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Follow You Down

Page 2

by K. B. Webb

  I sigh with defeat. “Honestly, no. I’m fucking lost. I only drink beer and whisky. All this girly shit is new to me.”

  He laughs and shakes his head. “A whisky girl, huh? Don’t meet many of those.” He smiles again and my knees buckle slightly. Sweet Lord, he’s fine.

  “Well, I doubt you will be meeting me again because I think I’m quitting after tonight. I have no fucking clue what I’m doing.” I hold up the towel I have hanging over my shoulder and wave it back and forth. “I’m waving my white flag. I give up.”

  “Don’t give up, Red.” Did he just call me Red? Of course, with my hair color, it isn’t the first time I’ve heard the nickname, but it’s the first time it’s come out of such a fine mouth. “What would you say if I told you I could help you? I used to bartend and I was damn good. I could give you a few lessons; I’m a great teacher.” Damn it, he’s smiling again and this time my knees buckle enough that I have to brace myself on the bar in front of me.

  “What do you get out of helping me? You don’t even know me.”

  “You’re right about that, Red. I don’t know you, but I want to. I help you with your bartending skills; you agree to go out with me. Just one date.” He holds up his pointer finger and winks at me.

  “A date? Really. I don’t even know your name. Why would I agree to go on date with you?” This guy may be downright fuckable, but I don’t just agree to go on dates with strangers just because they are good looking. I may be a former stripper and mistress, but I have some boundaries.

  “My name’s Lucas Wade. You should agree to go out with me because you need the help, but mainly, because I’m a great guy and I can guarantee you will have an amazing time on our date.”

  “Well, Lucas Wade, how do I know you’re not some crazy serial killer?”

  He laughs and grabs Molly’s arm as she walks by. “Molly, tell your girl here that I’m not a crazy serial killer.”

  Molly smiles and glances back and forth between Lucas and me. “Nope, not a serial killer. Narcissist, maybe, but serial killer, no.”

  Lucas thanks her as she walks away. “See, I told you, not a serial killer. Now come on, just one date, Red; that’s all I ask. If you hate me after that, I’ll still give you bartending lessons, but I won’t ask you out anymore. I swear.” I should tell him no. I ended up here because of a failed relationship. The last thing I need to be doing right now is going on dates with hot narcissists.

  “Um, hello, we’re still waiting for our drinks over here!” Bimbo number one reaches over the bar, waving her hands in the air, while bimbo number two just laughs. I look at Lucas; one of his eyebrows is cocked up slightly. “Well, Red?”

  “Ugh, fine! Get your ass back here and help me. But it’s just one date! That’s it! Deal?”

  “Deal.” With that one word, he swings himself over the bar in one smooth motion. When he is finally standing in front of me, I can take him in fully.

  He’s tall, 6’3 or 6’4, and sculpted. I can see the muscle definition in his legs through his jeans. He has on dark wash jeans and worn out boots. He is fucking delicious.

  He must catch me eyeing him up and down because he coughs to get my attention. “Ready for your first lesson?”

  My cheeks flush and I feel my mouth go dry, so I just nod, fearing if I try to speak no words will come out.

  He walks around me and starts grabbing everything I will need to make the bimbos’ drinks, giving me directions as he goes.

  When he is finally done making their drinks, he hands them to me and follows me as I deliver them to the bimbos. “Here you go, ladies. I’m sorry it took so long. I’m new and I’m still trying to get the hang of things.” I smile at them, but they aren’t looking at me. They are both eyeing Lucas up and down, just like I was a few minutes before.

  “What’s your name, handsome?” Bimbo number one leans over the bar so her boobs almost pop out of her 90s style tube top.

  “Lucas, but you can save your breath now; I’m not interested.”

  Bimbo number two leans over the counter, biting her lip. “I promise we could make your night interesting. You know what they say, ‘Double your pleasure, double your fun’.” Did this girl really just quote a gum commercial!

  Lucas laughs and steps around me to lean over the bar so he is almost face to face with bimbo number two. “Sorry, sweetheart, y’all aren’t my type. I like my women natural.” They both look extremely offended. Lucas laughs and stands up straight, eyeing both of them. He points at bimbo number one. “You want me to believe your tits are real?” He then looks at bimbo number two. “And since when is purple an eye color? You want some advice, ladies? Don’t try so hard. It’s not working for you.” With that last statement, he slaps the bar twice and smiles at them. “Have a great night, ladies. Don’t forget to tip your bartender.”

  I laugh and follow him back toward the opposite end of the bar.

  “Has anyone ever told you that you’re kind of an asshole?”

  He smiles at me, and once again, my knees feel weak. “Every damn day, Red. But I always say I’m not really an asshole; I’m just brutally honest, and most people can’t handle it. That’s not my problem.”

  “Brutally honest, huh? Well, lay some honesty on me.”

  He looks at me slightly confused. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, you were quick to tell those girls exactly what you thought of them. What do you think of me?” I turn and face him so I’m leaning against the bar, crossing my arms over my chest

  I’m intrigued by this guy. He’s obviously gorgeous and hilarious, but his honesty kind of throws me off. Most guys would have taken exactly what those girls were trying to give them, but not only did he turn them down, he also insulted them. While it may seem like a dick move to most people, to me, it’s refreshing to see a guy who doesn’t fall for the first pair of fake tits he sees.

  “What do I think of you? Well, honestly, the first thing I noticed about you was your rack, but that’s only because you were leaning over the bar when I walked in and it made your tits look amazing. The second thing I noticed was your hair. You’re obviously a natural redhead. I haven’t met a lot of those. Then, when I started talking to you and saw your nametag said Dani, I wondered if your name was really Danielle and you go by Dani as a nickname. The moment you said you only knew about whisky and beer, I knew I had to ask you out, or at least try. When you turned around and I saw your ass in those shorts, I knew I had to get you to say yes. Is that enough honesty for you?”

  My face is as red as my hair. The feminist inside me says I should be mad he paid that much attention to my body, but I know I did the same to him. The girly part of me, that doesn’t come out very often, is flattered. But mostly, I am now even more intrigued than I was before. This guy is no bullshit, and as much as I want to deny it, I like it. I like it a lot.

  I smile at him. “That may have been a little too much honesty, but I’m okay with that. Now, you ready to give me some more bartending lessons? That was the deal, right?”

  “It sure was, Red. Let me show you how to make some basic stuff.”

  For the next few hours, until the bar closes, Lucas helps me with all the drinks that are ordered, and even shows me how to make a few that haven’t been ordered. I know it will take a few more lessons, but I think can catch on to this. Tips are pretty good, and since most of the clientele is male, they order lots of beer and whisky, which, like I said, is my specialty.

  I start to wipe down the bar, but Molly says she restocks every night so not to worry about it. I realize from watching her tonight that she is basically Ricky’s unofficial manager. She knows everything, and everyone. Everyone seems to love her, but Molly doesn’t seem to notice at all. She has a slightly shy, standoffish demeanor most of the time.

  “Can I walk you out?” Lucas smiles at me and tips his head toward the door.

  I smile and agree, walking in front of him when he stretches his arm out.

  “Night, Dani,” Molly says as I
head for the door. “You did great. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I wave as we pass by her wiping down tables while the guy from earlier, Logan, sits at a table filling salt shakers. I wonder to myself if he works here.

  “Night, Molls. Catch you later, Logan.” Lucas waves at them both and holds the door open for me to walk out.

  “You know that guy?” I ask him, referring to his goodbye to Logan.

  “Logan?” He laughs under his breath. “He’s my little brother. He lives with me actually.”

  Now that he mentions it, I can see the resemblance between the two. Lucas is taller and more sculpted, but they have similar features and smiles.

  “Oh, okay. Does he work here? I didn’t see him waiting tables or cooking, but he’s still here. And how long have he and Molly been together?”

  “Nope, he doesn’t work here, and he and Molly aren’t together. He just has it real bad for her.”

  “Wow, really. They seem like they would make the perfect couple.”

  Lucas smiles nervously and rubs the back of his neck. “They would, but it’s complicated. Molly has a little girl and lives with her shitty boyfriend. A boyfriend who has been friends with Logan since we were kids. It’s all sorts of fucked up.”

  “Wow that seems intense.”

  We’re standing next to my jeep now. I have my hand on the door handle, not really sure what to do.

  “Well, I guess this is good night, Red. I’ll be back tomorrow though to give you a few more lessons, and don’t forget, you still owe me a date.” He smiles and walks backwards toward his truck that is parked a few spaces over.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, Lucas. Thanks for helping me tonight.” I smile back at him and wave, opening the door to my jeep and jumping inside. I’m about to shut my door when I hear him shout my name. “I forgot to ask, is it Danielle or just Dani?”

  “Isn’t that the kind of question you ask someone on a first date, Lucas?” I laugh when a surprised look takes over the smile that was on his face and shut the door before driving away.

  After I’m home and in bed, I begin to think of everything that happened tonight. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing with Lucas. I know I shouldn’t be agreeing to dates with guys who make my knees feel like jelly, but I just couldn’t refuse.

  My mom did tell me to make some friends, but I’m not sure if she meant the kind with benefits. After mulling over that thought for a few minutes, I fall asleep thinking I can’t wait to wake up and call my mom and find out for sure.

  It’s just Dani, not Danielle. She doesn’t look like a Danielle, and I asked Molly to look at her tax paperwork in Geo’s office and find out for sure. Crazy, maybe, but I don’t give a shit. Red is intriguing as hell. I damn sure don’t want a relationship, but I want to see what her face looks like when she cums and hear how she screams when I pull that thick, red hair. My mother would kick my ass if she heard me say that. “Lucas, you need to learn to respect women. You need to be more like your brother.” She says that shit to me all the time. What my mom doesn’t understand is that I do respect women, but I also know what I want. I just want to fuck. And there is no way in hell I will ever be more like Logan. Ever.

  Don’t get me wrong; I love my little brother, but he’s a fucking sap. He lets his feelings and emotions control his actions. After a failed engagement to a crazy bitch, and now being in love with a girl who already has a boyfriend, Logan is proof that following your emotions only fucks shit up.

  My phone rings and I see Candice’s name pop up on the screen. I told her I would come by tonight. Since it’s now after two a.m., I guess she’s figured out I’ve changed my mind. Candice Tuner and I have been fucking each other since high school. She keeps coming back because she thinks I will want to settle down one day and decide she’s the girl I want. I keep going back to her because she puts out whenever I want it and gives the best head I have ever had in my life. Not to mention she’s hot as fuck. Dark skin, dark hair, long legs, and perky tits, hell every man she meets wants to fuck her.

  I answer the phone, prepared to get my ass handed to me for standing her up.

  “Hey, Candice. Sorry about tonight. I stopped by Ricky’s and time just slipped away from me.” I could tell her time slipped away because I was pleasantly distracted by Red, but I don’t. Despite what she hopes will happen, Candice knows I only want physical from her. We aren’t in a relationship. I don’t owe her shit.

  “Oh, you went to Ricky’s?” I hear the disappointment in her voice. “You should have called me. I would have come by. It’s okay though; you can still come over if you want.”

  I look at my dashboard clock. By now it’s getting close to three a.m., not that a late night has ever stopped me before. I’ve been known to call Candice for action at every hour of the day and night, but tonight feels different. My dick doesn’t get hard thinking about Candice’s long legs, with hot pink stilettos on her feet, wrapped around my waist as I push deep into her. For the first time, it doesn’t even twitch. No, tonight my dick doesn’t want Candice. Tonight my dick wants Dani, no substitution, and since I can’t have Dani, I decide going home is the best option.

  “Not tonight, Candice. It’s already late and I’ve got work tomorrow. I’ll come by tomorrow for sure though.”

  “Oh. Okay.” I can tell she knows I’m lying. Late nights and having work in the morning have never stopped me before. She quickly rushes me off the phone, and I can tell she’s going to cry. I feel like a dick for being the reason she’s crying, but I have never once tried to hide from her what I want out of our arrangement. I don’t do relationships. I fuck girls. Some girls more than once, some girls just one and done, but that’s all I do.

  I made the mistake once of trying to be a good guy, trying to settle down some. I was going to be a father. The father to a daughter. And I didn’t want to be the kind of father that spent more time bar hopping and sleeping with random women than with his daughter. So, I calmed down, some. I took care of the girl who was having my baby only to find out months later that the baby wasn’t mine. Being heartbroken like that just reassured me that I would never be a relationship type of guy.

  I see Dani’s car pull out of the parking lot, and for a second, I think about following her. I wonder how she would act if I just showed up where she lives. A situation like that can end in one of two ways. One, she flips shit, probably kicks me in the balls and calls the cops. Or two, she invites me in and I get to see what her O face looks like. I wish option two would happen, but from the looks of Dani and the attitude she has, option one is a hell of a lot more likely.

  While I’m sitting in the parking lot day dreaming about Dani on her stomach while I pull her hair and fuck her till she screams, Logan jumps in my truck. Taken by surprise, I almost punch him in the face.

  “Dude, what the fuck do you think you’re doing just jumping in like that? You could have knocked on the window first!”

  Logan laughs at me and smiles. When he smiles like that, I can see the resemblance between us. I’m taller than he is and have more muscle, but we have some similarities. Our hair and eye color are close to being identical and we both have dimples; his are just more prominent than mine. While Logan doesn’t really remember, I know that we look just like our dad, Jack. He left when I was eleven and never looked back, which is good for him because I would have fucking killed him without hesitation.

  “My bad, bro. I didn’t think I needed to knock. Why are you sitting in the parking lot anyway? I came out here because Molly was tripping shit wondering who was still here. She thought it was Brian.” I can see the hurt and concern on Logan’s face when he says Brian’s name, Molly’s shitty boyfriend. Logan is in a real fucked up situation right now. It’s easy for anyone to see that he and Molly have feelings for each other, but Molly is with Brian. She has a kid with Brian. She lives with Brian. Logan can preach how fucking great she is all day long, but it’s hard for me to believe. Molly seems like a nice enough girl. She’s pretty, funny, and obviously cares
about my little brother somewhat, but she strings him along. She flirts with Logan constantly but always goes home to Brian. That shit doesn’t fly with me.

  “Look, Logan, I know you like Molly, but don’t you think it’s time you end this shit? Don’t you ever get the feeling she’s just playing you? Using you to give her the attention Brian obviously doesn’t?” He shakes his head and looks downright pissed off at me.

  “You just don’t understand. She’s fucking miserable with him, but she stays because of Lyric. She thinks her daughter deserves both parents being around since she didn’t have that.”

  Molly reminds me of our mom, Dolly, in a lot of ways. Our mom stayed with Jack for years after he started beating the shit out of her, then me, and then Logan. She would have never left him. She felt like her sons needed their father. What she didn’t understand is that fifteen years later, her actions would still be affecting our lives. Her not leaving Jack years before they actually got divorced had fucked me up for life. I would watch him beat the shit out of her daily and then beg her for forgiveness, and she would always give it to him. When I would ask her why the hell she would do that, she would say because she loved him. Their relationship, the fucked up marriage that I had to witness, is a big part of what makes me know that love is bullshit. Molly will hurt Logan, because that’s what people do; they hurt each other. She may not mean to, but she has to look out for what’s best for herself. At the end of the day, Logan’s feelings don’t mean shit. Everyone has to look out for their own wellbeing; what happens to everyone else just falls to the wayside.

  “Look, Logan, I just don’t want to see you get hurt. You’re already too invested in her and Lyric, and you’re not even dating her. I just think you should smarten up and take a step back. I don’t want to see you get hurt by some heartless bitch again like you did with Elizabeth.”

  The moment the words heartless bitch come out of my mouth, I regret them. I know that Molly is nothing like Elizabeth, Logan’s ex-fiancé. She’s not a heartless bitch; I just need Logan to start looking out for himself.


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