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ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Mated, Bearfoot and Pregnant (Bear Shifter BBW Pregnancy Romance) (Werebear Hero Fantasy Romance)

Page 32

by Leah Kent

  Chapter Five

  Nancy waited for them at O’Hare International Airport. She wore a chauffeur’s hat over her short black hair. Her black suit was neatly pressed, a straight, knee length A-line skirt with a black jacket. She could have been any chauffeur, except that she had no shirt under the closed jacket. Rose smiled to see her and Nancy took her and Mandy’s suitcases, setting them beside the back wheel as she opened the door for them to enter the limousine.

  Inside, a chilled bottle of wine waited for them with two glasses. Mandy took the bottle and poured first Rose and then herself a half glass, without Rose needing to say anything. Rose smiled and thanked her. She appreciated the gesture and the forethought, but with that, the trepidation returned. Mandy could have been responding out of habit, perhaps remembering the duty she would have to do with Marcus in the limousine. Rose did not know. By design, Marcus did not tell her what services Mandy did for him. He wanted Rose to develop her own style and express her own needs, not conform to what he did.

  It could be that Mandy was becoming intuitive about Rose’s wants and desires. That idea was appealing to Rose. It could mean she had learned more than she thought she did, and that meant that Marcus might move on with her training, which might mean no more Mandy.

  Traffic held up the limousine as they exited the airport. Nancy had the privacy glass down and gave an apologetic look to Rose in the rearview mirror. Rose sat back and sipped her wine. She liked the city, but not the traffic. She remembered then that she had given Mandy a simple command. Rose reached over and slid her hand up Mandy’s thigh and under the skirt. She found her sex bare and clean-shaven, and wiggled her fingers between the soft folds until she found Mandy’s clitoris. Mandy let out a small gasp as she started to sip her wine.

  “Be still.” Rose gave her a playful smile. “I think Miss Nancy would be rather upset if you spilled wine in her limo.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Mandy kept herself still as Rose flicked her finger across her clitoris. Light moans escaped Mandy’s lips but she continued to sip her wine, careful to control herself. When Rose felt Mandy’s hips begin to tremble, she set down her own glass of wine and took Mandy’s glass in hand. She continued to flick her finger, with more pressure, until Mandy gasped. Rose could see Nancy’’s reflection in the rear view, and the slight grin that crossed her lips.

  Rose pushed her finger into Mandy’s sex, feeling her wetness. When she withdrew her finger, she brought it up to Mandy’s wine glass and ran her finger around the rim. She sipped one side and gave the submissive a smile. “Very nice.” Rose gave the wine glass back to Mandy and picked her own back up.

  “I can delay us a little longer if you’d like,” Nancy said over her shoulder. Ahead of them, the traffic began to thin.

  Rose looked at Mandy, who was flush from her orgasm and Rose thought a little embarrassed about the display being in front of – or rather behind – Nancy. “No. We shouldn’t keep Marcus waiting.”

  “As you like.” Nancy pulled out into an opening in the traffic and they were finally making time through the city.

  When they arrived at Marcus’ high-rise apartment, Nichole greeted them at the door, wearing only her collar. She gave a polite bow as they entered. Marcus sat on his sofa, reading a newspaper. He put it down on the table and rose to greet them, walking around the sofa and embracing Rose warmly. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of being in his arms. She had missed this, far more than she realized.

  Could I give up my farm for this?

  Chapter Six

  He released his embrace before her mind formed an answer and turned his attention to Mandy. The submissive tilted her head slightly in his presence and Rose did not miss the tender affection in Marcus’ eyes. She thought it matched her own affection for Mandy and wondered. Would she feel this way about any submissive she decided to take on?

  “I’m very interested to see what you have learned working with Mandy.” Marcus turned his attention back to Rose. “Are you ready?”

  Rose felt nervous now, but took a deep breath to calm herself. “I am.” Rose looked at Mandy, then to Nicole, and back. “Mandy, take off your clothes and fold them neatly.””

  “Yes ma’am.” Mandy did as she commanded, removing her dress and folding it. Nichole took it in hand to put aside. Mandy slid off her shoes as well, placing those in a small cubby that stood next to the door. She only wore her bra now, but Rose was not happy with that.

  “Nichole is Marcus’ primary submissive, is that correct?” Rose asked.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Mandy said. She gave a small smile. “Miss Nichole helped to train me when I first arrived.”

  Rose liked the warmth she heard in Mandy’s voice in talking about it. It spoke of a good training, and more and more Rose found herself liking and appreciating the man standing beside her. “Would it be proper for you to wear more clothes than Nichole is allowed?””

  Mandy’s face turned a deep pink. “No, ma’am.” She quickly removed her bra and folded it before handing it to Nichole.

  Nichole left them. Rose thought the embarrassment was punishment enough and decided to let the small indiscretion go. She had a feeling Mandy probably learned the lesson anyway.

  “Thank you, Mandy.” Rose looked up to Marcus to see the approval in his eyes as well. He would have been upset if I reprimanded Mandy further. She thought she would talk to Marcus about that more later, so that she would understand more about when to give a punishment. Here it seemed clear to her, but other situations might not be so cut and dry.

  Marcus led Rose around to the sofa and they sat down. Mandy stood, waiting for a command or to be told where to sit. Marcus wanted to see how the two of them worked together, so she decided to continue the demonstration.

  “Marcus, would you like a drink?” Rose asked.

  “I could use one I suppose.” He gave Rose a smile that held a little guilt. He had been a poor host in not offering. He raised his hand to gesture to Nichole, but Rose put hers over his and lowered it.

  “Mandy, make drinks for us.” Rose looked to Marcus. “A vodka tonic?”

  “That sounds good.” Marcus smiled at her.

  Rose turned her attention back to Mandy. “A vodka tonic for each of us please.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Mandy gave a slight bow and walked over to the bar to begin mixing the drinks.

  Marcus raised his eyebrow to Rose. “You say please to your submissive when you give a command. That’s interesting, if unnecessary.”

  Rose laughed. In truth, it was simply habit to say. She realized she did not do it all the time, but she understood she had to answer for the times she did. “It’s a habit to show that respect to a person. Mandy is a submissive, but she’s still a person.”

  “You didn’t say it earlier though.” Marcus narrowed his eyes at Rose.

  “You didn’t ask me why I said thank you to her either.” Rose decided to meet his challenge face on. Was she just acting out of habit, or was she being decisive. The truth was, she was doing a little of both. She could not be perfect all the time. She learned to accept that. She could, however, stick to her convictions and be confident if someone questioned her.

  Marcus gave a laugh and nodded. “No, I don’t suppose I did. So, how was your two weeks together?”

  Rose let out a deep sigh. This was her time to get to talk to Marcus. “I had no idea when I was with you before how demanding being a Dominant can be. Laying out and enforcing rules is easy when it’s just yourself. When you’re responsible for someone else following them, it can be overwhelming.”

  “The only one responsible for Mandy following rules is Mandy.” Marcus sat back. Rose could hear the challenge in his voice. He was testing her.

  She knew the answer to this one. “She is responsible for her obedience, but I’m responsible for drawing that obedience out of her and maintaining it. Her ability to be obedient is a reflection on me as a Dominant.”

  “You’re right.” Marcus smiled at her. Mandy brou
ght their drinks over, handing first to Rose and then to Marcus. They both uttered thanks and Mandy returned to standing near the long coffee table. Marcus continued. “How a submissive obeys is a direct reflection. Some Dominants enjoy taking on bratty submissives, but they run the risk of being seen as undisciplined and inexperienced when those submissives act out publicly. And yes, it is tiring to maintain that discipline. As I’m sure you saw with Mandy, though, it is important.”

  Rose nodded and sipped her drink. “Yes, I noticed almost immediately the change in her. Is your drink good?”

  Marcus sipped his and nodded. “Mandy’s made drinks for me before, so she knows how I like my vodka. Tell me, what would you have done if she hadn’t made it correctly.”

  Rose looked at Mandy. “Well.”

  Mandy cleared her throat lightly. “If a drink is served incorrectly, then she puts ice in my panties if I am wearing them, or makes me wear panties with a piece of ice in them if I wasn’t wearing them before.”

  Rose looked back to Marcus. “I learned quickly that ice gives her certain – needs after a few minutes. She’s not allowed to use the restroom without permission either.””

  “I would like a demonstration of that.” Marcus looked up at Mandy. “Drink a bottle of water from the bar.”

  Mandy did not move, and Rose blinked. “Mandy,” she said simply.

  Mandy walked to the bar and took a bottle of water out of the small refrigerator underneath it. She drank it quickly, and Rose turned her attention back to Marcus. She was not sure why Mandy did not do as Marcus asked. He was still her Dominant.

  Rose and Marcus talked about the lessons she learned over the two weeks, the challenges she met, and how she overcame them. It soon became apparent that Mandy needed to use the bathroom, but Rose did not give her permission. The two of them had worked on this, and she knew how long Mandy could go before a mess occurred. She had no intention of letting Mandy make a mess in Marcus’ house, or humiliating her in that way.

  Instead, she had Mandy take the now empty glasses and wash them at the bar, knowing that would only increase her urgency to pee. Rose could see the amusement in Marcus’ eye at the casual display of sadism. When Mandy finished, Rose broke from their conversation.

  “Mandy, do you need to go?” Rose asked.

  “Yes ma’am.” Mandy kept her voice calm and even. Rose was impressed.

  “You may go then. When you return, I’d like you to sit at our feet.” Rose gestured to the floor in front of her.

  Mandy did not respond with words. She walked up to Rose and knelt down, kissing her feet gently. Then she stood and walked with normal steps to the bathroom.

  “Why the kneeling?” Marcus gave Rose a genuinely curious look.

  “We worked on the permission to pee thing a bit. The first few time I granted her permission, she scurried off to the restroom and I didn’t like that. Everything else was disciplined and purposeful. I wanted that to be too. So I decided she would have to do that first. It kept her from running off.”

  Marcus gave a light laugh. “It has to hurt, kneeling when you have to pee like that.” Marcus looked to Nichole, who stood so motionless in one corner, simply observing them, that Rose was startled to remember she was there. “I think we should do that too.”

  Rose saw the look of near dread on Nichole’s face and smiled.

  “As you wish, Master,” Nichole said.

  A chill ran up Rose’s spine. She loved the deep submission that Nichole showed Marcus, and wondered if she would have that with someone. She looked back to Marcus and could see he was pleased with the response.

  Mandy returned from the restroom. Marcus stood, taking Rose’s hand and bringing her to her feet. “I know you would probably like some S&M time. I thought we would go to the play room and you and Mandy could enjoy some fun together.”

  “That sounds delightful.” Rose smiled up at Marcus.

  Mandy sat at their feet and tilted her head down. She assumed one of the submissive positions that she and Rose had worked on, with her knees together, and her buttocks resting on her heels. Her hands were in front of her, palms down and resting on her thighs. Rose referred to it as their service position, because her hands were relaxed and ready to do whatever she was commanded.

  “Nichole.” Marcus gestured, and Nichole walked from the corner to stand by the stairs. He looked down at Mandy and made the same gesture. “Mandy.””

  Mandy did not move. Rose’s throat tightened and she looked up at Marcus. He was not pleased.

  “Mandy,” Rose said. “Your Dominant commanded you to rise.”

  Mandy still did not move. Rose looked at Marcus, unsure suddenly what to do. His eyes were contemplative and dark. She was not sure what to make of them or his expression.

  Rose looked back down at Mandy. “Mandy stand up and come with us.”

  Mandy stood now and Rose felt her blood run cold. Mandy walked over to wait beside Nichole. Rose studied Nichole’s face for some hint of what she should be thinking now, but the submissive was calm and expressionless. She either had no opinion about Mandy’s disobedience of Marcus, or she was too well disciplined to let her opinion show.

  Marcus’ look was clear. He was not pleased by the display. When Rose looked up at him, though, his expression quickly changed. He guided Rose up the stairs and down the hall to the playroom.

  Rose loved this room. The large picture window that dominated one wall looked out over Lake Michigan. Nichole walked over to the large cabinet that dominated the right wall and opened it. Marcus guided Rose and Mandy to the padded sawhorse that stood along the opposite wall, to the side of the large, X-shaped cross. Rose decided to not chance another disobedience scene and brought Mandy down over it, cuffing her wrists and ankles, checking to make sure the bonds were secure but not too tight.

  “What activity would you like to do today?” Marcus asked.

  Rose thought about it. She wanted to enjoy her session with Mandy, and she wanted Mandy to enjoy it as well. She did not want Mandy to think she was getting away with disobeying Marcus, however. She knew Marcus would deal with Mandy directly, but she thought it might be a good idea if she took some initiative as well, to show that she was not pleased by the display, whatever it meant.

  “I know that Mandy enjoys impact,” Rose said. “She and I discussed that at length. I’m thinking, though, that I’d like to try something Mandy has not done much of yet. It’s something I’d like to try under your guidance.”

  Marcus tilted his head to one side. “Go on.”

  “Stretching.” Rose looked down at Mandy and saw the muscles of her thighs and buttocks tense. “She said she’s had anal training but just the basics for anal sex. I’d like to do a little more, but I want to make sure I don’t hurt her.”

  Rose looked back at Marcus. She saw something new in his eyes now. She thought it might be appreciation. He understood, then, what she was doing. Anal play was not a limit for Mandy, but it was not her favorite activity. Rose would get to enjoy some pain with the submissive, and perhaps make the point that her disobedience was not acceptable without having to levy a full punishment.

  “Nichole, bring the inflatable plug.” Marcus kept his eyes on Rose as he gave Nicole the command.

  Nichole brought the anal plug to Rose with lubricant as well. The plug was very thin, with a narrow hose running between it and a hand pump. She thought about how this would affect Mandy and felt a warmth grow between her legs.

  This is going to be nice.

  Chapter Seven

  Rose lubricated the plug and handed the small bottle back to Nichole. With one hand, she parted Mandy’s buttocks. Her skin was soft and fair, and she liked the look of the puckered hole and the way that Mandy’s muscles tensed around it in anticipation.

  “You want to relax,” Rose said. “Otherwise, this will hurt.”

  Mandy let out a small whimper that Rose found delightful. She released Mandy’s buttocks and moved her hand down to her sex. She was wet,
even with her relative dislike of the activity that was about to take place. Rose teased Mandy with her fingers before pressing them into her. She was warm and very wet. Rose removed her fingers and brought them to her lips to lick them and savor the taste of the submissive.

  “I think you weren’t very honest about anal,” Rose said. “You’re incredibly wet right now. Are you sure you dislike this?”

  “Yes ma’am.” Mandy’s voice was small and scared. Rose looked back at Marcus to make sure she should continue. He nodded.

  Rose turned back to Mandy and opened her buttocks once again. She brought the narrow plug up to the hole and pressed in gently. Mandy let out a cry, and Rose eased it in, twisting as she did to help spread the lubricant.

  “When you go in, back out a little, and push in deeper after. The outward pull is a more pleasant feeling, and it will help her relax. It will also give you a chance to add more lubricant.” Marcus gestured to Nichole, so she moved to stand next to Mandy and wait, ready with the lubricant.

  Rose did as Marcus instructed bringing the plug out slightly. She noticed Mandy relax with the movement. She waited for Nichole to apply more lubricant and pushed the plug into Mandy again, slowly and a little deeper this time. She inched it in through Mandy’s cries in this way, until the base rested at Mandy’s tender and now pink ring.

  I’ll want to be careful now.

  Rose looked round to see the look on Mandy’s face. Her featured were twisted with pain and discomfort, but she saw something else under that. Mandy was enjoying this, even if she did not want to admit to it. She supposed that Mandy had her reasons for disliking the idea of anal, even if the sensations brought her pleasure.

  It’s time for new associations maybe. Rose squeezed the pump of the anal plug and Mandy cried out. “What are you feeling?””


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