Book Read Free

A Winter Moon

Page 11

by S. J. Smith

  “So you are thinking three days from now to start your two-week tour. Are there any special provisions in the way of food or drink that you or Mr. Harden will need?” she asked, amazed she was keeping her voice calm. Katy was punching the air and quietly jumping up and down. Eve had to turn away from her to keep from laughing, or joining her.

  “Neither of us are allergic to anything that I know of. Um… beer or wine is good to drink in the evenings. Otherwise water or tea is good. Coffee is a must in the mornings, as I am sure you understand. That is all that comes to mind. I will check with Brock and let you know if he has any ideas. Oh, I am being signaled by the nurse, I have to go. How about I call you tomorrow?” he said.

  “Sure thing Sonny. Thank you very much and we look forward to seeing you both in a few days,” Eve said and Katy agreed.

  “Goodbye until then,” and he hung up.

  “Yeah!” Eve shouted, fist in the air, and laughed with Katy as she added up the money again. It was with great pride that Eve was able to pay Katy what she was worth.

  “Here you go sweetheart. Per the going percentage rate for First Mates, this is your cut,” she told her and handed her a large wad of cash. Katy was stunned.

  “But…but…Eve, really you do not have to…” Eve interrupted her grinning.

  “The hell I don’t girlfriend. You have stuck by me in the lean times so you get to share in the cake times. You can’t tell me you couldn’t use it. That right there will take care of your mom’s utilities and keep her going while we are gone for two weeks…Is that going to be a problem, by the way?” Eve suddenly thought to ask.

  Katy’s mother Julie was battling cancer. The prognosis had become very good, but even with insurance it was disgustingly expensive and it had been a big struggle. Eve had past experience with the problem in her own life. Katy was helping to support her family with whatever she could make on the docks as a ships hand. Eve had hired her a few years previously when she realized she could not run the business alone. Katy shook her head in answer to her question.

  “No, no problem. Her sister Sarah is staying with us now. Are you sure Eve? This is a lot of money and I know you are not sitting pretty yourself,” she said.

  “I am now. This will pay off next month’s boat payment and mooring space. It will also enable us to stock up the boat for the trip, I am positive. It looks like it is finally happening!” she told her friend and picked up her beer. They had a brief toast and finished their beers. They had errands to run.


  Eve had dropped Katy off at her house and was able to witness her joy in paying for her family’s bills. It was a happy occasion and Eve was glad to share it with them. Then she said her goodbyes and took off to pay her own bills. When she got to Marty’s Title Loans, she got out of her ancient convertible mustang and put a red blouse on over her bikini top. She buttoned it up and tied her hair back from her face. She was going to enjoy this.

  “Hi Marty, how are things?” she asked the older man at the desk as she walked into the establishment. He looked up from the little television he was always watching the news on and sighed.

  “Now honey, I told you we cannot extend you any more time. There is only so far we can go,” he said. It was what he usually said when she walked into his shop. He held the title on Eve’s Pleasure.

  “I am not here for that Marty. I am here to pay the next month. That should get me close to being paid off right?” she asked, already knowing the answer. She had stopped at the bank and had a money order for him.

  “I got a good client and the advance can handle this. By the end of the month we will be square,” she said with a grin. He accepted the money order with raised brows and went into the back room to print a receipt. His nephew Billy came out.

  “Congratulations Eve. I know it may not seem like it, but we have been pulling for you. Uncle Marty doesn’t like showing favorites is all. Um, that is a lot of money, you didn’t get an iffy client did you?” he asked concerned. When you were a ship’s Captain an iffy client meant smuggler. Many down on their luck Captains went that route out of desperation. If her father had not been a cop it might have occurred to her as well. Marty came out with a receipt.

  “Of course she didn’t Billy,” Marty told his nephew, pointing to the television. He turned the volume up. Eve was surprised, there was a cleaned up Sonny Langston in front of a microphone on the little screen. She thought he looked good in a suit.

  “The event took place while we were taking a day tour on Eve’s Pleasure, a beautiful luxury cruiser out of Docking Bay South. If it was not for the quick acting Captain and First Mate, it could have been a tragedy. We want to publicly thank Captain Eve Sage and First Mate Katy Norton for their quick actions. Mr. Hardon is already considering another trip with them someday,” Marty turned the sound back down and smiled for the first time since Eve had known him.

  “It looks like your time has come Eve. A recommendation like that will keep you busy the rest of the season. I would expect some pretty high end clients too. Good for you, girl. It’s about time,” he said with a decisive nod and handed her the receipt. Eve was glad for her tan which hid her embarrassed blush. After thanking them she left to go back to the boat. She had planned on doing other errands, but she felt a sudden need to just go home and relax for the night. She needed to digest what was happening in her life.


  Eve flipped a switch and watched the dial as she heard the anchor drop. She smiled as the dial showed it hitting bottom at the same time the sound stopped. A good indication her equipment was working. After a moment of drifting the boat was secure with the anchor catching something solid on the bottom. She made sure the slack in the anchor chain was enough for standard swells and that everything was shut down. Only then did she invite the guys up to the Pilot deck. It was a personal safety precaution she had learned from her dad.

  “Come on up guys. The best view is up here,” she called down to Sonny and Brock.

  They climbed up the ladder and when they arrived they looked around in appreciative silence. It was a few hours before sunset, so the sun was in the west over a relatively calm Gulf of Mexico. Off the port side was the beautiful island they had come to see. They looked around with smiles on their faces. It always made Eve appreciate her life more, seeing it through the eyes of newcomers. She did travel through paradise.

  “Here we are gentlemen. Are you sure you want to stay onboard for the night. There are plenty of resorts you could stay at that might have more room?” she asked politely. They both declined.

  “Nope. I wanted the full experience and frankly, this is breathtaking. I would not trade it for a resort,” Brock said.

  “Absolutely Captain. Coming from the New York and Jersey area this sort of thing is beyond my experience. I could spend all day just looking out there,” he said gesturing out at the waves. Eve nodded.

  “Honestly, I have done that. It is peaceful out here. Fortunately, the island sets aside places for boats like Eve’s Pleasure to drop anchor. Some islands don’t. Also Sonny, I am off the clock now so you can call me Eve if you like,” she told him with a smile.

  He returned it and took his hair out of its ponytail. He had great hair, hell he was a damn handsome man, as was Brock. Where Sonny had dark, long hair Brock’s was lighter and short. She thought of his as a business cut. They both were well muscled, shown prominently by their choice in clothing. Brock was wearing an open floral Hawaiian like shirt with board shorts, while Sonny wore a tank top and regular swim trunks. They both must be spending some serious time in the gym, Eve thought to herself. Both of them were having an effect on her physically. She smiled slightly and looked down, puttering with a few dials on the radio to distract herself from the handsome men. She had never felt this way about clients before, but after a day in the open water, after the experience of their first day together, something inside her had been revved up. Of course being dressed in her usual red bikini top and cut off shorts meant the breeze com
ing off the water felt like caressing hands.

  “So Eve, if I may ask, how did you get into this business?” Brock asked. She was glad for the distraction of the question.

  “My father actually. Dad raised me and when he retired from the police force he sunk his money into this old girl,” she said patting the dashboard of her boat. “When he passed away he told me that I could change the name if I wanted, but to make a business out of it if I could. It is a good life,” she finished with a smile.

  It was, she thought to herself. Despite all the struggles, she had complete freedom and that was what her father had wanted for her. She silently thanked him again, as she had a thousand times before. There was a crackling over the radio and she leaned in close. It was the Coast Guard responding to a stalled out boat.

  “How did he die?” Sonny asked softly, curious.

  “Cancer got him. When he went the bills took the house. I managed to save the boat since I can live on her as well as work from her. It has been a blessing in disguise, I think. The freedom it gives me is fantastic.” She told them honestly. She wasn’t sure why she talked about the bills, except in her mind it was part of the story. That, and the way the man was looking at her was curious, no pity, just sympathy.

  “That was several years ago and I am doing ok. It is a nice way to make a living. Dad would be proud I think,” she said in conclusion.

  “I am sure he would,” Brock said smiling. “I hope the press conference Sonny decided to hold did not cause too many problems for you,” he said looking at his friend with disgust. Eve laughed. Although when the press had surrounded her boat she had not been laughing. She shrugged it off.

  “At the time I wanted to murder you Sonny. But once dock security showed up they were not able to sneak on board anymore, so I was fine. I told them the Coast Guard has a report if they wanted to show it, but that I don’t do interviews. I have a feeling I would have told them to friggin go to hell in an interview and that wouldn’t look good. I am afraid I would not have much patience for that sort of thing,” they both laughed.

  “Well, it probably was good, or will be good, for business too. Most people who want a private getaway on a boat will appreciate someone who does not talk about clients,” Sonny said. Eve had to nod in agreement. She was tentatively booked out for the rest of the season. She had taken calls the whole next day and they all had offered her high end prices. They were set for the rest of the season, if not the rest of the year.

  “I have had a few calls, so I think it did help. Not that I planned it that way, but I will take it,” she said with a laugh. She sipped her water and wanted something stronger.

  “I was going downstairs for a beer. Can I trust you gentlemen to not touch anything on the dash while I am gone, or would you like to join me? I don’t allow drinking on the bridge,” she told them without apology. They decided they wanted a beer. They all went down a deck and she saw them comfortably settled with their beer on the bow, below and forward of the bridge. Eve then went into the galley to check with Katy on dinner.

  “Hey sister how is it going… wow! You are looking hot tonight. Which one are you gunning for?”

  Katy was wearing a red silk blouse tied at the waist with a black tank top showing off her perky breasts. A red wrap skirt looked good over her slightly wide hips. With her curly blond hair pulled up on the sides she was ready to go. Eve did not mind fraternizing with clients as long as business and pleasure was kept separate. Katy was good at that.

  “Uh uh. These gentlemen have eyes only for the Captain. I have a hot date on shore, remember?” she asked. Eve then did remember.

  “Shit Katy, I am sorry. It has been so hectic lately I forgot. Your island man is finally getting some of your time. Good for you, are you taking Little Moments of Pleasure?” Eve asked, referring to the ship to shore dingy.

  “Yep, I will have her back at first light. That’s cool right?” she asked, briefly concerned.

  “Of course. Have fun. I am just sorry I asked you to cook. You should have said something,” Katy laughed.

  “No problem. I won’t be meeting him until later anyway so I can have dinner with you all and then take off,” she said. Eve nodded then caught what she had said before.

  “What do you mean they both only have eyes for me?” she asked. Katy grinned stirring the rice dish she had made.

  “Of course. They have been checking you out. They are gentlemen so they are subtle about it, but they are men after all and you are gorgeous Eve. Take down that hair and they will be yours for the taking,” she told her.

  Eve looked out the galley and up the passageway to the forward deck. Both men were talking and looking out at the water. Their nicely muscled backs were bare as they had removed their shirts. They were both handsome men as she had noticed earlier. Well, she reminded herself, when she had first seen them she had noticed. Katy smacked her rear.

  “Try for a little subtlety, huh,” she said and they laughed.

  When she went back up with a beer for herself she couldn’t help trying to decide which one she would want to be with if the chance arose. It had been a long time since she had been with anyone.

  “Dinner will be ready in about a half hour gentlemen,” she said to them, taking a seat of her own. She told them about some of her adventures on the island, giving them some ideas of places they may like before her curiosity got the better of her.

  “So how did you end up owning a business Brock? I don’t think there are a lot of people who have a business like yours,” she asked.

  He smiled a little, then shrugged. His green eyes sparkled wonderfully in the sunlight. His handsome, chiseled features were relaxed and appeared happy.

  “I had an idea for a marketing website that really went wild. It was one of the few to take off after the tech bubble burst. I was just a kid but I managed to take advantage of the opportunities that came along. I asked my high school buddy here to tag along if he wanted and here we are. Making the most of a business is at least partially being in the right place at the right time. Then, if you have the skills, ask the right questions, you will do well,” he said.

  “I have no particular skills, I just enjoy tagging along,” Sonny said with a laugh. Eve laughed with him. She liked his humor as much as she appreciated his abs.

  “Hardly,” Brock said with a grin. “Sonny is my personal assistant. I wanted him to have a better position, but he refuses. He really is lazy, what is it, ten hour days now Sonny?” he asked his friend. Sonny just shrugged it off.

  Eve liked how Brock had given his buddy the opportunity and that after years of working together they still got along. A lot of people couldn’t have done that. She realized that she and Katy were like that, friends who could work together. She eyed them both and caught Brock’s eyes looking a little lower than her eyes for an instant. He caught himself, then looked back out at the water. He was a more direct sort of guy than Sonny, but that had its appeal too. Although Sonny’s relaxed attitude was more her usual style. She was honestly not sure who she would like to spend time with more. Then again she was enjoying spending time with both men. Soon Katy announced dinner was ready and she went back to help bring it on deck.

  They had a good time eating, laughing and telling stories. After a few beers the men loosened up more and were very complimentary to both women’s skills and looks. Katy blushed more than Eve did she noticed, pleased with herself. She then saw another cruiser coming in from the gulf. It was black with a green trim. As it got closer she could tell the boat was headed for right near them. She got up and going quickly into the lounge area she got a pair of binoculars and a mega phone. When she came back out Katy and the men were standing, watching it approach to about fifty yards away. They beat Eve to the punch as she handed Katy the binoculars.

  “Hello Eve’s Pleasure! Is it good to drop anchor here?” came the call from the other boat. She could see a guy with a megaphone on the bridge. Katy was looking through the binoculars next to her.

p; “You have to call in to the Port Authority and they should let you,” she called back. The man waved and turned to another man on the deck with him.

  “There is someone in the aft window with binoculars checking us out. Oops, two people actually,” she said, then giggled. “Peeping Tom and Jerry,” she joked then. They laughed, but as the other boat turned, Eve heard the change of pitch in the boat’s engines at the same time she saw the name across the back. Black Minnow, it was called and Eve realized what it was about to do.

  “Damnit! Get me some slack on the anchor Katy, fast,” she said and raced towards the bridge as the Black Minnow’s engines revved.

  “Shit! Get below guys, now!” Eve heard Katy shout. Eve made it to the bridge and started her pride and joy. She could see the Black Minnow taking off and churning up a huge wake that was coming right at her boat! While she was at anchor! She had not set the anchor for heavy seas. She started steering the boat with the bow into the coming wave. She watched her anchor dial as Katy let out some slack.

  “More…little more…good!” She shouted followed by, “Secure yourself!” And she held onto what she called the “oh shit bar” with one hand while keeping the other on the wheel, just as the wave from the boat hit. It lifted Eve’s Pleasure up on its crest, then down, then up, then down, each swell getting a little less turbulent. The Black Minnow disappeared quickly around the southern tip of Key West. After a time, the water calmed and the radio crackled.

  “What the hell Eve’s Pleasure?” came the call from shore.

  “It wasn’t me. It was that other boat that just took off. The bastard could have harmed my boat!” she snarled angrily.

  “Did you get her name?” the voice asked.

  “Black Minnow, spread the word, the guy’s an asshole,” she told him.

  “Got it. Everyone ok out there?”

  “Yeah, I think so. We were just having a pleasant dinner. Lucky my mate is quick with the anchor,” she told him, calming some as the danger was past.


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