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Seduced By Flames

Page 18

by Vella Day

  Kyle almost laughed at his shocked expression. Josh asked Nessa if she was sure she wasn’t hallucinating, but she never varied her story.

  “Okay,” Josh said. “A water dragon it is.”

  “I was able to get a hold of my assistant, Tom Delaney, the man who was with me and the one who called in the fire,” Kyle said.

  Both Anderson and Josh shook their heads. “We didn’t get any call about a fire,” Josh said.

  “Maybe he meant he called the A.P.P.”

  Anderson scrubbed a hand down his chin. “I don’t recall, but I’ll check my records when I get back. What did he say happened?”

  Kyle then ran through what Tom had said went down.

  “I’m betting he was so scared that he just ran. Otherwise, he would have broken the window and tried to get in. I’ll speak with him and see what he says,” Anderson said.


  “Did you come here now to see if the scene would refresh your memory?” her cousin asked.

  The man was smart. “I did.”

  “Let me know if you remember anything,” Anderson said.

  “Did you talk to DeLeon yet?” Nessa asked her cousin.

  “Yes, but he claimed he hasn’t been to the cabin in a few weeks. One of my men is checking his alibi now.”

  Josh held up a finger. “My arson team should be able to determine if the cabin was stocked with food as Tom suggested. If it isn’t, it would imply DeLeon might be telling the truth.”

  Nessa squeezed Kyle’s waist. “You said you wanted to show me the spot where someone choked you?”


  They thanked Anderson and Josh and then walked back down the driveway. “I was behind that tree.” Kyle led her to it and stood there a minute. “I was hoping something would come back to me, but nothing does.”

  “The next thing you remember is waking up to the fire and smoke?” she asked.

  “Yes.” Kyle looked around the area. “I don’t see any kind of struggle either. Damn. I don’t know if we’ll ever find out who did this.”

  She rubbed his arm. “Anderson is the best. He’ll figure it out. Ready to head back?” she asked. “I’ll make it worth your while.” Nessa winked, and Kyle fell more in love with her.

  Nessa and Kyle drove back in separate cars. During the trip, Nessa tried to sort through everything Kyle had told her, but there weren’t any red flags, as those on Earth would say. DeLeon seemed to be the culprit. She might never learn his real motive for coming after her family, but she suspected it could be jealousy or maybe something someone had said to him. Most likely she’d have to learn to live with the fact that her family would always be targets. Many of the cases she and the Guardians dealt with ended with more questions than answers.

  Once she arrived at the Sinclair safe house, Kyle pulled up next to her. They both got out.

  “I’ve been thinking,” Nessa said. “Not that I don’t enjoy the safety of this place, but now that Lily knows you were almost killed, I might not get you to myself for a while.” Nessa dragged a finger down his chest, and his eyes seemed to glow—or as much as a human’s eyes could shine.

  He wiggled his brows. “What are you saying?”

  She loved that he could be flirtatious after all that had happened. “That I want you to myself.”

  “Is that so? Just exactly how much of me do you want?” He winked, and her heart soared.

  “I want all of you. As in I want to mate with you. Now.” She held her breath, waiting for him to process what she’d said. Because he’d told her he loved her, he should be fine with it—or so she hoped.

  Kyle cupped her face and then smiled. “I was wondering when you would decide it was time. I would love nothing more than to join with you. Forever.”

  Yes! She loved that he’d become such a romantic. “I take it you’re okay with being a dragon shifter?”

  He chuckled. “Absolutely, though Lily might struggle with it a bit.”

  Nessa bet that once Birk showed his sister how great a guy he was, she’d change her mind rather quickly. “I think with time, she’ll come to see the benefits of having a shifter brother.” Nessa leaned closer. “So, your place or mine?” She gave him her sexiest look.

  “Hell, I’d say we make love right here, but I don’t want to embarrass your family.”

  She hugged him then glanced up at the sky. “If it didn’t look like it might rain, I’d suggest another outdoor experience, but a bed is softer and dryer.”

  “I’d rather go to your place.”

  “Works for me.”

  “Since I’m so desperate, and driving will take too long, I think it’s safe to fly the short distance home.”

  “You sure?” Kyle asked.

  “DeLeon is probably at work. Even if he isn’t, he wouldn’t dare try something once we’re over the city. It would draw too much attention.”

  He lifted a shoulder. “I’m game.”

  Nessa shifted, and then reached out to lift him up, but Kyle held up a hand. “I probably should have asked before, but can I ride on your back?”

  Her fearless future mate was something else. Since she couldn’t answer him, she lowered her head and dropped close to the ground. As if Kyle had ridden a dragon for years, he grabbed her wing and swung himself up onto her back. He was able to straddle her just fine, but then seemed to struggle a bit, trying to decide how to hold on. Once he found a good grip around some scales on her neck, she lifted up, shot out a small amount of fire to show off, and then flew toward the top of her condo building.

  The flight might have only lasted a few minutes, but it seemed to take forever since she couldn’t wait to hear his reaction regarding this new experience. Once she landed on her roof, she dropped low to the ground and waited for Kyle to slide off. The moment she saw his smiling face, she was thrilled she’d been able to give him that much joy.

  Nessa quickly shifted back. “I take it you liked it?”

  “I admit it was a bit scary at times, especially when you had to bank to land, but it was quite the experience. If you want to get into a different line of work, you could make a mint giving rides to humans.”

  She laughed. “I’d never be able to live with myself if they died of fright and let go.”

  Kyle wrapped an arm around her waist. “You do have a point.”

  “Ready to see my place?”

  “I’m more than ready.” He winked.

  Now that they were about to mate, Nessa was actually nervous, despite having made love with him several times. From the rooftop, she led Kyle down one flight of stairs to her condo. As they drew near, her dragon snuffed and clawed at her insides. Nessa’s scales pulsed under her skin rather brightly, and her nails and teeth sharpened. If she didn’t calm down, she feared she might shift.

  Once at the front door of her condo, Nessa nodded to the guard and then centered her eye over the scanner. If Kyle moved in with her, she’d have to add him to the list of people who were allowed access.

  “That eye scanner is quite high tech,” he said.

  “It definitely is good security.” When the lock clicked, she pushed open the door and held her breath as he stepped in.

  Her lifestyle had intimidated a few men she’d dated. They seemed uncomfortable that she lived in such an expensive place.

  Kyle said nothing as he walked through the foyer, into the living room, and past the sofa to the massive picture window that overlooked the city. “This is amazing.”

  She sidled up next to him. “It gives me a sense of peace to live this high up.”

  “I can see why. It’s serene.” He turned around.

  “Just so you know, my mother insisted I hire a designer. It’s not my personality to have things match and blend.” Where she lived wasn’t a big deal to her, but since it seemed to be important to her mother, Nessa had given in.

  “Well, I really like it.”

  The band of anxiety squeezing her chest disappeared. “Thank you. Care for a drink?” Act
ually, she was the one who needed some fortification.

  Her whole life, Nessa had been so sure of herself. Now that she was about to change her life forever, she was a bit tentative.

  “What do you have?” he asked.

  “I’ll check.” Nessa walked over to the sideboard and picked up a few bottles. “How about a Dinjan wine? It’s a bit fruity, but it packs quite a punch.”

  “Sounds good.”

  She poured two glasses. As she walked toward him, her pulse rose, and her body heated. The thought of making Kyle hers forever jacked up her hormones to the point where she had to have him sooner rather than later.

  He removed one of the glasses from her fingers and tossed back half of it. “Smooth.”

  She was worried he wouldn’t like it. Oh, hell. Why was she nervous? Kyle was always considerate and a wonderful lover.

  Nessa sipped her wine and then set it on the table. “Would you do me a favor?” she asked.

  “Of course.”

  “Watch but don’t touch.”

  His brows creased. “Watch what?”

  The hint of uncertainty in his voice bolstered her courage. “Watch me undress. I want this to be special.”

  “Every time I’m with you is special. You should know that.”

  Could Kyle be any better? “I know, but doing something romantic is hard for me.”

  He held up his hands. “I understand. Do you want me to sit on the sofa while you do your thing?”

  He was making her want him even more. “That would be awesome.”

  Nessa stepped over to the wall and ran a hand over the music selection button. She picked a melody that was soft and slow, hoping to entice Kyle even more. After kicking off her shoes, she slid her pants off but left her panties on. She’d let Kyle take care of those.

  When she finally looked over at him, he had his hand on his crotch, and all thoughts of taking a long time disappeared. Nessa undid one shirt button at a time, and after each one, she moved closer to him. His hooded bedroom eyes made her want to rush, but she forced herself to slow down and enjoy the moment. She pushed the next one through the hole and then the next. When the shirt finally opened, she eased the material off her shoulders.

  “You are magnificent,” Kyle said. He licked his lips, and she almost straddled him on the sofa.

  Without a word, she reached behind her back and unhooked her bra. As slowly as she could, Nessa lowered the straps and then let the black lace hit the floor.

  Kyle reached forward and grabbed it. He then lifted the material to his nose, inhaled, and moaned. “I love the way you smell.”

  “I love your smell more.”

  His eyes sparkled. “How about coming over here and showing me?”

  “In a moment.” Nessa had never performed a strip tease, but watching Kyle turned her on so much. She didn’t need an imagination about what to do next. She licked her thumb and index finger and then twirled her right nipple and then the left.

  Kyle placed her bra on the seat next to him and jumped up. “I can’t stand it anymore.”

  A second later, she was pressed against his chest. His mouth descended onto hers, and need flooded her senses. She slipped her hands around his neck and hugged him closer, loving the feel of his hard pecs on her breasts. Still wearing pants, he rubbed his rock hard bulge against her belly, and heat pooled between her legs.

  She broke the kiss. “I need you. Now.”

  Kyle smiled and knelt in front of her, causing the glow of her purple scales to intensify just under her skin. He first ran his index finger over the lighted scales, and then kissed each colorful spot. With every touch, heat suffused her, and it took all of her control to stand there and let him do his thing. Mating with Kyle would change his life forever too, and she wanted to give him all the time he needed to adjust to the idea.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said as he dragged his hands up and down her legs, his soft touch sending sparks of need straight through her.

  His kisses went higher and higher until his mouth captured the area between her legs. With her panties still on, the wetness provided a new sensation that was different yet quite exciting.

  He clasped the waistband and slowly lowered her black panties past her hips and then down her thighs. Hurry, she urged, even though she understood he couldn’t read her thoughts—yet.

  When they reached her ankles, she stepped out of them and kicked her panties to the side. Her pussy was already spasming, and her scent was perfuming the air.

  As much as Nessa wanted to urge him on, she wouldn’t rush him, but it sure as hell took all of her control not to beg him to drive his cock into her.

  “I can’t wait to taste you,” Kyle said.

  Nessa moaned. “I don’t know how much more I can hold on. It’s been so long.” Two days at least.

  He looked up and grinned. “I feel the same way.”

  With a gleam in his eye, he leaned over and licked her slit. The onslaught of glorious bliss was too much. “Maybe we should take this to the bedroom.” Nessa wanted to explore Kyle to the fullest and being on the bed would help.

  He stood, pressed his chest to hers once more, and kissed her hard. Okay, that wasn’t going to tame her dragon any time soon, but she wouldn’t stop him for anything. Melting further into him, Nessa slowly explored what he had to offer. Their tangled tongues moved faster and faster, heating her core. If they kept this up, Nessa wouldn’t last—or make it to the bedroom. Being naked and having Kyle still fully dressed both frustrated and excited her.

  She reached between them and unhooked his jeans. Unable to stop herself, she slid her hand down his pants and grabbed his cock. Whoa. If she thought she was hot, Kyle was on fire.

  “I need you to let go,” he commanded.

  She did. A second later, he lifted her up into his arms. “I can’t wait any longer either. Which way to your bedroom?”

  Nessa wrapped her arms around his neck. “Down the hall. First door on the left.”

  With their gazes locked, he carried her there. “I am so ready for you, Nessa.”

  His soft and sexy words erased all doubt in her mind. Fate had tossed them together, and she couldn’t be happier. Once inside her room, Kyle set her down a foot from the bed.

  Not able to keep from touching him, she tugged on the waistband of his pants. “I want you.”

  “And you will get me just as soon as I have a little fun with you first,” he said.

  A moment later, she was flat on her back on the bed. Stars swam in front of her eyes, and her breath seemed difficult to find. Kyle was about to crawl on top when she stopped him. “If you don’t get naked right now, I’ll go crazy.”

  He sat back and grinned. “Yes, ma’am.” Staying where he was, he finished tugging off his pants and briefs. She sat up and had the delightful chore of lifting his shirt over his head.

  Nessa scanned his body to make sure there was no evidence of the fire. “You’re perfect,” she said.

  “I have a few dragon shifters to thank for that.”

  “Is that so?” He nodded. “Maybe you should start by thanking me.”

  “Oh, I plan to show you a large amount of appreciation,” he said then grinned.

  Nessa giggled, something she rarely did. Kyle brought out long forgotten qualities she’d left behind years ago.

  She grabbed his hard cock, leaned over, and sucked on it hard. He clasped her hair and moaned. The faster she stroked him, the harder he tugged.

  “Nessa, I won’t last if you keep that up.”

  She squeezed his cock once more and grinned.

  In a flash, Kyle crawled back onto the bed and pressed Nessa onto her back. With his gaze never leaving her face, he climbed on top of her.

  Her dragon clawed her insides something fierce, and when he kissed her, it was as if some other entity took over her body. Her usual purple scales pulsed several different shades, something that had never happened before. It was almost as if her dragon wanted Kyle to see all of her magic

  The kiss turned more desperate, and her hands roamed over his magnificent body. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pressed her pussy against his cock.

  “Nessa, Nessa.”


  As if it needed to find its home, he drove his cock into her, sending her even higher. From that moment on, she no longer had any control over her body. The first few thrusts were easy, but once they resumed kissing, it was as if they believed it was their last moment on Tarradon. Their speed increased, as did their joy.

  Had she not needed to mate, she never would have broken off the kiss. Knowing the time was near, her teeth sharpened. Nessa then dragged her lips to his neck. He grabbed her hips to hold her still and hammered into her. Nessa lost it. Without hesitation, she sunk her teeth into the soft spot between the neck and his collarbone, and Kyle let out a yell just as his hot cum seared her.

  Her own climax came so hard and strong that she became enflamed from the inside out. Clutching his cock tight to keep him inside her for as long as possible, she softened her kisses.

  Cracking open an eye, she noticed all of her purple dragon scales had turned a brilliant white, signifying the mating process was complete. She returned to the spot where she’d bit him and gently licked away any evidence of the wound.

  Exhausted, she relaxed back onto the bed. Kyle rolled off to the side and pulled her close. “I can’t even describe how that made me feel.”

  “It was wonderful, wasn’t it?”

  “It was more than wonderful. I feel… I don’t know. Stronger. More enlightened maybe.”

  She laughed. “I’m not sure about the enlightened part, but you will be a lot stronger.”

  “I can’t wait to test out that theory.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Kyle pressed his phone closer to his ear. “Are you sure?”

  “Positive,” Dennis said. “I spoke with several of DeLeon’s men, some of whom I’ve been friends with for years. One of the men would like nothing more than to pin something on his arrogant boss, but he said he himself was in a meeting with DeLeon the whole time you and Tom were at the cabin. If you didn’t see him there, maybe someone else could have learned you were headed that way,” Dennis said.


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