W E B Griffin - Corp 01 - Semper Fi
Page 15
"Thank you, Lieutenant," McCoy said. He was more than a little embarrassed.
"We'll run into each other again, I'm sure," Sessions said. "Sooner or later. Good luck, McCoy."
"Good luck to you, too, sir," McCoy said.
As he looked for the Feller cabin, he felt pretty good. He was beginning to believe now that there might be a Letter of Commendation. It would be nice to have something like that in the official records when his name came up before the sergeant's promotion board.
The good feeling vanished the moment Ellen answered his knock at her cabin door. The look on her face instantly showed she'd hoped she'd seen the last of him. Being the fucking fool he was, though, he didn't want to believe what he saw on her face and in her eyes. He told himself that what it was was surprise.
He started out by asking her if maybe she would write him. "Maybe, you never can tell, we'll be able to see each other again sometime." He ended up telling her he loved her. "I think it's still possible for me to buy my way out of the Corps," he went on. "I'll look into it, I have the money. And I do really love you."
She got stiff when he started talking, the way she did when he talked crude to her; and by the time he was telling her he loved her, her face was rigid and her eyes cold.
"How dare you talk to me like that?" she said when he had finished, with a voice like a dagger.
So what she wanted after all was nothing but the stiff prick her fairy husband couldn't give her. The funny thing about it was that he wasn't mad. He was damned close to crying.
He turned and walked out of her cabin, vowing that he would never make a fucking mistake like that again. He'd never mistake some old bitch with hot pants for the real thing. He didn't give a shit if she fucked Lieutenant Sessions eight time a day all the way across the Pacific. If she couldn't get Sessions, she'd grab some other dumb fucker. And failing that, she'd get herself a broomhandle.
Headquarters, 4th Marines
Shanghai, China
11 June 1941
Once given permission to enter the office of Captain Edward Banning, Lieutenant John Macklin marched in erectly, came to attention before Banning's desk, and said, "Reporting as directed, sir."
The formalities over, he stepped to the chair in front of Banning's desk, sat down in it, and crossed his legs.
"Getting hot already, isn't it?" he asked.
"I don't recall giving you permission to sit down, Lieutenant," Captain Banning said, almost conversationally, but with a touch of anger in his voice.
Macklin, surprised, took a quick look at Banning's face and then scrambled to his feet. When he was again at the position of attention, he said: "I beg your pardon, Captain."
"Lieutenant," Banning said, "I have carefully read your report of the Tientsin-Peking trip, paying particular attention to those parts dealing with your detention at Yenchi'eng and the incident at the ferry."
"Yes, sir?"
"I have read with equal care the report Lieutenant Sessions wrote on the same subjects," Banning said.
"Sir?" Macklin asked.
"There was a caveat in Lieutenant Sessions's report," Banning said. "He wrote that he was writing in the small hours of the morning because he hoped to finish it before he went home. Thus he was afraid there would be some small errors in it because of his haste."
"I wasn't aware that Lieutenant Sessions had made a report, sir," Lieutenant Macklin said. "May I suggest that it might be a good idea if I had a look at it, with a view to perhaps revising my own report?"
Banning's temper flared again when he recalled Macklin's report. It boggled his mind to think that the man blamed the detention at Yenchi'eng on McCoy's "cowardly refusal to do what duty clearly required"; and that the "tragic events" at the river crossing could have been avoided if only Lieutenant Sessions had heeded his warning that "Corporal McCoy clearly manifested paranoid tendencies of a homicidal nature and had to be carefully watched."
And then, in the presumption that Sessions was on the high seas and safely removed from rebuttal, he'd even gone after him:
"The possibility cannot be dismissed that Lieutenant Sessions acquiesced, if he did not actually participate, in the brutal slaughter of the wounded Chinese civilians."
Banning waited a moment for his temper to subside.
"You are a slimy creature, aren't you, Macklin?" Banning asked calmly. "How the hell have you managed to stay in the Corps this long?"
"I don't know what you mean, sir," Macklin said.
"You know what a slimy creature is, Macklin. In the Marine Corps, a slimy creature is an officer who tries to pass the blame for his own failures onto the shoulders of a brother officer. I don't know of a phrase obscene enough to describe an officer who tries to cover his own ass by trying to blame his failures on an enlisted man. And you probably would have gotten away with it, you slimy sonofabitch, if Sessions hadn't spotted you for what you are and sent his report back with McCoy."
"There may be, Captain, some minor differences of judgment between the two reports, but nothing of magnitude that would justify these insulting accusations-"
"Shut your face, Lieutenant!" Banning shouted. It was the first time he had raised his voice, and his loss of temper embarrassed him. Glaring contemptuously at Macklin, he took time to regain control before he went on.
"If I had my druthers, Lieutenant," Banning said, "I'd bring charges against you for conduct unbecoming an officer. Or for knowingly uttering a false official statement. But I can't. If I brought you before a court-martial, we would have to get into security matters. And we can't do that. What I can do, what I will do, is see that your next efficiency report contains a number of phrases which will suggest to the captain's promotion board that you should not be entrusted with a machine-gun crew, much less with command of a company. It will be a very long time before you are promoted, Lieutenant. You're a smart fellow. Perhaps you will conclude that it would be best if you resigned from the Marine Corps."
"Captain Banning," Macklin said after a moment. "There is obviously a misunderstanding between us."
"There's no misunderstanding, Macklin," Banning said, almost sadly. "What's happened here is that you have proved you're unfit to be a Marine officer. It's as simple as that. The one thing a Marine officer has to have going for him is integrity. And you just don't have any."
"I'm sure I'll be able to explain this misunderstanding to the colonel," Macklin said. "And that is my intention, sir." Banning looked at him for a moment and then picked up his telephone and dialed a number.
"Captain Banning, sir," he said. "I have Macklin in here. I have just informed him of the contempt in which I hold him. He tells me that he believes he can explain the misunderstanding to you."
There was a hesitation before the colonel replied. "I suppose he is entitled to hear it from me," the colonel said. "Send him over."
"Aye, aye, sir," Banning said, and replaced the telephone in its cradle.
"You're dismissed, Macklin," Banning said. "The colonel will see you, if you wish."
Macklin did an about-face and marched out of his office.
Banning knew what sort of a reception Macklin was going to get from the colonel. He had had to argue at length with him to talk him out of a court-martial. It was only Banning's invocation of the Good of the Corps that finally persuaded the colonel to reluctantly agree that the only way to deal with the problem was to immediately relieve Macklin of duty until such time as he could be sent home.
Headquarters, First Battalion, 4th Marines
Shanghai, China 12 June 1941
The first sergeant sent a runner into town to McCoy's apartment by rickshaw. Liberty or no liberty, the first sergeant wanted to see him right away.
McCoy shaved and put on a fresh uniform and went to the compound.
"I hope you're packed, McCoy," the first sergeant said when he walked into the company office. Then he handed him maybe twenty copies of a special order, held together w
ith a paper clip.
HEADQUARTERS 4th Regiment, USMC, Shanghai, China
10 June 1941
Subject: Letter Orders
To: Cpl Kenneth J. MCCOY 32875 USMC
Hq Co, 1st Bn, 4th Marines
1. Reference is made to cable message, Hq, USMC, Washington, DC, subject, "McCoy, Kenneth J., Transfer Of', dated 4 June 1941.
2. You are detached effective this date from Hq Co 1st Bn, 4th Marines, and transferred in grade to 47th Motor Transport Platoon, USMC, U.S. Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Penna.
3. You will depart Shanghai aboard the first available vessel in the Naval service sailing for a port in the United States. On arrival in the United States you will report to nearest USMC or US. Navy base or facility, who will furnish you with the necessary transportation vouchers to your final destination.
4. You are authorized the shipment of 300 pounds of personal belongings. You are NOT authorized the shipment of household goods. You are NOT authorized delay en route
leave. You will carry with you your service records, which will be sealed. Breaking the seal is forbidden.
5. You will present these orders to the officer commanding each USMC or USN station or vessel en route. Such officers are directed to transmit by the most expeditious means to Hq, USMC, Washington, D.C., ATTN Q3-O3A, the date of your arrival, the date and means of your transportation on your departure, and your estimated date of arrival at your next
J. James Gerber Major, USMC Adjutant
"What the hell is all this?"
"I guess the Corps wants to get you out of China, Killer, before they run out of people for you to cut up or shoot," the first sergeant said.
"Jesus Christ," McCoy said.
" "The first available vessel in the service of the U.S.'," the first sergeant quoted, "is the Whaley' (The US.S. Charles E. Whaley was a fleet oiler that regularly called at Shanghai to replenish the fuel supplies of the vessels of the Yangtze River Patrol and the half dozen small pigboats of SUBFORCHINA (US. Navy Submarine Force, China). She sails Friday morning. You will be aboard. You know the Whaley, McCoy?"
"I know the Whaley," McCoy said. "Fucking grease bucket."
"It's going to Pearl Harbor, not the States," the first sergeant said. "They'll put you aboard something else at Pearl. With a little bit of luck, you could spend two, three weeks in Pearl," the first sergeant said.
"Top, I don't want to go home," McCoy said. The first sergeant's reaction to that was predictable: "You don't want to go home?"
"You know what I mean, Top," McCoy said. "I just shipped over to stay in China."
"McCoy, I don't know how you got to be a corporal without figuring this out for yourself... I don't know, come to think of it, how you got be a corporal, period... but this is the Marine Corps. In the Marine Corps the way it works is the Marine Corps tells you where you go, and when."
There really wasn't any point in arguing with the first sergeant, and McCoy knew it, but he did so anyway, thinking that maybe he could get an extra few days, an extra two weeks.
If he had that much time, maybe he could think of something. "For Christ's sake, Top, I got stuff to sell. I'll have to give it away if I have to get rid of everything by Friday. How about letting me miss the Whaley and catch whatever is next?''
"Like what, for instance, do you have to get rid of cheap? I'm always on the lookout for a bargain." "Come on, Top, you could fix it if you wanted to." "Fuck you, McCoy," the first sergeant said. "A little time on a tanker'll be good for you."
"Can I tell Captain Banning about this?" McCoy asked. "You go tell him, if you think it'll do you any good," the first sergeant said. "And then get your ass back here and start packing. When the Gunny tells me your gear is shipshape, then maybe I'll think about letting you go into town and see about selling your stuff."
Captain Banning waved him into his inner office as soon as he saw him coming through the door.
"I guess you've just got the word from your first sergeant?" he asked. "Yes, sir."
"Before you start wasting your breath, McCoy, let me tell you that not only is the colonel overjoyed at your departure, but he has told me to make sure, personally, that you get on the Whaley."
"I'm on his shit list, am I?"
"Let us say that you have been the subject of considerable cable traffic between here and Headquarters, Marine Corps, following the Shootout at the O.K. Corral. If you plan to make a career of the Marine Corps, Killer, you're going to have to restrain your urge to cut people up and shoot them."
"That's unfair, Captain," McCoy said.
"Yeah," Captain Banning said. "I know it is, McCoy. You didn't start that fight, and according to Sessions, you handled yourself damned well once it started. For what it's worth, I argued with the colonel until he told me to shut my face. But he's still getting crap from the Italians, and the Consul General's been all over his ass about you. I was there when he asked whether you were just a homicidal maniac, or whether you were trying to start World War II all by yourself."
"So for doing what I was told to do, keep Sessions and Macklin alive, I get my ass shipped home in disgrace."
"That's about the sum of it," Banning said. "But you don't have everything straight. First of all, the colonel's not shipping you home in disgrace or otherwise. I think underneath, he sort of admires you. You were ordered home by the Corps. I suspect that the Consul General had something to do with it-raised hell about you through the State Department, or something like that-but the colonel didn't do it. And you're not going home in disgrace. Not only do you get to keep your stripes, but your company commander is going to give you an efficiency report that makes you sound like Lou Diamond, Jr. (Master Gunnery Sergeant Diamond was a Corps-wide Marine legend, the perfect Marine). I know, because I wrote it."
McCoy was obviously puzzled by that, and it showed on his face.
"It doesn't say anything about your working for me, McCoy," Banning said. "You understand that you can't talk to anybody, in or out of the Corps, about that?"
"Aye, aye, sir."
"But it should impress the hell out of your new commanding officer," Banning said.
"I'm going to a truck company," McCoy said. "A goddamned truck company. I'm a machine-gunner."
"I'm going home in a couple of months myself," Banning said. "You keep your nose clean in the truck company, and when I get settled, I'll see what I can do for you. Either working for me, or doing something else interesting. Or, if you really want to, getting you back in a heavy-weapons company."
"Thank you," McCoy said.
"What are you going to do about the stuff in the apartment?"
"As soon as my Gunny decides my gear is shipshape, the first sergeant said I could go into town."
"I'll call your first sergeant and tell him I'm sending you into town," Banning said. "Take whatever time you need to do what you have to do. And then go back to your company. I want to put you aboard the Whaley first thing Friday morning. If you're not on her, McCoy, the colonel will have my ass."
"I'll be aboard her, sir," McCoy said.
Chapter Six
U.S. Marine Corps Base San Diego, California 9 July 1941
The U.S.S. Charles E. Whaley was as miserable a pile of rust and rivets as McCoy expected it would be. Since she was not a man-of-war, there was no Marine detachment aboard, which translated to mean that he had hardly anybody to talk to. Sailors don't like Marines anyway, and there were six pigboat swab jockeys from SUBFORCHINA being shipped to Pearl Harbor, and they really hated China Marines. The only swabbie who gave him the time of day was a bald, hairy machinist's mate second class who quickly let him know that he didn't mind spending a lot of time at sea far from women.
Reeking of diesel fuel, riding light in the water, the Whaley took seventeen days to make Pearl Harbor-swaying and pitching even in calm seas.
There was plenty of time to think things over and conclude that he'd be
en handed the shitty end of the stick. Again. Like always.
Starting with Ellen Goddamn-the-Bitch Feller.
And getting sent home from China was also getting the shitty end of the stick, too. Christ, he'd practically given away the furniture in the apartment. And despite the efficiency report that was supposed to make him sound like Lou Diamond, even a bunch of dumb fuckers in a fucking truck company would smell a rat about somebody who was sent home from China just after he shipped over for the 4th Marines and got promoted.
And the new assignment stank, too. A goddamned truck company at the Navy yard in Philly. Philly was the last tucking place he wanted to go. It was too close to Norris-town. and he never wanted to go there again, period. And there was no question in his mind that he was going to walk into this tucking truck company in Philly and immediately be on everybody's shit list. There weren't that many corporal's billets in a Motor Transport platoon, and sure as Christ made little apples, the people in Philly had planned to give this billet to some deserving asshole of a PFC with hash marks (Oblong bars, one for each four years of satisfactory service, worn on the lower sleeve of outer garments) halfway to his elbow.