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Mayhem Madness: Reckless Bastards MC Series Books 1-7

Page 27

by KB Winters

  He took a long pause before he responded. “Isn’t Tate doing that?”

  “He’s gone and I need to make sure this gets done. Can I rely on you to do this?”

  “Yeah, sure,” he sighed. “I’ll make sure they get it and that both of them show up.”

  “Thank you, Jag. You’re the best.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Tell all of your friends. Please.”

  I laughed but before I could say anything else he’d ended the call. As I made my way down the never ending to-do list, I became aware of the house falling quiet as the contractors and then the security consultant knocked off for the day. The quiet grew louder, highlighting just how alone I was again and the creep factor set my stomach on edge.

  Too wound up to eat, I decided to try and get some sleep, figuring unconsciousness would make the sounds less terrifying, or at least quieter. It didn’t. Mostly because I couldn’t get to sleep. I got up and went to the living room where I worked in front of the TV until I just couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer. Two hours later and my fitful sleep was over.

  Frustrated, tired and frightened, and thoroughly pissed off about it, I figured a shower and then a pot of coffee would help my body pick a side. Standing under the hot shower spray did help me wake up, but that only made my mind race with thoughts of the stalker’s identity and what the hell had crawled up Tate’s ass. But I reminded myself that he didn’t owe me a damn thing. Basic human kindness would have been nice, but it wasn’t the first time reality and my expectations had crashed violently. And I doubted it would be the last.

  The sound of glass shattering sounded over the shower spray. What the fuck? Every nerve ending buzzed like I’d stuck my finger into a light socket. Then another shattering sound. And another. Was someone bombing my house?

  The unmistakable smashing of glass was followed by the thuds of bricks or stones or other heavy objects. My heart jumped into my throat and I swore it stopped beating. I wasn’t sure it was going to start up again. But then, my pulse began pounding like a madman. I was sure whoever was out there could hear it.

  I knew I couldn’t spend the rest of the night under in the shower, so I slipped out but left the water running to hide my movements and tiptoed across the bathroom floor. I pressed my ear against the door with my eyes squeezed shut. I hadn’t heard anything after the last very heavy object hit the floor somewhere near the living room. No footsteps. No soft voices.

  I held my breath and waited, listening for a few more seconds before I made my decision. I had to take action and decided to take a chance that I was alone. That the crazy fucker was outside and not in the hallway waiting for me to show my face. It was either that or spend the rest of my life in the shower.

  I took the deepest breath ever, opened the door and vaulted over to the bedroom and grabbed the clothes I’d laid out off the bed and my phone off the dresser, then made a crazy-assed dash back to the bathroom. I locked myself in, images of some motherfucker letting loose an AR 15 through the bathroom door while I was making my hysterical call to the police. I dialed 911 and swore at my phone until the dispatcher answered.

  “Someone is throwing things through my windows and I can’t tell if they got inside the house or not.”

  I trembled against the wall, making sure I would be out of the line of fire from the window and the door while the 911 dispatcher assured me help was on the way.

  I didn’t believe her soft, soothing words but just the sound of them prevented me from freaking the fuck out any more than I already was as I pulled on my clothes. Her voice lulled me into a sense of false security that was quickly shattered when a loud pounding sounded that made me jump out of my skin.

  “Ma’am it’s the police, open up!”

  The dispatcher heard them and gave me instructions. “It’s okay Teddy. Ask for their names before you open the door.”

  I did and the dispatchers said, “It’s all good. Those are the officers responding to this call. Open the door, sweetheart. You’re all right.”

  I stood on shaky legs, my hands fumbling as I turned the little lock and twisted the doorknob. I pulled it open barely an inch and saw two tall men in uniforms. Police uniforms. They helped me to the sofa in the living room and ten minutes later my house was full again, this time with all manner of law enforcement.

  They dusted for fingerprints. Picked up glass and bagged it. Asked me a thousand questions, took my statement and ninety minutes later they were gone.

  And then, I was alone.


  But this time, the two huge plate glass windows in the front of my house were broken along with all windows visible from the street. A cool breeze darting through the house was making me shiver. Tears welled up in my eyes as fear tried to overtake me again, the terror that had paralyzed me in the bathroom. But now I wouldn’t let it. I refused to let those tears fall, because that wasn’t me. I wasn’t weak, but being around Tate too much had made me forget how strong I was on my own. I wouldn’t cry. Not now, and maybe not ever. When this was over and the asshole stalker was caught, I’d worry about tears then. If I remembered.

  For now, I had shit to do. Like call the contractor and ask him to price a shitload of windows when he arrived in a few hours. I wanted to call the security company and insist they install my shit right now, but that would probably only succeed in them taking their sweet ass time, so I scanned the empty house and went to my bedroom.

  To unpack and then re-pack my bags. There were a few dozen hotels within spitting distance of my house and so many of them were luxurious and incredible so I decided that for the next week—at least—I would exile myself in luxury.


  “I’ve been calling you for twelve fucking hours!”

  I stared at the phone for a minute and then grinned. “Jana, it’s nice to hear from you too.”

  “No! Dammit, Teddy, no! I went by your house yesterday and do you know what I found? Do you?”

  “Uhm, my windows all busted out?”

  “Your windows totally busted out,” she replied as though I hadn’t said a word.

  “It’s fine,” I sighed. “The police are handling it, that’s all they can do. In a few days I’ll have a security system installed,” I told her after glossing over the details of how my house came to be without windows. “No big deal.”

  “No big deal? Teddy, you need to tell me about this stuff. I’m your friend, hell you’re like a sister to me and I need you to tell me when you’re in danger like this. Please. I’m pregnant, not disabled.”

  I sighed and nodded even though she couldn’t see me. “I got it, Jana. But you can’t make me believe that keeping you and that little nugget of yours safe isn’t the most important thing.” She was finally getting the life she’d always wanted, the life she deserved, and I wouldn’t let my drama interfere with that.

  “And who else but you, Teddy, is going to think about my kid like that? We need you around, so stop keeping shit from me!”

  I tried not to laugh because she was so clearly distraught, but there was something funny about it and we shared a good laugh. “Where are you staying?”

  “A hotel with a good security team.” The guys wore suits but you could tell them from other casino employees because they were all the size of gladiators. They all looked like former military bad asses and I felt safe. Safe enough, anyway.

  “I don’t like it. They care about you as long as you’re inside the hotel, but what about work? What about walking you to your car? I’ll call Tate.”

  “No, you won’t.” I didn’t mean to use that harsh tone on her, but he was the last thing I needed.

  “Where is he, anyway?”

  I knew she would find out sooner or later. “I don’t know. He left a few days ago. I guess I overstayed my welcome. I don’t know Jana, but I don’t want or need you to call him. I can take care of myself.” If I’d remembered that sooner, I might have already had a security system installed at home.

  Jana huffed her disagreeme
nt, damn near growling in her restraint. “I’ll call him.”

  “I just said I can take care of my damn self!” Jana was talking but I couldn’t listen any longer and disconnected the call, feeling guilty and pissed off. I wouldn’t trust my safety to anyone else, not again. But none of that was Jana’s fault so I called her back. “I’m sorry I yelled at you. But I meant what I said. I’ll keep you informed if you trust my safety to me.”

  “I don’t like it, but of course. Whatever you need to do. Did I mention that I don’t like it?”

  I laughed. “I know you don’t, but I’ve been taking care of myself for a long time, girl. Thanks for worrying, Jana.”


  “Good, now go get some rest. Love you.”

  “Love you too,” she responded sadly, but I hung up before she could sate her curiosity with more questions about Tate. Questions I had no answers for and didn’t really want to think about at the moment.

  I had a quickie wedding tomorrow and Jana and Max’s engagement party a couple days later. That and my personal security were the only things on my mind.

  Certainly not some golden-haired biker who didn’t know how to be a friend.

  Chapter 17


  Nothing made a man feel like more of a loser than knocking on a woman’s door in the middle of the day and having her ignore you. Teddy’s car wasn’t in the driveway and her garage was empty, but there were workers in the house, which meant she had to come home regularly. Didn’t she?

  I’d been back from Reno for a few days and she hadn’t answered any of my calls, not that I blamed her. I was an ass to her for no reason, and worse, I’d abandoned her when she needed my protection. Now she was determined to do without it, even if it compromised her safety. Stubborn damn woman.

  As soon as Max called me in Reno, I hopped on my bike and returned to Mayhem as quickly as I could and found her things gone from my place, and her house vandalized. Again. And Teddy was nowhere to be found.

  Not at her office, where a pretty young thing in a tight sweater had greeted me and told me she was in a consultation. An hour later another pretty young thing, this one in a short skirt said she was meeting with a vendor. Finally, a scrawny dude in hipster glasses said she was out to lunch. Yeah, I got the message loud and fucking clear, but that didn’t mean I was giving up.

  I sat outside in my car, watching as the three youngsters filed out of the office and locked up at the end of the day. Teddy still hadn’t materialized but I didn’t think she stayed away. There must be another entrance that she used. I could have laughed at the irony of her now using evasive techniques when I needed to find her. I called her again, hoping she would at least pick up and tell me to fuck off.

  But she wouldn’t. I knew she wouldn’t, because of how I’d left. She was used to people not wanting her, particularly after her usefulness to them had run out, and I’d shown her that I was no different than countless foster families, social workers, agents, photographers — and men.

  The phone rang in my hand and I grinned, thinking it was Teddy. “What’s up?” I tried to sound casual, but the sound of my brother’s voice pissed me off.

  “Are you finally off your fucking period, man? Jana is stressing out so whatever the fuck you’ve done, fix it.”

  I laughed. “Based on these cramps, I think I might have another day or two of bleeding.”

  “Don’t be a smartass, Tate. I’m serious.”

  Yeah I knew it. “I was an asshole. There’s nothing to fix because she won’t even answer my damn calls.”

  Max sighed but I could hear the frustration and stress he carried. “Mine either and now I know why. Jag sent us this invitation. You know anything about it?”

  Jag? I should have known Teddy would let nothing or no one slow her down. I felt a small pang of ego at being replaced so quickly, but I knew it was unjustified. “I do. I know that you both need to be there, which is why I’ll pick you guys up.”

  “That sounds good. What about Teddy, will she be there?”

  There was no way she would miss this party, not when Jana was the only person she let get close to her. “I assume she will be, since she put it together.” I let that piece of information hang in the air between us, hoping it would give him enough of a clue to understand why they both had to show up. It didn’t matter though. I’d drag them to the clubhouse if I had to.

  “Fine. Fix this shit with Teddy. Please.”

  Yeah, if only it was that fucking easy.


  “You’re really not going to tell us what this party is all about?” Jana was practically giddy in the passenger seat as we pulled into the parking lot at the clubhouse. The Reckless Bastards partied so much we rarely went all out except for weddings, funerals and the welcoming of new brothers. Tonight though, was special. While I’d been locked up, they’d worked hard to keep Max on this planet, so for him to find this happiness was reason enough to fucking celebrate.

  “I’m really not. We’re here, anyway. Show a little patience, Jana.” I rolled my eyes, laughing when she smacked me in the chest. “Don’t want to knock that baby loose.”

  She gasped in outrage, green eyes lit with amusement she tried to hide. “I can’t believe you just said that about your niece or nephew.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Come on, Mom.”

  She stopped and looked up at me. “It’s kind of creepy to hear you say that. Why do guys like being called ‘daddy?’”

  I blinked and then looked over at Max, who only shrugged. “Where does she get this shit?”

  “Don’t ask, brother. Just smile and nod.”

  I did as my older brother said, holding the door open so they could both enter before me.

  “Oh my God! This is …” she looked back at me with a big smile and watery eyes. “Oh, Tate! This is incredible.” She looked around, awe-filled green eyes taking in the decorations that I had to admit, looked spectacular. Everything looked like what could only be called biker princess heaven. Onyx chandeliers hung from above, chrome and black tables and chairs dotted the room and in the front were two bad ass biker thrones, complete with his and hers chalices. “You did this for us?”

  I shrugged, uncomfortable with her bubbling emotions. “My idea but Teddy executed it all.” And she’d done a damn good job. Better than I imagined in all the times we’d gone over the details. “She did a good job.”

  “A damn good one. Thank you,” Jana wept and wrapped her little arms around me, squeezing tight. “Thank you, Tate.”

  “No problem.” A quick look at Max told me he was just as grateful though not quite as gushy about it.

  “Where is she?” Her blonde curls bounced around her shoulders as she scanned the room in search of her best friend, so excited she forgot to be self-conscious about the scar on her face.

  Savior and Cross walked over to where we stood, smiling.

  “Congratulations, you two.” Cross hugged Jana and then Max. “Your friend is a bit of a whirlwind,” he told Jana with an amused laugh.

  Savior barked out a laugh. “That’s an understatement. More like a drill sergeant! We could use her to train the prospects, though. She had them in top shape putting all this shit up.” He shook his head and laughed. “Pissed off a few of the Bitches, too.”

  “That’s my girl! So, where is she??” Jana was eager to thank her friend but I knew that some of her unease had to do with Teddy’s recent troubles.

  Cross shrugged and scratched his beard. “She left to go pick up the ice, even though I told her one of the prospects could do it. Now, drinks?”

  Jana rubbed her belly and he snapped his fingers. “Teddy left some cider for you, plus I’m supposed to show you something if she’s not here, and …” he looked around the room, seeing everything easily with the way he towered over everyone. “She’s not, so follow me.”

  We all followed our club prez who ushered Jana to a big ass table filled with food. The centerpiece was a cake, four tiers with little sugary
versions of Max and Jana. Her long blonde hair falling down the first two layers as Max tilted her over moments before their lips touched.

  “Oh my God! This is so amazing! Babe, look at this, have I ever looked this hot?”

  She was so excited she squealed, blowing out both of my eardrums.

  “And look at your muscles, I don’t know which of you is hotter.”

  She gave Max a heated look that left me a little uncomfortable to witness.

  “I have to call her!” Jana walked away with her phone in her hand and a big smile on her face.

  “You guys didn’t have to do all this,” Max said calmly as he stood beside me.

  “I know, but I wanted to. Jana brought you back to life, gave you a reason to get right. I’ll always love her for that. You deserve it, falling for a great woman doesn’t happen every day.”

  He smiled, looking over at his bride to be with more love than I’d ever seen. “I’ve never met anyone like her. I just wish you could see that you deserve it too, no matter what stupid shit you’re trying to convince yourself is true.”

  I shrugged, doing my best to look innocent as he slugged my arm. “I have exactly what I deserve.” And I deserve exactly what I don’t have too.

  “Teddy, what’s going on?” Jana’s voice rose and the tension in her tone was palpable. “Just pump them. Harder.” She screamed as panic took over her voice. “Teddy, answer me! Teddy!” Jana turned to Max, sucking in shallow breaths as she began to hyperventilate.

  “Look at me, Jana!” Hands on her shoulders, I stared into her eyes until she focused on mine. “Do what I do,” I ordered and began breathing in and out slowly. She followed my instructions until she was calm, then I said, “Now tell us what happened.”

  “She was in the car and couldn’t stop. It happened while we were talking. Something was wrong with her brakes. She hit them but the car didn’t even slow down! I heard her crash. We have to find her!”

  “Do you know where she is?” Max asked, worry and patience warring for priority on his face.

  Jana shook her head. “No, she’s hurt. We can’t just leave her bleeding in a ditch somewhere! Come on, that fancy car has to have GPS!” She hung onto Max, her voice and eyes pleading with him to help her find her friend.


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