No Ordinary Time: Franklin & Eleanor Roosevelt
Page 120
Lehman, Mrs. Herbert, 260
lend-lease, 190, 210–15, 233–34, 314, 366, 598
America First and, 194–95
Arcadia Conference and reaffirmation of, 304
“arsenal of democracy” speech and, 194–95
Churchill and, 213–14
Congress and, 201–2, 210–14, 609
enactment of, 214
FDR’s conception of, 193–94
fireside chat on, 194, 195
Hopkins and, 212–15
Kennedy’s testimony on, 210–12
Neutrality Acts revision and, 282–83
Perkins on, 193–94
Soviet Union and, 255–58, 262, 404, 477–78
Stalin’s praise of, 477
Willkie’s testimony and, 213–14
see also aid to Allies; convoys
Lenin, V. I., 257
Leningrad, siege of, 304
Lenroot, Katherine, 416
Lerner, Max, 453
Leuchtenberg, William, 43, 607
Lewis, Al, 464
Lewis, John L., 55, 183–85, 189, 285, 440, 441–43
Lewis, Mrs. Francis, 566
Lewis, Sybil, 369–70
Leyte, 552
Liberty ships, 318–19
Libya, 233, 347
Life, 258, 259, 267, 291, 415, 446, 588–589
Lilienthal, David, 147, 185, 260–61, 309
Lilly, Michael, 444
Limerick, Lady, 382
Lincoln, Abraham, 248, 253, 401
Lindbergh, Charles, 47–48, 212, 236
Lindemann, Charles, 452
Lindley, Ernest, 25
Lingemann, Richard, 332
Lippmann, Walter, 196
Lipson, Milton, 153, 297–98, 614–15
Lithuania, 580, 585
“Little Steel,” 440, 443
Litvak, Anatole, 39
Litvinov, Maxim, 313, 435
Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 51, 52
London, England, 380
Long, Breckinridge, 100–101, 173–74, 516
Long, Huey, 112
Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 96, 376
Los Angeles Times, 296, 297
Lost Horizon (Hilton), 341
Louisville Courier Journal, 149
Luftwaffe, 138, 190, 488, 511
Luxembourg, 14–15, 33, 70, 543
MacArthur, Douglas, 303, 320, 324, 457, 531–32, 552, 610
McCarran, Patrick, 107
McCloy, John, 322, 515–16, 522, 523
McConnell, Grant, 45
McCormick, Anne O’Hare, 317, 502
McDonald, James, 173, 174
McDuffie, Irvin, 15
McDuffie, Lizzie, 602, 603, 612
Mclntire, Ross, 113, 131, 191, 216, 235, 262, 278, 402, 424, 473, 493–99, 545, 547, 549, 550, 579, 584, 602–604
Mclntyre, Marvin, 120, 163, 203, 242, 328, 561
McNutt, Paul, 107, 129, 364, 365, 395
McWilliams, Carey, 628–29
Macy, Louise, see Hopkins, Louise Macy
Malaya, 286, 295, 303, 316, 356
Malta, 448, 575, 576, 585
Maltese Falcon, The, 310
Manchuria, 621
Manhattan Project, 347, 531, 590, 621
“Man Who Came to Dinner, The” (Kaufman and Han), 37
Manzanar internment camp, 428, 514
Ma Perkins, 240
map room, White House, 310–11, 463
March on Washington Committee, 248
Mariana Islands, 531–32, 589
Marine Corps, U.S., 426, 589
Maritime Commission, U.S., 317, 318, 417
Marshall, George Catlett, 22, 23, 25, 68, 169, 255, 263, 267, 268, 294, 311, 342, 347, 388, 439, 506, 509, 558, 578, 609, 613
aid to Allies opposed by, 61, 65, 66, 70, 261
and attack on Pearl Harbor, 288
attitude of, toward subordinates, 24
Bulge and, 564
Casablanca Conference and, 404–5
cross-Channel plan and, 342–45, 348
at FDR’s funeral, 615
on FDR’s style, 24, 349
independent armored force favored by, 52
on Joint Chiefs of Staff, 305
Lash-CIC incident and, 421
North Africa invasion and, 348–49, 389
Overlord command and, 478
second front and, 342–45
segregation in military and, 423
Marshall, Katherine, 388, 572, 613
Martel, Thierry de, 69–70
Martha, Crown Princess of Norway, 10, 149–54, 198, 201, 241–42, 244, 255, 263, 278, 284, 306, 307, 335, 336, 354–55, 360, 378, 390, 399, 439, 466, 502, 512, 549, 573, 595
Mayrant, 234, 386
Mead, James, 558–59
destroyers deal press conference and, 147–48
FDR’s physical disability and, 586–587
FDR’s relationship with, 25–27
Hopkins criticized by, 458–59
women reporters and, 617–18
Mein Kampf (Hitler), 253
Menefee, Selden, 444
Mercer, Carroll, 375
Mercer, Lucy P., 10, 19–20, 98, 120, 181, 207, 220, 375, 378, 504, 574
Anna Roosevelt’s relationship with, 519–20, 611, 631–32
Baruch’s recollection of, 499–500
described, 375
FDR’s secret meetings with, 433–35, 499–500, 517–21, 542, 561–62, 591–92, 598, 600–602, 630
marriage of, 376–77
Shoumatoff and, 433–34, 542
at Warm Springs, 561–62, 598, 600–602
watercolor of FDR and, 630–31
Mercer, Minnie, 375, 435
Mercer, Violetta, 435, 591
Messenger, The, 161
Mexico, 426
Middletown in Transition (Lynd and Lynd), 42
Midway, Battle of, 341–42, 468, 610
“military-industrial complex,” 610
Milner, Lucille, 566
Milwaukee Sentinel, 220
Minidoka internment camp, 428
Minneapolis Tribune, 220
Mitchell, Clarence, Jr., 165
Mitchell, Margaret, 218
“mixed” economy, 625–26
Mobile, Ala, 444, 522, 539
Mobile Register, 444
Moffat, Jay, 145–46
Moley, Raymond, 20, 78, 202
Molotov, Vyacheslav, 343–45, 348, 577
Monroe Auto Equipment strike (1942), 441
Montgomery, Bernard L, 389, 437, 506
Montgomery-Ward strike (1944), 498
Montrell, Larry, 513
Moon Is Down, The (Steinbeck), 359
Moore, Virginia, 377–78
Moran, Lord, 213, 301, 305–8, 310, 313, 317, 348, 402, 407, 408, 439, 460, 474–76, 575–77 580, 585, 621
Morgenthau, Elinor, 208, 281, 307, 399, 543, 546, 561, 592, 599–600, 604, 619
Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 14, 48, 65, 66, 142, 155, 214, 261, 307, 399, 546, 592, 600, 604
attempted resignation of, 159–60
Belgian gold reserves and, 22, 30–31
Churchill observed by, 308
Darlan deal and, 390
ER’s British tour and, 382
FDR’s last meeting with, 601
FDR’s White House shelter and, 299
German plan of, 544
on Reuther plan, 197
at second Quebec Conference, 543–44
tax legislation and, 157, 158
War Refugee Board and, 515
Washington Star cartoon described by, 265
Morgenthau, Henry III, 151, 155
Morison, Samuel E., 387, 465
Morocco, Sultan of, 405–6
Mountbatten, Lord Louis, 461
Murray, Pauli, 353–54, 447
Murray, Philip, 441, 443
Mussolini, Benito, 67, 100, 254, 309, 449
“My Day” (newspaper column), 29, 36, 136, 157, 201, 214, 281, 391, 4
44–45, 463, 507, 541
call for tolerance in, 296–97
Churchill in, 300, 543
FDR’s health in, 492
GI Bill in, 512
Hickok’s idea for, 221
Hopkins in, 87
labor-management conflict in, 226
“no foreign wars” pledge in, 187–188
postwar concerns in, 468
Republicans criticized in, 202
success and popularity of, 209, 593–594
White House in, 616–17
women’s work in, 556–57, 622
Myer, Dillon, 428, 430
Nakashima, Ted, 323
Napoleon I, Emperor of France, 347
Nation, The, 18, 54, 156, 175, 227, 232, 390
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 18, 162, 165, 168, 228, 328, 330, 352, 567
National Defense Advisory Commission (NDAC), 54–57, 183, 231
national inspection tour (1942), 360–371
Boeing plant in, 366–67
Douglas plant in, 368–69
“Eleanor Clubs” and, 370–71
Great Lakes Naval Training Station in, 365–66
Henry Ford and, 363–64
radio address on, 372–73
Teal launching and, 367–68
Twin Cities cartridge plant in, 366
National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act) (1935), 227, 482
National Recovery Act (NRA) (1933), 55, 57, 162
national service, 331–32, 427, 486
National Service Act (1945), 485, 589
National Youth Administration (NYA), 38, 140, 163, 236, 247, 250, 325, 482
Naval Academy, U.S., 249, 524
Navigation Bureau, U.S., 328–29
Navy, U.S., 166–67, 169, 262, 282, 290, 293, 328–30, 366, 523–24, 627
Navy Department, U.S., 71, 311
Nazi-Soviet pact, 84, 122, 253, 255–256
in aircraft industry, 330
conscription of, 167
employment rights for, 540
and migration from South, 333
New Deal and, 162–63
universal suffrage and, 392
see also race relations
Negro Handbook, 253
“Negro Manpower” (Army War College), 169–70
Nelson, Dennis, 366
Nelson, Donald, 315, 398, 410–12, 558, 559–60
Nesbitt, Henrietta, 108, 198–99, 216, 275, 300, 426, 572, 573, 618
Netherlands, 14–15, 23, 30–31, 33, 41, 70, 103, 190, 396, 403, 543
Netherlands East Indies, 32, 265, 286, 316
Neustadt, Richard, 606
Neutrality Acts, 22, 23, 101, 194, 282–283
New Britain, 405
New Caledonia, 462
New Deal, 18, 34, 42–44, 53–57, 60, 71, 85, 86, 88, 125, 145, 157, 162–163, 183, 191, 205, 395, 481–85, 548, 624, 626
New Freedom, 141
New Guinea, 520
New Republic, The, 56, 66, 358, 395, 447, 455, 566
Newsday, 606
Newsweek, 35, 119, 157, 226, 383, 388, 397, 618
New York Daily News, 25, 147
New Yorker, 152, 620
New York Herald Tribune, 17, 25, 64
New York Post, 69, 247
New York Sun, 549
New York Times, 17, 84, 130, 140, 142, 200, 238, 272, 303, 317, 319, 320, 330, 338, 358, 395, 398, 419, 441, 448, 462, 495, 501–2, 510, 535, 572, 583, 606
New York Times Magazine, 203
New York World Telegram, 332
New Zealand, 462, 463, 465
Nicholas II, Czar of Russia, 459, 577
Nimitz, Chester, 341, 465, 531–32
Nixon, Robert, 612
Nomura, Kichisaburo, 288
Normandy campaign, 511, 520
Norris, George, 107
North Africa, invasion of, 348–49, 384–90, 552, 610
Darlan deal and, 389–90
Eisenhower and, 348–49, 379, 386, 387, 389, 390, 460–61, 609
FDR’s mood and, 386, 388
homefront and, 388–89
logistics, materials and, 387–88
1942 election and, 609
Stimson and, 348
success of, 390–91, 435–36
U.S. military’s opposition to, 348–49
North American strike (1941), 230–31
Northwest Mounted Police, 192
Norway, 32, 70, 103, 149, 354–55
Noumea, 462
Nye, Gerald P., 47–48, 65
O’Connor, Basil, 246, 424
Office of Civil Defense, 280–81, 287, 295, 302, 323–26, 628
Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply, 231, 232, 314, 316, 384, 394–95
Office of Production Management (OPM), 231, 232, 260
Office of Scientific Research and Development, 590
Office of War Information, 467, 507
oil embargo, 265–66, 283
Okinawa, Battle of, 582
Olav, Prince of Norway, 149, 150, 198, 306, 307, 399, 512, 595
Omaha Beach, 508–9
One World (Willkie), 470
Oscar II, King of Norway and Sweden, 149
Osmeña, Sergio, 599
Ostgaard, Ragni, 152, 279
Otto, Archduke of Hapsburg, 152
Overholser, Winfred, 246
Overlord, Operation, 460–61, 475, 477, 478, 505–11
Palestine, 101, 454
Palmer, Charles, 206, 326, 327
Pan American Scientific Congress, 18, 37–38
Panter-Downes, Molly, 152, 214, 620
Paris, liberation of, 541–42
Parker, Dorothy, 453
Parks, Lillian, 20, 88, 119, 120, 243, 303, 335, 336, 573
Parliament, British, 148, 215
Patterson, Robert, 159, 168, 169, 260, 558
Patton, George S., 52, 387, 402–3, 405, 437, 565, 589
Paullin, James, 495–96, 602–3
“Pay as You Go” tax system, 488
Peace Production Board, 451, 466, 469
Pearl Harbor attack, 197, 233, 283–97
anti-Japanese-American resentment and, 291–92
blame for, 293
casualties in, 468
Churchill’s reaction to, 290–91
defense mobilization and, 294–95
Dorie Miller’s heroism in, 329–30
FDR’s reaction to, 288–90, 291, 292–93
isolationism and, 295, 609
Japan’s campaign after, 294–95
“live in infamy” speech and, 291, 294, 295
Marshall’s warning and, 288
onset of, 288–90
prelude to, 283–84, 286, 287–88
public reaction to, 291–92, 294–97
U.S. unpreparedness for, 293–94
Pegler, Westbrook, 204, 209
Pehle, John, 515, 516
penicillin, 347
Perkins, Frances, 31, 34, 53, 81, 106, 114, 116, 132, 188, 263, 264, 287, 294, 573, 586, 587, 591, 604
Bess Truman and, 617
day-care centers opposed by, 416
on ER’s eyes and ears role, 28
ER’s portrait and, 629
FDR-Hopkins relationship observed by, 37, 88, 89
at FDRs fourth inaugural, 570–71
on FDR, 16–17, 46, 58, 106–7, 190–194, 203, 292
Hull’s manner described by, 284
1940 Democratic Convention and, 126–27, 129–30
Perrett, Geoffrey, 218, 425, 625
Pétain, Henri, 389
Philadelphia, 166
Philadelphia Inquirer, 539
Philadelphia Transit strike (1944), 537–39
Philippines, 286, 293, 295, 303, 316–317, 465, 468, 532, 552, 599, 610
“phony war,” 9, 14, 44, 480
Pink Star, 282
Pittsburgh Courier, 165, 166, 171, 228, 247, 250, 329, 330, 522, 540
PM, 152, 206, 291, 539
, 605
Poland, 14, 70, 122, 520
mass killing of Jews in, 396, 454
in Teheran Conference talks, 478
in Yalta discussions, 580–82, 583, 585, 597–98
Polier, Justine, 175, 311, 489
on aid to Britain, 195
on convoy issue, 234
on ER’s popularity, 19, 397
on Jews, 102
on national emergency speech, 240
on 1940 election, 188
on 1942 election, 384
on public support for FDR, 209
on sale of planes to Allies, 63
on Willkie’s popularity, 182
on women in careers, 623
on women in war work, 556
Popular Front, 83
“portal to portal” pay, 443–44
Port Chicago, Ca., 523–24
Portland Press Herald, 413
Portugal, 23, 103, 104
Poston internment camp, 514
Potomac, 82–83, 113, 115, 153, 263, 284, 473
President’s Advisory Committee on Political Refugees (PAC), 104, 172–73, 174
President’s House, The (Seale), 305
prices, price controls, 339–40, 355, 395
farm, 359
legislation on, 316, 340, 359
see also Office of Price Administration
Prince of Wales, 263–67
“Psyche” (Moore), 377–78
Pyle, Ernie, 508, 511
Quanza, 174
“quarantine” speech, 22–23
Quebec Conference, first (1943), 456–462
Quebec Conference, second (1944), 542–46
Quill, Michael, 256
Quincy, 574, 575, 576, 583, 584
race relations:
achievements in, 540, 626–27
Addsco shipyard riots and, 444, 539
anti-lynching law and, 163–65
Belle Isle riots and, 445
black vote and, 164–65
defense mobilization and, 246–53, 330–31, 333, 540
discrimination in armed forces and, 165–71, 421–44, 565–68, 626–27
Early and, 163–64, 167–68, 171
ER and, 370–71, 522–23
Executive Order 8802 and, 252–53, 538, 539, 541
Executive Order 9066 and, 322
Executive Order 9981 and, 627
FDR and, 163–65, 168–69, 171, 447
FEPC and, 537–41
Ford strike and, 227–28
Forrestal memo and, 523
in Great Britain, 382–83, 392
NAACP and, 18, 162, 165, 168, 228, 328, 330, 352, 567
Navy and, 166–67, 169, 328–30, 366, 523–24, 627
New Deal and, 162–63
1942 election and, 384
Philadelphia Transit strike and, 537–539, 541
Port Chicago tragedy and, 523–24
proposed March on Washington and, 247–53, 627
public-transit order and, 521–23
“right to fight” and, 165
Smith-Connally Act and, 539
Sojourner Truth project and, 326–328
Stimson and, 169–70, 172, 382–83, 422, 423, 446, 566–67