The Children of Wrath
Page 68
Abran (AH-bran)—previous minister of foreign affairs; killed in the elfin purge
Aerean (AIR-ee-an)—current minister of internal affairs; previously a renegade leader
Aranal (Ar-an-ALL)—a previous king
Aron (AHR-inn)—the Sage’s apprentice
Avisha (A-VEESH-a)—Zoenya’s third husband; an ancient king by marriage
Baltraine (BAL-trayn)—previous prime minister; deceased
Baran (BAYR-in)—an ancient guard captain who served King Sterrane
Baynard (BAY-nard)—an ex-soldier, turned renegade. Distant descendent of Baran
Charletha (Shar-LEETH-a)—previous minister of livestock, gardens, and food; killed in the elfin purge
Chaveeshia (Sha-VEE-sha)—current minister of local affairs
Dalen (DAY-linn)—a cooper; a renegade
Davian (DAY-vee-an)—current prime minister; previous leader of the renegades
Denevier (Dih-NEV-ee-er)—minister assigned to relay Knight-Captain Kedrin’s orders from prison
Ethylyn (ETH-ell-in)—King Kohleran’s daughter; killed during the second staff-test
Fachlaine (FATCH-layne)—King Kohleran’s granddaughter; deceased
Fahrthran (FAR-thrin)—minister of internal affairs; descendant of Arduwyn; killed in the elfin purge
Fevrin (FEV-rinn)—a past sage; served Xanranis
Franstaine (FRAN-stayn)—current minister of household affairs; in-law uncle of Helana
Friago (Free-YAH-go)—a renegade
Griff (GRIFF)—the King
Helana (Hell-AHN-a)—Petrostan’s wife and Griff’s mother
Kohleran (KOLL-er-in)—previous king of Béarn; deceased
Limrinial (Lim-RIN-ee-al)—previous minister of local affairs; killed in the elfin purge
Marisole (MAA-rih-soll)—the princess; daughter of King Griff and Queen Matrinka; sired by Darris (see Pudarians)
Matrinka (Ma-TRINK-a)—Griff’s wife and cousin; the queen
Mikalyn (MIK-a-linn)—previous head healer; killed in the elfin purge
Mildy (MIL-dee)—King Kohleran’s late wife
Morhane (MOOR-hayn)—an ancient king who usurped the throne from his twin brother, Valar
Myrenex (My-RINN-ix)—a past king
Nylabrin (NILL-a-bran)—King Kohleran’s granddaughter; deceased
Petrostan (Peh-TROSS-tin)—King Kohleran’s youngest son; Griff’s father. Died in a plowing accident
Richar (REE-shar)—current minister of foreign affairs
The Sage—the chronicler of Béarn’s history
Saxanar (SAX-a-nar)—current minister of courtroom procedure and affairs
Sefraine (SEE-frayn)—a grandson of King Kohleran
Seiryn (SAIR-in)—the captain of the guards
Sterrane (Stir-RAIN)—the best known previous king of Béarn
Talamaine (TAL-a-mayn)—King Kohleran’s son; Matrinka’s late father
Ukrista (Yoo-KRIS-tah)—King Kohleran’s granddaughter; deceased
Valar (VAY-lar)—Morhane’s twin brother; Sterrane’s father; a previous king murdered during his reign
Walfron (WALL-fron)—supervisor of the kitchen staff
Weslin (WESS-lin)—previous minister of courtroom procedure and affairs; killed during the elfin purge
Xanranis (Zan-RAN-iss)—Sterrane’s son; an ancient king
Xyxthris (ZIX-thris)—King Kohleran’s grandson; a traitor; committed suicide while imprisoned
Yvalane (IV-a-layn)—King Kohleran’s father; a previous king
Zapara (Za-PAR-a)—a guard
Zaysharn (ZAY-sharn)—the current overseer of the caretakers of Béarn’s livestock, gardens, and food
Zelshia (ZELL-sha)—a head maid
Zoenya (Zoh-ENN-ya)—a past queen
Arduwyn (AR-dwinn)—a legendary archer
Asha (AH-shah)—an adolescent girl
Braison (BRAY-son)—a young Knight of Erythane
Carlynn (KAR-linn)—an adolescent girl
Diega (Dee-AY-gah)—Carlynn’s father
Edwin (ED-winn)—a Knight of Erythane; the armsman
Esatoric (EE-sah-tor-ik)—a Knight of Erythane
Garvin (GAR-vinn)—a Knight of Erythane
Harritin (HARR-ih-tin)—a young Knight of Erythane
Humfreet (HUM-freet)—the king
Jakrusan (Jah-KROO-sin)—a Knight of Erythane
Kedrin (KEH-drinn)—the captain of the Knights of Erythane; Ra-khir’s father
Khirwith (KEER-with)—Ra-khir’s stepfather
Lakamorn (LACK-a-morn)—a Knight of Erythane
Mariell (Mah-ree-ELL)—an adolescent girl; Sushara’s sister
Oridan (OR-ih-den)—Shavasiay’s father
Ra-khir (Rah-KEER)—a Knight of Erythane; Kedrin’s son
Ramytan (RAM-ih-tin)—Kedrin’s late father
Shavasiay (Shah-VASS-ee-ay)—a Knight of Erythane
Sushara (Soo-SHAR-a)—an adolescent girl; Mariell’s sister
Boshkin (BAHSH-kinn)—a steward of Leondis
Brunar (BREW-nar)—a dungeon guard
Cenna (SEH-na)—an ancient queen
Charra (CHAR-ah)—a healer
Chethid (CHETH-id)—a lieutenant; one of three
Cymion (KIGH-mee-on)—the king
Daizar (DYE-zahr)—minister of visiting dignitaries
Danamelio (Dan-a-MEEL-ee-oh)—a criminal; deceased
Darian (DAYR-ee-an)—a lieutenant; one of three
Darris (DAYR-iss)—the bard; Linndar’s son
DeShane (Dih-SHAYN)—a captain of the king’s guard
The Flea—a criminal; deceased
Harlton (HAR-all-ton)—a captain of the king’s guard
Harrod (HA-rod)—a surgeon
Horatiannon (Hor-ay-shee-AH-nun)—an ancient king
Jahiran (Jah-HEER-in)—the first bard
Javonzir (Ja-VON-zeer)—the king’s cousin and adviser
Lador (LAH-door)—a locksmith
Larrin (LARR-inn)—a captain of the guard
Leondis (Lee-ON-diss)—the crown prince; Severin’s younger brother
Leosina (Lee-oh-SEE-nah)—young daughter of the west wing maid
Linndar (LINN-dar)—the previous bard; Darris’ mother; killed in the elfin purge
Mar Lon (MAR-LONN)—a legendary bard; Linndar’s ancestor
Markanyin (Marr-KANN-yinn)—Pudarian general
Nellkoris (Nell-KORR-iss)—a lieutenant; one of three
Octaro (Ok-TAR-oh)—a guard
Perlia (PEARL-ya)—a merchant healer
Peter (PET-er)—a street urchin; deceased
Rascal—a street thief
Sabilar (SAB-ill-ar)—a blacksmith
Severin (SEV-rinn)—the late heir to Pudar’s throne
Stick—a criminal; deceased
Tadda (TAH-dah)—a thief; deceased
Tanna (TAWN-a)—a healer
Ashavir (AH-shah-veer)—a late student of Colbey
Bohlseti (Bowl-SET-ee)—a late student of Colbey
Brenna (BRENN-a)—false name used by Rantire while a prisoner of elves
Calistin the Bold (Ka-LEES-tin)—Colbey’s late father
Colbey Calistinsson (KULL-bay)—legendary Renshai now living among the gods, a.k.a. The Deathseeker, a.k.a. The Golden Prince of Demons, a.k.a. Kyndig
Episte Rachesson (Ep-PISS-teh)—an orphan raised by Colbey; killed by Colbey after being driven mad by chaos
Gareth Lasirsson (GARR-ith)—tester of worthiness of Ra-khir and Tae to sire Renshai; Kristel’s father
Kesave (Kee-SAH-veh)—a late student of Colbey
Kevralyn Balmirsdatter (KEV-ra-linn)—a late warrior; Kevralyn Tainharsdatter’s namesake
Kevralyn Tainharsdatter (KEV-ra-linn)—a young Renshai
Kristel Garethsdatter (KRISS-tal)—first guardian of Ma
trinka, along with Nisse
Kyndig (KAWN-dee)—Colbey Calistinsson; lit: “Skilled One”
Mitrian Santagithisdatter (MIH-tree-an)—wife of Tannin
Modrey (MOH-dray)—forefather of the tribe of Modrey
Nisse Nelsdatter (NEE-sah)—first guardian of Matrinka, along with Kristel
Pseubicon (SOO-bih-kahn)—an ancient Renshai, half-barbarian by blood
Rache Garnsson (RACK-ee)—forefather of the tribe of Rache
Rache Kallmirsson (RACK-ee)—Rache Garnsson’s namesake; Episte’s father
Randil (Ran-DEEL)—a member of Béarn’s second envoy
Ranilda Battlemad (Ran-HEEL-da)—Colbey’s late mother
Rantire Ulfinsdatter (Ran-TEER-ee)—Griff’s bodyguard in Darris’ absence; a dedicated guardian
Raska “Ravn” Colbeysson (RASS-ka; RAY-vinn)—Colbey’s and Freya’s son
Saviar Ra-khirsson (SAV-ee-ahr)—Ra-khir’s and Kevral’s son
Subikahn Taesson (SOO-bih-kahn)—Tae’s and Kevral’s son
Sylva (SILL-va)—Rache Garnsson’s wife; an Erythanian
Tainhar (TAYN-har)—Kevral’s father
Tarah Randilsdatter (TAIR-a)—wife of Modrey and sister of Tannin
Tannin Randilsson (TAN-in)—forefather of the tribe of Tannin; Tarah’s brother and Mitrian’s husband
Thialnir Thrudazisson (Thee-AHL-neer)—a chieftain
Vashi (VASH-ee)—a late warrior
Herwin (HER-winn)—Griff’s stepfather
Santagithi (San-TAG-ih-thigh)—long-dead general for whom the city was named
Alsrusett (Al-RUSS-it)—one of Weile Kahn’s bodyguards (see also Daxan)
Chayl (SHAYL)—a follower of Weile Kahn; commander of Nighthawk sector
Curdeis (KER-tuss)—Weile Kahn’s late brother
Daxan (DIK-sunn)—one of Weile Kahn’s bodyguards (see also Alsrusett)
Jeffrin (JEFF-rinn)—an informant working for Weile Kahn
Kinya (KEN-yah)—a long-time member of Weile Kahn’s organization
Leightar (LAY-tar)—a follower of Weile Kahn
Midonner (May-DONN-er)—previous king of Stalmize; high king of the Eastlands
Monika (Moh-NEE-kah)—a fertile woman
Nacoma (Nah-KAH-mah)—a follower of Weile Kahn
Niko (NAY-koh)—a pregnant woman
Shavoor (Shah-VOOR)—an informant working for Weile Kahn
Shaxcharal (SHACKS-krawl)—the last king of LaZar
Tae Kahn (TIGH KAHN)—Weile Kahn’s son
Tichhar (TICH-har)—a LaZarian emissary
Tisharo (Ta-SHAR-oh)—a con man working for Weile Kahn
Usyris (Yoo-SIGH-russ)—a follower of Weile Kahn; commander of Sparrowhawk sector
Weile Kahn (WAY-lee KAHN)—a crime lord
Zeldar (ZAYL-dah)—a pregnant woman
Andvari (And-VAR-ee)—NORDMIRIAN; warrior and diplomat
Mundilnarvi (Munn-dill-NAR-vee)—NORDMIRIAN; Einherjar killed in the war against the Renshai
Olvaerr (OHL-eh-vair)—NORDMIRIAN; Valr Kirin’s son
Tyrion (TEER-ee-on)—ASCAI; an inner court guard of Pudar
Valr Kirin (Vawl-KEER-in)—NORDMIRIAN; an ancient enemy of Colbey’s, long dead; Rache Kallmirsson’s blood brother
Arak’bar Tulamii Dhor (AHR-ok-bar Too-LAHM-ee-igh ZHOOR)—the eldest of the elves; a.k.a. The Captain; a.k.a. Lav’rintir
Arith’tinir Khy-loh’Shinaris Bal-ishi Sjörmann’taé Or (ARR-ith-tin-eer KIGH-loh-shin-ahr-iss Bal-EE-shee Syoor-mahn-TIGH Orr)—Captain’s given name
Ath-tiran Béonwith Bray’onet Ty’maranth Nh’aytemir (Ath-TEER-inn Bee-ON-with BRAY-on-et Tee-MAR-anth Nigh-A-teh-mayr)—a lysalf
Baheth’rin Gh’leneth Wir-talos Dartarian Mithrillan (Ba-HETH-a-rinn Gah-LENN-eth Weer-TAY-lohs Dar-TAR-ee-an Mith-RILL-in)—a young elf
The Captain—the common name for Arak’bar Tulamii Dhor
Chan’rék’ril (Shawn-RAYK-rill)—an artistic lysalf
The Collector—a giant
Dess’man Damylith Char’kiroh Va-Naysin Jemarious (DESS-man Dah-MIGH-lith Shar-eh-KEER-oh Vah-NAY-sin Jem-AHR-ee-us)—a svartalf
Dh’arlo’mé’aftris’ter Te’meer Braylth’ryn Amareth Fel-Krin (ZHAR-loh-may-aff-triss-ter Teh-MEER Brawl-THRINN Ah-MAR-eth Fell-krinn)—the elves’ leader
Dhyano Falkurian L’marithal Gasharyil Domm (ZHAN-oh Fal-KYOOR-ee-an Lah-mah-EETH-all Gah-SHAR-ee-ill DOHM)—a lysalf
El-brinith (El-BRINN-ith)—a lysalf with a good feel for magic
Eth’morand Kayhiral No’vahntor El-brinith (Eth-MOOR- and Kah-HEER-all Noh’VAHN-tor El-BRINN-ith)—a lysalf
Haleeyan Sh’borith Nimriel T’mori Na-kira (Hah-LEE-yan Sha-BOHR-ith NIM-ree-ell Tah-MOOR-ee Nah-KEER-ah)—a lysalf
Hri’shan’taé Y’varos Fitanith Adh’taran (HREE-shan-tigh EE-vahr-ohs Figh-TAN-ith Ad-hah-TAYR-an)—a member of the council of Nine; a.k.a. She of Slow Emotions
In’diago (In-dee-AH-go)—a lysalf
Irrith-talor (EER-ith-tah-lorr)—an older lysalf
Ke’taros (Key-TAR-ohs)—a lysalf
Khy’barreth Y’vrintae Shabeerah El-borin Morbonos (Kigh-BAYR-eth Eev-RINN-tigh Shah-BEER-ah ELL-boor-in Moor-BOH-nohs)—a brain-damaged svartalf
Lissa (LISS-a)—a weaver
Marrih (MAH-ree)—a lysalf talented with magic
Mith’ranir Orian T’laris El’neerith Wherinta (Mith-RAN-eer OR-ee-an Tee-LAR-ihs Ell-ih-NEER-ith Whir-INN-tah)—a svartalf
Oa’si Brahirinth Yozwaran Tril’frawn Ren-whar (WAY-see Brah-HEER-inth Yoz-WAHR-an Trill-FRAWN Ren-WAHR)—the youngest elf
Petree’shan-ash Tilmir V’harin Korhinal Chareen (PEH-tree-SHAN-ash Till-MEER VAY-har-inn KOR-in-all Shah-REEN)—a member of the council of Nine
Phislah (PHEES-la)—a weaver
Pree-hantis Kel’abirik Trill Barithos Nath’taros (PREE-hahn-tiss KELL-ah-beer-ik TRILL BAR-ih-thohs Nath-TAR-ohs)—a svartalf impersonating King Kohleran
Reehanthan Tel’rik Oltanos Leehinith Mir-shanir (Ree-HAHN-than TELL-rik Ohl-TAN-ohs Lee-HIN-ith Meer-SHAN-eer)—a lysalf
Sal’arin (Sa-LARR-in)—older lysalf
Sassar (SASS-ahr)—a weaver
Tel-aran (Tell-AHR-in)—a young lysalf
Tem’aree’ay Donnev’ra Amal-yah Krish-anda Mal-satorian (Teh-MAR-ee-ay Donn-EV-er-a Ah-MAL-yah Kreesh-AND-ah Mahl-sah-TOR-ee-an)—a lysalf healer; King Griff’s lover
The Torturer
Tresh’iondra She’aric Airanisha Ni-kii Diah (Tresh-ee-ON-dra Shay-AHR-ik Air-ANN-ee-shah Nee-KEE-igh DIGH-a)—a svartalf
Vincelina Sa’viannith Esah-tohrika Tar Kin’zoth (Vin-sell-LEE-na Sah-ha-vee-ANN-ith Ess-ah-toor-EE-kah TAR KEEN-zoth)—a svartalf
Vrin-thal-ros Obtrinéos Pruthrandius Tel’Amorak (Vrin-THAHL-rohs Ob-trin-AY-os Proo-THRAND-ee-us Telam-OOR-ak)—a member of the elfin council of Nine
Ysh’andra (Yah-SHAN-drah)—a member of the elfin Council of Nine
Frost Reaver—Colbey’s white stallion
Mior—Matrinka’s calico cat
Silver Warrior—Ra-khir’s white stallion
Snow Stormer—Kedrin’s white stallion
Aegir (AHJ-eer)—Northern god of the sea; killed at the Ragnarok
Alfheim (ALF-highm)—The world of elves; destroyed during the Ragnarok
Asgard (AHSS-gard)—The world of the gods
Baldur (BALL-der)—Northern god of beauty and gentleness who rose from the dead after the Ragnarok
Beyla (BAY-lah)—Frey’s human servant; wife of Byggvir
The Bifrost Bridge (BEE-frost)—The bridge between Asgard and man’s world
Bragi (BRAH-gee)—Northern god of poetry; killed at the Ragnarok
Brysombolig (Briss-om-BOH-leeg)—Troublesome House; Loki’s long-abandoned citadel
Byggvir (BEWGG-veer)—Frey’s human servant; husband of Beyla
Colbey Calistinsson (KULL-bay)—legendary Renshai
The Fenris Wolf (FEN-ris)—the Great Wolf; the evil son of Loki; also called Fenrir (FEN-reer); killed at the Ragnarok
Frey (FRAY)—Northern god of rain, sunshine, and fortune
Freya (FRAY-a)—Frey’s sister; Northern goddess of battle
Frigg (FRIGG)—Odin’s wife; Northern goddess of fate
Gladsheim (GLAD-shighm)—“Place of Joy;” Sanctuary of the gods
Hel (HEHL)—Northern goddess of the cold underrealm for those who do not die in valorous combat; killed at the Ragnarok
Hel (HEHL)—The underrealm ruled by the goddess, Hel
Heimdall (HIGHM-dahl)—Northern god of vigilance and father of mankind; killed at the Ragnarok
Herfjötur (Herf-YOH-terr)—Host Fetter; a Valkyrie
Hlidskjalf (HLID-skyalf)—Odin’s high seat from which he can survey the worlds
Hod (HODD)—Blind god, a son of Odin; returned with Baldur after the Ragnarok
Honir (HON-eer)—An indecisive god who survived the Ragnarok
Idunn (EE-dun)—Bragi’s wife; keeper of the golden apples of youth
Ífing (IFF-ing)—river between Asgard and Jötunheim
Jötunheim (YOH-tun-highm)—the world of the giants; destroyed during the Ragnarok
Kvasir (KWAH-seer)—A wise god, murdered by dwarves, whose blood was brewed into the mead of poetry
Loki (LOH-kee)—Northern god of fire and guile; a traitor to the gods and a champion of chaos; killed at the Ragnarok
Magni (MAG-nee)—Thor’s and Sif’s son; Northern god of might
Mana-garmr (MAH-nah Garm)—Northern wolf destined to extinguish the sun with the blood of men at the Ragnarok
The Midgard Serpent—A massive, poisonous serpent destined to kill and be killed by Thor at the Ragnarok; Loki’s son; killed at the Ragnarok
Mimir (MIM-eer)—Wise god who was killed by gods; Odin preserved his head and used it as an adviser
Modi (MOE-dee)—Thor’s and Sif’s son; Northern god of blood wrath
Nanna (NAH-nah)—Baldur’s wife
Nidhogg (NID-hogg)—dragon who gnaws at the root of the World Tree in Niflheim
Niflheim (NIFF-ul-highm)—Misty Hel; the coldest part of Hel to which the worst of the dead are committed
Njord (NYORR)—Frey’s and Freya’s father; died at the Ragnarok
Norns—The keepers of past (Urdr), present (Verdandi), and future (Skuld)
Odin (OH-din)—Northern leader of the pantheon; father of the gods; a.k.a. The AllFather; killed at the Ragnarok; resurrected self by placing his soul in the empty Staff of Law prior to his slaying, then overtaking Dh’arlo’mé