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A Winter Moon

Page 126

by S. J. Smith

  "I hope so," Caitrin said softly, more to herself. Rhona made no reply.

  With a sigh, Caitrin turned back around to finish putting away her effects. She wished Duncan could spend the night in her bed and hold her close. She knew she would sleep then. She knew, also, that he could not. He and the rest of the men had been given guest rooms in another part of the castle. She wouldn't see any of them again until the ceremony. That, at least, promised to be a simple and quiet affair, and the feasting that would come after would give her plenty of time to drink until the worst of her nerves were forgotten. She wondered if Kendrick was truly as nervous as he had said. He had no true reason to be. He was a man, and a laird besides. The world was made for him.As she curled up in her new bed that night, warm beneath the blankets, she prayed to God that the union would be a good one.


  She slept late, later than she thought she was supposed to. Caitrin certainly appreciated it. It had taken her hours to fall asleep the night before, but by the time Rhona roused her from her bed, it was already close to midday. She feared she had been in bed for too long when Rhona shushed her and smiled sweetly.

  "Th’ priest was late arriving," she said. "Ye have plenty o' time t' dress and get something in yer belly before it's time t' go t' th' kirk."

  Caitrin nodded, her heart rate slowly returning to normal, and accepted Rhona's help to get out of bed and dress. Her father had ordered a special gown for the occasion, one that reminded Caitrin of her mother's old wedding dress. It fell down to her feet, the light fabric gently clinging to her curves. Lace decorated the ends of the sleeves and along the square cut front, tickling her skin. Rhona loosely braided her hair to hold it back from her face and let it fall down her back. Her hands smoothed along Caitrin's shoulders.

  "Pretty as a picture," she said, smiling.

  Caitrin looked at herself in the mirror and hardly recognized her reflection. She would be a married woman soon. Perhaps her and Kendrick would even conceive a child that night. She folded her hands over her belly, feeling suddenly sick with nerves. It could have been worse, she reminded herself, as Rhona fastened a simple chain of gold around her neck. Kendrick could have been old, or fat, or cruel. She could have been completely alone, instead of having found a future friend in Rhona and having the comfort of Duncan's presence.

  "Ye'll be fine," Rhona said. "Come now, 'tis time."

  Caitrin let Rhona take her hand and guide her through the castle, down to the chapel, where Duncan was waiting outside the door in his finest clothes, hands clasped in front of him, a small boy standing next to him. His eyes widened when he saw her and he stood a bit straighter, his jaw working.

  Rhona handed her off to him, and Caitrin rolled her eyes, touching his cheek. "I told ye t’ shave," she said.

  "I did," Duncan replied.

  Caitrin shook her head. She took his arm, instantly feeling better, and they turned to face the door.

  "Are ye ready?" he asked. Caitrin's voice failed her and all she could do was nod. "Deep breath," Duncan said, and nodded to the boy to open the door.

  Rhona snatched him up as soon as he did, holding him in her arms and muttering something in his ear. Soon the pair were behind Caitrin and Duncan as he led her down the aisle to the altar. Kendrick waited there, looking every inch the laird he was, his shoulders stiff. Still, his face brightened when he saw Caitrin. He smiled when they drew close and held out his hand to take her from Duncan, his touch gentle despite his rough hands. Duncan kissed her cheek and went to stand to the side, hands behind his back and face neutral. Caitrin dragged her eyes from him to Kendrick, who flashed her a smile, and a grin came easily to her own face as they turned to face the priest and kneel at the altar.

  Caitrin could feel Duncan's eyes on her the entire time, though she didn't look at him as she and Kendrick exchanged vows and rings and finally a kiss. His lips were soft, and there was no stubble scratching against her skin. It was a brief exchange, but her lips tingled long after he had pulled back. They led the procession out of the kirk. Caitrin bit back a sigh. She was married now. She thought she would have felt different, as if marriage would change her somehow, but she was still herself. The only thing that had truly changed was the ring on her finger.


  The great hall was already crowded with men who all stood and cheered when Caitrin and Kendrick entered. Her new husband led her to the high table, his hand never leaving hers and the smile on his face a constant fixture. When she was seated and the rest of the congregation had filed in, the feasting began. Servants poured wine for Kendrick and Caitrin first, then the others who sat at the table with them, Duncan included. He was to Caitrin's left, and Kendrick to her right. Under the table he had a hand on her thigh, whilst Kendrick gently hooked his fingers over hers and let them rest on the soft tablecloth. Caitrin drank greedily from her cup, only to have it filled again a second later.

  "Slow down," Duncan said softly in her ear. "At least get some meat in ye before ye start trying t' drown yerself in wine."

  "I'm nervous," she whispered back.

  "I know," Duncan said. "It'll be fine, I promise."

  "Ye would say tha'," Caitrin said. "Ye're a man. What would ye know?"

  "A fair deal," Duncan said. "Besides, I'll-" He cut himself off, suddenly turning very red and reaching for his wine.

  "What?" Caitrin asked.

  Duncan cleared his throat. "There's... t' be a witness, ye see, t' the bedding, t’ be sure that... ye consummate, and... Kendrick asked if I would. He thought it migh' make ye more comfortable."

  Caitrin paled and glanced at her husband out of the corner of her eye. "I would have thought he'd want one o' his own men."

  Duncan shrugged. "'Tis no' my business. I accepted because I want ye to be comfortable, and I'm the only man who's seen ye completely naked."

  "That was once," Caitrin said, "and an accident."

  "Aye," Duncan replied, "but 'tis the truth. I can change my mind if ye like."

  "Nae," Caitrin said, a bit too loudly, for the man next to Duncan gave her a queer look. "Nae. I'd rather it be ye, if it must be anyone."

  "I jus' wanted t' warn ye," Duncan said. He squeezed her leg. "I'll make sure he disnae hurt ye."

  Caitrin chewed on the inside of her lip, her mind unwillingly going back to the dream she had on the road, of herself and Duncan and Kendrick, for it could only be them, and felt her stomach twist pleasantly. She reached for her wine. This time, Duncan didn't stop her.


  She wasn't terribly drunk when the time for the bedding came. In fact, she was rather tired. She was filled almost to bursting with meat and bread and cheese and the wine was making her feel sleepy. Only Duncan's hand on her leg kept her from dozing off in her chair. Every now and then he would give her thigh a reassuring squeeze, but mostly he just slowly, almost distractedly, ran his hand up and down its length, like he had forgotten his hand was there. His touch was doing nothing to help the small fire growing between her legs, sparked by the memory of her dream and the knowledge that the bedding was close.

  There was no fanfare. Kendrick simply rose from his seat and helped Caitrin out of hers. Duncan finished off his wine and stood as well. They would have gone unnoticed had one of the men not cheered, causing a chain reaction as the rest of the guests raised their voices in congratulation and encouragement. Kendrick ignored them, taking Caitrin and Duncan out of the loud hall and into the quiet upper levels of the castle. It was almost silent in his room. The fire had been stoked, and bedclothes laid out for both him and Caitrin. Duncan quietly closed the door behind him and stood by it, standing with his hands crossed in front of him, looking almost casual.

  Kendrick looked at him briefly, something Caitrin didn't recognize in his gaze, then smiled at her, soft and sweet. "Turn 'round," he said, "let me get this dress off ye."

  Caitrin obeyed, pulling her hair over her shoulder. She kept her eyes on Duncan, drawing what strength she could from his presence. A shudde
r ran down her spine when Kendrick's knuckles brushed against her skin. He dropped a kiss to her shoulder, then brushed his lips against her ear.

  "He's a comely lad, nay?" Caitrin could smell the wine on his breath.

  "What?" she asked.

  Kendrick's hands pushed her dress off her shoulders. She clutched it to her chest, but he gently pulled her hands away and it pooled at her feet, leaving her standing in her thin shift. Duncan subtly shifted his weight, glancing away from the two of them.

  "Would ye like him t' join us?" Kendrick asked. "I've seen how ye look at each other. I'm no’ a jealous man. I only want what will make ye th' most happy."

  Caitrin could think of nothing to say. Shock reeled through her, momentarily overpowering the arousal that thrummed between her thighs. Realization settled in soon after. He was being serious. It was no jest, no trick. He wanted Duncan to join them.

  He reached down, gripping the bottom of her shift and slowly drawing it up her legs, bunching it at her hips.

  "He wants ye," he said, pressing close. She could feel his manhood firm against her. "As do I. 'Tis yer choice. Say nay, and I'll no' ask ye again."

  Caitrin swallowed hard, her heart a lump in her throat, pounding in her ears, clenching her thighs together against a sudden flood of heat. “Do you want him?” she asked.

  Kendrick's answer was quiet and simple. “Aye.”

  Duncan met her eyes, his own dark, though whether from drink or desire she couldn't tell. Caitrin held out her hand, a silent request, and felt Kendrick smile into her neck. Duncan looked from her to Kendrick then back again. Caitrin stretched her fingers out as much as she could, pleading with her eyes. She wanted him with her, like he had been in her dream.

  Duncan took one step forward, hesitated, then came to stand in front of her. He looked at Kendrick, the two men sharing something that Caitrin couldn't completely see, then reached down and gripped the bottom of Caitrin's shift. Together, the two men lifted it up over her hips and higher still. For an instant she saw nothing but thin linen over her eyes, and then she was naked, sandwiched between two strong men, her heart all but beating out of her chest.

  Kendrick pulled away to undo his shirt. Duncan raised his hands, hesitating at his own. Caitrin pushed them aside. She undid his belt with trembling hands and let it clatter to the ground, then pushed his kilt off his shoulder. Her actions seemed to snap him out of whatever trance he had been in. He hopped around from one foot to the other, dragging off his boots. Caitrin was so enthralled watching him, despite having seen him undressed before, that she jumped when she felt Kendrick's hands on her bare shoulders. She leaned back into his warmth, eyes fluttering as he kissed up the side of her neck. His hard member rubbed against her buttocks, frightening and enticing all at once. Duncan stood before her, his hair loose around his shoulders and his shirt hanging just above his knees, tented slightly by his growing erection. Caitrin forced her gaze up to his eyes and licked her lips.

  “Go on,” Kendrick said in her ear.

  Caitrin took half a step forward and reached out to grab the front of Duncan's shirt and tug him in. He nearly stumbled over his own feet, grabbing her hips to steady himself. Caitrin lifted her face to his for a heady kiss. His fingers tightened on her hips and Kendrick's on her shoulders. Kendrick kissed just below her ear, his breath hot on her skin, and nipped at the lobe. Caitrin clutched at Duncan's shirt, her fingers knotted up tightly in the fabric, warmed by being so close to his body. When he dropped his head to kiss the base of her throat she pulled his shirt up over his back, wanting it off so that he was as naked as she and Kendrick. When he was, standing before her in all his glory, Caitrin leaned back against Kendrick, her eyes half-lidded and her mind hazy from wine and kisses. Duncan still looked unsure, but he still gripped her hips.

  Silently, Kendrick led the both of them over towards the bed. Caitrin sat on the end, staring up at him and Duncan, and slipped up towards the head of the bed. A gentle push from Kendrick had her on her back, one man on either side. Duncan took one of her hands in his and laced their fingers together, the other trailing up her leg. She let out a sigh, letting her head roll to the side to rest against his shoulder. With her other hand she found Kendrick's arm, then his shoulder, and felt her way up until she could tangle her fingers in his hair. He sighed softly and pressed a kiss to the swell of her breast, then took a nipple in his mouth. Caitrin arched her back, heels digging into the bed.

  Duncan moved his hand ever higher, towards the apex of her thighs. “Ye're so beautiful, Cait,” he whispered into her ear, his words not meant to be heard by anyone other than her. She turned her face until she felt his stubble brush against her cheek and desperately sought his mouth, her fingers tight in Kendrick's hair as her tongue danced with Duncan's. When his fingers touched her centre, lazily exploring her folds, she dug her nails into Kendrick's head and clutched Duncan's other hand tight, a moan leaving her lips.

  “Does tha' feel good, lass?” Duncan asked. Caitrin had no words for him. Kendrick chuckled and scraped her nipple with his teeth. A shudder racked through Caitrin's body. She felt him shift and heard him sigh and grunt. She twisted to look at him, her gaze dropping to where his hand was wrapped around the shaft of his member, slowly stroking along its length. Duncan's fingers circled around her nub, thumb flicking gently, and her eyes closed.

  Kendrick let out a low chuckle. “I think she's ready,” he said. “Or would ye like t' do the honors?”

  Caitrin felt Duncan tense. “I wouldn't dare, my laird,” he said.

  Kendrick grunted. “Later then,” he said.

  Duncan didn't remove his hand, his thumb still circling. Kendrick rolled on top of her. Somehow he and Duncan made room. Kendrick propped himself up above her on strong arms, his hair falling in messy curls over his face. He smiled at her and leaned down to kiss her deeply. Caitrin knew what she needed to do and shifted her legs to accommodate him. His hand and manhood brushed against her folds, sensitive and wet from Duncan's ministrations.

  “It will no' hurt,” Duncan said.

  “Are ye ready, Cait?” Kendrick asked.

  Hearing her nickname on Kendrick's lips made her shudder. She nodded and turned her face into Duncan's shoulder, her body tight. Kendrick shifted his weight to use a hand to guide himself in, slowly pushing. The pressure was queer, but not uncomfortable, and he slid into her easily with a long groan. A small noise escaped Caitrin's mouth. She had never imagined something could feel so wonderful. Duncan rutted his hips against her leg, his grunts filling her ear. She untangled their fingers and groped her way down, remembering the sight of Kendrick stroking himself.

  Duncan's hips bucked when her fingers brushed his member. “Jesus, Cait,” he sighed out. “Ye dinnae'-”

  “Let her,” Kendrick said in a strained voice. “'Tis...” he sighed, his brow against Caitrin's sternum and his hips rolling firmly with each thrust.

  Duncan briefly moved his hand to shift her grip on him, pumping his hips in a steady rhythm, before returning to his previous task. A hot ball of tension screwed up in the pit of Caitrin's stomach. The attentions of both men were almost too much for her to handle. She could feel herself spiraling out of control, continuous cries of pleasure slipping past her lips only to be swallowed by kisses from Kendrick or Duncan.

  After what seemed both like an eternity and like not long enough at all, Kendrick shifted her legs, wrapping them around his waist, the change in angle drawing moans from deep in both their throats. Duncan's body was taut next to hers, his thrusts against her fingers and palm becoming erratic and desperate. Kendrick pushed his face against the side of her neck and with a final push he spilled his seed into her. His thrusts slowed, but didn't cease, not until the tension in Caitrin's body snapped like a string drawn too tight and a flash of white hot ecstasy shook her to her very core. She clutched Kendrick's hair tightly as she rode out the peak of her pleasure, feeling a spurt of wet warmth against her thigh as Duncan found his, his teeth sinking into her shoulde
r hard enough that there would be marks come morn.

  For a time, the room was filled with nothing but the sounds of their breathing. Each inhale brought the musk of sex and sweat to Caitrin's nose. Kendrick made the first move, slowly pulling out with a long sigh and flopping onto the bed at Caitrin's side. He propped himself up on his elbow, a giddy look on his face, and looked at her and Duncan. He reached out to run the backs of his fingers down Caitrin's sweat-dampened stomach and over to brush against Duncan's hip. Duncan gazed with half-open eyes, playing with Caitrin's fingers, their hands resting on the base of his stomach.

  “How's tha' for a bedding, eh?” Kendrick asked.

  “Is tha' always how Ross men do things?” Duncan replied.

  “It can be,” Kendrick said. “If that's how ye want it.”

  Caitrin looked between the two men, one her husband and one her closest friend. She kissed Kendrick gently, then Duncan, a hand on each of their cheeks. She was sleepy and sated, too tired to truly think about what had transpired between the three of them.

  “My laird...” she started.

  “Call me by my name,” Kendrick said. “We're married, after all.”

  “Are ye telling th' truth?”

  “What reason have I t' lie?” Kendrick asked. “I have land, money, power, my men's unquestioning faith. If I wish t' invite my wife's lover into our bed, then tha' is business between th' three of us, is it no'?”

  “Ye're no’ like most men,” Caitrin said. Duncan had already fallen asleep, snoring softly on her shoulder.

  “I tried t' make ye see tha' on the road,” Kendrick said softly. “Do ye believe me now?”

  Caitrin caught his hand as it made its way down her stomach again. “Is this really...”

  “Aye,” Kendrick said, “if it'll make ye happy. A miserable wife begets a miserable husband, after all.”

  “But… what if...”

  “I know ye didnae want this marriage,” Kendrick said, “but it can be beneficial to us both.” He gave Duncan a lingering look. “Anything else tha' comes, we shall deal with when it does. Aye?” His voice and eyes were so gentle, and his touch so tender. Caitrin bit the corner of her lip then nodded, and returned Kendrick's chaste kiss. “We'll have a good life, the three o' us,” he said, and stretched out against Caitrin's side, pillowing his head on his arm. Caitrin fell asleep almost as soon as she let her eyes close, wondering how it was that she had ended up lucky enough to have two such wonderful men in her bed, and knowing, without a shadow of a doubt, that something special had been shared between the three of them that night.


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