Book Read Free

Best Buds

Page 9

by Catherine R. Daly

Poppy had a very thoughtful look on her face. I smiled, confident that I had gotten through to her.

  “You’re right, Del,” she said. “I am funny.” Then she threw her arms in the air. “That’s it! I know what I want to be when I grow up. A clown!” I laughed, and she smiled at me. “I feel so …”

  “Pondiferous?” I guessed.

  She rolled her eyes. “No … intervisable,” she said. At my blank look, she explained. “It means relieved.”

  I sighed. Poppy hadn’t really gotten my message. But at least she wouldn’t be climbing the high board anymore. That made me feel intervisable, too, that was for sure.

  I woke up early the next day and started packing. Tomorrow — my birthday — would be crazy busy and we wanted to leave for Maine first thing in the morning on Sunday. I carefully folded T-shirts, bathing suits, underwear, socks, jeans, and sweatshirts and placed them in my suitcase along with sandals, sunglasses, water shoes, and four — no, make that five, to be safe — paperbacks I couldn’t wait to read. I also added a brand-new sundress that I planned to wear to my birthday dinner at Brown’s.

  It had taken a while, but I was feeling okay with how things were turning out for my birthday. I’d be doing the things I loved most — arranging flowers and helping out the family business. It still annoyed me that I was giving Ashley an amazing party while I’d be celebrating on a much smaller scale, one day late. But it was what it was.

  Mom and I were running late and had to practically sprint to the store to open in time. I had just stepped behind the counter when two older women walked in.

  “I’d like a dozen roses,” said the woman with the bluish-white hair.

  “Red, white, yellow, or pink?” I asked, indicating the vases in the cooler behind me.

  She looked at them all. “Oh, it’s so hard,” she said. “Maybe a mix?”

  As I wrapped them up in crackly cellophane, I eavesdropped on their conversation. “So what are your plans for this weekend?” the blue-haired lady asked her friend, who had a snow-white bob.

  “George and I are going to the McGillicuddys’ anniversary party tomorrow,” said the lady with the bob.

  “Oh, how lovely,” said the blue-haired lady. “Is it their golden anniversary?” she asked.

  “It is! Their kids are coming in from all over the country. It’s going to be a wonderful party.”

  I stared at them. Dare I ask? Finally, I realized I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I didn’t.

  I took a deep breath. “I hate to bother you,” I said once I had stapled the bouquet closed and beribboned it. “But I was wondering if you knew why Lily Hastings and Geraldine McGillicuddy don’t get along.”

  The two women looked at me in surprise. The lady with the bob spoke first. “It happened so long ago,” she said, “but I still remember because it surprised me so much. It’s because Lily never RSVP’d to Geraldine’s daughter’s wedding. Geraldine was very offended.”

  The blue-haired lady woman gave her a funny look. She shook her head. “No, no, no,” she said. “You have it all wrong. Lily was never invited to the wedding. She told me so. She was crushed. They were supposed to be best friends.”

  After they left, arguing over who had slighted whom, I stood there shaking my head. Aunt Lily was a stickler for manners. There was no way she wouldn’t RSVP in a timely fashion to any invitation, especially one from a good friend. I realized what must have happened. Aunt Lily’s invite had probably gotten lost in the mail. Two friends hadn’t spoken in fifteen years, missed all that time in each other’s lives over a simple misunderstanding. It was very sad.

  Something had to be done. But unfortunately, I didn’t have the time right then to figure it out.

  Chapter Eleven

  Happy Birthday to me, I thought as soon as I opened my eyes the next morning. I was officially a teenager, but I didn’t feel any different. Not six inches taller or suddenly knowing how to apply eyeliner or anything like that. Just me, one day older.

  I sat up in my bed. The heat wave had finally broken. As we had walked back from the store last night after finishing the centerpieces for the two parties, we had noticed a drop in temperature. We all opted to sleep in our own beds, and Mom and Dad seemed very relieved. No sleeping bodies to step over in the morning!

  From the window by my bed, I felt a slight breeze coming in and I could hear the birds singing again. Whew. It was going to be a nice day for both parties, even if neither of them were for me.

  After I brushed my teeth, I went downstairs. I heard someone bustling in the kitchen. I wondered if there would be a bouquet of delphinium by my breakfast plate, or if Mom had gotten up early to whip up special pancakes for me — maybe in the shape of a flower or something. Or maybe there would be balloons tied to my chair.

  Wishful thinking.

  Mom stood in front of the coffeemaker, frowning. “Where’s your dad?” she said crankily. “I never know how to work this thing.”

  I stood there, waiting for her to turn around and wish me a happy birthday. But nothing.

  My spirits sank. I couldn’t believe it. I shuffled over to the fridge and peered inside forlornly.

  “No time for breakfast,” Mom said. “We have to get an early start. We’ll pick up something at the Corner Café on the way in.”

  “Okay,” I said. Maybe she needed a little reminder. “Do you think I should wear something special today?” I hinted.

  Mom shook her head. “Dress down. We’re going to have a very busy day.”

  We kept the store open for a couple of hours, then closed early to set up for the McGillicuddys’ party. I was dragging my feet, feeling completely forgotten. Mom had never wished me a happy birthday. No texts or calls from any of my friends. And Hamilton … what I wouldn’t have given for a birthday text from him. I had had some disappointing birthdays before, but this one took the cake.

  As Mom and I loaded up the van with the centerpieces, Mom turned to me, holding an empty gilt frame. “Do we have the flower list?” she asked. She meant the page we had put together of the flowers the McGillicuddys had chosen and their meanings. I had printed several copies (better safe than sorry!) on thick ivory paper, which were still sitting on the worktable. I ran inside, picked two up, and placed them in a pink folder, which I put in my shoulder bag. The frame would be placed on a table set up at the entrance to the tent, along with some framed photos of the McGillicuddy family through the years and a mini version of the centerpiece.

  When we got to the McGillicuddys', Mom and I rang the bell, each balancing a box of centerpieces in our arms. There were several more in the car. Mrs. McGillicuddy came downstairs in a pretty pink dress and diamond earrings, a huge smile on her face.

  “Welcome!” she said.

  “You look marvelous!” Mom told her.

  “Thank you,” replied Mrs. McGillicuddy. “Didn’t we luck out with the weather? What a gorgeous day!”

  “Great day for a celebration,” I muttered.

  We walked through the entryway and out the back door to the backyard, where the tent was set up. I wanted to pause a moment to take a closer look at their beautiful garden, which prominently featured several different kinds of roses, all in full bloom. But there was no time. As the caterer bustled about and some of the grandchildren ran around in the backyard, we began setting up the centerpieces. Mrs. McGillicuddy hovered behind Mom as she displayed the family photos. She had a comment for each one. “That’s our wedding day!” she said with a sigh. “And look at how cute Annemarie was as a baby!”

  Mom finished arranging and took a step back. “It looks great,” she said. She reached into a box and pulled out the gilt frame. “Now hand me the flower list,” she said to me.

  “Sure,” I said, walking over to my bag and grabbing the folder. Then I had a sudden idea. It was last minute and a little crazy. Would it work? “Oh my gosh,” I said. “I can’t find it. I guess I forgot to take it.”

  Mom looked at me crossly and, in my current state of di
sappointment, it nearly brought tears to my eyes. “I told you to bring it. That’s so unlike you.” Mom shook her head. “I’ll drive back and get it. But we’re running out of time. We have to finish up here and shoot over to Society Sisters.” She looked a little frazzled.

  “It’s okay, Mom,” I said. “I’ll take care of it.” I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and began to walk to the front of the house.

  “Ask Dad,” she called after me.

  But I had other plans. I flipped open my phone, took a deep breath, and crossed my fingers.

  “Aunt Lily,” I said when she picked up. “I need your help.”

  After we’d spoken, I hung up and took another deep breath. It had taken some convincing, but Aunt Lily had finally agreed to help us out.

  Twenty minutes later, there was a knock on the front door. I opened it to find my great-aunt, not looking too happy.

  “Here you go,” said Aunt Lily, handing me the flower list and immediately turning to walk back down the front steps.

  “Lily!” said Mrs. McGillicuddy, sounding shocked. (I had told her moments before that I needed her in the front hallway.)

  “I was just delivering something to my great-niece,” Aunt Lily explained, looking embarrassed.

  “Thank you,” said Mrs. McGillicuddy stiffly.

  I plunged right into it. “Look, I don’t know how to bring this up, so I just will,” I said, all in a rush. I was totally nervous this wouldn’t work. “Mrs. McGillicuddy, you think Aunt Lily never RSVP’d to your daughter’s wedding, and that’s why you’re mad. Aunt Lily, you never received an invitation to the wedding and you thought you weren’t invited. And that’s why you’re upset.” I looked at the two of them. “Don’t you see? It was all just a stupid mistake. The invite must have gotten lost in the mail.”

  The two women stared at me, looking confused.

  Aunt Lily shook her head slowly. “You’re right. I didn’t receive an invitation. For all these years, I thought you’d left me out.”

  Mrs. McGillicuddy blinked. “And all that time I thought you were incredibly rude,” she said. Her expression softened. “I should have known you wouldn’t forget to RSVP,” she said. “You’ve always had impeccable manners.”

  Aunt Lily nodded, a rare smile stealing over her face. “And I should have realized my invitation was lost in the mail. We were so close. I was just too embarrassed to ask, so I assumed the worst.”

  “Will you forgive me?” they asked simultaneously, then burst into laughter. I couldn’t help joining in. My heart felt lighter. My plan had worked

  “Lily, today is a very special day for me,” said Mrs. McGillicuddy softly. “I’d love if you could stay for our party.”

  Aunt Lily opened her mouth. I could tell she was about to decline, but then changed her mind. “Thank you, Geraldine,” she said, “I would love to.”

  I smiled at the two friends. Then I thought about Ashley and me. A lot of similarities and one big difference — Ashley had never invited me to her party, although I had saved it for her. Not that I want to go anyway, I reminded myself.

  Mom walked into the entryway. “Del, did you get that list …” Then she noticed her aunt. “Why, hello there, Lily,” she said.

  “Hello, Daisy,” said Aunt Lily. “I’m just catching up with my old friend, Geraldine.”

  I grabbed Mom’s arm and we walked outside with the list, giving Aunt Lily and Mrs. McGillicuddy some privacy.

  Mom looked at me funnily as we put the flower list into the frame and set it on the table. “I don’t know how this happened, Del, but I assume you had something to do with it,” she said.

  I smiled. “I’ll explain later,” I told her. We finished setting up and headed inside to say good-bye to Mrs. McGillicuddy.

  “Call my cell if you need anything,” Mom told her. “Happy anniversary! I hope you have an amazing party.”

  “I’ve got it covered,” said Aunt Lily. “Go to your next event.” She gave me another surprising smile. “And thank you, Del.”

  “Anytime, Aunt Lily,” I said. I couldn’t help it. I had a really warm feeling inside. Del Bloom, friendship saver! Bringing old ladies together after years apart.

  When Mom and I arrived at Society Sisters, we were pleased to see that the barn was almost totally decorated. We set to work lining up the luminarias, putting garlands of flowers on the tire swing, the benches, and the wooden fences. After the tables were set by the waitstaff, we started assembling the centerpieces. It was a bit complicated, but Mom and I soon got into a groove. When we were done, we surveyed our work.

  “Amazing,” we said at the same time. But Mom was looking antsy. “We’re pretty much done here,” she said. “But someone should stay till the grand reveal. Just to make sure everything goes as planned.”

  I nodded.

  I wasn’t prepared for what came next. “So … I hate to do this to you,” Mom said, “but would you mind overseeing it by yourself? I’ll be back in an hour or so to get you. I have some last-minute errands to run.”

  I stared at her in disbelief. “So you’re leaving me in charge of my enemy’s birthday party? All by myself. And on my …”

  But Mom was already halfway to the van. “Good luck!” she called.

  Was this really happening? Then I sighed. In for a penny, in for a pound, as Gramps always says.

  Ashley and her mom arrived shortly afterward. I made sure the barn doors were closed tight so the surprise wouldn’t be spoiled, and went to greet them.

  I had to admit that Ashley looked, as usual, very glamourous in a strapless, pale blue silk dress with floaty layers. I thought of the simple sundress I had packed for my birthday dinner in Maine and smiled. Her hair was up in a French twist and she had on pretty, gold sling backs. She walked unsteadily down the path toward the barn.

  It couldn’t have been more perfect. The sky was turning a rosy pink and the luminarias glowed beautifully. The fairy lights danced in the breeze. The white-tuxedoed waitstaff bustled about, setting up the hors d’oeuvres tables. A handsome waiter presented the Edwardses each with a colorful drink in a champagne flute. “Watermelon sparklers,” he murmured.

  I felt a slight tinge of envy. But mostly I felt proud of the amazing last-minute party I had planned — which was about one hundred times better than the lame indoor party Ashley had planned for herself. Just saying.

  “Open the doors,” Ashley said. “I want to see the centerpieces.” She gave me a look. “They had better be perfect,” she added.

  “They are,” I replied confidently. “But you’ll have to wait. We have a special surprise in store for you.”

  Mrs. Edwards and I exchanged glances.

  Ashley looked like she wanted to argue, but then her guests began to arrive.

  Mrs. Edwards touched my arm. “It’s beautiful,” she whispered. “Thank you so much, Del!” Then she added, “I hope the special surprise is a hit!”

  As some of my classmates began to arrive, I decided it was time to fade into the woodwork. Though it would have been nice to talk to some kids I hadn’t seen since the last day of school, I felt way too conspicuous in my dusty T-shirt, cut-offs, and Converse All-Stars. I especially had no desire to see Hamilton and his date. I slipped through the crowd with my head down, unnoticed.

  “This is awesome!” I heard Carmine tell Penelope Peterson as he scarfed down a canapé.

  “Totally gorge!” Rachel gushed to Samantha.

  Just you wait, I thought.

  I headed around to the back of the barn and went inside.

  The room looked incredible. The luxurious chandeliers, decorations, Oriental rugs, and tables set with crystal and china, contrasted amazingly against the rough wood of the walls. The odor of hay mingled with the heady floral smell. And the centerpieces just blew me away.

  The banquet manager strode over to me. “Everyone is waiting outside. Are we good to go?”

  I nodded. “We’re good to go.”

  A minute later, I threw open the ba
rn door and stepped back into the shadows.

  The guests at first just stared in amazement. Then they gasped. For the tables each had a centerpiece of tightly packed, deep red roses, studded with white stephanotis, which each had a sparkling crystal placed in the center. They looked like perfect shining stars against the field of red.

  But what everyone was gasping about was the gorgeously glowing blue base of each arrangement. We had filled the large crystal vases with silica gel and added hot water. Once the gel had expanded, we layered in LED light cubes, then added the flowers. They were red, white, and blue, and totally breathtaking. Just like the Fourth of July fireworks that had inspired them.

  Ashley stood there, her mouth open and her eyes wide. When everyone spontaneously burst into applause and cheers, she grinned widely.

  I was close enough to see Olivia Post, our former Bridezilla, grab Ashley’s arm and say, “Uh-ma-zing. I’m speechless.”

  My work here was done. I made my way inconspicuously to the back door. Or at least I thought I was inconspicuous. Until I found my way blocked by the very person I had been trying to avoid. You guessed it, Hamilton Baldwin. Looking crazy handsome in a jacket and tie. The same jacket and tie he had worn to the middle school prom, I noted.

  “Hey, Del,” he said. “Nice centerpieces.”

  “Thanks,” I said uncomfortably.

  He smiled and waved someone over. My heart sank as I realized that the person heading toward us was the girl from Fleur. She was wearing a one-shouldered black dress and high heels. I suddenly felt very young, very short, and very underdressed.

  “I’d like to introduce you to someone …” Hamilton started to say.

  My eyes widened in alarm.

  “This is my …” he began.

  “My mom’s outside!” I blurted out. “I’ve got to go!” And then, not looking back, I ran out the door.

  I had just stepped outside when someone grabbed my arm. I spun around, expecting to see Hamilton.

  To my utter surprise, it was Ashley. “Del, I …” she started. “I … want to thank you for making my party so cool. For convincing me to have it.”


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