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Convincing The Alpha’s Omega

Page 4

by Emma Knox

  Something about our coupling just felt so right and natural, even though he made me feel like a very dirty man. He pressed a little further into me and I shuddered, with a deep breath, I wiggled my ass, his cock slipping further into me as his eyes lit up. My nails dug into his back, sending his eyes rolling back into his head once more. It all felt so primal, like we were wild animals again. As his cock spread my body open, the pain was surpassed by the unadulterated pleasure that was taking hold.

  Somehow, his cock disappeared entirely into me, pressing against my very core as his hands left my hips and moved to my hard shaft. I felt stuffed beyond recognition, the dazzling lights of euphoria dancing in front of my eyes as he wrapped his large hand around my manhood. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t even breathe as I tensed up. I was so close to exploding. As I rose to my knees then collapsed down hard on his cock, he let out a seductive growl.

  He pumped into me, over and over again until I couldn’t tell his body from my own. My body wrapped around him, coiling like a snake feasting from the Garden of Eden. His lips found my neck, then my earlobe as he toyed with me.

  “Ethan,” he moaned, the speed and intensity rising with each new trust.

  I couldn’t hold it in anymore, as he pumped my cock with his hand, the urge to explode coursed through me until finally, sweet release washed over me. My load exploded into his hand, euphoria washing over my body as I was blinded by the pure ecstasy of it. Even as I shuddered and called out his name, I felt his cock grow inside of me, the knot at the base of his shaft becoming engorged.

  In a trait only familiar to our kind, his manhood exploded inside of me, the knot pressing past my delicate starfish as I screamed out in sweet, pleasure filled pain. His hot seed spilled into my tight body, shooting up to my core and feeling warm. I didn’t want to break away from him, I couldn’t even if I tried, though I would have stayed wrapped together with him for the rest of my life. Our bodies were locked in a sacred mating ritual and I had no intentions of stopping it.

  With each new sensual throb of his shaft, pleasure again raked through my body. We stayed there, wrapped in each other’s tight embrace with him buried deep into my womb for hours. Every shift of his weight or wiggling of my ass sent waves of joy crashing between us again. It was like nothing I’d ever experienced before. I was young, but not an idiot. Mating wasn’t supposed to feel so wonderful, so natural, especially not with a rival Alpha.

  And yet, I knew that there was something different about him.

  Trevor smiled down at me as we waited to be checked out of the lodge. I blushed a deep red, knowing that he was thinking about where I’d been just an hour before. As the sun had come up, he slowly pulled out of me, leaving me so tired I could barely stand. All I wanted to do was crawl into the large bed and sleep for a week, but I knew that we had other things to take care of. One night of passion wasn’t worth all of my hard work for the festival.

  “You know,” he whispered to me as we waited. “I could probably find us a little extra time after we pick up this stone for your Alpha. Maybe spend another night in town?”

  It was like he was reading my mind. I bit my lip, quickly shaking my head. “No, there is too much that still needs done.”

  “So then you’d be open to it another time?” Trevor asked with a playful wink.

  I wanted to tell him no, that it was just a one-night thing, but before I could, the man was back across from us at the desk and Trevor was checking us out. Last night had been amazing, but I needed time away from him to clear my head. Still, as he turned to me and took my hand, leading me to his waiting truck, I couldn’t stop myself from shuddering again with need.

  There was just something about him that I craved, something more than just his Alpha scent and power. My stomach felt warm inside as I licked my lips, watching him walk. I wanted to feel his cock in my mouth and down my throat. With a pinch to my hand, I brought myself back to the real world and climbed into his truck, careful not to make eye contact with him. I just needed to survive the next day, then we would be back home, and I could take the time to think.

  “Ready?” he asked with a smile as we pulled out.

  “More than ready,” I muttered quickly.

  I saw him frown from the corner of my eye, but he didn’t press the issue. As we drove through the slowly waking city, he tried to start a conversation. Each time, I gave him quick and short answers. Even talking seemed too intimate now. The atmosphere between us had shifted. My hand flew to my stomach as it lurched, the warmth still holding strong. Even as it begged for attention, my eyes were again drawn to the large bulge in his pants.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  He was the same wolf as before, but all I could think about was the taste of his skin. Maybe mating with him had been a bad idea. The last thing I wanted was more drama in my life. Relationships between shifters were already messy and sometimes dangerous. I didn’t want to be tied to an Alpha. Still, he shifted in his seat, his hand moving to his groin as my eyes followed.

  I envied his hand as he pulled and tugged on his large cock, searching for a comfortable position. He looked over at me and I quickly looked back out the window. It had been a split second too late. He had caught me watching.

  “So, are we going to talk about last night?” he asked as we passed Gordon’s city limit sign.

  Up ahead I saw a long line of traffic, it was rush hour in the bustling little city. With a groan, I knew that we were going to be there for a while.

  “I don’t really think we need too. We are both consenting adults. I had a good time and I think you did too. Can’t we just leave it at that?”

  Trevor ground his teeth, his massive hands tightening on the wheel. “Is that really what you want? To pretend like it never happened?”

  “Listen,” I muttered, keeping my eyes away from his steely gaze. “I just want to get through today, can we just do that?”

  “Sure thing,” he growled.

  My heart lurched. Why did it bother me so much that he was upset? It wasn’t like I was looking for a long-term relationship. I thought we’d been on the page, it was just sex. No Alpha would want more than that with an Omega from a different pack. It just wasn’t heard of. My stomach growled, and I sighed. I hadn’t eaten since the afternoon before and it was becoming an issue. Still, I just wanted the trip over with.

  Trevor hit the gas pedal, gunning the truck into the next lane and jumping into a restaurant parking lot. I grabbed ahold of the door, startled by the sudden change in movement. My stomach lurched.

  “We should probably get something to eat,” he muttered as he climbed out.

  I growled as he slammed the door, jumping out of my side. “A little notice would have been nice! I think I’m going to be sick.”

  Trevor jerked his head to the side of the building where a restroom door was located. “There ya go, I’ll meet you inside.”

  “What the hell is your problem?” I hissed at him.

  He laughed sarcastically and rolled his eyes. “Don’t pretend like you would care.”

  Trevor spun around and headed for the main door. I would have chucked one of the pebbles at my feet at his arrogant head if my stomach would have allowed it. Without waiting for it to settle on its own, I jogged to the bathroom. Thankfully, there was no one else in sight as I lurched over the toilet. Within seconds I was disposing of what little there was in my stomach.

  My mouth tasted like death as I stood up, kicking the handle with my foot and wiping my mouth off on my sleeve at the same time. How could I be sick? I took careful care of my body. I sighed, there was no point in fighting it any longer. I had to go eat something with Trevor and deal with his temper tantrum. For an Alpha, he sure was moody.

  The fresh air hit my face and gave me a little bit more life, though my stomach was still teetering on the edge. As I rounded the corner, I saw Trevor through the glass. He looked perfect as he glanced over the menu. Everyone in the restaurant was glancing in his direction. And w
hy wouldn’t they? He was the perfect male specimen. My heart fluttered a little knowing that he had been mine, even if it was just for one night.

  I smelled something strange, acidic and threatening. My instinct kicked in and I spun around but it was already too late. The strange man, a shifter I didn’t recognize, grabbed ahold of my waist and picked me up off the ground. I screamed out, my heart pounding as I did so. Kicking out my feet, I pummeled the man with my fists as well, but it did no good. He was twice my size, almost as large as Trevor was.

  As I screamed, I looked back at the diner as the man ran to a truck not far from us. My eyes caught Trevor’s through the glass. What I saw sent a chill through my body. The sight of me being dragged away changed every feature of his face. His kind eyes and playful grin were replaced by a look of animalistic rage. Fear overcame me, and I fell silent for just a moment as the man tossed me like I was nothing into the back seat of his truck.

  I tried the handle, but it didn’t budge. With all my might, I kicked at the glass, but even that wouldn’t give way as my captor jumped into the driver’s seat. A thick glass separated the two of us and I had to wonder just what kind of bastard he was. I pounded on the back window, but Trevor was nowhere in sight as the truck sped forward.

  Just as quickly as it had started though, a loud crash from the front sent me flying into the glass as the driver slammed on the brakes. It didn’t take long for the dust to settle. When I saw the reason we stopped, I let out a loud shriek. Trevor had lunged through the reinforced windshield, his massive hand was now wrapped around my attacker’s throat, barely fazed by the struggling man’s attempt to get free.

  “Trevor!” I screamed, not wanting the man’s death on my conscience.

  Our eyes locked as the man stopped struggling. Trevor’s gaze shot back to him as he let go of his throat. With speed I’d never seen before, he was at my door, his fist shattering the glass as he ripped the door from its hinges. I didn’t even think as I flew into his arms, feeling safe for the first time since the ordeal had started. He wrapped his arms around me, his muscles still rippling with fear and rage. If he held me like that forever, I would have died happy.

  “Jesus,” he whispered. “I was so scared.”

  “Who—” I stammered. “Who was that? Is he—” My voice broke.

  Trevor shook his head, squeezing me tighter. “No, but he’s going to wish he was.”

  The man in question groaned, coming back around to the world of the living. His eyes instantly filled with fear when he saw Trevor. Trevor was letting me go and rushing to the man within seconds, but the stranger gunned the engine and knocked Trevor off his feet. He caught himself, stumbling as he lunged again for the truck.

  “Trevor!” I yelled.

  He skidded to a stop, his head jerking back to where he had left me.

  “Please,” I said, my body starting to shake. “Please can we just go?”

  Instantly his gaze softened as he took four large steps to where I was standing. My arms flew around his neck as our lips crushed together. In that instant, I knew safety and bliss for the first time in my life. He dragged his teeth along my lower lip as he pulled away.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  I nodded. “I am now. Who the hell was that?”

  His jaw clenched as he took my hand. “Let’s get back on the road, then I will tell you everything you need to know.”

  I swallowed. “Okay.”

  Chapter 6


  The highway had cleared some and I knew that we would be at the shop where the stone was in a matter of minutes. It wasn’t nearly enough time for Ethan’s nerves or my own to settle. I had to get the ball rolling, whether he was ready or not.

  “Are you okay?” I asked softly.

  He nodded. “I think so. Why did that man grab me? It’s not like I’m anyone important.”

  “You know that there are other packs around here, right?”

  “Yeah,” he muttered.

  “There have been rumors going around that the packs are getting smaller and with that shrinking size, more desperate for new members.”

  “So they steal other shifters? That doesn’t seem like a great plan. Why hasn’t anyone done anything about it?”

  “Because until now, it was just rumors. They aren’t after just any shifters either. They only want the mates of Alphas. They know they have the best chance of procreating.”

  “That’s stupid,” Ethan huffed. “That would bring the wrath of an entire pack down on them. It would be a slaughter.”

  “Not necessarily,” I said carefully. I didn’t want him to worry, but I owed him the truth. “These packs, they aren’t like us. They don’t hold themselves to the same basic laws that we all follow. The rumors say they’ve made packs with witches who offer them protection in exchange for a safe place to practice.”

  “Why would they need that? We let anyone practice in our town.”

  “Not dark magic,” I said.

  Ethan gasped. “That’s forbidden!”

  “So is kidnapping other shifters, especially when you think they are an Alpha’s mate. But these outlying packs have no moral compass. They don’t care what happens to others as long as they get their own way. Now that we know it’s more than just a rumor, I give you my word that my pack will be taking action.”

  “Well you can count on Drake to stand by you,” he said confidently.

  My eyes widened in surprise. “Really? What makes you think that?”

  “Because I know Drake. Once he finds out what happened, he won’t rest until that Alpha and his pack are put in their place.”

  I couldn’t help but chuckle a little. Ethan had such blind faith in his Alpha. If only I could get him to trust me in the same way. I knew that it would take time, but I wasn’t sure we would have much more of it as the storefront came into view. Gordon was reminiscent of a Victorian village. Everywhere it was draped in history. The store where we were to pick up the stone was no different. Large, hand carved stones made out the walls that surrounded the oak doors. I parked my truck in front, waiting for Ethan to be ready before stepping out.

  He let out a heavy sigh. “Well, I guess this is it. We should go get the rock.”

  I grinned. “I’m happy to see you are feeling a little more like yourself. I’m sorry you had to go through that.”

  “That’s why you don’t travel at night?” he asked.

  “When I am with someone like you, yes.”

  “What do you mean? I am no different than any of your other Omegas. I don’t know why they targeted me.”

  I cleared my throat, I had a feeling that I knew why Ethan was targeted. It wasn’t just a mild attraction between us. There was something that even I could feel in the air. If I had to guess, I would say that the other Alpha picked up on it too. The same way that Drake had known. Still, Ethan wasn’t ready to deal with an Alpha falling for him like a young pup. He was still so wary of me. I just needed to give him more time.

  “Look,” I said, thanking my luck stars that the shop keep was standing in the open door waving to us.

  I quickly jumped out, jogging around and opening Ethan’s door for him. As we made our way over to the aging man, I sensed something different about him. He must have seen the shocked look on my face as I put it together.

  The graying man laughed. “That’s the reaction I get most of the time.”

  “What is he talking about?” Ethan whispered to me.

  The man turned back to Ethan, extending his hand. When Ethan took it, he gasped a little as I had done. “You’re a human!”

  He laughed. “Mr. Danvers is the name. My family moved here about a hundred years ago. Been running this place ever since. I take it you are Ethan?”

  “Yes,” Ethan stammered.

  “And you must be Trevor,” Mr. Danvers said with a grin. “I see Drake picked well for this little trip. Please, come in. The stone is here.”

  Mr. Danvers turned and headed inside. Ethan l
eaned closer to me and whispered, “I guess we shouldn’t call it a rock anymore, huh?”

  I chuckled and wrapped my arm around his shoulders. When he didn’t flinch, or move away from me, I took it as a good sign. Mr. Danvers made his way around the counter and produced a small wooden box, about the size of a shoebox. It was ornately covered in carvings and precious stones placed deep into the intricate artwork. I was awestruck by its beauty until he opened it. Inside was the stone we’d heard so much about.

  “Wow,” Ethan said softly.

  “You said it,” I gulped.

  Even as Mr. Danvers lifted it from the box, the colors started to change. Swirling black and red hues danced from the inside of it. The colors spread out through the four-inch stone.

  “It’s mesmerizing, isn’t it?” he whispered.

  I nodded as he held it out to me. As it touched my skin, I shuddered with the warmth coming from it. Instantly the red changed to a bright blue color.

  “It’s getting warmer,” I whispered.

  Ethan was awestruck as I held it out to him. His hand touched the stone and my fingers at the same time. As they made contact, the stone again changed colors. This time, it danced in a brilliant rainbow. I couldn’t take my eyes from it, our hands touching in an intimate embrace around the stone. There was something magical going on to be sure. It was glowing with color.

  “Would you look at that?” Mr. Danvers said in shock. “I guess we know why Drake sent you two to fetch the mating stone, you two are fated to be together.”

  Ethan gasped, the stone falling from his hand and into mine. At once the rainbow was gone and the subtle, but still radiant color changed back to the same blue.

  “What?” I stammered.


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