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The Girl With Nine Lives

Page 7

by E. Earle

  I stood there frozen as Calloway coughed and groaned. My house was a mess. Debris lay everywhere, a chair was overturned and a basket of washing had fallen from the table. I looked at the detective, spots of blood marring his white shirt.

  “Give me a hand, would you?” he wheezed clutching his ribs.

  I looked around at the broken pottery on the floor, aghast. “Did you smash my cat-lamp?”

  “Your what?”

  “My cat-lamp!” I picked up the broken black head of a cat, the build and shade shattered. “Oh great,” I said dropping it. “Why didn’t you just smash up my soul why don’t you?” I turned to the intruder and kicked him in the ribs. “Why don’t you just fuck-up-my-life-then-why-don’t-you!” I snarled between kicks.

  Finally, hands hauled me away from the thug.

  “Calm down!” Calloway pulled out some handcuffs and set about securing the idiot.

  “I should have kicked him in the balls.”

  The detective said nothing, but left the room to make a call. Whilst he was gone I made myself busy. I heard the soft drone of his voice as started to clean up my lounge. I didn’t even want to think about what would have happened if I hadn’t have heard anything as I picked up ceramic shards.

  “Ok, we’re going to have to leave your apartment tonight. It’s not safe.” he said, putting his phone away. “Oh, for the love of...”

  I had been productive. The intruder was neatly wrapped within a cocoon of brown tape. He represented a slug in so many ways.

  “I don’t think you can do that-” Calloway started.

  I fixed him with a furious glare. “I don’t think he can break into my house, do you?”


  We searched him and found a mobile phone. It looked pretty new, so I checked his call history. He had made received one call in the past hour and that was from an Unknown Caller.

  “Well that sucks,” I said, passing it to the detective.

  He tucked it into his pocket and held his ribs. “Right, I’ll call up some people and get this guy moved. It all right if you stay in your room for this?”

  “Be my guest,” I said, already walking back. If I thought it was going to be impossible to fall asleep after that, I was very very wrong.

  I woke to find the mess had been cleared and a cup of coffee waiting for me. I don’t usually drink coffee in the morning, but seeing that Calloway had gone to the trouble, I sneaked in a couple of sugars into it and drank it at the table.

  Calloway looked exhausted. I strangely enough felt quite refreshed. Determined even. God, was I getting off on this? I opened my laptop and started checking my emails.

  “Get everything sorted?”

  “Yes.” Calloway’s shirt was creased and stained in Jack Daniel’s sauce from the perp. “He’s in a holding bay at the moment being questioned about what he knows.”

  “Won’t O’Hara be suspicious?”

  Calloway choked on a laugh. “He’s down as being questioned for ‘burglary’. O’Hara doesn’t trouble himself with stuff like that.”

  “We’ll do it today,” I said, an email catching my eye. I was still avoiding Facebook. I could do without the guilt.

  “Why’s that?” Calloway asked, sipping his coffee.

  I twisted the laptop round to him so he could read. “It’s the Royal Visit today,” I said, feeling my face almost break in a grin.

  Calloway looked back at me, excitement wearing down the marks on his face. “PR and the Principal will be busy all morning showing them around...”

  “They’ll be busy all day, my friend.” I watched him as he read the email again, making notes of times and places. I wondered how old he was. He couldn’t be more than in his late twenties- thirty even at a push. His hair was dark, no greys, his skin, yeah a bit tired looking- but that was from lack of sleep.


  “Um, yes?”

  “You’re staring at me.”


  Ben meowed at me mockingly as I excused myself for a shower.

  I never thought I would have to answer Calloway’s question, for it’s something I wouldn’t expect to be asked by anyone.

  “Why are we bringing your cat to help you break into the office?”

  I muttered something under my breath and pulled on my gloves firmer.


  “He’s a smart cat, all right?” I snapped. “Look- I’ll do the detective work and you just sit there in the getaway car, all right?”

  I must have gotten to him then, because he didn’t speak to me for the rest of the ride to the college. He didn’t even say anything when I asked if we could stop by Boots quickly so I could pick something up.

  When I got back into the car, I could tell that he was tempted to ask me what I had bought, but pride stopped him from doing so.

  The College was packed- and I mean absolutely packed to the brim. Calloway’s car wasn’t able to stop long at the visitor’s car park and he drove off unhappily to wait outside the gates of the college.

  “Now you stay in there, ok?” I said into my bag.

  Ben meowed a response and shuffled down grumpily, allowing me to cover him with my coat.

  I peered down the hallway to Sabrina and the Principal’s office whilst being swallowed by the mass of people milling about, eager to see the Duke. It was still early; 8:32am, and the Duke wasn’t expected until 10am. I wondered idly if he would be punctual like expected or late like some sort of celebrity. The thought didn’t last long, because I was really hungry, having skipped breakfast and I could smell bacon from the cafeteria.

  I walked down the hallway quickly and dived into the toilets. I flipped the lock quickly and allowed Ben to climb out of the bag.

  Now the only problem with the toilets I was in, that although the main door had a lock on it, it was actually a public set of four toilets- yes, they were a set of hardly used toilets, but if someone from Sabrina’s office wanted to use them and found them locked, questions would be asked.

  That was when I pulled out my purchase from Boots.

  Liquid Laxative.

  Now, I know what you’re thinking- the office will be shut, surely? There’ll be plenty of time to snoop about and find what I’m looking for. But what if they come back? What if they decide to take a break in their office, invite some of the state security to come and have a friendly chat? The Principal and PR were all about networking, and this was the corridor to do it in.

  I had to make sure their day would be full of only one concern.

  Their arses.

  First- a diversion.

  I waited for a good twenty minutes until 9am struck- that was when the tea lady came right on time, always asking the Principal first if she would like a brew.

  I opened the door quickly, giving Ben his perfect opportunity. I left the toilet door slightly ajar, the screams and shrieks that followed music to my ears. Ben’s meowing, hissing and spitting was the perfect backdrop to the names I was calling that pair of witches. Soon enough, Sabrina was out of the office, shrieking for security that had been specially put in place to ‘dispose of that bloody ginger cat.’ The office emptied to watch Sabrina spit and curse at the receptionists, whose shaking hands were apparently too slow to call pest control and security at once.

  “I want that cat dealt with!” Sabrina snarled. “You hear me? Dealt with! If I have to put up with-”

  I dived into the now empty office, seeing the tea tray before me. My eyes reached for the pot of tea on Sabrina’s desk and with fumbling digits, I poured that sweet smelling liquid in there, the teabags promising disguise. Keys shone bright in my vision on her desk and I grabbed them. Another second passed and I was out of the office and back into the toilets, followed by a ginger ball.

  My heart was pounding hard as I left the door unlocked and hid in a cubicle.

  Minutes passed and I could tell by the yelling that Sabrina had returned to the office with her co-workers. I hoped briefly that the othe
r women refused the tea, and then thought that maybe Sabrina wasn’t even the person to share her brew with people.

  I waited another twenty minutes, wondering what was taking so long. I looked at the bottle, but it didn’t say how much time it would take. I was about to peek out of the door when it slammed open.

  Heavy breathing followed as I heard the furthest away cubicle door open. Then, what I can only describe as a cry of despair was followed by something more foul smelling than Ben’s litter box.

  I was about to open my cubicle door when I heard the entrance open again. This time, it was another person calling for the Lord who took a cubicle next to mine. Apparently Sabrina was a sharer.

  I started to make groaning noises, worried that my silence seemed suspicious, throwing in the odd grunt or too. Ben looked at me in disgust.

  The door opened again and a tentative knock came on one of the doors. “Sabrina?”

  “Yes, Principal?”

  “...Um, the Duke will be here shortly, so I will be going to the other campus now to greet him.”

  “Oh God...” More unpleasant noises.

  I put my hand over my mouth, partly to cover the smell, and the rest to stop myself laughing. Ben shook his head and huddled in my bag, desperate to escape the stench of rotten bowels.

  “I’ll be right out,” groaned Sabrina.

  “I’m sorry; I don’t think that would be appropriate-”

  “It must be food poisoning- please- I’ll be right out-!”

  “I’m sorry, Sabrina.”

  Steps came and went, and I almost felt sorry for her. Almost.

  I opened the cubicle door then and went to tiptoe out when I walked into my Manager of Student Support.

  I could see the horror on her face at the smell. “Oh Lord,” she breathed.

  “Food poisoning,” I said without thinking.

  The groaning ceased.

  “Blackwell? Is that you?!” The realisation must have hit. “I’m going to kill you! You hear me? I’m going to kill you!”

  I pulled my manager’s arm and almost dragged her out of the toilets. “I’m afraid she’s been like that since she’s walked in,” I murmured to her.

  Janet’s face was a picture of disbelief, shock and disgust. “Really?”

  “To be honest,” I said, leaning closer and starting to walk her along the hallway, “I know this sounds awful, but I’m pretty sure she’s taking something.”

  “Like what?”

  “Everything,” I said. “I had a meeting with her the other day, and I kid you not, I swear she had white powder up her nose.”

  Janet straightened up. “She needs a doctor surely? That smell-”

  “Don’t worry, I’m going to stand by and make sure she’s ok,” I urged, ushering her away from the scene. “You’ve got a lot to deal with. I take it you’re going over to the other campus?”

  Seemingly grateful for change of subject she nodded. “Yes I am actually- oh god, the time- I must dash!”

  The same time she turned, so did I, flinging open the door to Sabrina’s office as I did. A huge set of brand new file cabinets were stacked against the wall and I wrinkled my nose at them, remembering my earlier breakdown with I.C.T. I walked over to them quickly and opened them. They were huuuuge, and hadn’t really been filled with files yet. Each drawer could probably hold a large child.

  There was nothing of interest in the file cabinets, so I moved to Sabrina’s desk. Luckily, her computer was already on. I opened search documents and typed in money. About a dozen folders turned up, and I sent them to print. Whilst they were printing I searched for accounts, Malibu, flights and Rino. Nothing came up with Malibu or Rino, but I sent the rest to print.

  Not happy with the documents I found, I searched in her drawers, finding a USB. Unfortunately, it required a passcode.

  I typed in Rino.



  Nothing. I looked around for inspiration. One more attempt remaining. I carried on looking through her drawers, finding nothing but a tattered photo of an ugly mutt being hugged by a little girl, and a receipt for file cabinets. I turned the picture over.

  Booglesworth 1992.

  I bit my lip. Fuck it,


  It seemed like an eternity before I saw those words- but I did.

  Access granted

  It was an Aladdin's Cave of deceit, lies and fake records of money. This was everything I needed and more- this was what was going to nab her and the Principal! This was what was going to free Emily!

  Not sure whether the printer would keep a record of what had been printed, I put the USB into my bag. Then I saw it, next to the tea was the Official Letter from the Royal Family saying they were coming to the U.C.W to see the new Campus. Sabrina must have been bragging about it before her guts exploded. Ben jumped up to see what I was looking at.

  And then Sabrina burst in.

  A cat dump and a few screams later on one of the most esteemed documents the U.C.W has ever received, I was running out of there as fast as I could.

  Chapter Seven

  I was running around down the lane away from the college when I heard a car horn beeping me.

  I slowed down to see Calloway pull up and open the door for me.

  “Got it?”

  “Got it!” I grinned, flashing him the USB.

  “What is that?” he asked, in awe.

  “Everything,” I replied, stroking Ben. “But I think we’ve got to move to help Emily now. They won’t be hanging round as soon as they realise I’ve taken it.”

  Calloway drove and didn’t talk- for that I was grateful because I was too busy feeling smug with myself. I think Ben was slightly disgusted at my methods still, but hey- the plan worked.

  Sabrina would be too busy emptying her bowels for the next few hours to even realise I had taken her USB.

  We didn’t go back to my flat, realising the possible danger. Calloway said he had two men there keeping watch inside the flat in case anyone tried to break in. I didn’t know where we were going, but allowed the Detective to drive me away from Nuneaton as I rifled through the papers to see if there was anything else that could incriminate them.

  I came across the file cabinet receipt and a return slip, and shrugged not knowing why I had even picked it up- yet alone why Sabrina had ordered a new set in and hadn’t even filled them yet. Why had she even returned one? Surely, it was ridiculous getting something so big and expensive for an office when most files nowadays were stored in the computer.

  “Another stupid expense,” I said under my breath.


  “Oh, nothing- I’m just on about these massive file cabinets Sabrina ordered in. You could fit a...” My world span around for a moment.

  You could fit a large child in each drawer.

  “Oh my God She’s returned one!” I yelled, jumping out of my seat. Calloway almost veered off the road and Ben hissed. “The cabinets! The cabinets!”

  “What? What about the bloody cabinets?”

  “Turn around!”


  “Emily’s in Stratford!”

  “How do you know that?” Calloway demanded, pulling over, face flushed with a man who’s narrowly escaped death.

  “She’s in the bloody cabinets that Sabrina got replaced!” See? The company that supplies them is in Stratford!”

  Calloway took the receipt off me, and then I saw the dawning of realisation hit him, swiftly followed by Detective-mode. I had to admit, he was kind of sexy when he got all determined like that as we speeded down the roads towards Stratford Upon Avon. It was a weak hope. But it was still hope.

  The drive was tense, and I wished he could go faster. My nails were soon destroyed by my teeth and Ben was even appearing tense. I stroked him and made soothing noises.

  “What is it with you and that cat?” Calloway asked after an uncomfortable silence.

  “What do you mean?”

  “He go
es everywhere with you.”

  I about to point out that dogs did the same thing with their owners, but didn’t want to whilst Ben was listening. I didn’t have catnip to bribe him, and I needed him on his best behaviour.

  “He does what he likes, when he likes. He’s goes wherever he wants whenever he wants. It just so happens that he likes to do it with me.”

  Calloway frowned. I hadn’t given him an answer he found acceptable so he just shook his head instead.

  “What is it with you and O’Hara then?” I returned.

  The frown deepened. He didn’t want to talk about it. “Past differences,” he said vaguely. “Investigations gone wrong, evidence becoming contaminated, witnesses suddenly becoming silent.” He glanced at me then. “That was when I noticed you. You didn’t seem the sort to stay quiet.”

  “Well I’m not that,” I sighed, settling back into my seat.

  Stratford was a welcome sight. I actually loved it here- everything about it. Kayleigh and I used to come here when we were little and go to the Teddy Bear Museum. Whether it was still there, I didn’t know, and I don’t suppose Calloway was willing to take me.

  We pulled up at a building on the outskirts of town. It looked respectable enough. I looked at the receipt.

  “Divine Supplies,” I read out. Bit cheesy, but ok. It was quieter in this area of Stratford. Not many people about. The building was detached from other buildings and looked as though it might have once been a fine character house.

  “I think you should stay in the car,” said Calloway peering through the window screen.

  I raised my eyebrow at him. “Look- if you wanted me to stay in the car, then you shouldn’t have brought me, ok?” I snapped, trying to undo my seatbelt. “I saved your damn arse when that perp broke in-”


  “Yeah- you heard.”

  “You’ve been watching too many detective films.”

  “Well, maybe you haven’t been watching enough, junior.” My face turning red, Ben not being helpful on my lap and my seatbelt still being jammed- I was close to screaming.


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