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The Army Ranger's Surprise (the Men of At-Ease Ranch)

Page 9

by Donna Michaels

  “That’s very admirable,” Cord said.

  “And smart.” Brick stepped up to the table and shot the cue ball into a red ball, but it hit just shy of a pocket.

  Leo frowned. He wasn’t sure that was a compliment. “Smart? What do you mean?”

  Brick moved away from the table to let Vince shoot. “She has her privacy, too.” A big-ass grin spread across the goof’s face. “As I’m sure you’ve no doubt realized.”

  He chuckled. “Yep. You’re an idiot.”

  “True.” The smiling fool reached for the beer he’d placed on the bar behind Leo. “But I’m also right. Hence that ‘got my world rocked’ grin plastered on your face all week.”

  Had he really grinned all week?

  “Don’t listen to my idiot brother.” Stone swiped the cue from Brick and met Leo’s gaze. “She sounds great. I’m happy for you.”

  Vince straightened from his missed shot. “Me, too. Maybe you can bring her by one of these days. Just let me know if there’s a special dish she enjoys.”

  Bring Kaydee to At-Ease…

  Normally, Leo would shoot the offer down before it had a chance to grow into an idea that everyone would insist was a good one. But he was too slow. As expected, someone did.


  That simple fact made him wonder what the hell was wrong with him. Why would he even entertain the idea?

  As soon as those questions flickered through his mind, the answer to both immediately followed.


  She was what was wrong with him, although “wrong” in a good way. He liked Kaydee. He liked being with her, and the way she treated him like he was a good person. She had a way of making him feel…absolved. And God, that was addicting.

  “I’m sure Leo will bring her around when he’s ready,” Stone said, sinking another ball. Even on the home front the guy always had his back.

  “Stone’s right.” Cord replaced Brick’s empty bottle with a full one. “Let’s drop it.”

  “Leo knows we don’t mean no harm, and we’re actually trying to help,” Brick said. “No one was more clueless than I was with Beth. Except maybe you with Haley,” he said to Cord. “Man, you ignored your attraction to her for years.”

  Leo fought a grin. Yeah, both men hadn’t handled things so great with their women in the beginning. But his situation with Kaydee was different. Especially since she wasn’t his woman. They weren’t in a long-term thing.

  “Don’t listen to them.” Vince chuckled. “You and Kaydee just keep doing whatever it is you’re doing. It looks good on you.”

  “Damn good.” Stone grinned, watching Cord line up a shot. “You heading back up there this weekend?”

  Leo nodded. “Yeah.”

  Instead of bingo, his grandmother wanted to go line dancing with him, Kaydee, and Nate to celebrate the end of his first job. He held back a grunt. Dancing. He hadn’t danced in years. Although the thought of holding Kaydee close was a huge plus.

  “What are you working on this time?” Brick asked, then wagged his brows. “Or is that a foolish question?”

  “No, bro.” Stone sighed. “That was the foolish question.”

  Leo laughed. It was damn good to see the humor and well-meaning in their words without anger and self-deprecation getting in the way. It’d been so long—too long—since his thoughts centered on something other than guilt and self-loathing. “I’m going to repair the stairs to her basement.”

  “That’s good,” Stone said. “And if you and Kaydee are a thing or become a thing, that’s good, too. Just know it probably won’t go without a glitch. That’s normal. Men are assholes, so we’re going to screw up. It’s in our DNA.”

  Leo nodded, although he had no idea what made his buddy think he and Kaydee were long term. They were only light and casual. More of a fun friends-with-benefits kind of thing. Anything more would involve his past, and that would ruin her outlook toward him. He liked feeling absolved and knew he’d always feel that way when he looked back on their encounters.

  He’d have to be crazy to jeopardize that.

  Chapter Eleven

  Kaydee loved surprises.

  Leo’s call earlier that day to ask if she wanted to go line dancing with him, her grandfather, and Ava, definitely qualified as one. It was both great and unexpected. Of course, it wouldn’t be a surprise if it was expected.

  She was glad she’d taken the time to paint her nails the same coral shade as her strapless sundress when Ava explained the reason for Leo’s surprise invitation. Tonight was a special occasion. They were celebrating the conclusion of Leo’s first job as a supervisor.

  By the time their drinks arrived and they placed their orders for a round of burgers and fries, Kaydee was ready to go straight to dessert.

  In the dimly lit honky-tonk, Leo’s dark hair gleamed black and curled where it hit his shoulders, making his startling blue eyes stand out even more. Add his sexy scruff to the mix, and damn, he was smokin’ hot. And that wasn’t even taking into account the lean lines of his muscled body emphasized under his white button-down shirt and blue jeans that had worn creases in the right places.

  When he’d shown up on her doorstep a half hour ago, she’d nearly swallowed her tongue at the sexy vision he presented. Of course, she didn’t tell him. No guy wanted to hear they’re a vision, but he was one. Big-time. And her heartbeat hadn’t leveled off since.

  “To my grandson. I’m so proud of you,” Ava said, eyes turning misty as she held up a glass of beer.

  “Yes.” Her grandfather lifted his beer as well. “Congratulations on a job well done, son.”

  Opting to share a pitcher of ginger ale with Leo, Kaydee raised her glass and watched as he shifted in his seat. Poor guy seemed to be uncomfortable dealing with positive attention.

  That kind of broke her heart.

  She reached under the table and entwined the fingers of their free hands. “To Leo.”

  There was a ton more she wanted to add, but her throat swelled for some reason, so she left it at that. Besides, no matter what platitudes she spouted, she knew they’d only add to his discomfort. That was the last thing she wanted.

  He raised his glass. “Thank you.” And when he squeezed her hand, she met his gaze and knew his words had been meant for her.

  So was the heart-stopping smile on his face. It was real, and open, and it felt like the sun was shining down on her. She returned his smile, and her entire body softened under his attention, and probably the small circles he drew on her hand with his thumb helped, too. Goose bumps were now shooting up her arm.

  “You know, you kids don’t have to pretend anymore,” Ava said, just as Kaydee had the misfortune of taking a sip of the ginger ale.

  She coughed and sputtered while glancing at the woman through blurry vision. “Pretend what?”

  “That you two aren’t an item,” Ava replied.

  “Yeah, you’re busted, hun,” her grandfather chimed in, big grin on his face. “It’s okay.”

  Heat flooded her cheeks. Ah crap. Maybe he had heard them on Sunday…

  “And about damn time you got around to asking her out, Leo,” Ava continued. “It’s good to see you’re not ignoring the attraction anymore.”

  Leo squeezed her hand again, and she watched his smile return. “I agree.”

  “Good.” Ava nodded, satisfaction warming her gaze. “Then what do you say we all get out there and hit a dance or two before our food arrives?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Leo said.

  Sliding his chair back, he helped Kaydee to her feet. Uncertainty skittered through his gaze. “Unless you don’t want to dance?”

  This time, she squeezed his hand. “I’d very much like to dance with you.”

  A big smile curved his lips, and for the next hour and a half, they danced and ate and danced some more. Kaydee was far from surprised to discover the man had moves. Lord knew he had the right ones when they were naked. Only logical he’d have them on the dance floor, too.

The last time she’d had this much fun was…never. She couldn’t remember a time she’d laughed and let loose without giving it a second thought. It just happened, and she rolled with it. Hell, she was even wearing a grin when washing her hands after a restroom break. The woman staring back at her in the mirror had a flushed face, a curved mouth, and a dreamy look in her eyes.

  “Looks good on you,” Ava said, appearing in the reflection with her. “Leo has the same alive expression on his face. Thank you for putting it there, my dear.”

  She turned to face the woman and shook her head. “I didn’t do anything.”

  Ava laughed. “Bullshit.”

  “But I didn’t.” She really hadn’t done anything special. Nothing any red-blooded woman wouldn’t do.

  “I’m not talking about sex.” Ava shook her head and waved her hands, and Kaydee was extremely relieved they were the only two in the bathroom. “He could get that anywhere.”

  That wiped the smile from her face.

  “It’s different with you. He’s gotten so much more.”

  A slight tug returned to her lips, and with it, a burst of warmth through her chest.

  “You’ve reached him when no one else has been able to.” Her neighbor sobered and drew in a ragged breath, her gaze going misty again. “It has been a long, long time since I had my grandson back. Thank you, Kaydee.” Ava pulled her in for a hug and squeezed. “Please keep doing whatever it is you’re doing.”

  Her heart dropped to her knees. It sounded like the woman was talking about something more than a fling. A relationship. Kaydee didn’t do them. But truthfully, she didn’t want things with Leo to end. At least not yet. Other than sex, he didn’t spout promises, or stress her out by talking about a future. They were enjoying a fun, casual here and now. She wanted to keep seeing him that way.

  So she smiled and squeezed back. “I will.”

  “Good.” Ava sighed, and when she drew back, a hint of mischief danced in her eyes. “Any chance you could occupy him until morning, instead of him sneaking into my house in the middle of the night, like he did Friday and Saturday last weekend?”

  Kaydee was pretty sure there wasn’t a name for the shade of red her face sported. It’d gone clear past crimson.

  First, she’d learned her grandfather might’ve heard them on Sunday, and now she discovered his grandmother was aware that Leo had been at her place until the wee hours of the morning last weekend.

  Right now would be a great time for Scotty to beam her up. Or the floor to open and swallow her. Of course, neither happened, because they weren’t possible. Unlike her megablush.

  “It’s okay.” Ava chuckled, patting her cheek. “You’re both adults, old enough to know what you’re doing. Same goes for your grandfather and me, although we’d like to do it all night, not have to cut things short, because Leo might return to the next room at some point.”

  Holy hookups…

  She swallowed a laugh. Those two faced the same issues as she and Leo had—

  “Last thing I want is to be in the middle of the throes when he returns.” Ava continued to speak, and Kaydee’s face continued to flame. “So…do you think you can keep him occupied all night?”

  “Um…” She cleared her throat. “Yeah. I’d be happy to. Sure.”

  Crap. She stumbled over her words like an idiot, but she could hardly believe the conversation she was having.

  Good Lord, she just promised her…her…what exactly was Leo? Her friend? Boyfriend? The guy she was sleeping with? Whatever he was, she’d just promised his grandmother she’d keep him in her bed until morning, so his grandmother could keep Kaydee’s grandfather in bed until then, too.

  Oh my God, what a night, she thought as she walked back to the table with Ava, her gaze meeting Leo’s as she approached. Given his lopsided grin and the heat and amusement in his eyes, he apparently just had a similar crazy conversation with her grandfather. And he was totally on board with it, too.

  Her pulse leaped. It’d been a long time since she let a man stay all night.

  Perhaps that was because she hadn’t been with the right man. Leo was different, and the way she felt about him was different, too. Stronger. Better. He made her happy. Made her feel like she mattered. Until that moment, Kaydee hadn’t realized how much she’d needed that.

  She just hoped letting him stay didn’t jinx things between them.


  Tonight they were actually going to sleep together—as in, fall asleep together—and not just have sex. Leo knew this, and yet when he walked into Kaydee’s house later that night, and she locked the door behind him, his heart raced. Not with trepidation, but anticipation. Excitement.


  He liked Kaydee. A lot. A hell of a lot. But still, this was a huge step, not just for him, but for her, too. He knew keeping things a secret from their grandparents hadn’t been the only reason she’d never asked him to stay the night. Hard to keep someone at arm’s length after you’ve fallen asleep with them. It was perhaps even more intimate than sex. A step further than casual. He was starting to suspect she had some type of commitment issue. Either from constantly being ripped from friendships at a young age and being too afraid to form an attachment, or from embracing the wanderlust lifestyle and growing restless staying in one place too long. Either way, it was a commitment issue. Hell, how could she not have one? Being an army brat was tough.

  It was the reason he and the guys had made a pact, during their active-duty years, to never get seriously involved with a woman. With the exception of Drew. He’d already been married when he started Ranger training, and his death had gutted Haley. Thank God Cord had been able to help her pick up the pieces. Marriage to an active-duty soldier was a hard life, not only for the wife, but for any resulting children.

  That was the last thing Leo would’ve needed. A child. He wasn’t exactly the best father role model. Might never be. His past made sure of that.

  “I had a great time tonight,” Kaydee said, bringing his attention back to the present.

  “Me, too,” he replied, lifting a finger to lightly trace her cheek. “A really great time.” Then, because he needed to taste her, suddenly needed their connection more than air, he brought his mouth down on hers, and slowly, thoroughly kissed her.

  Sighing, she opened up for him and responded with a hunger that matched the one building inside him. By the time he lifted his head, they were both panting, and she was gripping his shirt, as if to keep from falling.

  He liked that. A lot.

  But what he didn’t like was the thought of pressuring her, so he moved his hands to her shoulders—her deliciously bare shoulders—and held her gaze. “Listen, don’t worry about what my grandmother asked you. I don’t have to stay all night. I can go to a hotel. Just say the word.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Kaydee’s gaze softened and warmed, and the most amazing smile spread across her face. Leo felt it in his chest. What the hell? How was that even possible? It was as if his heart cracked open, and warmth—the same warmth shining in her eyes—funneled into him.

  “I’d like you to stay.” Honesty sweetened her tone. “That is…if you want to.” She glanced down at the floor, and when her gaze returned to his, uncertainty clouded her beautiful brown eyes.

  If he wanted to…

  He was no longer active duty. Had a job he loved. A goal he believed in. And a woman he enjoyed spending time with. Taking this next step, investing a little bit more of himself in this—whatever this was that they shared—seemed right.

  It didn’t mean he had to tell her his deepest, darkest secrets. They were still his own. He could invest in their connection, their friendship, without bringing his mistakes into the mix. There were other parts of himself he could share.

  Parts he knew she liked.

  “Oh, I want to stay.” He drew her close to drag his mouth down her throat. Hell yeah. He wanted to stay for purely positive reasons. And not just for himself.

  He wanted to s
how her it was okay to let her guard down a little. Loosen up. Enjoy each other’s company. All without interruption.

  She smiled. “I’m glad.”

  Leo studied Kaydee’s face under the ambient light in the hall. She needed a better light. He mentally added it to his list. But tonight wasn’t about repairs—at least, not home repairs. And he refused to think beyond that, or he’d have to deal with emotional bullshit. “So am I.”

  He shoved his hands in her hair and kissed her, slow at first, wanting to savor her warm sighs and the way she melted against him. But when she pressed her tongue to his, he shifted gears, tasting and taking and needing…everything.

  When he finally broke for air, he helped her remove his shirt, which she’d already unbuttoned. Then he grabbed two handfuls of her dress, and damn…his whole body tightened at the low, needy sounds she made as he dragged the dress slowly over her peaked nipples.

  “God…you’re gorgeous,” he murmured, dipping down to kiss each puckered tip while he continued to tug her dress completely off.

  She hissed a breath and arched forward, shoving more of her delectable curves into his mouth. She already had him hard and throbbing. He needed more. Much more. Releasing her, he twisted her around and nuzzled the back of her neck.

  “Leo,” she whispered in a low, needy tone, lifting her arms to reach back and shove her hands in his hair.

  Never one to waste an opportunity, he brought his hands around to fill his palms with her softness and groaned when she pressed her gorgeous ass against his erection.

  Christ, she was killing him.

  Kaydee was exquisite and matched his needs in so many ways. He wanted to make the night special for her. He wanted to reward her for her willingness to share her bed. Her night. And her morning with him.

  He was going to satisfy them over and over, all night long, until they fell into an exhausted sleep. And woke up to do it all again. And again.

  So he did.


  Early the next morning, Kaydee woke up, warm and toasty, and deliciously sore in all the right places. Leo was good at that. So decadently good. He was also flat on his back, and she was sprawled all over him with her face smooshed into the crook of his neck.


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