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Page 28

by Moonlight Protector, Hero, Guardian, Champion (mobi)

  “Damn it Gabriel! I said I was fine!”

  With a low growl, he grabbed her around the waist and thrust into her hard and fast. Her gasp of pleasure was his undoing. He continued thrusting deep and hard, pushing both of them closer and closer to the edge. He felt her muscles clamp down on him as she climaxed and he soon followed, reveling in the feel of his seed spurting into her hot body. He was a little ashamed that he had allowed his animal side to win; he should have made it last longer, should have been gentler.

  Afterwards, Gabriel pulled her into his arms. Being with Kiera had been different than anything he had experienced before. While he still didn’t understand why the vampire had chased her all the way to his shop, only to leave empty handed, he wasn’t going to question his good fortune. She was definitely the best thing that had ever happened to him.

  He brushed a gentle kiss across her lips. “I promise that next time will be better. I should have taken things slower.”

  She leaned into him. “It’s impossible to make it any better. That was absolutely perfect.”

  Smiling, he asked, “Would you like some champagne?”

  Kiera smiled at him. Before she could reply, the champagne bottle and both glasses appeared on the edge of the tub. She stared at them wide-eyed.

  “Please tell me you did you that,” she whispered.

  Gabriel was shaking his head and looking at her strangely. “No, it wasn’t me.”

  “Do you sense any other presence in the room? Maybe you have a ghost?”

  “No. I think… I think you made them appear over here,” he answered.

  Her eyes got even wider, “Me?”

  “There’s almost a glow to you,” he said, raking his eyes over her beautiful, naked body.

  “All brides have that,” she lightly scoffed.

  “Not that kind of glow. You’re literally glowing!”

  Looking down at herself, Kiera saw that he was right. She was glowing. It wasn’t as bright as the light that had signaled her mother’s appearance, and disappearance, but she was most definitely glowing. She started to run her hands through hair, but realized it was still pinned up. She settled for twisting the tendrils that had escaped, which was a nervous habit of hers, and noticed that her ears didn’t feel quite the same.

  Practically jumping out of the tub, she went to look in the mirror. Sure enough, the tops of her ears were a little more pointed than before. Why was she suddenly showing signs of her fairy heritage? What did all of this mean?

  “Kiera, what’s going on?”

  “I’m not entirely sure, but I bet my mother would know,” she replied.

  “Your mother? I thought you hadn’t seen her since you were born,” Gabriel said.

  “I hadn’t. Not until today.” She turned to face him. “Just before the wedding she appeared to me downstairs. And when I say appeared, I mean that she materialized in a ray of blinding light.”

  “What is she? An angel or something?” Gabriel asked.

  “She’s a fairy.”

  Both of his eyebrows went up. “You’re half fairy? I thought you were a werefox?”

  She sighed, she obviously needed to start at the beginning. “My dad never said much about my mother, except to tell me she was special. I always thought it was just because he loved her so much, but apparently he meant special in a supernatural sense. My mother is a fairy, which makes me half a fairy.”

  “Wow. I’m not quite sure what to say.” Gabriel hadn’t realized that fairies even existed and now he found himself married to a woman who was half fairy. It was mind boggling to say the least; he wasn’t sure what to make of it all.

  She stepped toward him hesitantly. “Are you sorry that you married me?”

  Gabriel stepped out of the tub and wrapped his arms around her. “No, I’m not. I don’t care if you’re a fairy, a fox, or a human. You’re my mate and you belong to me.”

  She liked hearing the possessiveness in his voice. “Would you make love to me again? Maybe in the bed this time?”

  Gabriel smiled. “I can think of nothing I’d like more.”

  Grabbing the towel she had pulled out earlier, Gabriel dried off his bride. He quickly dried himself and then picked her up. Walking into the bedroom, he laid her on the bed. Letting his eyes roam over her gorgeous body, he noticed that her glow had faded. Maybe it was only something that happened when she climaxed. Only one way to find out…

  Gabriel climbed into the bed beside her and pulled her into his arms. He slowly removed the pins from her hair, watching the curly mass tumble to the bed. He’d never seen hair as lovely as hers before.

  Kiera watched him, noting every expression that crossed his face. She had convinced herself that she would always be alone; and now she had a husband, one who appeared to be quite happy with his new wife.

  Pulling his head down, she kissed him. Gabriel made her feel things and want things that she had never thought were possible. She’d never really dated before and had certainly never had a man kiss her the way Gabriel did. Being in his arms made her heart beat erratically and made her feel like she had a mass of butterflies in her stomach. Touching him made a liquid heat pool between her legs. She’d admired guys before, but never had her body reacted the way it did when Gabriel was around. The slightest touch made her want to beg for more.

  Gabriel broke the kiss and looked down at his wife. His wife! The idea of a wife still shocked him. He had so many emotions swirling through him that he didn’t understand or recognize half of them. All he knew was that she was his and that she was precious to him.

  “Kiera, I want you to know that I’m going to make you happy. I don’t want you to ever regret marrying me.”

  Kiera smiled at him. “I could never regret marrying you. You’re my mate, the one man in the world who is destined to be with me.”

  Gabriel gently trailed his fingers across her cheek. “As long you don’t have any regrets.”

  Kiera shook her head. “Not a one. Now shut up and kiss me.”

  Gabriel chuckled and bent his head to hers, claiming her lips in a kiss. Without breaking the kiss, he rolled so that she sprawled across him.

  Kiera looked at him questioningly.

  “Why don’t you take charge? You can do whatever you want,” he told her.

  “But… I, um… I don’t know what to do,” she said, slightly embarrassed.

  Gabriel tucked her hair behind her ears. “Just do whatever makes you happy, whatever brings you pleasure.”

  Kiera hesitantly reached between their bodies. When she found the hard length of him, she slowly slid her body down, taking him inside of her.

  Gabriel watched her. He knew that she was uncertain of what she was doing, but he wanted to draw her out. He could tell that she was passionate; she just didn’t realize it yet. Not to mention that he was exceedingly turned on, watching her take his dick in her hand, guiding it inside of her.

  Once Kiera had Gabriel all the way inside of her, she wiggled her hips a little to get adjusted better. Gabriel groaned and thrust his hips upward, burying himself even further inside of her moist heat.

  “Gabriel, I honestly don’t know what to do.”

  “I think you’re doing just fine, honey,” he reassured her.

  “But... I want…”

  “What do you want?” he asked.

  Kiera wet her lips. “I want you to take charge like before. I never thought I’d want a man to take charge, but I kind of liked it.”

  Gabriel grinned at her before rolling her over. Once he had her pinned beneath him, he grabbed her wrists and held them over her head.

  “Are you sure you want me to be in charge?” he asked, giving her another chance.

  Kiera nodded. “Yes,” she whispered, loving the show of male dominance far more than she thought she would.

  Gabriel kissed her as he thrust into her. She gasped against his mouth and arched her hips to meet his. Releasing her hands, he cupped her breast before letting his hand trail down to her s
tomach. Brushing against the soft skin of her belly, he reached for the curls at the juncture of her thighs. As he parted her lips, he could feel her enlarged clit. The slightest touch had Kiera arching off the bed. Feeling her inner walls spasm around him, Gabriel thrust into her harder and faster.

  Kiera felt as if she couldn’t get enough of him. Her whole body felt as if it were on fire. She grasped his shoulders and pulled him closer, wrapping her legs around his hips, taking him deeper.

  Gabriel was so close to his release. He thrust deeper and faster, driving himself into her as hard as he could.

  Kiera arched against him and cried out his name as her climax broke over her. Unable to hold back any longer, Gabriel found his release as well.

  Rolling to his side, he took his bride with him. They were still joined and already Gabriel was growing hard again.

  Gazing as his lovely wife, he realized that his theory was correct. She glowed when she had an orgasm. Grinning, he decided to see how long he could keep her glowing.

  Chapter Three

  Gabriel and Kiera slept late the next morning. They had spent the majority of the night making love; until they had both passed out shortly after three in the morning, completely exhausted.

  Gabriel woke first. He felt Kiera’s soft body wrapped around his and glanced down. Her head rested on his chest, her arms were around his waist and one of her legs was draped across his. He smiled; he definitely liked waking up next to Kiera in the morning.

  Sliding out from under his wife, Gabriel went to the bathroom and started the shower. They needed to leave soon in order to make the long drive to her hometown, but he also wanted her well-rested. Deciding to let her sleep, he took a quick shower and got dressed.

  As he pulled his shirt over his head, Kiera stirred on the bed. Gabriel could tell that she was searching for him in her sleep. Walking to the side of the bed, he brushed her hair out of her face.

  Kiera murmured in her sleep and pressed her face into Gabriel’s hand. Stretching, she slowly came awake.

  Gabriel smiled down at her. “Good morning, sweetheart.”

  She gave him a sleepy smile. “Good morning.”

  “Cole and my cousins should be here shortly. Why don’t you take a shower while I scrounge up some breakfast for us?”

  “As your wife, shouldn’t I be the one cooking?” she asked sleepily.

  Gabriel chuckled. “I’ve been cooking most of my life; I don’t think one more morning will kill me. If you want to take over most of the cooking after today, I won’t argue with you.”

  Kiera sat up in the bed and rubbed her eyes. A quick glance at the clock told her it was almost ten o’clock. She never slept this late, but then she’d never been kept awake into the wee hours of the morning making love before either.

  Gabriel picked Kiera up and hugged her to him. Kissing the top of her head, he set her down in front of him.

  As Kiera stretched, Gabriel drank her in. She was sensual and sexy without even realizing it. Watching her made him want to throw her on the bed and make love to her again.

  He cleared his throat and tried to focus his mind elsewhere. “I’m going to head down to the kitchen. Come down when you’re ready.”

  Kiera watched her husband scurry out of the bedroom and briefly wondered what his hurry was. Going to her bag, she pulled out a pair of jeans and a black top. If Gabriel thought it was possible for her to shower and dress quickly, he had better think again. It usually took her an hour to dry her hair. Maybe she should just braid it while it was wet.

  Hurrying into the bathroom, Kiera took her shower, letting the hot water soothe her aching muscles. She wasn’t as sore as she had thought she would be, but she could definitely tell her body had done things it never had before. Her lower abdomen felt slightly stretched, but in a good way.

  Turning off the water, Kiera towel dried her hair and her body. Moisturizing her skin, she braided her hair and put on some mascara and blush. Even with the afterglow of making love to Gabriel all night she still looked a little pale.

  Once she was dressed, she made her way downstairs. She hadn’t gotten a complete tour of the house yet so she followed the sounds to the kitchen. Gabriel had set out plates with eggs and bacon and two glasses of orange juice. He was brewing a pot of coffee when she came up behind him.

  Slipping her arms around his waist, she pressed her face against his back and breathed in his scent. Kiera couldn’t believe that Gabriel was hers. How had she gotten so lucky? Then again, she did have a vampire who wanted to drain her dry. Maybe lucky wasn’t the right word for it.

  Gabriel turned and pulled her into his arms. He briefly kissed her and hugged her tight. “We should eat before everyone else gets here. I’m surprised they didn’t show up at the crack of dawn.”

  Kiera released Gabriel and sat down at the table. Throughout her meal, she kept stealing glances at her new husband. Husband… the word both terrified her and thrilled her. She had given up on ever getting married. Now she found herself attached to a gorgeous alpha.

  As they were finishing their breakfast, the front door opened. Cole, Connor, and Colin had arrived. Michael had decided to stay behind with Marin as a precaution. As the loud male voices drew nearer, Kiera instinctively moved closer to Gabriel. His large noisy family still unnerved her.

  Gabriel walked to the coffee pot and poured four thermoses of coffee. Turning to Kiera he asked, “Do you want some coffee?”

  Kiera shook her head. “No thank you, I prefer tea.”

  Gabriel dug through the cabinets but came up empty handed. “I’ll have to get you some. We don’t seem to have any right now.”

  Kiera smiled at him. “It’s okay. If I can grab a soda along the way, I’ll be fine.”

  Gabriel nodded and started passing out the coffee to his brother and noisy cousins. While the men figured out the game plan for the day, Kiera excused herself and went upstairs to get her purse.


  Eight hours after being on the road, Cole neared Kiera’s small town. Glancing in his rearview mirror, he saw that she was asleep.

  “Gabriel, could you wake up your wife? I have no clue where I’m going once I get to the town.”

  Gabriel, who had opted to ride in the backseat with Kiera, gently nudged her awake. “Sweetheart, it’s time to wake up.”

  Kiera murmured and leaned into Gabriel. She rubbed her eyes and slowly blinked awake. It was dark outside and Kiera didn’t see any signs on the highway to indicate where they were.

  “Where are we?” she asked softly, her voice still husky from sleep.

  Cole glanced at her in the rearview mirror. “About ten minutes from your town. Once I get there, I’ll need directions to your place.”

  Kiera nodded and smothered a yawn. She hadn’t meant to fall asleep. Between her rather exhausting night and the long car ride, sleep had claimed her no matter how hard she had fought against it.

  As they pulled into Kiera’s little sleepy town, she gave directions to Cole. Within a few minutes, they were pulling up outside of her small home.

  They climbed out of the car and stretched. Colin and Connor had parked behind them and were also getting out of their truck. Kiera dug through her purse for her keys.

  Walking up to the porch, Kiera unlocked the front door and pushed it open. Her home was a small two bedroom two bath home. It was a white clapboard frame home with a small front porch. Kiera had done her best to decorate the place, but her job hadn’t paid much. The best jobs were reserved for the werewolves. Kiera had been lucky to find a file clerk position. Most of the lower level shapeshifters ended up working in food service or another low paying unappreciated job.

  As the group entered the house, Kiera flipped on the lights. Thankfully, she had cleaned everything before she left with the girls. It was hard to believe it had only been a few days since she’d been here; it felt like forever.

  “What do you want to do first, Kiera?”

  She glanced up at her husband. “I’m not sur
e. I hadn’t really thought about it. Your home is already furnished so I don’t really need the furniture.”

  “Kiera, you can take whatever you want. If you want to put your furniture in the house, that’s fine.”

  Kiera shook her head. “I’m not attached to any of it except an old rocking chair my dad claimed belonged to his mother and a hope chest that’s been in the family for three generations.”

  “Is there a place to donate the rest of it? Or do you want to sell the house furnished?” Gabriel asked.

  Sell the house? Kiera hadn’t really contemplated what would happen to her home. It may be small, and she may hate this blasted town, but this had been her home since the day she was born. Selling it just somehow seemed wrong.

  As if sensing her dilemma, Gabriel placed a hand on her shoulder. “If you want to keep your home, you can Kiera. I just thought you might like to sell it and put the money towards something else.”

  Kiera was thoughtful. He had a point. If she sold the house, she would have money to invest in something worthwhile. Unfortunately, she didn’t have any skills to begin her own business. Maybe she could use the money to help Gabriel expand the garage he owned.

  “We can sell it furnished; unless anyone wants the furniture?” Kiera glanced at the other men in the room.

  “Marin already furnished our house, but Michael might be able to use it.”

  Gabriel looked confused. “Michael? What would he do with it?”

  Cole rolled his eyes. His brother was a bit slow at times. “He’s moving out to give you and Kiera more room. Matt was meeting with him today to show him some rental properties. Although, knowing Matt and Cassie, they’ll end up selling the place to him cheap.”

  Gabriel shook his head. “Michael didn’t have to move out just because I got married.”

  Cole shrugged. “You’ll have to take that up with him. In the meantime, I’m going to text him and see if he wants any of this furniture for his new place.”

  Cole headed outside to text his brother and check in with his wife. He knew that Marin would worry if he didn’t call her soon. It was the first time they had been apart for any length of time.


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