hotspur 6, 16, 34–43, 46, 48, 283–4, 371, 380
debts of 35
Durie bought by 38–9
ENIC buys shares in 271–2
FA’s fine against 77
and fine, appeal against 93
flotation of 188
and Gascoigne deal 54–8
Graham at 170–1
and McLintock’s invoice 67
secret payments by 39–40
Sugar-Venables takeover of 34–7, 56
unpaid taxes of 73
valuation of 66, 170
Venables’s tenure at 34–67, 354
Waddle sold by 51–2
Touche Ross 131, 133
Trafalgar Leisure International 124
Trafalgar Travel 120, 124
Transworld 124–5
Tropus 219, 226
UEFA 46, 181, 182–4, 224, 225, 271, 389
UK Athletics 190
Upton Park 388
Van den Herik, Jorien 323, 324, 325–8, 329–30
van Nistelrooy, Ruud 306
van Noortwijk, Bas 325
Varga, Stanislav 298
Venables Holdings 168
Venables, Terry 33–68 passim, 75–7, 86, 92–3, 164–79 passim, 350–1, 353–4, 355, 363, 365–7, 386
appointed England coach 76–7, 78
Ashby’s bankruptcy and 37–8, 61
autobiography of 99
coaches Australia 165
at Crystal Palace 173–4, 176–7
Crystal Palace signs, as manager 171, 173
disqualification of, as a company director 169
fraud squad investigation into 164
and Gascoigne deal 56–8
Hoey’s allegations against 32, 91
inconsistent testimony of, concerning secret payment 99
Inland Revenue and 73–4, 93–4
Landhurst deal and 60
lies of 34, 35
media onslaught against 71–3
Millichip’s support for, as England coach 76
offshore account of 58
panel report clears 101
at Portsmouth 164–9
record keeping and 59
resigns from Crystal Palace 177–8
Roach and 49
and Scribes, losses of 42
and Scribes, purchase of 35
serious misconduct charges against 169–70
Sheringham and 62
Sugar’s differences with 38–9, 59–60, 64–5, 71
Sugar’s libel writ and 164, 169
Sugar’s plan to remove 65–6
Sugar’s Tottenham deal with 34–7
threatens resignation 94
; at Tottenham Hotspur 37–67
Veron, Juan Sebastian 234, 292, 306, 355
Vialli, Gianluca 310
Vieira, Patrick 327
Vigorelli, Claudio 276
Virgin Islands 109–15
Visconti di Modrone, Gianmaria 355
Waddle, Chris 40, 51–3
Walker, Sir Rodney 227
Walsh, Paul 169, 315, 317–18
Wanchope, Paulo 264
Warburgs 184–5
Watkins, Maurice 53–4, 306
Weld, Paul 166–7, 168
Welsh Football Association 186, 222
Wembley National Stadium Ltd
(WNSL) 185, 218
old stadium bought by 189
Wembley PLC 189
Wembley stadium project 184–5, 189–201, 218–19, 225–7, 369–70, 382, 387
Clegg criticizes 193
negotiations for, concluded by FA 346
soaring cost of 192–3, 218
see also Bates, Ken
Wenger, Arsène 287, 316–17, 323–30 passim
West Ham 1, 5, 41, 231–50, 288–90, 362–3, 383, 388
Bilic’s transfer to 258
Ferdinand and 231–42
Redknapp’s dismissal from 5, 289
Roach and 255–8
Roeder employed by 290
Wanchope and 264
see also Redknapp, Harry
Westminster Strategy 156
Wickham’s Cay Ltd 111
Wicks, Steve 177, 314
Wilkinson, Howard 33
Wise, Dennis 42
Wiseman, Keith 16, 75, 90
becomes FA chairman 99, 101–2, 180
dismissal of, confirmed 186–7
at FA 180–1, 183–7
FA’s no-confidence vote in 186
rejects Smith report 154
World Cup hopes of 101–2, 181, 184
Wolverhampton Wanderers 27
Woodgate, Jonathan 348–9, 364
World Cup bid 101–2, 181, 184, 218–25
call for withdrawal 223
cost of 220
defeated 224
hooliganism thwarts 222–3
New Labour’s manifesto and 220
finals 382, 386
World in Action 72–3
Worthington Cup Final 251
Wright, Ian 337, 340
Wright, Richard 329–30
Wyatt, Will 105–6
Wyman, Bill 42
Yawetz 36
Yorke, Tony 71, 76
Young, Graeme 258
Young, Robin 151
Zahavi, Pinhas (‘Pini’) 173, 282–3, 292, 362, 370–2, 379–80, 382–3, 388–9
and Ferdinand 233–4, 235, 237–9, 240, 241, 343–4, 353, 354, 355, 357
Zoetebier, Edwin 298
First published in Great Britain by Simon & Schuster UK Ltd, 2003
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