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Quick & Dirty

Page 7

by Whitley Cox


  “Go get your pajamas on or whatever. It’s not going to get cold with the covers.”

  I did as I was told, then joined him a few moments later.

  “I hope you don’t mind that I ordered for you again,” he said, removing the warming covers. “If you don’t like it, I can have something else here in a flash.”

  I took a seat and smiled, thanking him when he placed the linen napkin on my lap. The cool evening breeze off the water was soothing against my damp skin, a balm after the baking I’d done earlier in the day.

  “I’m sure it’s going to be delicious. There’s not much I don’t like. And dinner last night was incredible.”

  He took his seat across from me and poured us each a flute of bubbly, raising his glass in a toast, just like the night before. “Now we have something to toast and celebrate.”

  “We do?” I asked, lifting an eyebrow.

  His grin was filthy, and I had to stop myself from tossing him down on the table, ripping open his dress shirt and riding him like a pony.

  “Absolutely! To quick and dirty.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Ten days of nothing but hot sex between two strangers.”

  Shaking my head, I clinked my glass with his and took a sip, eyeing him over the rim. His eyes held a promise that made my entire body ignite and caused a pleasant warmth to bloom between my legs. They were eyes that said, “I’m going to fuck you six ways from Sunday, and then twice on Sunday!”

  Suddenly, as if hit by a falling coconut, I got a wonderful little thought. He’d made such a big deal about the grotto yesterday, perhaps we could explore the cave of debauchery this evening. Heat filled my cheeks as I looked down at my delicious dinner; I was no longer hungry for food.

  “What naughty little thought just popped into that head of yours, Miss Ryan?”

  I ran my tongue between the seam of my lips before answering him. His nostrils flared as he watched me squirm in my seat. The man was just as turned on as I was.

  “I, uh . . . I was wondering about that grotto you spoke so passionately about yesterday. Perhaps if it’s free tonight, we might, I dunno . . . check it out?”

  Not even a second passed before he snatched his phone from his pocket and was texting someone. Three seconds later, he stowed his phone again and dazzled me with a smile that made my whole body tingle.

  “Done! Oh, Miss Ryan, I knew there was something special about you. And it wasn’t just your direct and blunt need to be taken hard and fast in a broom closet.”

  I looked back down at my plate and pushed the piece of perfectly cooked fish around in the sauce. I was sure if I looked in a mirror right now, my face would be as scarlet as the letter “A.”

  “Bashful now, are we?” He chuckled.

  “No. I just . . . I dunno, now I’m all self-conscious.”

  “About what?”

  Sighing, I put my fork down and finally lifted my head to look him in the eye. “This is NOT me. I am not direct, especially when it comes to sex. I don’t ask for sex. Ever. I never initiated it in my past relationships. No man ever asked me what I wanted, what my fantasies were. I was never made to feel as though I could initiate.”

  “What are your fantasies?” he asked without hesitation, those bright, soulful green orbs of his piercing my soul and shredding any self-doubt inside me. I felt as though with Tate I could be real. I’d just met the man, and already he made me feel more alive, more interested in changing and growing as a person than any other man.

  “I—I don’t even know. I’ve never really thought about it before.”

  “Of course you have. Don’t lie to me Parker, not ever. I’ll never judge you, never think you’re weird or perverted. Just tell me. What is your ultimate fantasy?”

  I stared at my champagne as if it were a glorious thundering waterfall in the middle of the desert and I was a lone and weary traveler who’d been wandering aimlessly for days without a drop to drink.

  “Drink your champagne,” he ordered.

  I snatched up the flute and chugged it, watching him over the rim of my glass. He just sat there with the faintest hint of a smile on his face while his eyes danced hot and wicked back at me.

  I put the empty flute back down on the table and let out a content “ah.”

  “Fantasy, Parker.”

  Dear Lord, the command in his voice sent a new rush of need zipping through my body. My toes curled and I squeezed my thighs together. This man was going to be the end of me . . . or the new beginning.

  “I, uh . . . I’ve always wanted to have sex outside.”

  “You’ve never had sex outside before?” he asked, unable to hide the surprise in his voice. “Ever?”

  I shook my head. “No. I’ve always had it inside, in a bed. I think I’ve only ever had sex not in a bed once, maybe twice. And that was on a couch. I’ve been with some pretty even keel guys.”

  “So that’s why you want to go to the grotto?”

  I nodded. “A tame start, but yeah.”

  He shook his head. “And that’s your ultimate fantasy?” There was skepticism in his tone, and frankly in my heart as well. Was that my ultimate fantasy? To be honest, I’d never really given it too much thought. My sex life had so far not really offered me much in the way of creative thinking. I didn’t watch porn, didn’t read smutty books. I wasn’t sure what else there was.

  I nibbled on the inside of my bottom lip for a moment in thought. “I want to explore and be adventurous inside and outside of the bedroom. To be honest, my sex life has been rather mundane. Whether it was because of me or the men I was with, I don’t know. If I were to guess, I’d say it was probably me. The word ‘boring’ has been tossed around a few times. But I’m not entirely sure what kind of things I’d be into because I don’t know what there is.”

  Eyes searing hot and so full of passion blazed back at me. He didn’t say anything for a moment, and I began to squirm under his gaze as my mind raced in a billion different directions with what he could possibly be thinking. I swallowed hard and licked my lips, waiting for him to say something. To say anything. Good or bad, I just wanted the man to speak. But he was silent and just continued to stare at me.

  “Eat your food, Parker,” he finally said, the same alpha dominance back in his tone. “Because tonight, baby, you’re going to need your strength.” Then he put his head down and dove into his fish, leaving me sitting there staring at the top of his head with a gaping mouth and a puddle in my panties.

  “So what, you just text someone and they shut down this whole section of the resort?” I asked as Tate led me down the slate path from the copse of villas to the common area of the resort. Solar-powered lanterns on four-foot metal poles hung every few feet and guided our way while the delightful squawk and titter of nocturnal birds added a subtle soundtrack to our short journey.

  “Yep. I’m the boss. I can shut down the entire resort if I want to. But I don’t, because that’s not how you make money. But I can certainly say that this section is off-limits for the rest of the night.” A cocky smirk jiggled at the side of his mouth. “Besides, this section of the resort usually closes at sundown anyway, unless there is a private party or a guest requests VIP access. We can’t have people just wandering into the grotto at all hours. There aren’t any cameras in there, unlike the rest of the resort, so if something happened, we’d be liable. We always need to know when it’s in use.”

  I nodded. Made sense.

  The lights beneath the water of the pool that connected to the grotto shone bright blue and drew my eyes, while my senses filled with the decadent scents of the evening. A hint of fire, from fresh fish and fruit being grilled in the Tiki Lounge, mixed with salt and warm sand whooshing up from the sea; flowers aplenty, fragrant and sweet and wonderful; and, of course, the best smell so far—Tate. I’m not sure what cologne or soap or aftershave the man wore, but it was driving me absolutely bonkers, fresh and manly with just a hint of citrus and splash of mint f
rom his mouthwash or toothpaste. The way it wrapped around me as we held hands and made our way around the pool deck toward the grotto, I had to stop myself from swooning and collapsing into his arms like a fair maiden. This man would make me lose my head if I wasn’t careful. But then, maybe I wanted to lose my head.

  “Is there a way inside besides through the water?” I asked. We had stopped on the pool ledge, and the mouth to the grotto lay before us. A tunnel into the depths of the unknown, into the darkness, into the . . . forbidden. My core clenched at the sudden deluge of thoughts that took hold of me. Tate was going to fuck me outside, in the grotto, in the pool.

  His hand squeezed mine before he released it. “Nope. Let’s get wet.” He started to unbutton his shirt. I just stared. He snorted though his nose when he caught me watching him. “Yes, I know I’m handsome, but take your clothes off, Parker. You can ogle me once we’re both down to our bathing suits.”

  My face quickly caught fire, but I did as I was told. Tate just laughed.

  Once we were both undressed, me down to my lilac bikini and Tate to his blue board shorts, he slipped into the water and held his arms out for me. I let him take me, his hands landing on my hips as he swung me around and then down into the pool. It was only about waist-deep, and the temperature was absolutely perfect. Our hands linked together again beneath the water, and he tugged me forward and into the grotto.

  We continued to wade further inward for a moment or two, lights built into the rock wall guiding us forward into the cavern, deeper into the cave of sin. A slight bend, and the entrance was no longer visible. I looked ahead, and another bend masked the exit as well. When we continued around the corner, the hollow opened up, creating a room of sorts. A small ledge with a swirling basin to the right, rimmed with pot lights overhead, drew my attention. There was a natural-looking hot tub next to the basin and a large flat bit of slate rock to step out on to. A small waterfall rushed down the wall, landing in the swirling basin, making the water beneath it froth and bubble. It didn’t thunder loud and proud like a real waterfall, but it made enough of a constant rushing sound that the pulse thudding inside my ears was not nearly as loud, but that didn’t mean the voices in my head weren’t screaming at the top of their lungs.

  You go, girl! Get yours! Take the plunge. Adventures! Quick and dirty! Tear his shorts off!

  But then the self-conscious voices were there, too. And just as loud, if not louder than the cheering squad. Dead fish! Dead fish! What if you bore him? You’re bad in bed. You’re not adventurous. This isn’t you.

  Tate squeezed my hand as we made our way over to the swirling part of the pool. “You okay?” The spray from the waterfall landed on his skin and beaded on the fine blond hairs of his arms, making him look as though he were covered in diamonds.

  I threw on my biggest smile and blinked back the water from my eyes. I nodded. “Absolutely. Just telling some voices in my head to shut the fuck up.”

  He released my hand and placed both of his hands on my hips. From there he lifted me up and placed me on the ledge. Shouldering my knees apart, he wedged his way between my legs.

  “I can feel your heat,” he said roughly. His hand came up, and he cupped my sex, his thumb rubbing back and forth across my clit atop the fabric of my bikini bottoms.

  My lips parted, but nothing came out.

  “Is this really your only fantasy, Parker? Sex outside?” His thumb continued to rub, and I let my eyes close. My head fell back for a second, and I just allowed the sensation to wash over me.

  Pleasure, sex, outside. Yes!


  My head snapped back up. “Yes?”

  “Is this really your only fantasy?” He dipped his head and started twirling his tongue around the top of my thigh. Wet and scorching hot, it sent a frenzy of need racing across my skin.

  “No,” I whispered.

  “I didn’t think so,” he hummed. “Tell me what else you dream about, Parker. Tell me your dirtiest, darkest, most depraved fantasies. Let me see if I can make them a reality.”

  He nipped my inner thigh with his teeth, and I inhaled quickly from the snap of pain. Yes, so much more of that. More teeth. Teeth everywhere.

  “I . . . oh God, yes . . . ” He’d moved his mouth over to my core and had sucked my clit into his mouth. The fabric still between us somehow made it all the more erotic.

  “Tell me, Parker.”

  “I . . . I want to sit on your face. I want to deprive you of your orgasm for so long your balls turn blue, and then I want to fuck you with my tits and have you come all over my face,” I finally blurted out, the pleasure he was giving me causing my filter to dissolve and nothing but horny frankness to burst free.

  His head popped up. “Seriously?”

  I sobered for a second. Shit, was that too filthy for even him? Had I scared him off? He said I could tell him anything. He said he wanted to make my fantasies a reality. The truth was, even though I’d never really watched porn or read any dirty books, I still had an imagination, and on those long, lonely nights when I was alone in my hotel room for work, my imagination got a little smutty.

  My high school boyfriend had asked me if he could come on my face back when we were sixteen. We hadn’t even had sex yet; it’d been strictly hand stuff, and we were branching into oral. But he liked to watch porn, and apparently “all the actresses did it and enjoyed it,” so in his infantile mind, he figured “all women must do it and enjoy it.” I’d said “no” because I was sixteen and grossed out by the thought. Inevitably, a month or so later we broke up. Such is high school. But all these years, the thought had rattled around in my mind. Yet, I’d never met a man whom I could look at and say, “Yes, the thought of you coming on my face appeals to me,” until Tate.

  And wasn’t that what these ten days were all about? Unleashing my darkest fantasies and my deepest desires? I’d never see him again. He kept himself out of the limelight and off the radar, and I certainly didn’t want the world knowing my depraved business. It was the perfect setup. A week and a half of rediscovery, orgasms and companionship, and then I could return to New York and sort my life out from there.

  “Yes,” I said quietly, tossing my shoulders back. I was looking toward the ceiling at first, but then my eyes slowly shifted lower, the erection in his shorts drawing my gaze like a magnet.

  “Holy fuck,” he said. “That sounds incredible. You are a wild and nasty little thing, aren’t you? A closet pervert.”

  I shook my head and laughed. “Uh, no. Couldn’t be further from either of those things, actually.”

  His grin was impish and stirred something so primal, so savage inside me I had to resist the sudden urge to grab his ears and ram his face back between my legs and smother him with my pussy.

  “Oh, I think you’re far dirtier than you let on. We just have to peel back the stiff layers of prude to get at your sweet, soft, corrupt little core.” He hummed thoughtfully. “Well, best start fulfilling those fantasies, hmm?” His fingers found the strings of my bikini bottoms, and in seconds I was laid bare and open for him, my pussy lips swollen and glistening with my arousal from his earlier attention.

  I reached behind me and untied my top, tossing it next to the other scrap of material. My breasts tumbled out, and my nipples hardened to stiff peaks, red and desperate for his touch, for his teeth, for his tongue.

  Quickly Tate removed his shorts, and a second later, his erection was bobbing hard and happy in the water in front of me, the thick head a dark plum and so full of blood. It was demanding I take him in my mouth, demanding I taste him. Lick that delicious salty drop of pre-cum off and let it slide down my throat.

  “I thought I was supposed to deprive myself?” he said gruffly, his eyes following mine. With a knowing and sultry grin, he took himself in his palm and started to stroke his cock from root to tip. Back and forth his hand ran the length of him, the veins pulsing, his crown growing an even darker purple.

  Mesmerized, I continued to watch him. />
  “You like this?” he asked, his voice thick with longing.


  “You want to suck my cock, baby?”


  “Hmm, I want that too. Here,” he helped me down off the ledge and into the water.

  I hadn’t noticed before, but in the basin where we were standing, there was a series of circular steps beneath the water, running down deep into the pool like a funnel. Tate was standing on the uppermost step and guided me down two steps so that I was face-to-face with his gorgeous length.

  “Suck it, Parker. Just for a bit. I won’t come, I promise. But I want to feel your gorgeous lips around my cock. It’s all I’ve been able to think about since you walked into my hotel with a scowl on that beautiful face of yours. I wanted to make you fall to your knees, ram myself to the back of your throat and make you smile as you heard me moan your name.”

  Holy mother of God, the man knew how to talk dirty. I was surprised steam didn’t start to rise around me in the water. My skin, my entire body was on absolute fire.

  I inched closer to him and flicked my tongue out against the tip. His breath caught, and I smiled. Opening my eyes, I looked up at him, our gazes locked as I spread my lips and took him deep inside my mouth to the back of my throat. Humming softly, I wrapped my lips around his shaft and sucked. Back and forth, I savored the taste of him. The saltiness, the sweetness. He was perfect. His scent enveloped me, and I moaned again from how good it felt to take Tate in my mouth, how much I was enjoying bringing him this kind of pleasure.

  He fisted a clump of my hair and began to work my head, setting a quick and hard pace that worked for him. My lashes fluttered shut, and I let him take the reins. I brought one hand up and ran it further down his cock, past the point I wasn’t able to take in my mouth, while my other hand came up and gently tugged on his balls. They were so soft, hairless, and as I brought him out to my lips and sucked fervently on the tip of him, they tightened in my palm. While still stroking him with my hand, I shook my hair free of his grasp and dipped my head lower, bringing one ball into my mouth and swirling my tongue around it before sucking gently. I moved on to the other one a few seconds later and hummed again.


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