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Struck! A Titanic Love Story

Page 13

by Tonie Chacon

  “Why did you ask that I stay?” Alice turned toward Emily and swam to meet her in the center of the pool.

  “The exercise has been good, nice. Relaxing in fact,” Emily said. “But now it has stirred my blood. I think that now would be a good time to beg your forgiveness for my rashness last night and to apologize for letting my lustful emotions guide me instead of my heart.” Emily glided up alongside Alice.

  The buoyancy of the water moved them closer than Alice had expected. With a swoosh, Emily was beside her, her leg between Alice’s legs. The distance between them closed. Emily didn’t take her eyes from Alice’s face as she wrapped her other leg around Alice’s thigh and came down on Alice’s leg with the full openness of herself. The thin wet fabric of the muslin was no barrier between them. Alice’s eyes grew wide as she felt Emily on her thigh. She knew that if she touched herself, she would be wet beyond that caused by the water in the pool. Her head rolled back and she closed her eyes.

  Alice felt Emily’s lips as they grazed her neck and then worked their way up to Alice’s ear and then over to her mouth.

  “Oh God, I am sorry,” Emily said. “So very, very sorry. Can’t you feel how very sorry I am?” She writhed back and forth against Alice.

  Suddenly, whatever was buoying them up in the water lost its grip and they both went crashing down. Both of them were laughing as their heads broke the surface of the water.

  “Now that’s what I call chemistry,” Emily said as she climbed the stairs to get out of the pool.

  Alice admired Emily’s backside as she slowly rose out of the water. “Why do you have to be so charming?” Alice asked as she still treaded water. “Will you dance with me tonight?”

  “Yes. You can hear the band playing from my veranda. I’ll dance with you there, under the stars. Tonight.”

  Alice got out and joined Emily. She pressed herself against Emily’s wet body and felt it mold to hers. Emily kissed Alice sweetly on the lips.

  “Tonight then,” Alice said. “We should probably leave now, before anything else happens here. This is a public place. I’m not sure how much you tipped the attendant to stay away, but I’m sure our time is about up.”

  Emily said, “We have a little time to freshen ourselves up. I want to change into something a little more flattering so I can woo you properly. My skin is crackling now from the saltwater we just swam in.

  It’s marvelous that the pool is heated yes, but it’s still saltwater. I hope it was a ruse for me to help with your hair? I know nothing of the process. Isn’t that what we have servants for? I’ll meet you in the dining room, and afterward, we will go back to my stateroom, yes?”

  “All right. Yes, that sounds grand. I’m in need of a shower and to wash my hair. I’ll see you in the dining room. Would an hour be sufficient time to change?” Alice then leaned forward to whisper in Emily’s ear. Her body molded into Emily’s side. Slowly, she gave a slight lick, just under Emily’s ear, and whispered, “Mm, salty. Be sure to wash there. I mean to spend a little more time there tonight.”

  Alice straightened up, spun around and walked the other way. She knew her backside was being examined as she walked away. Keep watching, honey. Wait ’til you see the whole package. Smiling, she wrapped her robe around her and went to change.

  FRANCES SAW ALICE and Emily entering the dining room as she and Megan were leaving. She walked up to them.

  “Are you just now getting to dinner?” Frances spoke accusingly.

  “Why, yes, we’re just going to eat a little late, that’s all,” Alice said sweetly, smiling at Emily.

  Frances’s expression dropped when she saw the look of possession on Alice’s face. She’d seen Alice gaze upon a few women in her life. She knew that look. It was just never directed at her.

  Megan’s voice broke through Frances’s thoughts.

  “I’m sorry, what did you say?” Frances asked.

  “I said, do you want to go hear Colin play this evening? He’ll be in the First Class dining lounge after ten o’clock. I have to go find our new roommate first, though. I told him that I would try to find her. Come with me Franny.” Megan grabbed Frances’s hand and pulled.

  Frances looked back at Alice and saw her regard Frances’s hand in Megan’s. Frances gave a smirk, raised her eyebrows and stuck out her chest a little. It was about time Alice saw Frances with another woman, instead of the other way around.

  “See you both there, right, after ten o’clock?” Megan asked.

  Alice and Emily exchanged a glance that made them both laugh.

  “Yes, yes we shall meet you there,” Alice said. “A bit of a drink might do us all some good.”

  COLIN WAS SITTING with Jacob and Alexandria at a table near the back of the First Class dining lounge when Megan and her three friends arrived. He waved them over. They shifted their chairs so there was enough room to seat them all.

  He was actually relieved to see his sister. Her friends were the real deal. They belonged in First Class. He was not sure he and his cohorts did. He felt like they were intruders. He introduced Jacob and Alexandria after Megan introduced the women.

  One of the women ordered champagne. He thought her name was Emily. Colin noticed Jacob’s uncomfortable look.

  “Don’t worry, old man,” Colin said. “She’s paying for it, not us. Drink up. Show your daughter a good time. Enjoy the fruits of your labors, though they were but twenty years ago or less.”

  “Yes, please drink up,” Emily said. “Fill your glasses for a toast to our second wonderful day at sea. May the rest of our voyage go as smoothly, as we are sailing toward a new land for some, old home for others.” Emily’s voice grew melancholy. She thrust her glass into the air and brought it down so a little sloshed out the sides and onto the table. “Oops.”

  “Here, here,” Megan said as they all drank the luxurious bubbly champagne.

  Colin laughed at his sister’s expression. “Don’t you like it?” he asked.

  “I love it,” Megan said. “But it tickles my nose.”

  He turned to Alexandria. “Do you like champagne?” She nodded and he poured her some more. He really liked the way she gave him her whole attention. He wasn’t used to that behavior from women. It was usually all about them, at least that was the way of his sisters.

  And Catherine. Poor Catherine. He hoped she was getting over him, but she never did give him the attention Alexandria did. Even Megan and her friends gave each other more attention than Catherine ever gave him.

  As Colin was about to ask Alexandria to dance, the orchestra quit playing. He glanced over to see what had happened to the music and he saw Wally approaching the table. Colin’s stomach got a nervous twitch in it.

  “Well, chap,” Wally said, “it’s time. Do you still want to play with us tonight? Richard has a date and wants to wig out as soon as you agree. So, what say you? Can I tell Richard he can go?”

  “Yes, of course I would. But first, may I introduce you to my sister, Megan? And these are our friends, Emily, Alice, and Frances. I don’t know their last names. And this is Jacob and his daughter Alexandria.”

  “Hello. It’s good of you to come hear us,” Wally said. “So many people think we’re invisible. I’ve seen you around the ship, Jacob.” Wally shook Jacob’s hand, nodded at the ladies, and looked over expectantly at Colin. Colin reached under the table and grabbed Violet from her case and started following Wally back to the staging area.

  He turned around, and said, “Thank you all. Drink and be merry, and let’s see if I can’t entertain you a bit in the meanwhile.” He leaned over to speak to Alexandria. “Stay as long as you can. All right?” He turned to Jacob. “I’ll walk her back later if that would be all right with you?” He smiled at Jacob and, not waiting for an answer, followed Wally.

  “It is an honor and such a privilege to be playing with you all this evening,” he told Wally. “Let’s have some fun tonight, shall we?”

  Soon he was under the magical spell of the music he was helpin
g to create. Megan sang out with such exuberance he thought they were back at Donovan’s again. She was probably getting a little tipsy. She was throwing waves like she was the queen after a performance, and she and her friends had their arms around each other’s shoulders like bosom buddies. It was very entertaining. The men held their dance partners loosely, dancing to the ragtime music that Wally and his mates played. Oh ho, how alive Colin felt. This was where he fit. These men were truly his mates. Even though he didn’t get hired by the Black Brothers, he’d be damned if he didn’t feel a good connection with each of these five gents. They were paid better than he was and they didn’t have other jobs on the ship like he did, but they still played beautiful music together. They blended so well, all crescendoeing at the same time. These gentlemen were some of the finest musicians he had ever known.

  Megan and her friends rose, finally, getting ready to leave, and that meant Alexandria would be leaving, as well. Jacob had left an hour ago, feigning age-old tiredness as his excuse. As soon as they finished up the number, Colin would ask for a reprieve for a moment and go and ask Alexandria to stay. Come on, keep the tempo, he reminded himself. He ended up waving goodbye to Megan with his head as his eyes searched for Alexandria’s to connect with his. There she was. Their eyes met. He raised his eyebrows and crinkled his nose while nodding his head to convey his meaning. She sat back down. He smiled and went back to concentrating on the musical piece at hand.

  On his break, Colin went to Alexandria’s table, where she sat alone. Her face had such a lovely look to it. It was so delicate, with wide, brown eyes sparkling at him.

  He said, “Thank you so much for staying. I wasn’t sure if you could understand what I meant by all the facial stuff going on. I’m not sure if your father told you but I’d like to escort you back to your cabin after I’m done, which will be in another half hour. If that’s all right with you?” Colin smiled and held out his hand.

  “Yes, please, very much I would like that.” Alexandria put her hand in his and he drew it up to his lips and kissed the back of it.

  “Only three more songs and I’ll be back,” Colin promised as he released her hand and turned to join his orchestra mates.

  EMILY USHERED ALICE into her room and closed the door behind her. At last she had Alice alone. Those hours in the lounge were excruciating. She’d wanted so badly to take Alice in her arms. Now, she finally could.

  “Here, let me help you with that,” Emily said as she lifted the cloak from Alice’s shoulders and let her fingers graze Alice’s neck. “A little sherry, perhaps? To toast our way to the best part of our evening, umm, should we say the best part of the day?”

  Alice answered, “If you like. I think I’ve had enough already but I won’t deny that I’m parched. Yes, that would be lovely. I seem to be nervous again. Oh, fiddlesticks.”

  “I am not sure of the reason for your nervousness tonight. I will do anything you ask. I only ask that you come out on the veranda and dance in the moonlight with me. That should calm your nerves.”

  Emily took Alice’s hand and led her outside to the private veranda that came only for the privileged, which, of course, the Westbrookes certainly were.

  Emily pulled Alice into her arms and they started to dance. A few steps were all it took for Alice to melt into Emily’s embrace and dance effortlessly with her. The music that was playing was an old English ballad. The feel of Alice’s body moving against hers made Emily nearly weep with pleasure.

  “I told you that you could hear the music from my veranda. This is absolutely wonderful to share it with you. You have made this voyage so very, very enjoyable. Many nights are left still to be lived.” Emily whispered the last part. “By you, by us, by this.”

  Emily captured Alice’s lips with her own and gave a sigh that turned into a groan. Alice opened her mouth a little and Emily took that as an invitation to move the kiss deeper. Her hands wrapped around Alice’s waist and pulled her even closer than they already were. Deeper she sank, spinning around in the air, as she breathed in a mouthful of Alice and they sank together onto the veranda’s settee, breaking the kiss.

  Alice shook her head and said, “I could use a bit of that sherry now.”

  “Of course.” Emily rose, poured a glass of sherry, and handed it to Alice. Alice’s eyes shone brightly as her fingers touched Emily’s. “That was nice, the dancing and that kiss,” Alice said, taking a sip.

  Emily sat beside Alice again. “Then, perhaps, you will enjoy this as well.” Emily pulled a box from under the settee and placed it into Alice’s hands. “Open it. It will look stunning on you.”

  Alice gasped. Just the reaction Emily had hoped for. Putty. Alice held up a hairpin that resembled a snowflake. Each tip held a round diamond cascading towards the middle creating a sunburst of diamonds with a huge one in the very center. Emily took the pin and gathered up a handful of Alice’s hair and pinned it back. She dropped a kiss on Alice’s shoulder.

  “Shall we go back inside where I can open that champagne on ice that Ethan left for us and have another toast? We can still hear the music if I leave the windows open.”

  “Why on earth would Ethan leave you a cold bottle of champagne?”

  Alice asked.

  “In case.”

  “In case of what, may I ask?”

  “Well, in case you decided I was forgiven for my blunder last evening.” Emily tried to sound like a little girl. Emily pulled Alice to her feet and led her back inside where the champagne awaited. She filled two flutes. “I toast to us,” Emily said. They clicked glasses and each took a sip. Emily put hers down, but noticed that Alice finished hers completely and set her flute next to Emily’s. Emily took Alice’s hand and brought it to her face as she leaned in to take Alice’s sweet lips once again. So luscious they were, Emily thought. Alice’s lips fit to hers so well.

  As she pressed her bosom into Alice’s, Alice moaned and said, “Too many clothes on. I need them off now. Please.”

  Emily abided by her commands. She helped remove Alice’s gown and then her chemise. Her corset set them back a little in time, but off it came after a few maniacal moments of untying, and Alice’s breasts bounced into freedom and into the palms of Emily’s hands. Oh my, such a wonderful heaviness to them. Emily dragged off her own chemise with no help from Alice, but she did get a little help with her corset after all. Naked breast on naked breast never felt so good, Emily thought.

  “Here now, lie back,” Emily said. “I’ll take care of everything. Every little thing you wish, it is my command.”

  “IS THAT YOU, Alice?” Megan asked, concerned. “What time is it? Are you all right?”

  “Yes, yes, I’m sorry for being clumsy and waking you up like this. Go back to sleep. I’ll just be a moment. It’s late.”

  “How late?” Megan mumbled.

  “Quite late, I suppose. The ship is pretty quiet. I’m sorry I woke you.”

  “Oh, that’s all right. I’ve been trying to keep an ear open so I could hear you, in case you needed me to help you with your corset.”

  “Oh, that’s quite all right. I really don’t need your help tonight. Thank you anyway.” Alice quickly got undressed and climbed into bed.

  “How did you do that so fast?” Megan whispered so she wouldn’t awaken Alexandria.

  “If you must know, I wasn’t wearing one when I came in. Let’s just leave it at that, shall we?” Alice asked.

  “All right. I’m happy if you’re happy.” A moment passed. “Is it anyone I know? It has to be someone on the ship. You have nowhere else to choose from. Oh, I know, you secretly met with Lucas. That’s why no one has seen him since Queensland. You’re hiding him? Why?”

  “Yes, Megan, why?” Alice asked with a touch of sarcasm. “Why would I, and what do you mean that Lucas is missing? It’s true I haven’t seen him since last night, but that doesn’t mean that I’m hiding him for some unknown reason or that I’m sleeping with him. I think he’s a married man. Is that what you really think of me?
Good night, Megan.” Alice rolled over in a huff.

  “I’m sorry. You’re right. I always do jump to conclusions and I didn’t mean anything by it and I certainly didn’t mean to imply that you were loose with your affection. That was not my intention. Again, I apologize and we’ll talk in the morning.” There was a long pause, then she heard the steady breathing of Alice. “Good night. Sweet dreams.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  12 April 1912 — Morning

  THE NEXT MORNING the sun shone bright in the Second Class cabin. Maybe a little too brightly for Alice. It was pouring in from the round porthole making her head pound.

  Dear Lord, what did she think she was doing? Sure, she was flattered with all the attention that Emily had given her the past few days, but why did she have to pick that little fight with Megan last night? She’d done nothing to be the cause of Alice’s anger. Her anger was really at herself, Alice supposed, for getting into that situation where her bottom half was leading her path instead of her brain.

  She knew better than to lead Emily on. But the champagne had started flowing and then a little sherry to top things off, and then some more champagne. The next thing Alice realized she was in Emily’s bed with all her clothes off and a diamond pin in her hair, and she was in the middle of something she didn’t remember starting. Emily had quickly reminded her of what needed to be done, so Alice finished her off and then Emily did the same for her. After a little snooze, Alice got up and left Emily sleeping like a baby. It probably was rude of her. Oh well, Emily would get over it, or she would not.

  She did regret snapping at Megan that way, though. Alice loved spending time with Megan. She was such a true joy to be around. She almost regretted having to share her with Frances. She was the one who had urged Megan and Frances to become friends, though. She had no business pining over the fact that now they were. It was a double-edged sword she seemed to be falling on.


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