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Moonlight Kiss cc-5

Page 13

by LuAnn McLane

  One thing that did floor Reid was the money spent on one single day. Apparently couples spent twenty, thirty . . . fifty grand or more for a wedding nowadays. Reid shook his head. With a higher than fifty percent divorce rate, spending that kind of cash wasn’t worth the risk. Right?

  Reid listened to the dreamy tone of Sara’s voice when she chatted with Addison about colors, dresses, cakes, and music. He just didn’t get it. And when he calculated what he could do with investing that kind of cash, he shook his head.

  Reid also acknowledged that while his parents’ marriage seemed as solid as a rock, weathering everything from raising four headstrong children to financial difficulty, Reid had witnessed a couple of nasty divorces involving his friends. He quickly made the decision that he would have to be absolutely sure before even coming close to tying the knot.

  But when Reid’s gaze fell upon Addison the sudden thought that she’d make a beautiful bride landed in his brain with a solid thud. He envisioned Addison walking down the aisle while he waited . . . and then mentally shook himself. What in the world had suddenly come over him? Weddings were a waste of money. Marriage was a high risk. And children? He’d never even given being a father much more than a passing thought.

  Just then, his mother tipped her head to the side and laughed at something Addison said. His mother turned, caught Reid’s eye, and gave him . . . the look. Reid was about ready to roll his eyes at his matchmaking mother when she raised her wrist and looked at her watch.

  “Oh dear. I have to get going and get that apple pie in the oven.”

  “Apple pie tonight?” Reid asked hopefully. Sundays usually meant pot roast or fried chicken and some sort of heavenly dessert.

  Susan gave him an apologetic look. “Oh, Reid. Sorry, but your dad and I are going over to the Whimsy’s for horseshoes and dinner after he gets back from the baseball game. And Braden has a date with Ronnie, the cute little redhead who works at Ava Whimsy’s toy store on Main Street. I know my apple pie is your favorite. I’ll save you a piece if there’s any left over.”

  “Not likely,” Reid said glumly. “What about you, Sara?”

  “Oh, I’ve got to meet Cody for dinner at his mom’s soon,” Sara announced. “But, Addison, you’re welcome to stay and take more notes. I’ll scan these and send them to you and we can get together some evening when you get the chance. I’ll also meet with Jason this week and get more numbers to you.”

  “Sounds good,” Addison said. “I might walk around a little bit longer. I have to admit that as much as I’m looking forward to the grand opening of From This Moment, I’m enjoying a breather.”

  “Reid, I did put a pot roast on low in the oven over at your cabin before Sara and I came over here,” his mother added innocently. “There’s plenty if Addison wants to join you.” Her little shrug didn’t fool Reid. His mom and Sara had planned this way in advance. “Well, I must be off. It was so lovely to finally meet you, Addison. I can’t wait to see your shop. I hear it’s just beautiful. Just what Cricket Creek needed for our brides-to-be, and I still need a mother of the bride dress. All I’ve seen are those fussy beaded things that would weigh me down.”

  Addison smiled. “I hear you on that! I’ll have a nice selection in the store in time for the grand opening.”

  “You ready, Mom?” Sara asked. Yep, his sister had joined the matchmaking ranks of Cricket Creek. Why was he always being double-teamed?

  “Yes, let’s get a move on.” Sara nodded and hurried over to the four-wheeler, waving cheerfully. A setup. Reid was sure he was right. Not that he really minded spending the rest of the day with Addison, but he turned to her with feigned chagrin. “See what I mean?”

  “Matchmaking? You really think so?”

  “Trust me, it runs rampant in Cricket Creek. So beware.”

  “Oh, don’t worry. I might soon be planning weddings but not my own. Nope, done with that.” She made a show of dusting her hands. “And by the tone of your voice a wedding won’t be in your future anytime soon. Should we high-five on that one?”


  When Addison held up her hand Reid smacked it. But she couldn’t quite hide the edge of sadness that crept into her voice even though she smiled. “Look. I know you have your reservations about this venture but this is a lovely setting for weddings, especially with the river in the background. We’ll transform this barn into something elegant but rustic—chandeliers and champagne, but with weathered wood. You know?”

  Reid didn’t know but nodded.

  “We’ll have those fields of wildflowers in the spring. Wildflowers are my favorite. No one plants them; they just come to life. Won’t they make for some romantic pictures? And amazing fall color with the surrounding woods. We need a gazebo for the vows and a back deck overlooking the water. Poured concrete for the floor or hardwood?” She didn’t seem to be actually consulting him. “It will take some work but this old barn has good bones.” She turned to face Reid. “You might consider hosting family reunions as well. Pig roasts, things like that. This really is a wonderful piece of land, Reid.”

  “I can’t argue with that part.” It was difficult not to enjoy her enthusiasm.

  “Would you mind opening up the barn? I’d like to see the inside.”

  “It will be dusty with cobwebs and God knows what else, city girl.”

  “I’ll be just fine, country boy.”

  “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Reid walked over, unlatched the rusty hinge, and tugged the door open. Dust motes danced in the sudden sunshine slicing through the shaded interior. “You sure you want to venture inside?”

  “Of course.” Addison walked inside and immediately sneezed.

  “You want to go farther?”

  “Hey, I’ve breathed the LA smog for years. A little dust is nothing.”

  “Good point.” He followed her inside and watched her as she walked around, looking at everything with a sense of awe.

  “The layout is perfect with the high, beamed ceilings. Oh, Reid, it’s beautiful in here.”

  “This old barn?”

  She nodded. “I’ve always loved old buildings, antiques. There’s just so much history. My father would be snapping pictures like crazy.”

  “He’s a photographer?”

  “Oh yeah, especially nature and rustic pieces of history like this barn. If walls could talk . . .”

  “Well, it would be mostly mooing and neighing, I’d say. Maybe an occasional squawk.”

  Addison laughed. “Yeah, but weren’t there barn dances and things like that? Bluegrass music? Stolen kisses in the hayloft?” She fell quiet and turned away.

  The word kiss coming out of her mouth was all it took for Reid to close the gap between them. “Hey . . .” He put gentle hands on her shoulders and eased her around to face him. Her appreciation of the beauty of the land, the wildflowers, and the old barn seemed to go way beyond making money. He was seeing Addison in a different light and was drawn to her more than just physically. When she tilted her head Reid realized he’d forgotten to complete his sentence. “Let’s give those walls something to talk about,” he said before pulling her into his arms. Her eyes widened but she didn’t protest. Reid only meant to give her a playful kiss, but as soon as his lips met hers he pulled her closer, kissed her deeper. She’d looked so prim and preppy in her pleated shorts and boat shoes, but those tanned legs and full breasts reminded him of her sensual side—the part he saw when she’d kissed him at the condo. And oh, how he longed to have those legs wrapped around his waist. He wanted that sexy, throaty voice calling out his name while he made sweet love to her all afternoon long.

  Reid knew he should step back, break the kiss, but instead he cradled her head in his palms and kept on kissing her. Maybe it was human nature that the more he knew he should stay away the more he wanted her. Maybe it was because he thought she needed a real man instead of those idiots she was engaged to . . . Reid didn’t know why he couldn’t keep his distance; he knew only that since he’d
met Addison she was never far from his thoughts.

  Reid was giving the hayloft some serious consideration when he heard a rustling sound. The noise could be one of several things, but Reid knew for sure that they weren’t alone. He reluctantly pulled his mouth from hers. Looking around, he spotted the culprit. Several of them. “Addison?”

  “Hmmm?” she asked in a soft, dreamy tone that had him wanting to kiss her again.

  “I think we should go.”

  “Why?” She tilted her head. “Are you sorry you kissed me?”

  Reid rubbed his thumb over her bottom lip. “I’m surprised that you let me, but no, I’m not sorry I kissed you, Addison.” He decided to leave it at that . . . for now. “There are . . . ah, some critters in here.” He thought that critters sounded less frightening than rodents and reptiles, and he’d just spotted both.

  “Critters?” Addison’s eyes widened. “What kind of critters? A bug or something?”

  “The kind you might not like.”

  “Are you messing with me? Yeah, you are.” She gave his arm a playful punch. “Oh . . . you’re not?” She lowered her voice to a whisper.

  “Sorry.” Reid shook his head. “Now, before you get scared, let me tell you that it’s a black snake and it’s harmless.”


  “Harmless. It wants the mouse, not us.”


  “Mice, actually.”

  She swallowed hard. “So, what do we do? Run for it?” Her eyes were big in her pretty face.

  “Well, it’s over near the door. Most likely came in when I opened it, knowing there would be lunch in here.”

  With her hands clutching Reid’s shoulders she slowly turned her head to look. “Oh, dear Lord. It’s really long. Oh, and it just moved,” she whispered. “Do you think it sees us?”

  “Addison, I’m actually starting to get hungry and we should check on Mom’s pot roast. It will most likely slither away when we approach it.”

  “There are two things I don’t like about what you just said: most likely and slither. Seriously, how can you think about eating at a time like this?”

  When Reid laughed the snake moved, raising its head.

  “Shhh!” she whispered. “Did you forget that I’m a big scaredy-cat? Spiders, snakes, and mice are on the top of the list.”

  Reid held his chuckle but his shoulders moved up and down.

  “You’re having fun with this, aren’t you?”

  “No!” he said in such a fake tone that Addison narrowed her eyes at him. “Okay, maybe a little bit.”

  “So, what are we going to do?”

  “I’m going to kneel down and I want you to climb on my back. You’re about to get a piggyback ride.”

  “No, that’s silly,” Addison whispered, but then the snake slithered farther into the barn and there was a scurrying sound over in the corner. “Okay, you convinced me.”

  Reid knelt down and tilted his body forward, thinking he probably should have been more specific with his wish: He wanted her legs wrapped around him, just not quite like this. Still, when she climbed onto his back he liked it.

  “Hold on tight.”

  “That’s the second time you’ve said that to me,” she whispered in his ear, and then wrapped her arms around his neck. “Is this going to be another wild ride?”

  “To quote Jason Aldean, ‘It’s the only way I know,’” Reid answered, and then bolted toward the door. Just as he expected, when the snake felt the vibration of his running, it slithered farther into the barn, away from them. He tried not to bounce her around too much, but when he realized that she was laughing he played it up a little bit and ran around in the grass in front of the barn until he was laughing too hard to keep going. After coming to a stop he stood there for a moment, holding on to her legs and enjoying having her clinging to him. One of her shoes hung halfway off her foot, and for some reason he thought it was funny and started laughing harder.

  It was a moment before he caught his breath enough to speak. “I think it’s safe to put you down now,” he said, and reluctantly loosened his grip. She slid down his back until her feet touched the ground.

  “Thanks. I feel like such a weenie.”

  Reid turned around to face her. “But a very cute weenie.” With her flushed face and tousled hair she looked fresh-out-of-bed sexy. Reid wanted to kiss her again but took a step back to put distance between them, and followed it with an awkward pause.

  “Um, thanks for coming to my rescue.”

  Reid looked at her and, knowing he shouldn’t, said, “Would you like to come over to my place for dinner? The pot roast is probably about ready.”

  “I . . . I should get back to the shop.”

  “But you said you needed a breather.”

  She hesitated. “I want to but shouldn’t.”

  Reid inhaled a deep breath and blew it out. “Well, I would say that you’re safe with me but that would be a lie. I’ll be honest with you, Addison. I haven’t felt this kind of attraction in a long time. The more I fight it, the more I want to be with you.”

  “And that’s why I should stay away.”

  “Really? Maybe not. Maybe you shouldn’t let those jackasses from your past rule your future. They don’t deserve the power.” He lifted one shoulder. “Forget about what you should or shouldn’t do and do what you want to do.”

  She gave him a low chuckle. “That’s what I was doing when I grabbed you and kissed you.” She took a step closer. “Look, you deserve better. You shouldn’t be an experiment . . . a fling or my rebound guy. Using you to get over Garret would be wrong.”

  “Not if I’m a willing participant,” he joked, because he really didn’t think he was any of those things to her, but she shook her head.

  “I won’t do that to you.”

  “Wait.” He paused for a moment. “Addison, what did you mean by experiment?”

  She blushed and looked away. “Nothing . . .”

  “No, I want to know.”

  “Wild horses couldn’t drag it out of me,” she said firmly.

  Intriguing. “Okay, I’ll drop it. For now, anyway.”

  “So, what’s your story, Reid?” she asked softly.

  Reid glanced away, looking at the old barn, the trees, the beauty that he’d missed while living away for so many years. Addison had been so open with him about her past. He wanted to do the same, but it was hard to put into words, especially since he’d kept his feelings hidden from his family for such a long time. The gentle touch of her hand on his forearm had him looking into her eyes.

  He sighed. “When the economy tanked and my clients lost so much money I took it hard personally, when deep down I knew it was something out of my control, my hands. I did the best I could and worked overtime trying to find ways for them to recoup the losses. I withdrew, kept to myself. Rarely dated. I wasn’t about to take another risk with my money, my clients, or my life. When the drought just about took my parents’ farm I was so frustrated with them for holding on to this land when the writing was on the wall. To make matters worse, Braden quit school, Sara quit her job, and Jeff headed off to Nashville. I thought they’d all gone bat-shit crazy.”

  “But if you love something enough you do whatever it takes to hold on to it,” Addison said, and then her gaze fell to her shoes. “Some things are worth fighting for.”

  “Yeah,” Reid said, but he knew she wasn’t thinking about the farm and it suddenly pissed him off that two jerks had taken away her confidence. And here he was basically offering to be her no-strings-attached booty call. She deserved better. Yeah, dinner at his cabin would be a bad idea.

  Finally she looked back up at him. “I am pretty hungry and I just bet your mom is an amazing cook.”

  Damn. “Yeah, she is.”

  “Good. Then I’m accepting your offer,” Addison said, and looked at him long enough to let him know she wasn’t just talking about dinner.

  “Addison . . . look—”

  “No, wait.
Let me stop you. This physical attraction we’ve got going on is mutual.” She came closer and tapped his chest. “So you can be my rebound guy and I’ll be your introduction back into dating. Since we’ve laid the ground rules up front, no one will get hurt. I think it’s a great idea. All of the fun and none of the heartache.”

  No . . . this was not where he wanted this to go! “I don’t really think—”

  “Reid, you admitted that you overthink, so squash it. And, yeah, I’m a pleaser, but this way I don’t have to worry about pleasing anyone but myself.” After patting her chest she took a step back and stuck out her hand. “Deal?”

  Reid looked at her small hand and was about to decline, but the vulnerable set to her mouth and those dark, expressive eyes sucked him in. He told himself that it was because he didn’t want another guy to hurt her and that he could somehow protect her from that. But the fact that Reid wanted to drag Addison into his arms and hug her hit him like a sucker punch to the gut. He turned into a big ball of sappy mush whenever he was around her. He needed to be careful or he’d be the one to fall in love.

  Reid grasped her small hand and squeezed, feeling better when she smiled. He wouldn’t let her know about his growing feelings for her, complicating her life when she needed to get it straightened out. Addison wasn’t the cheating Hollywood socialite he had accused her of being. Her only fault that he could see was being too sweet and way too trusting of the wrong people. This way he could protect her from any other ass who even thought of doing her wrong or spreading ugly rumors.

  “Oh, I’m getting a text message,” she said, and reached inside her pocket. “It’s Mia. She’s got the evening free and wants to help me in the shop.” She looked up. “I have so much to do. I should go,” she said softly.

  Reid nodded, disappointed but somewhat relieved. Addison needed to sleep on this proposal she’d come up with to make sure it was what she truly wanted. He understood where she was coming from. The attraction between them couldn’t be denied, but she didn’t want to give Reid the power to hurt her. Still, this had the potential to blow up in his face. What in the hell had he been thinking?


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