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ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Mated, Bearfoot and Pregnant (Bear Shifter BBW Pregnancy Romance) (Werebear Hero Fantasy Romance)

Page 11

by Leah Kent

  Victoria had started to back away. There was malice and anger in Peter's voice that she'd never heard before, and it scared her. Paired with how his eyes narrowed as he took her in, he looked dangerous.

  "This isn't funny. Let me go. We're over, Peter. I took my things out of the apartment and left. What more do you want from me?"

  "What do I want?" Peter asked. He followed her as she backed away, shadows from the flickering light overhead playing across his face. Victoria was terrified. "Maybe I want a girlfriend who talks about her problems before running away and shacking up with another man. What the hell do you think you're doing, Victoria? I never broke up with you. You're still mine."

  "That's not how it works," Victoria gasped, but it was barely more than a whisper. Her ass hit the dusty receptionist desk; there was nowhere else to flee.

  "Then why don't we talk about it?" Peter asked. He stood directly before her, and one of his hands grasped her by the shoulder and forced her to sit upon the desk. Victoria's heart raced, mouth dry. She'd thought she'd known Peter, and this was not the man she remembered. Sometimes Peter had shown himself to be cruel, but he'd never been this malicious.

  "Peter, please," Victoria whispered, voice breathy.

  "Tell me you still want to fuck me," he commanded, voice sharp and tone low and lusty. "Tell me how much you love it, and I'll let you go."

  Whatever had happened to him in the week they'd been apart had left him deranged. Eyes wide, out of breath, Victoria didn't hesitate to give him what he wanted.

  "I want you," she gasped. The words sounded shaky, but Peter didn't seem to mind.

  "Tell me you want to fuck me!" It was almost a roar. Victoria jerked back, but there was nowhere else to go.

  "I want to fuck you!" it was cried out, an emotional confession. "I want to fuck you bad, Peter! Please just let me go. Let me go..."

  He leaned forward, eyes crazed, until they were nearly nose to nose. Had Victoria's arms not felt like they were made of lead, too heavy to lift, she would have struck out at him. Instead she'd become a statue, paralyzed by fear.

  "Tell me how hot my cum feels inside of you," he breathed against her skin. "Tell me how much there is of it sitting inside of you."

  "Peter, I told you what you wanted to hear! Why can't you—"

  "DO IT!" He rarely bellowed, but then again, for as verbally abusive as Peter had been, he'd never physically threatened her. Right now Victoria felt like the chance he'd hit her, or worse, was real. When he spoke again the words were softer. "And I want to hear how much you're enjoying it in your voice."

  "Oh God," Victoria gasped, turning her head and closing her eyes. Peter's hot breath was upon her. "It feels so good inside of me. There's so much, Peter. I've never felt so much before! Oh my God, it turns me on so much to have it inside of me. I want more!"

  Had she had the will to look, Victoria would have seen Peter grin.

  "Good girl," he whispered, praising her. "Tell me you want it again. Tell me you want me again."

  Tears had started to fall, even from beneath her closed eyelids.

  "I want to have you again," she told him. "I want to do it again. I want you bad."

  "I think that's all," Peter told her, then pressed a hot kiss to her cheek. "Go home now, Victoria. I never want to see you again."

  Peter's footsteps echoed through the empty building, and she heard the turn of the key in the door, then the slam as it closed in his wake. He'd left her all alone in this bizarre place.

  The spell broke all at once, allowing Victoria to move again. As soon as she was able she stood from the desk and found her knees too weak to support her weight. One palm met the dusty desk heavily, supporting her. The world spun. Whatever satisfaction Peter had taken from that encounter left her feeling sick to her stomach, as though he'd taken advantage of her without even touching her.

  Victoria's free hand dug into her back pocket to withdraw her cellphone to find five missed calls from Gabriel. Her stomach churned again. Had that been infidelity? How would Gabriel react when she told him what had happened? It was a reality she preferred not to think about. Maybe if she ignored what had happened, it would fade from her memory to be forgotten entirely.

  The phone in her hand shook, and Victoria realized she was trembling all over. She called Gabriel back. The call connected almost immediately.

  "V?" he asked, voice heavy with concern. "What happened? Where are you?"

  "I'm okay." Despite how shaken she felt, Victoria was surprised how well she was able to sound disaffected. "I got a call from my parents and had to go over to see them quickly. I'm coming back home now. Do you think we can just stay home the rest of the day? Cuddle? Watch something on television?"

  There was a pause. Gabriel would know that the request was unusual; Victoria was always eager to go out.

  "Yeah, of course," he replied hesitantly. "Anything for you. I guess I'll see you soon?"

  "Yep. Soon. Thank you for being understanding."

  "You got it. Take care."

  "You too."

  The call ended. Victoria inhaled deeply, shook her head, then tested her legs once more. Stable. It was time to go home and forget this had ever happened.

  When Victoria did leave the building, she was too late to see the old beater that Peter had ducked into. Two others waited in the car: a man seated in the driver's seat, and a woman who sat in the passenger seat behind him. Peter had settled into the back, and as he buckled in the man drove the car away from the curb and left 103 Knorr behind.

  "Did you get what we needed?" the woman asked. Her long black hair was drawn up into a loose, stylish bun. Gorgeous cheekbones and a stunningly feminine jawline paired with a slender body; there was no question that she was beautiful. Jessica had always prided herself in her appearance.

  "I got it," Peter assured her with a smirk. "She sang for us. That slut's going to get what she deserves."

  "She's not the only one," Jessica cooed. She leaned across the bench and ran her narrow fingers over Peter's jaw, drawing his face towards hers. They kissed deeply, but even after Jessica parted from Peter's lips, chemistry lingered between them. The payment wasn't complete yet. "You know you get rewarded when you do things that make me happy, Peter. Tonight is going to be ripped from your naughtiest fantasies."

  "You guys are disgusting," Lewis complained from the driver's seat. "Save the bedroom talk for when you're alone. I don't want to hear what my sister is doing behind closed doors."

  Jessica laughed, but instead of acknowledge Lewis, she turned her eyes back to Peter.

  "Can I have your recording device now, Pete? We're going to be busy having fun tonight, but Lewis has his work cut out for him with these recordings."

  "Yeah," Peter mumbled, slipping the narrow voice recorder from his pocket. The red light was still on, and when Jessica plucked it from his fingers she flipped it off.

  Everything happened for a reason, she knew, and Peter had served his reason perfectly. The Liston pride would not collapse gracefully, and Jessica looked forward to watching the once mighty bloodline draw its last desperate breaths.

  Chapter Four

  There was something wrong with Victoria, but Gabriel was hesitant to pry it out of her. Since that morning when he'd had to cancel on breakfast to speak to Finneus she'd seemed off, but her mood had only worsened as the day had gone on. And it wasn't that she was angry — anger he could deal with. Between his time spent serving in the military and the flaring tempers of his lionesses, Gabriel had become skilled at dealing with rage. But Victoria was feeling something different, something that felt a lot like sorrow and guilt, and it troubled Gabriel more than anger ever could.

  They spent the day curled up in bed, watching movies on his laptop. Gabriel spent the time cherishing each one of her soft curves and indulging in the scent of her shampoo. Victoria's body was a treat, and he was as happy to shower her with affection in bed all day as he was to take her out and about town. If only she could share in his joy.<
br />
  When seven o'clock approached, both of them rose to prepare for dinner with the pride at Carver's. For as long as Gabriel could remember, the Liston pride had always met once a week to share a meal together. As a boy, Gabriel had sat beside his mother and listened as his father guided the pride through whatever difficulties or disputes they faced, and he'd always been so impressed with the thoughtful decisions he made. His father had been a good King, a worthy Liston, a warrior with a heart full of his people and a great love for his family. Gabriel missed him every day, and regretted that he could not live up to his father's legacy. For as strong hearted as Gabriel knew he was, there was no doubt his father had been infinitely more wise. Finneus had confirmed that much.

  If only he'd been able to say goodbye.

  Victoria had been locked in the bathroom for the past hour getting ready. Gabriel smoothed down his white dress shirt and straightened his tie for something to do. It had been a long time since he'd waited on a woman, but he knew the wait was worth it. The last time he'd waited like this was as a child, and when his mother emerged from the bedroom she shared with his father, she always looked radiant. Gabriel knew Victoria would stun him in similar ways.

  The bathroom door opened. Victoria did not disappoint. Her thick auburn hair was done up in loose ringlets, pinned up loosely and messily but with such style it was as though she was a Hollywood actress attending a red carpet event. The cream color tunic dress she wore was stunning, falling to mid knee to reveal the shapely legs he loved so much. Beneath the bust it was secured with a brown belt, the clasp a golden bronze color. Similarly colored bangles dangled from her right wrist, and she wore tasteful dangling earrings to match. Her signature lip, just a shade darker than her natural lips, drew his eye. Tonight her makeup was just as tactful as always, amplifying instead of overwhelming. Victoria would have been flawless were it not for the uneasy expression she wore.

  "You look beautiful," Gabriel said, rising to join her as she exited the bathroom. He took one of her hands in his own and squeezed, hoping to bring a smile to her face. It worked, but only momentarily. Soon the melancholy had set back in.

  "And you're particularly handsome tonight," Victoria replied, running a gentle hand down his chest. Usually the act would have stirred Gabriel's arousal, but tonight he found it pitiful. She was trying too hard to be normal when something clearly bothered her, and it hurt that she wouldn't let him in to try to fix it.

  "Before we go," Gabriel murmured, "I want to know what's happening, V. You haven't been yourself today and it's eating me up inside."

  Victoria looked up at him, and her blue eyes glistened with unshed tears. Sorrow pierced through him like she'd shot him with an arrow instead of fixed him with her gaze. Gabriel frowned.

  "My dad's not feeling really well," she mumbled, the life gone from her voice. The animated, dazzling woman that had drawn his eye at the Ambrogio was gone, faded and worn down by life. "I'm worried."

  Gabriel drew her into his arms and held her, careful not to touch the hair she'd spent so long perfecting. Victoria hesitated, then hugged him back. There was something desperate in the touch, as though she might float away and become lost were she to let go.

  "I'm here for you if you want to talk," Gabriel whispered to her. "If you need me, or the pride, for anything, let me know. Stacy is a nurse, and she's damn good at what she does. You're part of the family now, and we're going to help you no matter what. Don't be afraid to ask."

  "Thank you," she whispered. He let her go, and she took a tiny step away. The passion and enthusiasm they'd shared for each other had drowned beneath the weight of her news, but Gabriel knew that soon the light he cherished would return. He took her hand and led her towards the basement stairs.

  "Finn's waiting outside. We'll all go together. Just stick by me, be yourself, and I know you'll be just fine tonight."

  The bad news had struck her at the worst time. Tonight Victoria would meet the pride, and Gabriel had hoped she'd win them over easily with her good nature and bright personality. Now that seemed unlikely.

  They left together and walked around to the front of the house. Finneus' town car idled in the driveway, gleaming in the light of the setting sun. Gabriel opened the back door for Victoria, saw her seated, and then walked around the car to sit beside her. Finneus sat in the driver's seat already, and once they were settled he reversed down the driveway and they were off.

  Carver's was a semi-formal steak restaurant in the nicer section of town, not too far from Finn's place. It wasn't the first time the pride had visited the establishment; the private rooms Carver's boasted made it a perfect place to discuss pride matters, and when there were announcements or important meetings to be held, Carver's was often the desired venue.

  Even without being informed, by virtue of the venue the rest of the pride knew that something important had to be said that evening, and so it was no surprise to Gabriel that he was the last to arrive. Twelve proud lion shifters sat around the long table set out for them. There were three chairs left to be filled — the head of the table, and then the chairs to its left and right. Finneus took his place on the right. The left had always been reserved for the King's mate. The last time the chair had been filled was before his mother had passed away ten long years ago. Tonight, for the first time in a decade, it would be filled again.

  All eyes fell upon Gabriel, although he saw some truant gazes flit over to Victoria. It was her time to shine, and he hoped she was ready.

  When the door closed behind them, giving the pride privacy, Gabriel spoke.

  "I hope everyone's been well since the last time we gathered together. I'm sure you're all aware that there is an announcement to be made, and I appreciate all of you being here so punctually to hear it."

  Five minutes to seven and all the chairs were filled. Even Cynthia, who always ran fifteen minutes late, was at her place. Gabriel's hand slipped into Victoria's, and he guided her across the room and to the chair at his left, holding her hand to keep her standing.

  "Tonight a new soul joins the Liston pride to occupy a position left empty for far too long. I ask you to open your hearts to welcome the new Liston Queen, as destined by The Bond, Victoria Wilde."

  There was stunned silence. Eyes of blue and brown and green stared, but no words were spoken. Finneus shifted uncomfortably on his chair and tried to ease the rest of the pride into a welcome.

  "Welcome, Victoria!" he declared. The mirth was unlike Finn, but Gabriel appreciated it dearly. Some of the other shifters declared their own welcome, some clapped. Gabriel let go of Victoria's hand, and she remained standing before them. Beneath the light of the crystal chandelier overhead she looked dazzling, if not a little timid.

  "Hello, everyone," Victoria replied when the noise had died down. "I look forward to meeting you all one on one. It's a real pleasure to be here."

  How he wished the spark would light her words — how much better the introduction would have been for it. Gabriel set a calming hand on her shoulder and pressed a kiss to her cheek, and taking it as a dismissal, Victoria sank into her chair.

  Victoria's presence had not been taken poorly, but the symbolism of taking the Queen's seat riled those gathered. Gabriel could smell the anger mounting, the scent distinct and familiar. Finn had warned him this might happen, but he had not thought that it really would.

  "What of the Leroux engagement?" Carlson asked. The youngest out of the lot of them, his fiery nature often got him in trouble. "Last week we met Jessica, and she was slated to be the next Queen. We were finally going to get rid of the divide between the two tribes, and now what? Now we're going to ally with the mortals? Because you can't tell me that she's not a mortal, and if she's a mortal there is no way you share The Bond."

  For a moment there was silence, and then a flurry of other voices joined the conversation, all of them heated. Some rose to Gabriel's defense, but others tore down his decision. Victoria shrank into herself, remaining still and quiet as the fight broke out.

  "ENOUGH," Gabriel bellowed. The noise died all at once, and his cry echoed through the room. One by one he looked the members of his pride down, his eyes burning with fury and edged with dominance. No one dared to speak.

  "I am King. I have not been King for long, but Liston blood runs pure through my veins, and I am my father's son. You will respect my decisions and honor me as your leader, and you will respect Victoria and honor her as my mate and as your new Queen."

  Before any other shifter could make a sound, Victoria stood. Gabriel's head turned to her, and every set of eyes at the table watched her as she moved.

  "I know this is confusing for you guys," Victoria said, words regaining some of her usual spark, "but it's even more confusing for me. I know nothing of your world, or your customs, or of mergers, or anything. But what I do know is that we are all people, mortal or otherwise. I've got feelings just like the rest of you, even if I may seem quiet or pacifistic. For a long time I let someone step all over me and take advantage of the fact that I'm not a fighter, and it's still hurting me to this very day. But like any other person does, I also learn from my mistakes. I'm not going to sit here and let a room full of people fight over me and call me names because of how I was born, or what I look like, or who I choose to love."


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