Struck! A Titanic Love Story

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Struck! A Titanic Love Story Page 17

by Tonie Chacon

  Alice was terrified to watch, but she couldn’t turn away. Megan seemed sure of her footing, though, and she was right. The trunks were as stable as a staircase.

  “I’m just going to give one of these a shove out of the way,” Megan called down. “Don’t be alarmed if you see a few move.”

  There was a shifting of a couple of trunks at the top, and then Megan called out, “I’ve got the trunk open. Now I just need to find it. It should be right on top. Here it is.” A few moments later she started the climb down.

  “Thank you for this wonderful view I’m receiving,” Alice said, grinning up at Megan’s backside. Now that Megan seemed out of danger, Alice decided to enjoy herself.

  “Goodness,” Megan said, climbing down as easily as she had climbed up. “Are you flirting with me? If anyone’s ever flirted with me before, I never knew it.”

  “I’m sure I’m not the first to flirt with you,” Alice said, “especially if you dressed like that.”

  Megan laughed and dropped the last few feet to the ground.

  “Look at this bracelet. It was my grandmother’s before it was my mother’s. It is nice, isn’t it? I’m so glad we found it. I would hate to have dragged you down here on a wild goose chase.”

  “I would have enjoyed myself even if we hadn’t found it,” Alice said, but she looked at Megan’s arm where a gold chain bracelet rested heavily on Megan’s delicate wrist. “Are you sure this wasn’t your grandfather’s? It’s pretty, but rather bulky for a woman’s wrist.”

  “And heavy too. My arm will get stronger just by wearing it. See here, where I’ve rubbed a bit, you can see tiny flowers. It has to have belonged to a woman.” Megan’s laughter echoed in the cavernous room. “Come on then. I’m famished. Let’s go get us a bite to eat and then find something else to entertain us for the evening. What do you say?”

  Alice grabbed at Megan’s wrist, but she missed. Megan fluttered off, whisking herself into a whirlwind dance, with her arms swaying about and her legs kicking free. Finally she came to a stop. “It just feels so freeing down here. I can do anything I want and there is no one to judge me. Don’t you feel it too?” Megan asked earnestly.

  “I fear I have been judged my whole life, so I don’t know any different. Freeing, you say?”

  “Yes, in so many ways. Can I ask something of you?” Megan had a questioning expression on her face. Not really waiting for an answer, Megan said, “I have a small request for you. Will you kiss me again?”

  “I don’t think it should always be me kissing you. I think that if you want to be kissed, then you should start making it a habit to come and get it. That’s the way with me. I go get what I want. Well, mostly.”

  With that said Megan boldly walked up to Alice, put her arms around her neck and leaned in for a kiss. Not a little kiss either. An open mouthed kiss. A this-is-what-I-want kind of kiss. For a beginner, she was a quick learner. She was very thorough. When she had finished, she calmly stepped back and said, “Shall we go back and dine then?”

  It was Alice, this time, who raised her hand to her lips, a feeling of astonishment sweeping over her. She blinked a couple of times and said, “How did you do that? I’ve never felt that before in all the kisses I have received in my lifetime. It was like time stopped for just a moment and then there you were. So, I ask, how did you do that?”

  “Maybe it is best left up to the gods,” Megan said, “or the alignment of the stars or to fate for that matter. But as long as we are aware of the fact that our friendship truly is something special, then we shall never go astray from each other.”

  COFFEE IN THE evening was a rare treat for Alice. She watched Megan squirm about in her seat, looking this way and that, and said, “Megan, what do you think of this Second Class dining room? The décor is as nice as or nicer than most other ships I believe. This would have probably been First Class on any other boat.”

  “Ship,” Megan said.

  “Boat, ship, what do I know? All I know is that I am having coffee with a very dear friend.” Alice stirred the spoon around and around in her porcelain cup, making it ping the sides.

  “I like this place very much actually. I feel more comfortable down here than up there.” Megan thrust her nose up towards the ceiling. “And the best part is you don’t have to dress for dinner. I’m certainly not going to miss having to wear those gloves again. I just cannot fathom why they have to be so long, all the way past the elbow. Why, I had never heard of such a thing. Do you know?”

  “Well, I am sad to say that in my circles it is considered poor upbringing to be seen without gloves. I prefer to wear gloves at dances, actually, because the gentlemen’s hands are often sweaty. Men’s sweaty hands turn my stomach. Perhaps that is why I prefer women.”

  “Women?” Megan asked.

  “No, no, I meant woman. As in one. You.”

  They stared into each other’s eyes for a long moment.

  “I love your accent, by the way,” Alice said quietly. “The way you say my name, it’s different than I have ever heard before. I love the way it has a ’y’ sound to it now. Like Alyce or something like that. It’s very endearing to hear it off your lips.” Alice giggled in nervousness.

  Megan smiled back. “Well, in that case Alice, Alice, Alice, I could go on for days. The way you make me feel—I never thought possible. I’m so alive in your eyes. It’s lovely to see. I could sit here all evening and stare into those beautiful blue eyes.”

  “Now you’re just making me blush.”

  “It is but my pleasure, of course,” Megan replied in a French accent.

  “How did you do that?”

  “Do what?”

  “You know, sound like Alexandria. The French accent?”

  “Oh, that. I pick up different dialects and can imitate them within a couple of hours. It’s not hard, really. I do bird sounds too.” She puckered up her lips and gave a twittering whistle.

  Alice laughed. “My, my, you are a woman of many talents. Shall we go see what other talents you can pick up? In plain language, may we go back to our cabin?”

  Megan’s eyes lit up like a candle on Christmas, full of wonder and joy.

  “Yes, I am more than ready. I hope Alexandria is not there.”

  They returned to their room.

  “Hello, Alexandria, are you here?” Megan asked a little too loudly. There was no answer and they grinned at each other.

  As Megan unlocked the door, Alice rested her hand on Megan’s lower back. She let her hand roam even lower and caressed Megan’s curves. As soon as they entered, she turned and pressed Megan back against the door. Lips on lips, kissing Megan was so easy, and she seemed to enjoy it. Alice moved her hands over Megan’s body passionately, but lovingly, aware that Megan had never felt such touches before. It felt wonderful to be able to touch Megan, like in a dream. Megan was hers to touch, hers to mold.

  “Oof!” Megan said. The door behind her had started to open, hitting Megan in the head.

  Alice broke off and stepped back. Megan put a hand on her head and opened the door.

  Alexandria stood there looking a little perplexed. “What has happened? Why was the door so heavy to open?”

  “Um, I was leaning on it,” Megan said. “Yes, that’s right, I was leaning on it talking to Alice when you tried to open it and smacked me in the head.”

  “Oh, I am sorry for my timing. Perhaps you are going out this evening?” Alexandria asked.

  “No,” Megan said. “We are both tired and want to go to bed early. But you can go out. It wouldn’t bother us at all if you came in late, just don’t come in all noisy, like Alice did the other night.”

  The two women laughed at Alice’s expense. Alice had to stand there being the brunt of the joke, begging silently for Alexandria to pick up on Megan’s hint and leave.

  “No, I think I shall join you in retiring early,” Alexandria said. “I am, how you say, tuckered out?”

  The three women got undressed and climbed into their beds. Alice
tried to avoid staring at Megan as she undressed, for her feelings were so strong she would not be able to hide them from Alexandria. She clenched her fists in frustration. Megan lay so near, and still Alice could not touch her. She watched out of the corner of her eye.

  Alice was fascinated with Megan’s breasts, how they moved with the cloth and how she arched her back ever so slightly in a stretch that looked so good. She wanted to cross the room and hold herself naked against Megan’s breasts.

  Perhaps tomorrow. Tomorrow will be soon enough. Yes, they still had several days aboard Titanic. There would be another chance to teach Megan all the ways her body could feel the magic of love.

  Chapter Eighteen

  14 April 1912 — Morning

  EMILY KNOCKED SOFTLY on the Cheswicks’ suite door. “I’ll get it,” she heard Frances faintly say, as she opened the door. “Oh, hi, Emily. How are you this fine morning? We are about to go to church. Is that why you’re here? To join us? Where is Ethan?”

  “My Lord, you’re starting to sound like Megan. So full of questions. Is Alice about?” Emily asked serenely.

  “No, I suppose we will see her at the service. She had a bit the other night. I haven’t seen hide nor hair of either one of them since night before last. That other night, with you.” Frances wiggled her eyebrows at Emily. “You know, kissing. Was there someone special who stood out in your little experiment? I thought it was fun.” Frances smiled up at Emily.

  “Yes, indeed, it was at that. I did enjoy our moment, immensely.” Emily smiled back at her. “It’s too bad you’re not a little older, hmm?”

  “What does age have to do with it?” Frances replied. “If it’s a match, then who am I to say no? I’m attracted to whom I’m attracted to.” She was still smiling as she turned to watch her mother enter the sitting area.

  “Good morning, Mrs. Cheswick. How does this fine day catch you? I’ve come to join you all for the service. Ethan possibly will join us, but you do know how men are, don’t you?” Emily chuckled conspiratorially to Helene.

  “Are we ready to go?” Emily took Frances’s arm, tucked it into her own and led the way.

  As they went out the door, Helene turned. “We’re leaving now Fletcher. I’m going with the girls. See you there. I’ll save you a seat if I can.”

  Emily turned to Frances after they were seated at the service. “So, you never did say where Alice was, did you? Why isn’t she with you all?”

  “Oh, she doesn’t room with us. There’s no bed for her there. We were so late in gaining passage, we got the best Titanic had to offer, so Papa set her up down in Second Class. He said it saved him two hundred pounds. He thought he was so smart until Mama found out and gave him a talking to, and it wasn’t pretty. Alice is like family to us, nearly, but...she’s not a Cheswick. Her last name is Pearce. She’s my mother’s godchild from St. Louis. I thought you knew all of this? You’re giving me a perplexed look.”

  Emily asked, “What, she’s not your sister? She’s not a Cheswick? You were always together at parties, gatherings, breakfasts? I just assumed that she and you and they—but now suddenly, she’s not. Hmm.”

  “She has been here most of my lifetime. She was brought over when she was twelve by some missionaries from St. Louis saying she had no relatives that could care for her at that time. Mother was listed as godmother in Alice’s mother’s papers. She has always been a part of my family, but, well, not quite. You know? She wasn’t born into a name of some greatness, like you and I were. That is so funny that you thought we were sisters. Her, a Cheswick. No, her family were farmers from Missouri, not shipping magnates or bankers. She has no money of her own, unfortunately. Only us,” Frances said sadly.

  “No matter, we shall see her after services.” Emily’s stomach clenched in rage. Not a Cheswick? No money? Second Class? She made sure that her face showed nothing unusual. “This place is filling up rapidly. Even if we find them we cannot save them a seat. First Class, Second Class, even Third Class have all been invited to this service.” Emily tried to turn back the churning in her stomach, which burned at the thought of being lied to by Alice. Not telling her up front about her situation was a lie. Come to think of it, Alice never had invited Emily to her room. Emily thought it was because her living quarters were shared with the family. What family?

  Still burning inside, she smiled over at Frances and asked sweetly, “How old are you again, or did you say?”

  DIVINE SERVICES STARTED at ten-thirty, open to all passengers. All classes are welcome, the sign said. The Third Class passengers that were seated already had a look of awe in their faces as they glanced around at everything as if they’d never before seen such grandeur. They were worshiping with Royalty. A quiet tremor filled the air. All had much to be thankful for. The steerage people knew that they were given a great gift from Titanic. There was equality amongst the classes, if only for a while. Singing with all classes combined their voices, lifting high in song together. It sounded wonderful.

  Megan sat to the left of Alice and Alexandria. As she leaned back to talk to Alexandria about the service, she watched Alice trying to get Frances’s attention six rows ahead. Very discreetly Alice waved, coughed, and did just about anything to gain her attention. Instead, she caught the eye of Emily. Oh my, if daggers could come through Emily’s eyes, Alice would be chopped up and left with nothing. Did Alice see it? Yes, she did. Her hand went down, and she brushed her hair back as she tried to gain a little composure.

  Attention turned to the Captain as he welcomed all classes to the wonderful Divine Service. He asked them to please join him in hymnal number forty-nine. Megan began to sing with the congregation.

  As soon as the service ended, Alexandria turned and said, “I must really insist on going. It has been very delightful but I must meet with my Papa. This is how we have become, how do you say, acquainted?”

  Laughingly, Megan replied, “Have a great time and say hello to that brother of mine.”

  Alexandria looked surprised and blushed. Colin’s shift started in two hours. Alexandria smiled, leaned forward to kiss Megan on the cheek, and ran off laughing.

  Megan turned to smile at Alice. “Well, I think we have the day to ourselves.”

  “Actually, we’re supposed to meet up with Emily and Franny at the photographer’s studio at two today to select some prints. The only one I want is the one with you and Franny in it,” Alice replied curtly. “I don’t even want to go. I’ve had enough of Emily for the rest of this voyage. Let’s not talk about her. All right?”

  “No, you don’t get out of the conversation that easily.” Megan was learning to read Alice a little better. “But I will go and give your regards to the rest. I’ll tell them you have an upset stomach or something. We can arrange someplace to meet later on, or I’ll meet you back at our cabin. How does that sound?”

  “All right, thank you. I’m a bit tired, so I do think I will go lie down for a wee nap, as you would say. Come walk me down, please. I’d like to kiss you but I don’t dare here out in the open. I just thought you should know.” Alice turned on her heels and started walking to the stairs to go down to their room on D deck. Megan followed closely, as close as she could walking.

  ALICE WOKE UP from her nap more refreshed than she thought she would be. Nice thing about naps. Sometimes the shortest ones were the most refreshing. She decided to go on up top and see if she could find Franny. Just as she left the safety of the elevator, who did she run into, but Emily? By the look on Emily’s face she wasn’t happy to see Alice either.

  Emily came right up to Alice. “You have betrayed me. How could you? After all the times and all those things we did and all, oh, just everything, you have lied to me and stolen from me. How could I have been such a fool?”

  “What are you talking about?” Alice backed up to touch the railing. “I have not lied to you. I haven’t stolen.”

  Fire came out of Emily’s eyes. “You have betrayed me by your failure to disclose your past with me. Not only a
re you not a Cheswick, as I thought, but you have no fortune or birth. It has been fun, I must say, but this betrayal of your worth and class is too much. You left with my diamond hairpin that night. I never actually gave it to you. Now I expect the return of it before New York, and I warn you, if you persist in trying to find or contact me after we have landed on solid ground, I will have those pictures of you to show your face around. I will make your life miserable, no matter which continent you are on, if you do persist. I must insist that we be parted for the rest of the voyage as well. Please, stay down in your Second Class dining hall to eat and drink and play your silly parlor games there. Do I make myself clear?” Emily’s eyes turned their true color. Green.

  “Yes, ma’am, you shall never see me again.” Alice turned and headed back to the elevators. Shaken as she was, she managed to gulp out, “D deck, please.” She got off on her floor and started walking to her cabin. No, that wasn’t where she wanted to go. She needed a drink.

  THE SECOND CLASS dining saloon was where Megan found her, drinking her second Manhattan of the hour.

  “Well now, I’ve been all over this ship with no trace of you,” Megan said, “and here you are getting sloshed. Are you all right? Get up on the wrong side of the bed, did we now?” Megan had her hands on her hips and a smile on her face. “Let me join you. What is that? It’s pretty.”

  “It’s called a Manhattan and they are pretty good too. We will get you one, and then I will tell you my troubles.”


  “Yes, you see I have been accused of, oh, wait for your drink. I see a waiter.” She waved him over and ordered another round for them.


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