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Seduced By Flames

Page 9

by Vella Day

  She forced a smile. “I’ll be there.”

  Once he left, she headed to the bathroom to clean up. Too bad, she couldn’t forget everything and just relax for once, but she kept going back to the motive behind Kyle’s attack. Clearly, the person wanted something in the warehouse, only she couldn’t figure out what it might be. Destroying the equipment seemed the most likely scenario, but then why not just blow up the building? That seemed to be his M.O.

  Nessa ran the shower water, and once it warmed, she stood under the soothing flow. Pushing aside her situation, she focused on those poor flood victims. She almost felt guilty having a nice safe place to live while so many people in Plux were now homeless. Jobs had been lost, possessions ruined, and some had family members who’d died. She ached for them, especially since it would take them a long time to recover.

  Good thing so many from around Tarradon had offered to help. Once the mess with the mine was over, she would figure out a way to help them rebuild what they’d lost.

  After she finished washing, Nessa dressed in some comfy clothes and then fixed herself something quick to eat. She sat in front of the television, hoping to take her mind off the flood victims. No matter which show she put on though, it was interrupted with more videos of the catastrophe.

  As she watched, her mind wandered back to Kyle like it did time and time again. With those thoughts came a stronger yearning to be by his side. Too bad, he probably didn’t feel the same, which meant rushing him into a relationship would most likely result in him putting more distance between them instead of less.

  Several times today she had debated calling him, but most likely he’d just tell her that he was fine.

  No, a phone call was too impersonal. The only way to convince him she really cared was to visit. Nessa could only hope Lily wasn’t spending the night there. That would be really awkward.

  As much as Nessa felt safe flying the short distance between her condo and Kyle’s, she’d promised her dad that she’d be cautious, so she drove. Twice though, she almost wrecked. Her mind had been on what she was going to say to him rather than on the traffic and the crazy pedestrians who didn’t look when they crossed the street. Yikes.

  When she finally pulled in front of his apartment, she cut the engine and remained in the car, trying to figure out the best way to accurately judge his mental state. Because he was a human, she thought it best not to tell him about her trip to the Four Sisters Pottery Shop since that might scare him more. On the other hand, she needed to warn him about another possible attack. He’d ask why she thought this, and she’d end up spilling the beans about what Magnolia had told her. Damned if she did, and damned if she didn’t.

  Nessa would just have to wing it. As she eased out of the car, she could almost hear Greer chastise her for not dressing up. She hadn’t in part because Nessa didn’t want to appear to be something she wasn’t.

  After climbing two flights of stairs, she reached his apartment. Nessa raised her hand to knock but then stopped. What if he shut the door in her face? He might have been with Lily, the dragon hater, for most of the day. No telling his state of mind now.

  Please don’t let Lily answer the door, she pleaded to anyone who would listen.

  It shouldn’t matter. Nessa had come to warn him about the future danger. And that’s what she was going to do. She knocked. And then waited. Then waited some more.

  Finally, footsteps sounded. It was only nine at night, but in light of Kyle’s head injury, he might have gone to bed early. Okay, now she’d be totally embarrassed if he had to get out of bed to answer her knock. The door eased open, and Kyle, thankfully, wasn’t in his pajamas. He wore faded jeans, a body hugging white T-shirt, and was barefoot. Oh, my. The man sure could set her dragon on fire. Her scales had to be flickering, and she was pretty sure her eyes were turning purple.

  Pant, pant. I want to jump his bones, her dragon shot back.

  Dragon, behave, she pleaded. It didn’t matter she wanted that too.

  “Nessa? What are you doing here?” At least he sounded more surprised than angry.

  “I’m sorry to come over so late, but I just got home from helping out in Plux.” She hadn’t meant to tell him that, as it would sound like bragging, but part of her wanted him to know she wasn’t totally self-centered.

  “I thought I saw you on TV. Come in.”

  She stepped inside, and as much as she tried to focus on the task at hand and not on her swelling lust, she failed. Her nails sharpened, and heat swamped her lower half. Damn it. Her pulse pounded, and her scales began to form over her skin. Not good at all.

  With great concentration, she looked away from Kyle and studied his apartment, pleased he was alone. The interior space was small but cozy. The dark blue sofa that sat in the middle of the living room faced a wall with a television mounted on it. To the right and left of the TV were large picture windows, but the adjacent buildings blocked much of the city view. To the right of the sofa was a small dining room table, and to the left was a hallway that she suspected led to his bedroom.

  “I really should have called first. I wasn’t thinking.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I was up. Come sit down. Can I get you some coffee or tea?”

  She waved a hand. “Nothing. Thank you. I came to see if you were okay and to warn you about something.”

  He sat on the couch next to her, and her dragon started blowing heat. She couldn’t blame her animal. With his messy hair and tight shirt, Kyle was sexy as sin. The only flaw to his perfection was that he looked totally stressed out.

  “Warn me about what? Lily?” His voice came out thick with emotion.


  “Yes, she was attacked earlier this evening by her former boyfriend. He’s a dragon shifter, and I thought—”

  She finished his sentence. “That all dragon shifters know each other’s business. I’m afraid there is no special hotline or mental connection that we share with each other. Besides, if this is the one who burned her, trust me, I stay away from assholes like that.”

  He looked away. “I’m sorry. I’m so upset I’m ready to spit.” He twisted back toward her. “I just want to tear his head off, but I know that as a human, I don’t stand a chance. The cops are out looking for him, but he seems like the type who’s good at hiding. I convinced Lily to stay here tonight.”

  “She’s here?” Nessa looked around.

  “Don’t worry. She’s crashed in my spare room. I got her to take something for her pain, and it conked her out.”

  Hopefully, she would stay asleep because Nessa was pretty sure Miss Lily wouldn’t be very happy to see her there. “What is his name?”

  “Nelor Dobbins.”

  “I’ve never met him, but if I do, I’ll keep a wide berth.”

  His shoulders slumped. He must be disappointed that she didn’t insist on sending a team of dragons to destroy the man, but that wasn’t how she—or any of the Guardians, for that matter—worked.

  “You said you wanted to warn me about something?” he asked, suddenly acting distant.

  “I know this will be hard to understand, but I believe you’re still in danger. I visited a powerful woman today who confirmed it.”

  “By powerful, do you mean a white lighter?”

  Delight rippled inside her that he knew about her kind. “Yes. I went to ask her if she knew of any human who had the ability to become invisible. She didn’t, but she told me she believed you were still in danger.”

  He waved a dismissive hand. “Were you trying to find out who hit me?” This time he sounded angry. “That’s the job for the police who, by the way, called me a while ago to ask questions about what happened. I couldn’t tell them much though.”

  “Was it Detective Caspian?”

  “It was. He told me he’s your cousin.”

  She nodded. “Believe me, I’m not trying to do his job or yours. I visited this white lighter because I thought she might know of some dragon shifter who could become invisible in hi
s human form. If I had learned a name, I would have told Anderson and let him deal with the criminal.”

  Kyle huffed. “Somehow I doubt you’d let it go so easily.”

  He seemed to know her quite well. “You might be right, but that’s only because I care what happens to you.” When he didn’t react, Nessa felt like a fool. “You don’t believe me, do you? Hell, you probably think I’m trying to manipulate you somehow, but I’m not.”

  He stared at her for quite some time. “You’re wrong, Nessa. I do believe you. I know you care. In fact, I think you are one of the most caring people I’ve ever met.”

  His words were like the most soothing balm. “Really? I just figured you hated my kind as much as your sister did.”

  When he clasped her hand and squeezed it, pure pleasure tingled up and down her spine. “That might have been true before I met you.” His voice softened, and his eyes turned darker. Oh, my.

  She wanted to grab him and kiss him more than anything. But if she did, she’d never know for sure how deep his feelings ran for her.

  “Thank you for that.”

  He cleared his throat. “Let’s um, get back to what you were saying. You think I’m in some kind of danger. Why? The guy who attacked me has to know I can’t identify him. He has no reason to harm me.”

  “If he saw me take you to the hospital, that alone could make you a target, especially if he’s trying to hurt me and those I care about.” Her words came out passionate.

  Kyle rubbed her hand, and dampness pooled between her legs. He couldn’t know how much he affected her. “It’s funny. Until recently, dragon shifters weren’t high on my list of those people I liked, especially with what happened to Lily, but then I met you.”

  Her heart nearly stopped, and her skin burned at the intimate contact. “I appreciate that.” More than you can know.

  He let go of her hand and stabbed it through his hair. “Look. I know I’ve been hot and cold around you, and I want to apologize. I really think you are a wonderful person.”

  She waited for him to continue. Actually, Nessa wasn’t able to form any words.

  “It’s my fault that we got off on the wrong foot,” Kyle said.

  “Uh-huh.” Nessa fisted her hands, not wanting him to see how her nails had grown. Good thing she had on a long sleeve shirt to hide her pulsing purple scales.

  “I haven’t been there for you either during all this mess. Hell, someone—maybe the same person who attacked me—tried to kill you, and I kept telling myself to think of this as just another case. I should have been more sympathetic. For that, I’m sorry.”

  Wow. Her heart beat so fast, she wasn’t sure she could keep from ravishing him. She wouldn’t, partly because Lily was close by. “What are you saying, Kyle?”

  His brows rose as he inhaled deeply. “That I find you attractive and care a lot about you too.” He held up a hand. “But I think we shouldn’t act on our feelings yet.”

  She so wanted to ask him why not, but Nessa would try to be patient. She was about to make some cute comment when Kyle rubbed his temples and grunted.

  “Are you okay?” Nessa wanted to be the one to soothe his aches.

  “I still have a headache that flares up now and again.”

  “Did the doctor say you should be alone? I mean, Lily might be here, but she’s asleep.”

  He smiled. “He didn’t say anything, but does that mean you’re offering to nurse me?” He winked and then sobered. “Don’t answer that. I need to focus on who is doing this to you—and me—and not on what I’d like to be doing. If my headache gets worse, I’ll wake Lily.”

  Nessa couldn’t help but wish she were the one staying and taking care of him. Her dragon nearly revealed herself when he said doing in an obviously sexual way. He wanted her!

  Nessa needed to say something. “How about if I ask my sister to come over and try to cure that headache of yours?”

  “Your sister?”

  Nessa smiled. “Greer. She saved me after the mine explosion or rather she was the one who finished the job my dragon was too tired to do. She uses her magic to heal people.”

  “I’ll tell you what. If it doesn’t go away by tomorrow, I might take you up on it.”

  She smiled. “Deal. With all that you’ve been through, you should probably go to bed.”

  Damn. Just saying the word bed had her thoughts shooting in the wrong direction.

  “I will. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you stopping by and checking up on me. As for your warning, I promise I will be extra cautious.”

  Nessa ran a hand down his arm, and then had to swallow the urge to do more. “Perfect. Call me if you need anything.”

  “I don’t have your number.”

  His voice was pure sex, forcing her to tamp down her desires once more. “I forgot about that,” she said. He told her his number and she entered it into her phone. “I’ll text you so you have mine.” Okay, she needed to get out of there before she leaned over and kissed him. “I’ll see myself out.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Nessa hurried out of Kyle’s apartment and rushed down the two flights of stairs. As she exited, she glanced upward, checking for dragon shifters. Yup. There they were, but the big question was whether they were waiting for her or not.

  After sitting on the stair stoop for a bit to be sure none of the shifters were circling, she jogged to her car. Once inside her vehicle, she locked the doors and started the engine. Sure, a dragon could attack her in the car and rip off the metal door, but Nessa crossed her fingers that none would risk it with all the people coming and going around the apartment building. It might be late, but no one seemed to sleep in this town.

  Nessa headed home. Just before she turned into her underground garage, she realized the car behind her had been following her for a while. Instead of entering the parking garage, she sped up and then took a sharp right turn followed by a quick left turn. When she exited on the street one block from the garage entrance, the car was gone. Okay, maybe her talk with Kyle had made her a bit paranoid. It also might have been a coincidence that the gray sedan was behind her during the whole drive home.

  Nessa rounded the block, and when she didn’t spot the car again, she went into the lot and up the ramp. Because the garage serviced more than just her building, the parking structure was three stories tall. To make doubly sure no one was lying in wait, she circled the first level and then drove up to the second. Few spaces were free, but she managed to squeeze in between two large vans.

  The sound of tires squealing on the ramp below her caused her heart to jackhammer. Holy crap. What appeared to be the same gray car that had followed her rounded the corner and then slowed. She tightened her hands on the wheel. Two men were inside. Oh shit. She ducked her head. If she slipped out now, they’d see her for sure.


  She could hide in the trunk. It was accessible by pulling down her back seat. When the car that had passed backed up, she had to do something.


  She crawled over the front seat and climbed in the trunk then pulled up the back to secure her hiding place. Nessa then sneezed. Damn. And sneezed again. The trunk smelled of dust and potting soil. Even if they couldn’t see her, they would hear her and definitely scent her dragon signature.

  Nessa’s rapid heartbeat prevented her from hearing where they were. What was wrong with her? She could set explosives, yet she couldn’t remain still when a bunch of goons were looking for her? Sheesh.

  Without thinking, she stuck her hand in her pocket for her phone, and her fingers touched the stone Magnolia had given her—the stone that would cloak her dragon signature. Perfect. Nessa clasped it and concentrated on eliminating her shifter scent. If the men did come near her car, they’d never know she was there. Her pulse slowed at that comforting thought.

  The car stopped right behind her, and then two doors opened. Her pulse skyrocketed again. With her free hand, Nessa pulled her phone from her shirt pocket to text Birk, but h
er fingers were shaking so much. It took forever to text him to tell him she was in trouble. Thankfully, she remembered to silence it before she messaged him.

  “Where the hell did she go?” one of the men asked the other. She didn’t recognize his voice, but maybe it was a Caspian employee looking for her help. Right and the Royals would cut taxes starting tomorrow.

  “She must have spotted us and gone upstairs. Come on.”

  Who were they? The car doors opened then closed, and the car drove off. While the coast was clear for the moment, Nessa didn’t need to be wandering around the parking garage waiting for the men to return from her condo. She just hoped like hell they didn’t harm the man guarding her place.

  Her cell lit up a few seconds later. It was a return text from Birk.

  Birk: Where are you now?

  Me: I’m in the trunk of my car on the second level. They went up to my condo. I think there are two of them.

  Birk: Stay right where you are. I’ll check it out.

  Me: Okay.

  The tension in Nessa’s body released somewhat knowing help was on the way. She wouldn’t let down her guard though until her brother arrived. Each time a car drove up the ramp behind her, her blood pressure rose.

  Being in a confined space reminded her of being trapped in the mine, making it hard not to climb out. For her safety though, she’d stay put. If Birk flew from his place to hers, it should only take a few minutes. After checking her phone every thirty seconds, she wondered what was taking him so long.

  Four minutes. Then five. Then six. Where the hell was he? Had he checked her apartment first to make sure the men were gone?

  Twelve minutes later, someone tapped on the trunk.

  “Nessa, it’s Birk.”

  Never so happy to hear someone’s voice, she punched the seatback, and it fell forward. She crawled out and then unlocked her door. A second later she was in her brother’s arms. Logan stood next to him, and she gave him an equally tight hug. “Thanks for coming,” she said to Logan. While he was an amazing fighter, he preferred handling business deals instead of racing around the countryside saving people—like Birk did.


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