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Seduced By Flames

Page 12

by Vella Day

  “I’m sorry. Were you in bed?”

  “I was just reading.”

  “Do you mind if I come in?”

  Nessa smiled and swung the door open for him to enter. Not. At. All.

  Chapter Fourteen

  When Kyle entered Nessa’s room, the sight of her long naked legs had his cock so hard he was sure she could tell exactly what he was thinking. Adjusting himself in front of her, however, wouldn’t be cool, so he angled to the side to minimize his exposure.

  He just couldn’t take his eyes off her. The fact she wasn’t shooing him out implied she might not mind being partially undressed in front of him. Other than when she’d visited him in the hospital, all he’d seen her wear were khaki pants and a rather baggy shirt with the SinCas logo on the pocket.

  Now, she looked totally different. Her wet hair had soaked part of her pretty purple t-shirt, outlining her breasts. Lucky for him, the material was thin enough to show her protruding nipples.

  Looking away wasn’t an option. His libido was soaring too high, but he needed to be cautious. She might have thought the earlier kiss was just a thank you, and if he tried again, she might just smack him. Although with the way her eyes had changed to that gorgeous purple color, she might not.

  “Come on in,” she said with a sassy smile. Nessa sauntered over to the bed and stood next to it.

  His blood heated at the implication. “I just wanted to say thank you for all you’ve done. When I texted you, I wasn’t sure you’d rush over.” That sounded weak, but Kyle spent most of his time working—not on developing pick-up lines for gorgeous women.

  “Of course I would! It was because of the problems at the Caspian mines that landed you in trouble in the first place. I’m the one who should be sorry you got tangled up in this mess.”

  He shook his head. “It’s my job.” Just shut up.

  She smiled, and all thoughts left his mind—all thoughts other than delving into that sweet mouth of hers. Her lips moved, but he didn’t hear a word. Her expressive eyes sparkled and moved in a sensual rhythm that mesmerized him. And then there was her mouth. He slowly parted his lips, imagining what it would be like to kiss her.

  Nessa placed a hand on his chest. “Kyle?”

  He refocused. “Yes?”

  “You’re staring.”

  Tell her why. “That’s because you are so beautiful.”

  Her face turned a pretty shade of red. “Thank you.”

  “Why do you always act so surprised when I give you a compliment?” He hadn’t meant for his words to have an edge to them. They just came out that way. While he could understand his sister’s low self-esteem after what that bastard Nelor did to her, Nessa was strong and seemed to know what she wanted in life.

  She shrugged. “I don’t think of myself that way.”

  “You should.” Nessa bit down on her lip and then leaned forward. His pulse soared, and he turned his head, fearing he might do something she didn’t like, though deep inside he believed she wanted him as much as he wanted her. “I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry about what?”

  “For sucking at this,” he said.

  “Sucking at what?”

  She probably wouldn’t stop asking questions, which meant he just needed to spit it out. Kyle hadn’t felt this inadequate since his first date in high school after he had turned sixteen. “I really like you, Nessa. No. I more than like you. I’m highly attracted to you. I know that we kind of work on opposite sides of the fence so to speak but—”

  Nessa held up a hand. “How about stopping there? Just so you know, I like you too, and I want you—as in all of you.”

  His pulse jackhammered. He figured she was attracted to him, but had no idea she wanted to be intimate.

  Her eyes shone that glorious purple, which he’d heard indicated she was turned on. “You are such a good person, Nessa.”

  She smiled and dragged her gaze from his face down to his cock then back again. “Is that so? How good?”

  Oh, God, was she actually coming on to him? Why was he even questioning it? The only way to find out what she truly meant was to really kiss her to test her reaction.

  “This good.” He grabbed the back of her head and brought his lips to hers.

  When she didn’t resist, he wrapped his arms around her waist, his erection pressing right below her belly button. Her lemony scent infused every cell of his body, and all he could think of was having her. Their lips melted together, and the kiss was everything he’d dreamed of—intense, passionate, and full of their unleashed desire for each other.

  Nessa snatched the hem of his shirt and lifted it. As much as he didn’t want to break contact, he wanted to be naked with her more. Raising his arms, he let her pull his shirt over his head. Nessa then tossed his shirt on the floor. Instead of resuming the kiss, she raked her gaze up and down his chest.

  “Nice pecs,” she said, dragging a finger from his sternum down to the waistband of his jeans. “And those abs are fine. Very fine indeed.” The smile that followed gave him all the confidence he needed.

  Kyle refused to comment that he had another body part that was even more impressive. Hopefully, in time, she’d see it.

  “Turn around is fair play,” he said as he slipped his hands under her shirt and cupped her very naked breasts. His palms heated, and his fingers itched to pluck those delicate nipples. Images of him sucking on them raced through his mind, making his cock even more rigid.

  Kyle massaged her heated skin and held his breath, waiting to see if she’d complain. When she smiled instead, an explosion of need raced through him so great, he feared he’d come right then. Kyle never expected her skin would be so soft or his reaction would be this violent—but it was.

  “I take it you like them?” She suddenly acted way more confident than when he’d first walked in.

  “I’m not sure.”

  Her smile turned into a frown. “What do you mean?”

  Teasing her was such a high. “A man can’t make that kind of judgment based on feel alone. I have so many more senses. Like sight. And well…taste.”

  “What are you going to do about it?” Nessa chuckled, and the sound made him harder than any rock she’d probably ever blasted through.

  He loved a woman who could challenge him back. “What do you think I’m going to do?”

  Before she answered, he lifted her top off and tossed it on the floor next to his shirt. Lowering her to the bed, and then pressing her onto her back, he slipped next to her and feasted on her beautiful breasts. He sucked one nipple while he massaged the other. He probably should have started with kissing and then worked his way downward, but the air was so charged that his body wanted no such thing. She wasn’t objecting, so game on.

  Nessa slid a hand between their bodies and grabbed his crotch. Holy hell. His need escalated from zero to one hundred in under a second, but he had to let her decide how fast to take things. From the way she was squeezing him though, she was as desperate as he was.

  Kyle looked up at her. “You taste so good.”

  She laughed, and the tingling sound altered something in him. “There are more areas than my chest that might intrigue you.”

  Oh, yes there were, and he wanted to explore every inch of her. Kyle crawled on top and devoured her lips once more. When she opened her mouth and touched her tongue to his, his zipper imprinted itself on his dick, and if he didn’t free the bad boy soon, he’d be in big trouble.

  Hold on. Just a little bit longer.

  Her mouth tasted like sweet nectar. As they explored each other fully, Nessa dueled and fought for position. It was as if their taste became the air they breathed. Their chests heaved, and he had to cup her face in order to fully savor her.

  A moment later, she broke the kiss. Her lips were swollen, her purple eyes shone brightly, and her face was slightly flushed. Nessa Caspian never looked more beautiful.

  “It’s my turn to taste you,” she said, her voice so soft, he barely heard her.

>   “Isn’t that what we’ve been doing?” he asked with total innocence.

  She reached between them and undid the button on his jeans. “Yes, but now I want to taste you completely.” Nessa smiled. “If you last that long, that is.”

  Considering the huge bulge in his pants, she rightfully assumed he wanted to make love to her. “I say try it and see.”

  To speed up the process, Kyle slipped off the bed, ditched his boots, and shucked his pants, never taking his gaze off her. His heart was doing a rapid tattoo, and his endorphins were shooting through him at breakneck speed. Only then did he see her scales pulse purple under her skin. As much as he wanted to ask her about them, he didn’t want her to think he was put off by them. Far from it—being around Nessa made him wish he could light up too.

  When she pushed up on her elbows, her gaze followed his. “I see you’re studying my scales. What do you think?”

  “They’re awesome,” he blurted. It was the truth.

  Her laugh came out light, like tiny bells. “They’re kind of like my sex thermometer.”

  “Sex thermometer? I’m intrigued.”

  Nessa ran a finger down his arm. “You see, when a dragon is highly excited, she begins to glow the color of her secondary scales. My dragon is black with purple scales. Others might be black with pink or tan ones. I imagine those would be harder to notice.”

  He straddled her and grinned, thrilled that he’d turned her on. “Did I tell you purple is my favorite color?”

  Her eyes widened. “Why no, you never mentioned it.” She batted her eyes. “And my eyes match.”

  “Not always though.”

  “When I’m excited they do—which is most of the time when I’m around you.”

  “I have wondered about that.” He leaned closer. “I also wonder if your purple skin tastes as good as it looks.” Kyle had never delivered such slick lines before, but with Nessa, it came naturally.

  Because it was fun to see what turned her on, he slid down to taste her tits once more. Nessa seemed to thrive on him sucking hard on a nipple and then biting the tip. The problem was the more she moaned, the harder he got. Even though he might come prematurely, Kyle had to drink in her deliciousness. He kissed his way down her body.

  “I thought I was going to suck on your cock,” Nessa said.

  “In a moment. I’m liking this too much to stop.”


  Kyle’s focus never left her beautiful purple eyes as he pushed her legs open then ran his hands down the inside of her thighs. He gave her a sexy wink then looked down as he opened her folds with his thumbs. Fresh from her shower, he took a long tantalizing lick, and a hint of lemon soap left a trace on his tongue. He inhaled and groaned. Divine.

  She clasped his shoulders and dug her very sharp nails into his skin. Not waiting another minute, he licked and nibbled around her clit, savoring her distinctive flavor. Bucking her hips, she pressed harder on his shoulders. “I can’t last much longer.”

  That might save him the frustration of losing it first. “Come as often as you want, I won’t stop you. Just know I am not removing myself from this spot till I have had my fill.”

  “Grr. Be careful. You don’t want me to shift on you.”

  She must be kidding. Her dragon would never fit in the room. “Please don’t. Not when I have something else in mind.”

  “What would that be?” The joy in her voice filled him with hope.

  “How about entering into a joint venture?” He waggled his eyebrows at her.

  She laughed. “Now you’re talking my language.”

  Kyle pumped a mental fist. He’d never engaged in banter during sex, but it was so easy with Nessa. Communicating like this fueled his desires as well as helped him gauge her urgency.

  Wanting to enjoy the feast before him, he slipped two fingers into her opening and searched for that perfect spot. He swept the tips around until he found what he was looking for. He then pressed up into that spongy area and rubbed his middle finger back and forth. At the same time, he tormented her clit with his tongue and lips. Suddenly, her whole body tensed. Bingo.

  She clutched his shoulders, dropped back her head, and moaned. “You knew just where to touch me.”

  Lucky guess, though it was possible dragons were more sensitive than humans. Kyle continued to pleasure her with his fingers and lick her clit, thrilled shifters were anatomically the same as everyone else.

  Nessa dug her nails into him. “I need you, Kyle Harper.”

  Oh, fuck. He didn’t have a condom. “I forgot protection.”

  With her lids half closed, she lifted her head. “It’s okay. It’s safe.”

  “Are you on the pill—or whatever the dragon equivalent is?”

  “Yes, so hurry.”

  Kyle appreciated that she trusted he was clean—which he was. For the last few years, his encounters had been few. Maybe Fate had known he needed to wait for someone as special as Nessa Caspian.

  While having her mouth on his cock would be total nirvana, he needed to join with her more.

  Learning how Nessa bravely had fought for her life and then cared for others fit perfectly with his beliefs of honesty and integrity. His need for her had bloomed from there.

  “You’re glowing again,” he said, enjoying how her body was so responsive to his touch.

  “You have that effect on me.”

  Using his elbows to move forward, he crawled upward until their bodies were aligned. When she looked at him with such passion, he had to kiss her again. This time they explored more slowly and definitely more seductively. It was as if they were testing each other to see how well they fit together. In his mind, Nessa was perfection. She had enough confidence to be herself. He also liked the fact she didn’t need to dress up to show how incredible she looked. Even in her work clothes, the woman exuded sex appeal—though he had to admit he liked her naked best.

  Nessa finally broke off the kiss, and when she wrapped her legs around his waist, his cock slipped into her slick entrance, and a smile lit up her face.

  Kyle delved in, and when she drew him in even deeper, every nerve in his body exploded with intense need. The more she pulsed and glowed, the higher he soared. She had to be using some kind of magic on him because nothing had ever felt this good in his life.

  “Oh, Nessa.” When Kyle drove into her again, he almost came.

  Wanting this moment to last, he closed his eyes, blocking out her beautiful face—a face that would drive him to do anything just to be with her. He probably should be thinking about what this was going to do to his relationship with his sister, but making love with Nessa eclipsed all things.

  Tightening her grip around his waist, Nessa grabbed his head. The vise, coupled with her rapid breathing, implied she was as close to the edge as he was. Kyle inhaled. Everything about this woman bewitched him.

  With each thrust of his hips, his climax built. Her body gave off waves of heat that matched the building temperature in his body. Needing as much contact with her as possible, Kyle dipped his head and kissed her hard. He’d become desperate for her. It might not be smart to fall for a woman whose family owned a mine, but there was nothing he could do about it now. She’d drawn him in like the proverbial moth to a very hot flame.

  As Nessa lifted her hips to meet him thrust for thrust, their sweat slickened bodies slapped together, and their lustful moans came out louder. He never wanted this to end, but as he struggled to hang on, she scored her nails down his back and then dug them into his ass. Her tight pussy clenched hard around him as she started to climax, and her deep purple eyes filled with flecks of gold and crimson, creating a kaleidoscope of incredible beauty. Everything was happening at once, and Kyle lost his ability to stop. His rhythm stuttered as he gave it all to her. With one final push, the fire in his balls released, and he came harder than he ever had before.

  When she buried her head against his chest, Kyle rolled to the side and dragged her on top.

  “That was even
better than I imagined it,” she said, her body going totally limp on top of him.

  “Me too.” Kyle breathed in her scent, a combination of lemon and salt, and his body calmed. He probably fell asleep with her in his arms, because when she jerked, adrenaline filled him, along with another wave of desire.

  Nessa lifted her head. “I guess we should clean up.”

  Before he could move, she slipped off him and headed into the bathroom. After returning with a wet towel, she cleaned him up, and once more, her touch ignited him. How was this possible? Hell, his cock was still stiff. That proved it. Nessa was a magical witch of some kind.

  “Did you put a spell on me?” He had to ask.

  “A spell? I do have some magical powers, but putting spells on people is not in my wheelhouse. You’ll need to check out some other white lighters for that—unless you have something sinister in mind. Then a dark lighter can do your bidding.” She winked, and he grinned.

  Kyle had no idea where this relationship was headed, but he sure as hell would enjoy the ride.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Kyle leaned close to Nessa at the large conference table, his scent making her hormones soar. Because Nessa was told her attraction would continue to grow, she worried she wouldn’t be able to keep her dragon in check for much longer.

  Now she was almost glad Kyle insisted on returning to his bedroom last night, but it wasn’t until after they’d had another round of fantastic, earth-shattering sex. He’d left because he said he didn’t want her to tire of him. Ha! That would never happen.

  Even though she’d been exhausted after that, Nessa didn’t sleep a wink. Her body wouldn’t stop zinging from the intense pleasure that kept pounding throughout her body. Kyle told her a minute ago that he too had stayed up the rest of the night reliving their amazing experience.

  “I still think Lily should be here,” Kyle said under his breath, his delicious scent once more infiltrating every one of her pores.

  “Why is that?” She wasn’t able to think clearly.

  “Lily represents Avonbelle Insurance. They are just as interested in learning whether this was negligence or sabotage as we are.”


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