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A Winter Moon

Page 114

by S. J. Smith

  I never want it to end.

  In this moment, as they are both looking down on me as if I were the most beautiful woman in the world, I wonder how we’ve all managed to avoid this for as long as we have? It feels natural, necessary, and I need them now. My body is aching for them.

  Both of them are still in their armor, completely covered and I feel an intense need to see what they have for me too. To see if they’re mimicking humans all over. Seeming to sense my need, they both strip, slowly, teasingly, almost at exactly the same time. I watch, waiting, mesmerized. As they reveal their bodies, I can see a very human shape there, with one addition. Tentacles coming from their hips that excite me in a way that they really shouldn’t, explaining the odd shape at the waist.

  They both move towards me in unison, and I can’t stop looking them up and down. I can’t believe how insane this is, but how much I need it all at once.

  Wrotg places his lips on my neck, raining kisses all over me, as I feel Arlaf slip himself inside me from behind. He shapes himself in a way that fits me perfectly, before thrusting against me and sending me wild.

  Wrotg’s hands move their way down to my chest, and in a sudden, quick movement, he moves one of his tentacles down towards my clit, rubbing it in a way that I almost can’t take.

  Heat and pleasure starts radiating from me as they work my body in an expert way – proving that they really do know everything about humans.

  Waves of pleasure begin crashing over me quickly as Arlaf uses his own tentacles to grip me tighter, holding me in place while they both do all they can to drive me wild.

  As I buckle and shatter beneath them, I half expect things to end there, but I quickly find out that they’re not done with me yet, and that they intend to use this moment to find out everything they can about me, until I’m too worn out to even take another second of it.


  As soon as things are over, a range of mixed emotions overcome me. Without the lust controlling my decisions and judgments, I begin to feel nervous and ashamed. Embarrassed that I allowed myself to lose control.

  That should not have happened.

  Yes, there is an undeniable crazy chemistry between us all, and yes, it was the best damn thing I’ve ever experienced, but no, I should not have acted on it. Even as I think about the multiple orgasms crashing over me, I realize how crazy that was. These guys, they aren’t human, they’re aliens. They don’t even really look like that!

  At one point, I can sort of remember a bright flash of purple as one of them seemed to shift their shape – possibly back to their natural form – but I was so involved in the moment, that I didn’t even take notice.

  Now what? What the hell can I do now?

  Wrotg and Arlaf have gone into a sleeping state of some kind, which they had warned me was coming, so it’s just me and my thoughts for a while.

  I feel confused, scared, and more than a little messed up. Things went too far, and I cannot allow that to happen again. But I also feel amazing. I feel like my body has been completely rejuvenated, and that it’s ready for whatever comes next.

  After a while, just as the tears threaten to fall, I shake all these thoughts from my head. All I need to do now is get some sleep, then when I wake up, I will focus only on survival. If I keep going the way I am, then I’m going to end up getting killed.

  Just get through this, that’s all I need to do.


  I sleep on and off over the next couple of days, and the twins don’t move an inch. I know time moves totally differently for them, but to me this feels endless! I want to know how they are feeling, what their opinions are on what took place between us. Despite my internal lecture to only focus on survival, I can’t think about anything else.

  But it seems like I’m never going to get my answers!

  By the time Wrotg finally awakens, it’s because he has received a very important communication from the other members of his underground rebellion group. And the news he gets is so important that it puts everything else into the background.

  A member of his group has finalized the technology that could really put an end to this war. Actually finish it off. Wrotg tells me this with an obvious excitement – which is understandable, since his group has been working towards this for a very long time – but I can’t help but feel a little hurt.

  If the war ends, they will leave, and I will be left here alone.

  Not only has the technology been created, but it’s been passed on to humans, to my father. He has it, and of course he will use it, despite his hatred for the alien race. He will still accept their help, I’m sure of it.

  The device will be used to make Earth unbearable for the Nya by emitting a sound that they cannot stand – one that humans will be completely unable to hear. It means none of them will have to be killed, but that they will move off and start a mission to inhabit a new planet – hopefully one that’s currently barren.

  It’s the perfect plan. One that leaves everyone safe.

  It means that we will finally get our planet back, and I have no idea how to feel about that.

  I know for a fact that I don’t feel as good as I should. In fact, I feel a little nervous. And as I glance between Wrotg and Arlaf, imagining them leaving here forever, I feel a hollow emptiness that threatens to engulf me.

  This is it. I could be about to lose everything.

  I’ve thought about it long and hard over the last few days, wondering how it could ever work, and realizing that there’s really no way, but for them to just up and leave… and that might just kill me.


  With this news, we decide to leave the cave. Well, Arlaf decides that it’s time to go, and no one else argues – even though I really want to. The cave might have been a torturous turmoil of emotions, but leaving it behind means accepting that the night will never be spoken of again. I know it isn’t an appropriate time to be worrying about that, but I can’t stop myself from doing so.

  I’m distracted as we leave, sucked in by my own terrible negativity. I barely even register the hot sun as it bears down on my shoulders, even though I haven’t felt it for what feels like forever. I’m stuck in my own harsh rawness, so it takes a while for me to notice that we’ve actually been joined by another party.

  A human.

  “Hello Angie,” a vaguely familiar voice drawls, smiling widely at me. “Remember me?”

  “Erm…” I step past Wrotg and Arlaf, not wanting them to come to any harm here. Sure, the humans should be on our side now that they’ve been helped, but what people should do, and what they actually do are two very different things. “Not really.”

  “It’s Brian.” The guy actually sounds a little hurt, which has my eyes flicking back to him. Brian? Is that someone I’m supposed to know? I kind of recall his dark features and his caramel colored skin, but only a little bit. “Your father’s right hand man.”

  “Oh.” It all comes screaming back. The guy who was so far up my dad’s butt that he couldn’t see what a pill he was, even when I tried to explain it to him.

  I suppose he was the closest thing to a human friend I have – and I even kept him at arm’s length.

  “Yeah, right. Hi Brian.”

  “Your dad’s been worried about you, you know.” He steps closer to me, as if he might hug me. I don’t want that, and that must come across on my facial expression, because he quickly drops his arms back down. “He misses you.”

  “Yeah?” I’m acutely aware of the alien twins behind me, and I’m still terrified that something bad is going to happen. “Does he?”

  “Why don’t you come back with me now? Things have changed you know.”

  “Yeah, I know,” I reply vaguely, wishing that my heart would stop pounding so painfully against my chest. “I heard.”

  “So why don’t you just… leave these two behind and come with me.”

  Suddenly I realize that he thinks I’ve been kidnapped.

  “Oh no, these are the good guys.
The one’s working with the underground group that invented that device.”

  “Right, right, I see.” He nods, making some weird hand gesture which oddly fascinates me. I stare at it for just a fraction too long, which is why I don’t notice the man creeping up behind me until he hits me around the head, knocking me out.


  Damn it!


  This time as I wake up, I find myself not in a cage – which I was half expecting after last time – but in a white, clean room. I’m even lying on a tiny single bed.

  “What the…?” I ask myself, as I sit up.

  I wander over to the door, wondering where I am. Brian was part of a plan to capture me, to being me back to my father, which only means that I’m going to have to escape all over again.

  I’m not scared this time – not like I was when the aliens had me captured – I know I can get out of this. I’ve done it before, and I’ll do it again.

  Plus this time I have a reason. I need to find Wrotg and Arlaf again before they leave. Hopefully someone will be able to tell me where they are.

  But as I swing the door open, I find myself staring down the barrel of a gun.

  “Whoa, whoa.” I hold my hands above my head in an innocent gesture. “What’s going on here?”

  “You can’t leave.” The boy with the gun looks more anxious than I am, which is completely bizarre because he’s the one who holds my life in his hands. “I have strict instructions that you have to stay here. Until he gets here.”

  “He?” I ask, realizing that I can overtake this boy quickly. “My dad?”

  “Yes, he…”

  But then I hear footsteps looming down the corridor, and from the boy’s reaction I realize that I’m too late, that he’s here. I was passed out too long.

  “Dad?” I call out, feeling a little stunned, as the man finally looms over me. “Is that you?” He looks so different from the last time I saw him. He looks older, more weathered, angrier too. “Oh my God.”

  “Angie,” he replies, with a bluntness to his tone that I don’t remember being there before. He was always horrible, but not so much to me. This is completely bizarre. “So it’s true.”

  “Oh my God, dad are you okay?” I begin to babble as emotions rush right through me. All I’ve thought about him, all I’ve felt, it goes out the window as I see him. This feels like a nice moment, the reunion that I didn’t expect.

  I stand up to hug him, but he steps away from me as if he’s disgusted by me.

  “What the hell have you been doing?” he snaps, shocking me to my core. Where is the love? Hasn’t he missed me at all? Sure, he’s a jerk – he always has been, but I never expected this from him.

  “I… I don’t…” Surely with all the news that’s come about recently, he can’t still be harboring a grudge about me leaving… surely.

  “You’ve been betraying us, that’s what. Betraying your own race. Being with them.”

  “No, I…” The aliens, of course. He knows about that – probably because of Brian – and he’s totally gotten the wrong idea. “Wrotg and Arlaf helped me. They stopped me from being used and killed. They saved me. They’re part of the revolution – the one’s that helped us, that gave you that device.” I’m desperate now. I need him to understand me, to get what I’m saying. I don’t know where the alien twins are, and it’s only just hit me that they could be in danger.

  “You getting captured by them is your own fault. You should have stayed here with me. You should never have left.”

  “I know, but…” I try, but he isn’t letting me get a word in edgeways.

  “And that alien scum you were with; they’re going to pay the price for what happened to you.” He stands up, looming, exerting his dominance over me – a technique I remember him using when I was young.

  “But I just told you that they saved me. They saved us.”

  “This time Angie,” he grabs me by the scruff of my neck, bringing me closer to him, “you have to choose. Us, or them.”

  “But I…” What the hell is he going on about? And has that madness always been there behind his eyes? He’s acting like he’s fully lost it, which makes me question all that I’ve missed over the past years.

  “Choose right, and you’ll be freed this moment.”

  So I really am a prisoner here. Captured and locked away by my own flesh and blood.

  “And if I don’t?” I ask, with the same defiance that he always seems to bring out in me, even when I know that the consequences could be dire.

  He throws me back until I hit the ground, distain filling his expression. “Then you can stay here and die alongside them.”


  At that moment, as if it’s been perfectly choreographed, Wrotg and Arlaf are shoved into the room with me, looking battered and beaten. They clearly have been through a dreadful time, and I can’t stop myself from rushing to their side, to tend to their wounds, even though my father is watching, hating me with every inch of him.

  Then, I sense him turn on his heels and stalk from the room.

  “The aliens gave you the technology to win!” I cry out pointlessly after him, but he doesn’t even acknowledge me.

  It’s as if I’m already dead to him.


  It isn’t long before the audio waves start being emitted, putting Wrotg and Arlaf through even more pain than before. I’m just sitting with them, helpless, wishing that I could do anything to help them.

  They saved me, and now I’ve gotten them into this mess and there isn’t a damn thing that I can do to make it better.

  Things are spiraling out of my control, and I hate that.

  This time alone with the alien twins is making me even more confused. My feelings have intensified, which may be down to our close quarters, or the impending end of our lives, but locked in here with them, I almost can’t resist.

  I hug them both sporadically, not even caring that my father has men watching us. The damage has been done now; it’s far too late to do anything about it.

  And then, a few days later my dad returns to me, to all of us, with a bargain of sorts.

  “I want you all to know that I have my daughter’s best interests at heart.” I roll my eyes as he lies through his teeth. “She cannot be near you two, after what your race did to our planet. The audio waves are already being emitted, and your race is already leaving. All I ask is that you go too.” He steps closer to the twins, the threat evident in his tone. “If you don’t, I’m afraid I will be forced to kill all three of you.”

  “We will go,” Arlaf jumps in quickly, not even giving me the opportunity to voice my opinion. Of course logically I know this is the best solution, the only one, but I so desperately don’t want that to be the case.

  I can’t bear it. How will my life go on without them?

  “Fine,” my dad answers, shooting me a smug ‘I won’ type look. “I will have everything set up for your departure tomorrow.”

  The tears are already streaming down my cheeks, but of course my dad doesn’t care. He only sees me as the enemy now, as someone else that he needs to defeat. I’m no longer his daughter – I haven’t been since I left this colony – and I guess I never will be again.

  When the war is over, and the Nya leave, when Wrotg and Arlaf go, I will be more alone than I’ve ever been before…


  As soon as my father goes, I allow myself to collapse fully into sobs, feeling them rack through my entire body. Wrotg and Arlaf try to comfort me, but that’s an impossible task. My heart is too damn shattered.

  “Come on,” Wrotg finally whispers into my ear. “Let’s enjoy our last night together.”

  “We can’t,” I mutter, frustrated that even our last night together won’t be free. “They’re watching us.”

  “Not if I knock out the guard.” Arlaf speaks gruffly next to me.

  “If you knock out the guard, we can escape, we can leave.” I start to feel an excited hope. Maybe this doesn�
�t have to be the end to us after all.

  “We cannot,” he replies sadly, shattering me all over again. “We can knock out the room guard, and enjoy some peace, but there are too many of them just on the outside. We cannot take them all on. They will kill us for sure.

  “Okay,” I eventually agree, not seeing any other option. “Do that. At least we can enjoy our last night.”

  As soon as the job is done, I feel almost an immediate shift in the atmosphere. I had wanted to enjoy some peace with the men that I feel so strongly for, but now I can sense that something else is about to take place, something that I never thought would happen again.

  We’re about to have a repeat of the cave.

  As soon as that thought hits me, Arlaf’s mouth is on me, his hands and tentacles are coving my body. I feel myself quickly getting lost all over again, but just before I do, there’s one more thing I need.

  “Wait,” I pant heavily, pushing them both away from me. “I want to see you.”

  On request, they both begin to strip, revealing their perfectly sculpted human bodies – the likes of which I’m sure I’ll never be able to get for real.

  But that isn’t what I mean.

  “No, I want to see the real you. I want to see what you look like.”

  “Are you sure?” Wrotg asks nervously, and I nod quickly as a reply. If they go tomorrow, and I’ve not seen their true forms, I’ll always wonder, and I’ll always regret not asking.

  Wrotg shifts and bubbles, becoming something totally new, something reddish and beautiful. Then Arlaf follows, showing me that purple I saw a flash of the last time we were together. They are truly alien, nothing like me or any other human, but in that moment, they’re perfect to me.

  So perfect that I could cry.

  Sensing my sadness, they shift back, returning to the men that I’ve come to know so well.

  “Is that… are you okay?” Wrotg asks, as sweet and as thoughtful as ever.


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