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Page 23

by Moonlight Protector, Hero, Guardian, Champion (mobi)

  Cole trailed kisses up her body until he reached her lips. “I would love nothing more than to bury myself to the hilt inside of you right now.”

  “Then why don’t you?” she asked.

  “Roll over.”

  Marin wasn’t sure what he was up to, but she trusted him so she rolled over. Cole reached out and grabbed her hips, putting her on her hands and knees. Before she could ask what he was doing, he slowly slid into her, inch by slow inch.

  “Oh! Oh my… Oh Cole, that feels so wonderful.”

  Cole slid all the way into her, his hands sliding up her stomach to cup her full breasts. Pulling her up against his chest, he nipped her neck. Thrusting in and out of her, he pinched and teased her nipples.

  Marin wasn’t sure what she was feeling anymore. Cole was the first man she’d ever made love to, but her body seemed to know what to do. The sensation of him sliding in and out of her was causing pleasure to ripple through her body. She felt so close to her release… sliding her hands over his as they played her nipples, she left one hand over his as her other hand traveled down her stomach.

  Reaching between her legs, she felt Cole as he slid in and out of her. Pinching and playing with her clit as Cole thrust in and out of her, Marin started panting. A fine sheen of sweat covered her body. Cole began thrusting harder and faster; knowing that she was playing with herself while he was inside of her was almost his undoing. Using his free hand, he grabbed her hip and thrust into her as hard as he could; finding his release as she cried out her own.

  They collapsed to the bed. Cole was still buried inside of her and was wrapped around her body. Marin moaned and pushed back against him, her body clenching down on him.

  Cole growled, loving the feel of her. “If you don’t stop that, we’ll be doing this again before you’re ready.”

  “Who said I’m not ready?” she asked as she reached between her legs, wanting to feel him joined with her.

  Cole felt himself growing hard again. Pulling out of her, he flipped Marin over on her back. “I want to see you this time.”

  Marin smiled and reached for him, pulling him down for a kiss. Cole trailed gentle kisses down her neck and across each breast. Marin arched against him, loving the feel of his mouth on her skin.

  Cole was just as hard now as he had been before they made love. The tip of him teased her wet opening. Marin whimpered and lifted her hips, trying to pull him inside.

  Reaching between her legs, he teased her with his fingers. She was so incredibly hot and wet. Grasping her hips in his hands, he thrust into her hard and fast. Marin met him thrust for thrust. She felt as if her body were on fire.

  Grabbing her hips to hold her still, Cole thrust into her harder and harder. Slamming into her as far as he could, he could feel her body stretching to accommodate him. Marin was mindless with pleasure, so close to her release that she wanted to cry.

  “Touch yourself,” Cole whispered hoarsely.

  Marin looked at him with passion glazed eyes. Obeying his command, she reached between her legs and rubbed her clit. Gently squeezing it as he thrust into her, her climax broke over her like a tidal wave.

  Feeling her walls clench against him, Cole thrust into her one last time, shouting his release as he buried himself inside of her.

  Afterwards, they lay in each other’s arms.

  “I love you,” he whispered to her.

  Marin smiled in the dark. “I love you, too.”

  Marin snuggled closer to Cole and sighed. If someone had told her a few weeks ago that would be blissfully married, she would have laughed at them. Today had truly been the best day of her life.

  After feeling alone for so long, Marin finally had a real family. She had a loving husband, two brothers, two cousins, and some of the best friends she could have asked for. By tomorrow, she would have a house of her own and she had a job she enjoyed.

  Life could not possibly be better.


  Two months later, Marin was waiting in the doctor’s office. She’d been really sick the past few days and figured she had the flu. As she waited, she flipped through a magazine.

  The door to the waiting room opened and a nurse stepped out. “Mrs. Andrews? Marin Andrews?”

  Marin looked up. “I’m Marin Andrews.”

  The nurse smiled. “The doctor is ready to see you now. Could you come with me please?”

  Marin got up and followed the nurse into the back of the office. The nurse walked down a small hallway and opened the second door they came to. “If you’ll wait in here, the doctor will be with you in a minute.”

  Marin patiently waited on the doctor. It was only a few minutes before an older balding man stepped into the room.

  “Mrs. Andrews, I’m Dr. Thornton. What can I do for you today?”

  “I’ve been really sick the past few days. I thought I might have a touch of the flu that’s been going around lately.”

  “Well, let’s take a look at you.”

  Dr. Thornton checked her throat, ears, and nose. He took her temperature and her blood pressure. “Everything seems to be normal.”

  “Then why am I getting sick every day?”

  The doctor looked thoughtful. “Are you sick all day long?”

  “Well, no. It’s mostly in the mornings. By noon it seems to go away.”

  Dr. Thornton smiled at her. “Mrs. Andrews, have you thought of the possibility that you might be pregnant?”

  Marin became very still and placed a hand on her flat stomach. “Pregnant?”

  “It’s a possibility. Let’s do a pregnancy test just to be sure though.”

  The doctor stepped into the hall and called for the nurse. As the perky woman walked in, she said, “Let’s get you over to the restroom.”

  Marin followed the nurse down the hall to the restroom. When she got there, the nurse opened a cabinet and handed her a cup.

  “When you’re finished, just place it inside the door on the wall,” the nurse said, pointing to a small door in the middle of the wall.

  Marin followed the nurse’s instructions and placed the cup inside the door when she was finished. Washing her hands, she left the restroom and walked back down the hall to the room.

  It seemed like it took forever for the doctor to come back in. As he walked in, he smiled at Marin. “Well, Mrs. Andrews, it seems that congratulations are in order.”

  “I’m pregnant?”

  “Yes ma’am, you are. I’m going to leave a prescription for some prenatal vitamins at the front desk. You’ll need to take one a day for the duration of your pregnancy. Do you have an OB-GYN?”

  Marin shook her head. “No, I’ve only lived here a few months.”

  “Well, if you need any recommendations, I’d be happy to give you a list.”

  “Thank you, but a friend of mine recently had a baby. I think I’ll use her doctor.”

  Dr. Thornton nodded. “If you have any questions between now and your OB visit, just give us a call.”

  “Thank you, Dr. Thornton.”

  Marin gathered her things and headed for the check out area. It only took a minute for a nurse to bring her prescription to her. She paid her bill and walked out to her car.

  Normally she would have been at work on a Friday, but she had taken off work most of the week due to feeling so sick. She quickly headed to Sabin so she could share her news with Cole.

  Parking her new Honda civic in the parking garage, she walked to the third level door. Marin swiped her badge and opened the door. She glanced at the stairs, but decided the elevator might be a better idea.

  It felt like the elevator took forever to arrive. Marin was finally inside and on her way up to Cole’s office. As the elevator doors opened, she waved to her friends and co-workers. When she reached Cole’s office, she knocked on the door.

  Cole looked up in surprise. He hadn’t expected to see Marin until he arrived home. She had been miserable that morning and had called in sick.

  Opening the office door, he p
ulled her into his arms. “Is everything okay?”

  Marin smiled up at him. “Everything is perfect.”

  Cole’s brow furrowed in confusion, “But you were so sick this morning… didn’t you have a doctor’s appointment today?”

  Marin smiled and nodded. “Yes, I did and he gave me some wonderful news.”

  “You aren’t sick?”

  “Nope, I’m not sick. I’m pregnant.”

  Cole was sure he hadn’t heard her correctly. “You’re what?”

  “I’m pregnant. We’re going to have a baby.”

  Cole was speechless. He looked at Marin’s flat stomach and gently placed his hand there. It didn’t seem possible that there was a baby growing inside.

  “We’re going to have a baby?” he asked in a near whisper, completely in awe.

  “Yes. Are you okay with that?”

  “I’m more than okay with that!”

  Cole smiled and picked up her for a big hug. Giving her a kiss, he spun her around.

  Marin laughed and held on tight. “Easy, I may not have the flu, but you can still make me sick.”

  He immediately put her down. “I’m sorry, I was just excited.”

  “Why don’t you ask Dave for the rest of the day off? I think we need to go tell Gabriel and Michael that they are about to be Uncles.”

  Cole pulled her back into his arms. “Or I could take the rest of the day off to make love to my beautiful wife and the mother of my child.”

  Marin smiled. “That works, too.”

  After a brief conversation with Dave, Cole and Marin drove home. Cole spent the rest of the afternoon worshiping the woman of his dreams.

  The small life growing inside of Marin made their lives complete. It was all that either of them had ever hoped for. All of their dreams had come true.

  Moonlight Hero

  Ashton Grove Werewolves, Book 2

  Written by Jessica Coulter Smith

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18


  Chapter One

  Kiera ran on silent feet through the darkened alley. It probably would have been easier to escape if she had shifted into her animal form, but then she would have been stuck without clothes later. That would have been a little hard to explain to the average human.

  Running for all she was worth, she could sense the vampire’s presence not far behind her. Going into that bar was the dumbest thing she had ever done! Why had she allowed the girls to talk her into it? Shaking her head, she continued to the end of the alley. Hopefully, she would live to see another day.

  When she reached the corner, she looked around. There wasn’t much nearby except an old Victorian home and an auto repair shop. Noticing the lights were on in the auto shop, she hurried across the street. Reaching for the door, she glanced over her shoulder and gasped. The vampire was standing on the corner under the street lamp. To a passerby he would seem harmless, but Kiera knew better, knew him for the predator he was. She was trembling as she watched the vampire; she knew he could smell her fear but was helpless to do anything about it.

  Pushing the door open, Kiera rushed inside. As soon as she closed the door, she turned the lock. The logical part of her brain was calling her an idiot for thinking a lock would keep out a vampire, but her self-preservation skills were kicking in. That small piece of metal made her feel a little bit safer, even if her safety was nothing more than an illusion.

  Across the room, Gabriel heard the door close and lock. As he slid out from under the Mustang he had been working on, he noticed the disheveled woman warily watching the street through the glass door. He got up and walked slowly toward her. Taking in her creamy complexion, petite stature and long ebony hair, his body immediately responded to her. She was definitely something to look at, curved in all the right places.

  “May I help you?” he asked.

  Kiera gasped and spun toward the deep voice. Momentarily startled, she regained her composure, trying to keep her expression as neutral as possible. “Is it alright if I stay here for a minute?”

  Gabriel casually looked her over, appreciating the way her black dress clung to her curves. “Everything okay?”

  Kiera glanced back outside. The vampire was still on the corner, watching her every move. She knew that he was waiting for her to leave. It wasn’t fair to involve this stranger in her problems, but she didn’t have much of a choice if she wanted to live. And she definitely wanted to live!

  Looking back at Gabriel, she said, “That man across the street has been following me. I’m a little nervous about going back outside.”

  Gabriel looked through the glass door. Sure enough, a tall blond man was standing on the corner, watching them. An inner voice was screaming at him that the man was a vampire and to be wary. Gabriel shook his head, clearing the ridiculous thought from his mind. Vampires? He was starting to lose it. Granted, being an alpha werewolf made him believe in the impossible, but he had yet to see proof that vampires existed.

  Gently taking her arm, he pulled her away from the door. “You’re safe here. You can stay as long as you need to.”

  Kiera gave him a shaky smile. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that.”

  “Since I’m offering sanctuary, mind telling me how that guy ended up following you?” If he was getting pulled into a domestic dispute, now was the time to find out. The last thing he needed was an angry husband coming after him.

  Kiera sighed, realizing she could only tell him half of the truth. If she said that a vampire was following her, she had no doubt she would be dragged off to the loony bin. Granted, that would be the perfect ending to her not so perfect day, but she would prefer to not land herself in a padded cell.

  “The short version is that he tried to pick me up in a bar. I told him that I wasn’t interested, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer. When I left, he followed me. He kind of gave me the creeps so I ran.”

  Something seemed a little off with her story. If she had been running, why wasn’t she winded? Not that he wouldn’t have enjoyed watching her run in that skin tight dress and heels; it definitely would have been a sight to behold, especially with her being so top heavy. He almost grinned at the image his mind was creating.

  Giving himself a mental shake, he asked, “How did you end up here at my garage? There isn’t a bar for at least three or four miles.”

  Kiera hoped the shock didn’t show on her face. Had she really run that far? “I guess I got lost. I was just trying to get away from him and didn’t really pay attention to where I was going.”

  She knew her excuse sounded feeble, but she couldn’t very well tell him she was a werefox, giving her more agility and stamina than your average human. There were some things that humans just weren’t prepared to hear. The fact that “make believe” creatures really existed ranked high on that list.

  Gabriel looked skeptical. There had to be more to her story than that, but obviously she wasn’t going to share the full tale. “What’s your name?”


  “I’m Gabriel.”

  Kiera smiled. “It’s nice to meet you. I just wish it was under better circumstances.”

  “Do you need to use the phone to call someone? It doesn’t look like that guy is leaving anytime soon,” Gabriel said, glancing out the door.

  “Oh.” Kiera followed his gaze. Sure enough, the vampire was still watching from across the street. “Um, I don’t really have anyone to call.”

  Gabriel arched an eyebrow, but didn’t say anything. Just what kind of trouble
was she in? She didn’t look more than twenty-one or so. A deep primal instinct arose, making him want to comfort her and protect her. The wolf in him responded to her soft feminine scent while the man responded to her lush curves. She didn’t even reach his shoulder, which told him that she was under five-foot two since he was a little over six-feet tall. She wasn’t bone thin like a lot of woman he’d met, but she wasn’t fat either. Her elfin shaped face held full rosy lips and beautiful green eyes that were almost almond shaped. They reminded him of cat eyes.

  Kiera noticed the appraisal. “I don’t want to keep you from your work. Please don’t feel like you have to keep me company.”

  Gabriel grunted, noting the obvious dismissal. Evidently mechanics weren’t good enough for her. He should have known that a woman as pretty and as well dressed as this one was would have an attitude. Paper pushers were probably more her style; wealthy paper pushers.

  “Guess I can finish up this job while you wait to see if your admirer goes away.”

  Walking away from her, he slowly climbed back under the Mustang. It was difficult to concentrate on his work, but he managed. There was something about her that wasn’t entirely human. He knew she wasn’t a werewolf, but she was definitely something special. His alpha instincts told him that she was a mate for his pack. Since Cole was already married, that meant that she belonged to either him or Michael. Just thinking of Michael being with her made him grind his teeth.

  Kiera watched Gabriel effortlessly slide under the car. She started feeling light headed and realized that she had been holding her breath. He was the most gorgeous guy she had ever seen! Easily over six-feet tall, he had medium length black hair, piercing blue eyes, and was well muscled. It had been difficult to not throw herself into his arms. If he had stood by her much longer, she wouldn’t have been able to keep her hands to herself. She hoped that he hadn’t noticed the effect he had on her. Her animal instincts were going to get her into trouble one of these days.


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