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Van, Becca - Keira's Wolf Saviors [Pack Law 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Becca Van

  Once he was done, he helped Jake finish patting Keira dry and stepped back as Jake lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bedroom. He laid her down on her belly on the strategically placed towel and straddled her thighs.

  Jake passed the bottle of oil to Devon who poured some of the oil into his own palms and handed it off to Greg. Devon began to massage her arms and shoulders, while Jake massaged her back and Greg her legs. The sounds coming from Keira made his balls ache and his cock elongate, and he could see his brothers were in the same condition. He massaged and kneaded her tight muscles until they were soft and supple beneath his hands and fingers. The scent of her musky arousal permeated the air, and Devon wanted to turn her over and bury himself balls-deep into her tight, wet pussy.

  “Let’s turn you over, sweetheart,” Devon said in a rumbling voice.

  He and his brothers gently turned Keira on to her back, collected more oil, and began to smooth their hands over her body. He massaged, caressed, and soothed along with his brothers until their mate was arching up into their hands. Greg shifted from her legs over to her other side, and Jake moved his body between her now-spread legs.

  Devon leaned down and began to nibble at her lips. Jake bent over her and took one of her nipples into his mouth, and Greg settled between her legs to lap at her pussy. He and his brothers held her down gently so Keira wouldn’t hurt any of her aching muscles and concentrated on making her feel good. Devon ended the kiss and looked down to watch Greg, which had saliva pooling in his mouth.

  He knew what that sweet little pussy tasted like and was hankering for his own taste. Instead he swallowed, leaned over Keira from her side and moved to nibble on her other breast. The mewling sound his mate made had his cock so hard it jerked with every beat of his heart. He was going to have to jack off in the shower after they had pleasured Keira and let her rest. He looked down her body as he suckled on her tit and saw his brother pumping his fingers in and out of Keira’s cunt while sucking her little nub into his mouth.

  She tried to buck as she screamed, but he and his brothers held her still while she rode out her release. When the last quiver had died, Devon kissed her on the lips and got up. He needed to masturbate in the worst way, and he intended to do just that. The last thing he wanted was to hurt Keira by making love to her. His mate sighed one last time and fell asleep with a smile on her face. He watched as Jake and Greg covered her with a quilt, and then they, too, headed for the shower.

  Devon was deeply in love with Keira and wanted to spend the rest of his life by her side. He hoped he never had to see her hurt or in danger again. He could just imagine how she would look with her belly swollen as she nurtured their child in her womb.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Keira breathed in the perfume of jasmine and sage as she stepped out onto the back patio. She loved the scents of the night as the sun set with a blaze of glory. She looked back over her shoulder as Michelle joined her outside.

  “I need some air,” Keira stated.

  “I could use some myself,” Michelle replied and followed behind Keira.

  She and Michelle had become fast friends, and they were often in the monstrous living room sitting on the sofa, chatting as they drank a glass of wine. Keira knew Michelle could tell she still felt guilty over the death of her brother, but the other woman, as well as her mates, had tried to ease her burden by telling her she had done the only thing possible at the time. And even though she knew that was true, she still woke up some nights drenched in sweat after reliving that horrible day. Her mates were solicitous to the point of aggravating, and they wouldn’t let her out of their sight. She knew it was because not all of her brother’s cohorts had been captured by the police, but she was getting tired of them being around her twenty-four-seven. Michelle’s mates were treating her the same way. Since they had just found out she was pregnant with the Alphas’ pup, Michelle had changed her glass of wine for fruit juice, and she would still sit and chat with Keira most nights. That is, if she wasn’t rushed off to the bedroom by her three Alpha mates.

  “How are you feeling?” Keira asked curiously.

  “Not so bad,” Michelle replied. “I get a little queasy in the mornings, but so far that’s all, thank God. I have a checkup in two weeks. The expansion to the doctor’s office should be finished by then.”

  “When Jonah makes a decision he doesn’t do things by halves. I can’t believe he has expanded the room Blayk uses to add an operating theater and all the necessary equipment,” Keira said.

  “He takes his responsibility of lead Alpha very seriously. The pack and its members mean everything to him and his brothers. To me as well, now. It’s hard to explain. When he and his brothers claimed me it was like each and every pack member was a special part of my family. I can feel everyone here,” Michelle said, placing a hand over her heart. “Including you. You’re like the sister I never had.”

  “Oh,” Keira responded, tears of emotion filling her eyes. “Stop that right now or you’ll have me crying.”

  “Don’t start. Now that I’m pregnant, my emotions are all over the place,” Michelle replied with a watery smile and a sniff.

  Keira followed as Michelle stepped off the patio, and they began to wander the gardens. They were so beautiful and peaceful. Keira could have spent hours traversing the paths and sniffing the blooms. They stopped before a beautiful fountain and listened as the water trickled from the hands of the image of the Greek goddess Gaea, the mother of earth. Keira had always thought the fountain of Gaea was a fitting tribute for werewolves, considering she was the daughter of Chaos and had supposedly born the Titans and some of the Cyclopes.

  Keira turned toward Michelle as her queen sat down on the bench near the fountain. She caught movement from the corner of her eye and looked over to her left. The sight of a strange man pointing a gun at Michelle made fear shudder through her body.

  She had never seen him before and knew Michelle didn’t know he was there. She knew Michelle was pregnant with her mates’ baby and she couldn’t let her new friend or her unborn child get hurt. She thought she may have yelled a warning but couldn’t be sure. She felt as if she were moving in slow motion.

  She spun on her heel and felt the muscles in her thighs contract. Her heart was pounding in her ears, and she could hear nothing else. She was breathing heavily as adrenaline flowed through her in response to the danger. Her body was in the flight-or-fight mode.

  Keira reacting without thinking. She leapt the distance between them and knocked Michelle to the ground. The sound of the gun exploding was so loud in the still night. The report seemed to echo on and on and on. Keira cried out as pain radiated into her side and knew she had taken a bullet. She felt white-hot fire slicing in between her ribs, and she was having trouble breathing. She could hear Michelle sobbing beneath her and hoped she hadn’t hurt her or her baby. She wanted to get up, to take her weight off of Michelle, but she couldn’t seem to move.

  The growls and howls nearby grew dimmer and dimmer. Her own heartbeat and breathing were so loud in her ears. She couldn’t hear anything else. She slipped away to float on a cloud of light where there was no pain, only peace and tranquility. She could hear voices calling to her from a place far away and knew she should know the owners of those voices, but she couldn’t concentrate long enough to place them. The light seemed to get brighter, and she had to squint to be able to perceive the little she could. She could see shapes moving toward her but couldn’t ascertain who they were.

  Keira must have closed her eyes, because when she opened them, her mom and dad were standing before her.

  “Mom, Dad, what are you doing here?” Keira asked with confusion.

  “It’s not your time, Keira. You must go back,” her mom said.

  “I’m so tired, Mom. I just want to sleep.”

  “No, Keira.” Her dad spoke up. “You must fight. You can’t give up. You have three very special men who love and need you. You will go back, daughter. Everything is done for a
purpose. You must remember that.”

  “I don’t know if I have the strength to fight anymore,” Keira sobbed.

  “You have more strength than you’ll ever know,” Keira’s mom said with a smile. “Do not worry over David. It was not your fault. He only has himself to blame. You tried so hard, baby. We are so proud of you. We will always be watching over you, Keira. Never forget that. You are going to be so strong. There is a greater purpose at work here. Embrace your new life, daughter. Don’t let the rules of society impinge on the love you have for those three men. Take what they give you and hold on tight. It was meant to be. We love you, Keira.”

  “Don’t go. Stay with me! I love you,” Keira called out as her parents began to fade back into the light. She tried to keep her eyes open, but she was so tired. Her eyelids slid closed, and she drifted away.

  * * * *

  Greg, along with his brothers and Alphas, launched himself into the air at the sound of gunshot fire. They had changed from man to beast in the blink of an eye, before their four paws landed back on the floor. He was outside in a flash and pounced on the man who was standing over his mate and queen. He leaped up and ripped his throat out before the man could raise the gun at him. The stranger hit the ground moments after his death. Greg was at his mate’s side an instant later, once more in his human form.

  The sight of his mate lying on the path with blood pouring from her side sent tears coursing down his cheeks. His Alphas’ queen was lying beneath Keira, her face white with shock. His Alphas and his brothers helped to lift his Keira from Michelle, and Greg placed his hands over her rib cage where the bullet had entered. In moments his hands were covered with her blood. He pushed down hard, trying to stem the flow, but it didn’t seem to help. He could hear how slow and erratic Keira’s heartbeat was and knew they were about to lose her. He looked up at his Alpha Jonah when he felt the man place his hand on his shoulder.

  “You have to turn her, Greg. It’s the only chance she has at surviving,” Jonah stated quietly.

  “I can’t, it will kill her,” Greg cried with anguish.

  “She’s dead if you don’t try. I can feel her slipping away just as you can,” Jonah said.

  “I don’t know if I can. The thought of ripping into her flesh sickens me. It goes against everything a mate does to protect his woman,” Greg said through his tears.

  “Let me do it,” Chris Friess, Jonah’s cousin and Beta said, stepping forward. Greg saw him look to Jonah, who gave a nod in acquiescence. “Get a hold of Greg and his brothers. I don’t want them trying to rip my throat out.”

  Greg resisted being pulled away from Keira, but he was dragged back several feet. He and his brothers had four men apiece holding them back. He knew this was the only way Keira had a chance of survival, but he knew what came next. He could feel his beast pushing against him for dominance and tried to keep control. He watched as Chris transformed into his wolf, and then he ravaged his woman violently. The sound of Chris’s snarls as he tore at Keira’s stomach and organs made fur erupt out of his skin, claws piercing through his fingertips, and his face contorting. He and his brothers howled as their mate convulsed and was ripped apart. He was aware of Chris backing away from his mate and changing back to his human form, but the sight of Blayk working on Keira’s body transfixed him. He pumped her chest and breathed for her, keeping her alive with his own breath.

  Blayk didn’t let up once on Keira. Not when his Alphas helped to transfer her to a portable stretcher, or while they wheeled his mate to the doctor’s office at the back of the house. Greg and his brothers followed. His body felt as if it were on automatic. He was aware of everything around him, but it all seemed so surreal.

  Greg stood at the back of the room with Jake and Devon, willing their mate to breathe on her own. An oxygen mask was placed over Keira’s mouth and nose, while Blayk kept her heart pumping. Blayk told his brothers Chris and James to place the heart monitor tags on Keira’s chest. His woman was linked up to the ECG moments later, and her slow, erratic heartbeat was the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard.

  Blayk hooked his mate up to a drip, and then he worked on her injuries. The sight of her stomach ripped to shreds and the jagged bullet hole made his wolf push against him again, but he was more in control now that Chris had finished tearing his mate apart. Blayk pulled the bullet from Keira’s side and began washing her wounds with saline and disinfectant. Greg knew there was no need to do anything more. If the attack on his mate from his cousin had taken, Keira’s transformation into a werewolf had already begun. Now it was just a waiting game.

  Blayk collected a couple of bags of blood and hooked his mate up to begin the transfusion. Greg knew that the blood would be from him and his brothers. All the pack members gave blood regularly in case of any grievous wounds to the wolves of the pack. By giving Keira blood from him, Jake, and Devon she would have a better chance of survival since their DNA was already in her system.

  His knees buckled as the heart monitor went crazy. His mate’s heart was beating so fast and erratically that he was scared it was the end. He rushed over to her side and took her hand in his own. Her body began shaking, and then she convulsed on the table. He helped Blayk hold his mate down so she wouldn’t fall from the bed. She had foam frothing around her mouth, and her eyes snapped open. She opened her mouth and screamed. The sound was so full of pain. He felt tears running down his cheeks again. When he looked up he saw Jake and Devon at Keira’s side, and they each touched her anywhere they could. Greg heard the sound of his own tortured voice from a distance, pleading with his mate to fight and live. Her body stopped mid convulsion, and she slumped back onto the bed. She was so quiet and still. Her back no longer bowed. He laid his head down next to Keira’s and wept.

  The sound of the steady breathing and the now-steady heartbeat blipping on the monitor began to penetrate his senses. He lifted his head from the bed, not caring that everyone in the room could see the tears he’d shed for the woman he loved. He saw his brothers’ eyes and cheeks were just as wet as his.

  Greg looked over to Blayk and saw his cousin smiling. Renewed hope surged into him, filling his empty heart with joy, but he gave Blayk a questioning look.

  “She’s not out of the woods yet. The next few hours will be the most critical, but I think the change has taken. Her heartbeat is stronger and she’s resting peacefully. The wounds should close up in the next hour, and then she’ll sleep a deep, healing sleep,” Blayk explained.

  Greg was too choked up to speak, so he gave his cousin a nod of thanks. He looked to Chris, who now stood at the back of the room, away from his mate. The man looked really worried as Greg stood up and walked toward him. He reached out and thumped Chris on the back.

  “Thank you. Thank you for saving my mate,” Greg said, his voice sounding emotional even to his own ears. His cousin gave him a nod, smiled, and thumped him in return. He watched as Chris left the room without a backward glance.

  Greg sat at Keira’s bedside without moving for the next four hours, his brothers right beside him. He watched as Blayk checked Keira’s vital signs every hour on the hour. He gave her two more pints of blood, and his mate rested peacefully. Her wounds had closed, and if he hadn’t seen them with his own eyes, he would never have known they existed.

  Blayk had tried to get Greg and his brothers to leave the room to rest, but there was no way in hell he was leaving until he knew for sure his mate was out of the woods. Pack members were in and out of the room checking on him, his brothers, and his mate all throughout the long night. Angie the housekeeper kept sending a different person out with food and drink for him, his brothers, and Blayk. He wasn’t interested in the food, but the coffee helped to keep him alert, especially in the early hours of the morning. His eyelids were so heavy and his eyes so sore from crying earlier that he ended up closing them for a moment, his head resting on the side of the bed, his cheek against the back of Keira’s hand.

  The next thing he knew was the light touch of fi
ngers running through his hair. He opened his eyes and looked up to see Keira looking at him from beneath lowered lashes. She smiled at him as her eyes closed once more, the sound of her sweet voice filling him with love and joy.

  “I love you,” Keira whispered, and then she was sound asleep.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Keira gained strength steadily over the next few days. She was released from the medical room and allowed back into the house and her mates’ bed, but only if she rested. Of course she agreed. She felt so much stronger than she had before and knew she had been changed into a werewolf. She had found out from her mates the stranger who had tried to shoot Michelle had been one of David’s cronies out to get Keira but aimed for the wrong woman. Fate had stepped in, and Keira had ended up shot anyway. She had nearly died, and the only way for her mates to keep her by their side had been to change her.

  Michelle visited her often and had told her how Chris had ripped into her stomach and organs to begin the change. The DNA of a werewolf was like a virus to a normal human being and had to be deeply embedded into the body to take. The only way the Friess Pack members had heard of a change ever taking was by violently ripping deep enough into the flesh so the virus could begin to mutate.

  Keira thanked God she hadn’t been aware of any of that. The thought of the pain she would have endured if she had been conscious still made her feel ill.

  Greg, Jake, and Devon were with her nearly all the time. They took shifts to keep her occupied by playing games of cards, checkers, and chess with her. Even Jonah, Mikhail, and Brock visited her regularly. They had each thanked her for saving their mate’s and unborn child’s lives.

  Keira was getting sick and tired of being cooped up in the same room night and day and, after the fourth day of convalescence, decided she’d had enough. She decided she was going to have her lunch downstairs with the rest of the pack. She missed the having lots of people around her.


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