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Cowgirl Down (Redneck Debutante)

Page 12

by Jenny Hammerle

  “What? Are you like six?” Travis joked when he saw it.

  “Okay. You pick one,” Rachael prompted.

  Travis walked up and down the aisle in silence, eyeing the hats carefully. He then picked up a straw hat with a light tan braided hatband. It had a beautiful turquoise medallion on the front directly in the center. He walked over to Rachael and placed it on her head. “I like this one.”

  Rachael turned to look at herself in the mirror. Wow! I love this hat!

  “Good choice. I like this one too. It’s perfect.” She smiled and cut her eyes at him. “So you have a lot of experience selecting hats for ladies, Travis.”

  “Nope. This is a first for me.” He winked and walked to the cash register to pay.

  Rachael went over and looked at the boots.

  A few minutes later he came to find her. “Is this your next big purchase?”

  “No. My next big purchase will be a vehicle. I’m tired of being dependent on others.”

  “Can you even drive?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Of course I can drive. I have a license now, Travis.”

  “They’ll give anyone one of those these days.”

  Rachael swatted his arm.

  “I better get you home.”

  They walked outside, Rachael still wearing her new hat.

  “Yep. So does your mom hate me now?” She’d become so close with Mrs. Baxter over the summer that she couldn’t stand the idea she might actually dislike her now.

  “No. Just the opposite. She loves you. My dad does too. You may have thought he was trying to kill you yesterday, but underneath that gruff exterior, he really likes you.”

  Once they were seated inside the truck and driving home, Rachael decided it was time to lay one other issue to rest. She wanted to ask but wasn’t quite sure how. How do you go about asking a guy if he has a girlfriend still or not? Here goes nothing.

  “Travis, I was wondering who the girl you were helping was. She had a yellow horse. It was at the beginning of the summer.” There it is. All without taking a breath.

  “The girl with the yellow horse?” he asked as if trying to recall. “You mean a few days before we left for the mission trip?”

  Rachael nodded.

  “That was my cousin. We were practicing for a barrel-racing competition. Why?”

  “Just wondered.” I’m an idiot. She’s his cousin.

  “What happened the day you were supposed to come over and never showed up?” he asked.

  “That day?”

  “Yes. That day. The day Maysie and I waited on you for hours. That day.”

  “I was there and saw Misty talking to you.” She hesitated. “So I turned around and walked home.”

  Travis looked at Rachael and didn’t say a word.

  What is he thinking?

  He kept driving. Some minutes later he pulled into Rachael’s driveway and up to her aunt’s house. He cut the engine and came over to her side of the truck. Opening the door, he lifted her down in one swift move, closing the door behind her. She had never seen Travis with this kind of intensity before. Rachael didn’t know whether to speak or go inside. He looked very angry and frustrated.

  “So you did come over?”

  “Yes.” Rachael’s voice shook a little.

  “And what? You saw Misty and me talking. Then you just left?”

  “Yes. When I saw you two, I knew things between you weren’t over, so I walked home.”

  “Rachael.” He ran his hands through his hair. “Let’s get two things straight. Misty and I are finished and will never be again. Janet is my cousin. Remember? I told you last year how she had gotten a new Palomino mare for barrel racing. I’ve been helping her train it for over a year now.”

  “Your cousin. I know that now.” Finally all of the events of the weekend and the past several months became too much for her. She couldn’t help it. She started sobbing.

  Travis was there, holding her tightly. Crushing her in his warm embrace.

  “Yes, Janet is my cousin. And Misty means nothing to me. Do you know how much I missed you this past summer? I knew you and Colten had broken up. I was just trying to give you space. Then when we got home from the mission trip I wanted to see you so badly that I couldn’t stand it. I made Maysie text you and invite you over our first afternoon home. I waited around all afternoon. I thought you never showed. Then when I heard you were dating that butthead, Ty, I…” He kissed the top of Rachael’s head. “I told you once last year if there was or is ever anything you want to know, just ask me. I will always tell you the truth.”

  “I’m sorry, Travis.” She hiccupped as she tried to talk. “I was so jealous when I saw her there with you. I thought you were together. I thought I had lost any chance at being with you. I was lost. Then Ty comes along and befriends my little brother by taking us skiing. My brother had been in a really bad place for months, and then Dad went to jail. Hanging around Ty was the only thing that seemed to help him. I was only dating him to make you jealous. I never really liked him.”

  Travis exhaled. “I’m glad to hear that. The part about you not really liking him. And it worked. It made me very jealous.” Travis used his hand to lift Rachael’s chin and look her in the eyes. “Are we all good now? All cleared up?”

  “Yes,” Rachael murmured.

  “Good. Then there’s only one thing left to do then.” Travis bent his head and kissed Rachael. It was the sweetest kiss of Rachael’s life. He was gentle, yet exciting. She had waited so long for this kiss…

  When their lips parted, she knew the wait had been worth it.

  “Now you’ve been kissed by a real cowboy.”

  His smile into her eyes was a promise of even better things to come.


  THAT AFTERNOON RACHAEL RECEIVED A CALL FROM HER FATHER. They hadn’t spoken since they’d fought over the trouble she’d gotten into with Melinda on Tristan’s land. She knew before she even answered he must know about this weekend’s problems. She was scared they’d argue again and didn’t want to answer, but she also knew she owed him an apology for her previous behavior.

  “Hi, Dad. How are you?”

  “I think the more important question is, how are you doing?”

  “Better now. I guess Mom called and told you about this weekend’s problems. Before you say anything further, I want you to know that you were obviously right about Melinda and her group. All hanging around her has brought me is trouble. I won’t be going anywhere near her in the future. As for the argument we had before, I’m sorry. I was wrong. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings the way I did. I should never have said those things.”

  “As a parent I understand we all say or do things that we don’t mean. It’s okay. This is your first mistake, and it won’t be your last—obviously. Just look at me.” Her father laughed at himself. Rachael was laughing too.

  Then her dad sobered. “Honey, I don’t want us to end up cell mates.”

  “That’s not funny. But I can promise you no more trespassing or illegal activity on my part. I’ve learned my lesson. Besides, I have some good news.”

  “I’m always in the mood for some good news.” His voice brightened. “Let me have it!”

  “I got a job working for the Baxter ranch. It’s hard work, but I think if I save all of my money, I’ll be able to buy a car in about six months.”

  “That’s great!” Her father was genuinely happy for her.

  “Yes. And there’s something else too.” Rachael waited a moment and then added with a squeal, “I’m dating Travis Baxter! He brought me home from school today, and it turns out he likes me too.”

  “It’s about time! He’s liked you for quite some time. He’s a great young man. Just keep in mind our talk. Remember? Dating—dinner, a movie, a walk. None of that other stuff. Of course the kissing part is okay, just—”

  “Dad! How could I forget the ‘no nookie’ conversation. No need to readdress that subject.” Rachael was glad no one else was in the
room. She knew she must be day-glow red.

  “Good. Well, congrats about the job and Travis. I’ve got to run. I love you.”

  “Love you too, Dad.” Rachael really missed her father. At least she got to talk to him on the phone. Relieved they had made up, Rachael went out to the kitchen to make dinner.

  While boiling the spaghetti, she rethought her description of her relationship with Travis. Am I dating Travis? He didn’t exactly say that. Are we exclusive, or am I going to find out that he’s dating five or six girls? Okay, don’t panic. I’m going to call and ask him. After the previous confusion I don’t want any more.

  Rachael dialed Travis. He answered on the first ring.

  “Hey, you. What’s up?”

  “I’m making dinner.”

  “You can drive and cook too! You are the perfect girlfriend.”

  Well, that answers that. So I’m his girlfriend. That sounds good. Rachael audibly sighed. “I just wanted to ask you a quick question.”

  “Sure, shoot.”

  “Will you go with me to the Sadie Hawkins Dance?”

  He laughed. “That dance is three months away! But yes, of course, I’ll go with you.”

  I know it’s stupid to ask so far in advance, but it was all I could come up with when he answered my “girlfriend or not his girlfriend” question right off the bat.

  “Are you sure there wasn’t something else you wanted to ask me?” Travis teased.

  “Nope, that was it,” Rachael lied.

  “Oh, okay. Because I was thinking you were calling to ask me to hang out after school tomorrow or catch a movie on Friday night or something along those lines.”

  She giggled. “No, that’s your job. You are the guy. The Sadie Hawkins girl-ask-guy Dance is as far as I go in asking a guy out. The rest is all you. I’m old-fashioned that way.”

  “Good. So do you want to hang out after school tomorrow?”

  “Sure. But it has to be here because I need to be home when Michael gets off of the school bus around 3:30.”

  “Great. I’m picking you up before school. Maysie and Shannah have had you for over a year. It’s my turn. C-ya tomorrow morning.” Travis hung up.

  Rachael’s heart skipped a beat every time she talked to him. He made her nervous and jittery, but happy too.


  Rachael decided to get up extra early the next morning to put forth some effort on her appearance. With Travis picking her up for school, combined with the fact they were now a couple, her morning ride to school now felt like a date. Rachael wore her hair curly and did full makeup. She donned her favorite jeans, a pale pink T-shirt, and her new cowgirl hat. Even though she knew he would be coming to pick her up, her stomach still turned a flip when Travis rang the doorbell. His kiss yesterday had made her head spin and her knees weak. Would it always be that way when she kissed Travis? She certainly hoped so.

  Rachael opened the door.

  “Wow!” Travis said. “You look absolutely gorgeous!” He seemed shocked.

  “Oh, thanks,” she replied a bit shyly. Did I go overboard with the makeup, hair, and outfit? Nothing I can do about it now.

  “Are you ready to go?” He was grinning at her as if he had a secret and wasn’t about to share it.


  He held her hand as he walked her to his truck. “You don’t know how long I have wanted to do that,” Travis murmured, making Rachael blush.

  “Me too.”

  This morning he did something that Rachael thought was odd. He walked over to the driver’s side of the truck and opened the door for her. “Jump in.”

  “Am I driving?” She’d never driven a truck before and was nervous with Travis’s truck being so nice, and expensive. She might dent it or something.

  “Not unless you want to. Do you want to?” He smiled.

  “No way.”

  “You don’t know how relieved I am to hear you say that,” he joked.

  “Then why am I getting in on this side?” Rachael stared, confused.

  “So you can sit next to me. Right next to me. I’ve been looking forward to that too.”

  “Oh.” Rachael blushed, feeling foolish. But she climbed in, sat in the middle, and buckled up with the lap belt. Travis climbed in beside her and fired up the engine.

  They rode in silence for the first few minutes. Why does he make me so nervous now? she wondered. He never made me this nervous before. Maybe it’s because I like him so much.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you this quiet before. Something wrong?”

  “No.” Rachael didn’t say anything further.

  “Are you sure?” he prodded.

  “No.” She peeked at his profile. “It’s just different. To go from being friends to being a couple. You make me nervous, Travis.”

  “Is that good or bad?” He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye.

  “Both. It’s hard to explain. You see, with Ty, I never really liked him, so I knew things would never progress or get serious. With you it’s different. I know things can progress and eventually get serious.”

  “What sort of things?” Travis seemed to be trying hard not to smile.

  “Just things,” was all Rachael would say.

  “Hmmm. Like sex things?” When Travis asked this, Rachael about jumped out of her seat. Unable to look at him, she nodded.

  “Rachael, remember about the purity ring? Can you see I’m still wearing it?”


  “So nothing has changed in that department. I have no intention of doing that anytime soon.”

  Rachael couldn’t explain the relief she felt. With Colten it had been different. She was younger and, though she cared for him deeply, she knew she never intended for anything like that to happen. With Ty, she didn’t see him as long-term boyfriend material. A definite no! But Travis? He was the real deal. A forever kind of guy. And that scared the tar out of her!

  “Thanks for asking, though.” He shot her that cocky grin.

  “I didn’t.”

  “I know, but after all of this time as friends, I’ve gotten to know you pretty well.”

  “Am I that transparent?”

  “Just to me.”

  “Great,” Rachael said out loud.

  “What’s wrong with that?”

  “Well, there are some things I like to keep to myself.”

  “Oh, there’s plenty about you that is a mystery to me…and keeps me intrigued.” Travis lifted her hand that he had been holding this entire time and pressed it to his lips.

  Good. Rachael still had a few questions for him—of the previous relationship and experience with other girls’ type—but decided to leave those for another time. I’m not sure I ever want to know about the intricacies of his past relationships with Misty or Trisha or Sophie…and how do you go about asking about that kind of stuff anyway? It isn’t any of my business, or is it? Besides, then he’d want to know about me as well. That’s simple. Only kissing. That was something Rachael was very proud of. She assumed it had to be the same for Travis and hence the purity ring.

  When they got to school Travis lifted her down and gave her a light kiss. He then walked her to her first class. When she went in and took her seat beside Amber, Amber just grinned.

  “It’s about time, girl. I thought it would never happen.”

  Rachael smiled. One glance at Clay was all it took to see he too was nodding and winking at her.

  Rachael’s day flew. She was thankful when she got to lunch. Maysie, Shannah, Amber, and Alex were waiting for her. She knew intuitively that everyone would have a comment for her, but she didn’t expect the applause and hooting that preceded her arrival to the lunch table.

  “You go, girl!” Shannah hollered across the lunchroom at her advance.

  Rachael shook her head. When she set her lunch tray down, they were still going wild with excitement. “Okay. Enough already.”

  “I’m so excited. I always knew this day would come.” Maysie cheered. />
  “Yep. She has pretty much been saying ‘I told you so’ since yesterday afternoon,” Shannah added.

  “I think it’s great. Too bad it took a bad relationship and a butt-whipping to get you guys there,” Alex commented.

  “She’s right,” Amber said. “Did you hear that Ty withdrew? He’s going to the school where he’s zoned to attend near his father’s house.”

  “Good riddance,” Shannah said.

  Thank goodness for that. I don’t want to see him ever again. Rachael remained silent on the subject.

  “I haven’t seen Misty or Honey yet,” Rachael announced. “I need to thank Honey for calling you, Maysie. I don’t know what to do about Misty.”

  “Don’t worry about Misty. Shannah already handled that part,” Maysie said sweetly.

  “Like how?” Rachael was scared to hear.

  “We had a nice, friendly conversation. That’s all,” Shannah advised.

  Rachael decided not to ask any more questions. She knew Shannah well enough to know she probably didn’t beat Misty up. She probably merely talked to her in a less than friendly manner. Rachael was relieved to have such good friends. At last her world was finally righting itself.

  After school she met Travis at his truck and they headed for home.

  “So I’ve been thinking. If you want a vehicle, I know a man who might be willing to buy Taffy from you for a real good price.”

  “Sell Taffy?” To Rachael this was unthinkable. Taffy was a pet now. Rachael couldn’t part with her, just like other people couldn’t part with the proverbial family dog, except in this case it was the proverbial family cow.

  “Nope. I didn’t think so. You’re like Maysie,” he reasoned aloud. “Once you become attached to an animal, there’s no parting with it.”

  “Would you sell Coal?” Rachael asked.

  “No. Definitely not.”

  “Then what would make you think I could sell Taffy?”

  “Coal is an expensive horse. Taffy is a cow.”

  When she made a move to deck him, he laughed. “I was only half serious, Rachael. But as much as I love driving you around and am fearful to be anywhere on the road when you are driving…”


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