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Breathless on the Beach

Page 10

by Wendy Etherington

  Glad to see his coloring was stronger, and intrigued by the connection between Rose’s friend and precious gems, Victoria nodded. “Definitely.”

  Wilting in the heat, David readily agreed. He seemed more at ease as he approached the door with the gilded handle.

  Embraced by air-conditioning, Victoria smiled politely at the uniformed guard who opened the door. If Rose had one of those, she wouldn’t be in this situation… .

  David led her toward the center of the shop, where a saleswoman greeted him with familiarity, while Victoria cast her gaze down into the cases. Sparkling gems glinted back at her with seductive invitation.

  How easy would it be to whip out a credit card and have glamour decorate her skin?

  How many women had lost their senses to such false perfection?

  Surrounded by luxury but not much affection, Victoria didn’t appreciate the appeal of jewels much anymore. When she was younger, she’d delighted in having a touch of glitter on her arms and fingers. But as she grew older, she understood how hard someone had to work to acquire luxuries, and she found herself more and more seduced by time, not flash.

  She liked spending the hours she didn’t work with her friends. She liked giving to those who struggled. She liked long plane flights so she could indulge in a good novel without the constant interruption of her cell phone. She liked seeing the appreciation in a man’s eyes when she took extra time to dress, and find just the right enticing scent.

  Okay, that was a new one.

  Jared’s influence, no doubt.

  Was the acquisition of more and more things really why she worked so hard? When she moved into her senior VP office and redecorated, would she be satisfied? When her parents finally acknowledged her accomplishments, would she be happy?

  “See anything you like?” the saleswoman asked.

  Staring down at the jewel-ladened case in earnest, and not expecting to find anything to tempt her, she spotted a ring studded with twined sapphires and diamonds the color of chocolate. The colors were a melding of her and Jared’s eyes. “That one.”

  After slipping the ring on Victoria’s middle finger, the saleswoman went on about the origin of the gems, their quality and value.

  Victoria hardly listened. She blew out an excited breath and saw the joining of her and Jared’s bodies. The idea was silly, the purchase frivolous. The weekend was about her professional future. Her promotion was on the line. Her family’s respect of her hung in the balance.

  Job and interrogation forgotten, she handed over her credit card. She walked out of the shop with the ring on her finger and a gleeful smile on her face as she drove back to the Rutherford estate.

  David congratulated her on her shrewd purchase. Chocolate-colored diamonds were all the rage.

  Victoria curled her hand into a fist as they approached the back door leading to the kitchen. She only wanted to see Jared. Crazy maybe. But that just continued the mania that had enveloped her and her friends lately.

  Righting wrongs. Stealing from the rich to give to the poor.

  And though she was rich in jewels, she was poor in truth. Poor in sincerity.

  But after this promotion, after she proved to her parents she was worthy of the Holmes name, she was going to change things.

  When David excused himself to go to his room, and Mrs. K had taken the veal off to marinate, Shelby grabbed Victoria’s arm. “Did you learn anything about who he is? Where he’s from?”

  “I did,” Victoria replied. “But I don’t think he’s our guy. Too normal.”

  “If you say so.” Shelby pulled a tray of cold cuts from the fridge. “Listen, the sooner we figure out where everybody was and when, the closer we’ll be to finding the thief.”

  “Bringing us back to the uncomfortable conversation with Rose about whether or not she slept alone last night. Not a task I’m looking forward to.”

  Victoria definitely needed to get her alone for that little chat. Or should she…? Rose liked Jared. Maybe Victoria could get him to soften her up first. And since he wasn’t so thrilled with her taking on this matter, and didn’t seem to be inclined to be her assistant investigator, maybe she could soften Jared with her new bikini.

  Okay, maybe not soften, exactly.

  “I’m guessing this is for lunch,” she said to Shelby.

  “Gazpacho. Fruit. And sandwiches on homemade bread.”

  “Why don’t you set everything out by the pool? I’ll get changed, then go down and call everyone over.”

  Shelby’s expression was suspicious. “And that relates to interrogation how?”

  “I think you’ll see the connection.”


  PULLING ON A T-SHIRT AS HE stepped off the boat, Jared nearly stumbled when he spotted Victoria standing on the dock wearing a bright yellow bikini.

  “Damn her,” he muttered.

  Tall, lean and stunning, she spoke briefly to the guests who passed her, but her focus was on him.

  He wanted her and wished he didn’t. He craved her touch and knew he’d be satisfied only when he got it. He understood where her loyalties lay and longed to change them.

  When he was mere steps away from her, he watched Richard clutch her hand as she shook her head. Richard nodded, a stiff jerk, then headed to the house.

  So the task he’d pushed on her hadn’t gone well.

  Not surprising.

  “Hi,” she said as Jared attempted to walk past her. “How’s the water?”

  “Refreshing. How’s the search for the necklace?”

  “Bad.” Her eyes danced with promise as she trailed her finger down his chest. “Is there anything you don’t know about?”

  She was going to seduce him into going along with Richard’s secret? Crap, Jared had expected more. Or at least better. “There’s plenty, but I know when I’m being played.”

  When he turned to leave, she grabbed his hand. “I’m not playing you.”

  He leaned in. “I’m not Richard Rutherford’s lapdog.”

  She let go and stepped back. “Neither am I.”

  “Coulda fooled me.”

  “I need this contract.”

  “And you think I need you enough to help you get it.”

  “Do you?”

  He let his gaze drift down her body. “You’re offering a trade?”

  She stared at the distant horizon. “I could use your help.”

  “You don’t want to grill me about my alibi, search my luggage?”

  “No. I was with you till nearly two. Though I don’t even know when the necklace was taken.” She sighed. “I’ve got to talk to Rose.”

  “Ah. Now we get to it. You want me to loosen up Rose before you interrogate her.”

  Victoria flipped her hair off her shoulders and raised her chin. “Yes, I do.”

  From seductive to contrite to bold and pissed. Was it any wonder he couldn’t get her out of his mind? “I’ll help on one condition.” When she nodded, he continued, “What was last night about?”

  “Does it have to be about something?”

  “I guess not. Were you seducing me then, too? Were you hoping I’d put in a good word for you with Richard?”

  “No. You were the one making all the moves, as I recall.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Was I?”

  Clearly annoyed, she crossed her arms over her chest.

  Of course, it only raised her cleavage to new heights, causing a bead of sweat to roll down his back. I
f he didn’t get away from her soon, he was going to wind up promising her anything and everything. “Fine. I’ll help.”

  She laid her hand on his arm. “I’m sorry about, well…this.” She glanced down at herself. “Last night was great. It was about you and me and that’s all. I know we talked about the contract, but I wasn’t thinking about it except those few minutes, and I definitely wasn’t considering using you to get to Richard.”

  “Are you thinking about him now?” Jared linked their hands. “About how fast you can get my cooperation so you can find Rose’s necklace and win your contract? About drooling over him the way Peter’s been doing all morning?”

  “No. Maybe I was earlier, and yuck, no.”


  She swept her hand down her bikini-clad body. “I had a plan.”

  “What happened to it?”

  “I do have some integrity.” She sighed when he continued to stare at her. “And when I get close to you I forget all about work and my head goes fuzzy.”

  He pressed his lips to her forehead. “That’s the nicest thing I’ve heard all day.” Sliding his arm around her waist, he led her down the sidewalk toward the pool. “What’s for lunch?”

  “Gazpacho and sandwiches.”

  He pictured those little pieces of bread cut into cute triangles. He could eat twenty. “What kind of sandwiches? I’m starving.”

  “You make your own. Why don’t I do that for you while you dote on Rose for a few minutes?”

  “Doting is part of my job description.”

  “I’ll bet.”

  “I’m happy to dote for your cause provided you come out with us this afternoon.”

  Victoria smiled. “I’m already planning to. How else am I going to interrogate everybody?”

  * * *

  “I DIDN’T MISPLACE MY necklace.”

  With Rose seated at a poolside table between himself and Victoria, Jared wasn’t in the position he wanted to be, but he did have genuine concern for his client. “We know.”

  Rose’s hand trembled as she slid it down her iced-tea glass. “Richard assures me you can find it.”

  Victoria nodded. “I can.”

  No hesitation. No qualification. No list of the obstacles and potential disasters.

  No wonder the woman was at the top of her profession.

  Richard didn’t deserve her.

  Victoria leaned toward Rose and spoke in a low, gentle voice. “In order to recover your jewelry, we need to know your movements last night. From the time you put on the necklace until you locked it in the safe.”

  “Sure.” Rose licked her lips. “I got the necklace out before dinner.”

  “You unlocked the safe?” Victoria pressed. “You didn’t have Mrs. Keegan do it for you?”

  Rose shook her head. “I did it. I always do. Richard warned me not to give out the combination to anyone.”

  “That’s smart,” Jared said.

  “Mrs. Keegan helped me fasten the hook,” Rose said. “Then I came downstairs. Everyone saw it at dinner, of course. When the boat ride was suggested, I rushed to my room to take it off. The clasp is old. I really should have it replaced.” She toyed with her ham sandwich, which was cut into four tiny triangles. “I’m not as reckless as some people might think.”

  The obvious tension between Richard and his mother was bound to cause Victoria more problems. When Jared got his hands on this thief, he was going to wring his or her neck. What should be a simple weekend enjoying Victoria in a bikini had become a tangled web of motives, hidden agendas and headaches. He knew once Victoria left for Manhattan, he’d never get another chance with her. She’d go back to her life and he to his.

  “And the thing is so heavy,” Rose added. “My neck was sore.”

  “So you took it off and put it in the safe?” Victoria asked.

  “No, I set it on my dresser.”

  Victoria glanced significantly at Jared. “Then we all went out on the boat.”

  “The necklace was unsecured in the house,” Jared said.

  “Well, yes, but no one else was here,” Rose told him.

  Victoria nodded. “True. Was the security system on or off?”

  “On, I imagine. Though I didn’t set it before we left. You’ll have to check with Richard or Mrs. Keegan. One of them probably set the property alarm.”

  “Mrs. K wouldn’t take the necklace,” Jared felt compelled to point out.

  “Of course she wouldn’t,” Rose agreed. “Besides, it was there when I retired to my room at eleven. Then I put it in the safe. Someone had to have taken it after that.” Her throat moved as she swallowed. “While I was asleep.”

  Creepy, to be sure, but Jared couldn’t picture anyone who was staying at the house tiptoeing into Rose’s room, accessing the safe—supposedly an intricate feat in itself—then slinking out again. Much less getting back to his or her room without waking anyone or being seen.

  The only person with nerves that steely was Victoria, and she’d hardly cause this mess she was now charged with fixing.

  Or would she?

  If she found the necklace and caught the thief, she’d be Richard’s hero. Would she go that far for the contract?

  He let his gaze trace the delicate but firm line of her jaw. Her high cheekbones, her clear, perfect eyes.

  No. Victoria might be the poster girl for ambition, but she wasn’t manipulative. She hadn’t been able to hold on to her bikini seduction ruse with him for more than five minutes.

  “Where was Sal during that time?” she asked Rose, her voice hushed.

  “He slept in a guest room.” Rose cleared her throat. “We don’t… That is we haven’t yet…”

  “I’m sorry.” Victoria sipped tea, obviously giving Rose a minute to collect herself. “I know it’s none of our business.”

  The woman sighed. “I guess these questions have to be asked. Better you than the police.”

  So maybe Richard wasn’t completely idiotic about not calling the cops, Jared decided. He was being selfish as usual, but his selfishness did have a side benefit for somebody else.

  “Do you think we’re wrong for not contacting the police, Jared?” Rose asked suddenly, her voice climbing in pitch.

  “Yes, but I have confidence in Victoria.” He laid his hand over Rose’s. “And I’d hate for this to ruin your weekend.”

  A small smile curved her lips. “Heaven forbid I should miss any of your skiing instructions.”

  “The activity will be a good distraction for you,” Jared said. “Will we have you, too, Victoria?”

  By the heat in Victoria’s eyes, she didn’t miss the double meaning of his words. “Absolutely. I have suspects to grill.”

  Jared glanced around the pool area, where all the guests were gathered. Mrs. Keegan was refilling glasses of tea and lemonade. The Standishes were seated at an umbrella-shaded table, perched on either side of Richard and looking enraptured by his conversation. Sal and David were still eating lunch. Shelby was serving another bowl of soup to Calla.

  One of them was a thief.

  Being in the outdoor adventure business, Jared couldn’t deny he liked feeling a rush of excitement. Like one of those murder mystery weekend trips, only this plot was real.

  * * *


  With Jared’s deep voice rumbling in her ear, his bare chest pressed against her back and the Jet Ski engine idling beneath her, Vict
oria’s throttle was already in high gear.

  She’d watched him do this with other women during the afternoon. Had he pressed himself so intimately against their bodies? Had they tingled in anticipation of more?

  The watercraft scooted forward. “See how it’s done?” he said loudly over the engine roar and crashing surf.

  “I’ve got it.” She twisted the handle so the Jet Ski jolted into motion.

  He lifted his hands from hers and wrapped his arms around her. He hadn’t done that with the other women. “Easy,” he shouted.

  “I don’t go slow with everything.” She grinned. “Today I like fast.”

  Jared skimmed his lips across her shoulder. “Me, too.”

  They took off like a shot, parallel to the shoreline, passing Rose and Sal as they putted in the opposite direction on one of the other Jet Skis.

  Victoria’s friends were right. She needed to relax and get out of Manhattan more.

  The ride was exhilarating. The sun warmed her skin as the wind whipped past her ears, tangling her hair. Sea spray splashed over her bare thighs. And a man she’d never seen coming, but couldn’t get out of her mind, had a tight grip on her body and her interest.

  When she would have turned around to go back, he pointed ahead. “Steer past that big dock. There’s a cove.”

  She slowed the Jet Ski as she rounded the pier, expecting a series of smaller ones tucked into the cove, but there was only sand and a few trees and flowers.

  Excitement raced down her spine. Jared hadn’t directed them here to point out indigenous fauna.

  He stroked her thigh. “I noticed it earlier.”

  She leaned back against his warm chest and let him take over the steering and guide them into the private cove. With a skill obviously born of long practice, he gunned the engine the last few feet, so the Jet Ski wound up beached.

  He held her hand as he helped her climb off. “It’ll stay here while we rest.” Then, from a center compartment, he pulled out a towel and a small, soft-sided cooler.

  Before she could do more than throw him a smile, he’d laid out the towel and withdrawn two mini champagne bottles from the cooler.


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