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Page 14

by Rosemary Laurey

  He'd been in captivity a long time and, consequently, had allowed himself no release. Mermen were conditioned to have sex at least once a day, if not more, and his captors had wanted him to have sex while humans paid to watch him perform. He'd refused and been sorely beaten. In his world, sex was private, an act of mutual pleasure and procreation. It wasn't to be used for money or degradation.

  Now that he was warm, well fed and he held a beautiful, though mortal, woman in his arms, he could barely stand to lie motionless beside her. Inhaling the scent of her soft skin, he could only imagine the delicious anticipation of sinking into this woman's heat. Having her move beneath him, her strong thighs gripping his waist--

  Swallowing a moan, he rolled out from under the blankets and rose to his feet. Stripping the blanket from his waist, he stalked into the driving rain, away from the woman who tempted him so. Walking the length of the ruins, he found a small sheltered area in the far corner. He climbed onto the wide ledge and pulled up his legs to brace his heels on the edge. With his back against the wall and his cock undaunted by the cold rain, he slid his hands around his thick shaft. His palm was already wet--it slid easily against his aroused flesh.

  Through the overgrown weeds and vegetation he could see Nova illuminated in the flickering firelight. He could imagine her full breasts--the sight of her in that corset had almost brought him to his knees. Would her nipples be big and round or small and tight? Would the thatch of her hair between her thighs be as dark as the hair on her head?

  His eyes closed as powerful images washed over him. In desperation to remain silent, he bit his lip so hard he drew blood as he imagined sliding his cock into her body, her hands moving over him, stroking and caressing his flesh as she urged him on. Her thighs tight around him, her body damp and snug beneath him as he thrust again, again, again...

  He clenched his eyes as the familiar sensation of orgasm overtook him. His testicles tightened as release gushed forth. He moaned against bloodied lips as wave after wave of release washed over him. Finally, as his tremors slowed, Wyn tipped his head back against the wall. His skin was cool and slick from the rain, but inside he was raging hot. He opened his eyes. While his body had found release, he still hungered for her.

  * * *

  Nova came awake and, for once, it was a lovely feeling. Toasty warm in her blankets, she found it difficult to open her eyes for a change. Her body was still tired from the arduous journey of the day before but her mind was at peace. She stretched and thought about sleeping the day away--

  Then a gentle male snore broke the serenity.

  Her eyes flew open and her body tensed, ready to spring at the first sign of danger. Something warm slid across her belly and she shoved down the blankets to see a large male hand cupping her bare breast. Sometime during the night, her blanket sarong had abandoned her, leaving her nude in Wyn's arms. His big hand almost covered her entire breast and, between his thumb and forefinger, her nipple stood proudly erect. His fingers tightened and gave her a tender tweak that sent a shaft of heat down through her belly.

  Wyn snored again and she scowled. The bastard was groping her in his sleep!

  Her thighs tightened and she became aware of something poking her buttocks. She gave an experimental wiggle and felt his hips move against her in instant response. He mumbled something under his breath as he tweaked her nipple again. An answering heat spread through her abdomen and she automatically pushed against his groin with her hips. All she had to do was part her thighs and move back just a bit and he'd be in the perfect position to--

  Dear Ola, what was she thinking?

  Shocked at the lusty turn of her thoughts, she shoved his hand off her breast and rolled away. To her dismay, Wyn only scooted into her spot with a snore. He rubbed his face against the blanket before he settled and slept on undisturbed.


  Nova rose, clad only in her drawers as her blanket was now trapped under her uninvited bed partner. Her body was stiff and she had numerous aches from the journey and a night spent on the ground. Grouchy because of her disturbed rest, she yanked her clothing from the line, pleased to see it was only slightly damp. After picking up her pack and boots, she slipped off for a few quiet moments to clean up and compose herself. If she remembered correctly, there was a small stream to the south where she'd be able to bathe.

  She stomped through the thick rain-slick vegetation, her brow furrowed. How in the devil had she ended up in his bed anyway? The last thing she remembered was bedding down on the other side of the fire, which was definitely not where she'd found herself this morning. She rubbed her hand over her face. Why had he moved her? Did he think to seduce her?

  She yanked her knife from her boot to slash at a thick vine that hampered her progress. She didn't want a man, not now, not ever. She'd spent the last year as a free woman and not once in that time had she wanted to take a man between her thighs. It wasn't because she thought all men were brutes. That wasn't the case. While a slave, she'd been lucky enough to have a master who'd taught her the pleasure her body was capable of. She just didn't want any man to have domination over her and, in her world, taking a lover would enable a man to do just that.

  She shook her head. No, from now on Wyn would sleep on his own side of the fire and nowhere near hers.

  Nova located the small stream and, since the water was cold, she wasted no time in getting to work. As she scrubbed clean with her bathing cloth and soap, images of Wyn using the same items on his body flashed through her mind. Water running down his muscular frame, his skin sleek in the firelight--

  The raucous cry of a crow startled her from her daydreams. Annoyed with her wandering lustful mind, she completed her bathing in record time. Thanks to fresh undergarments she located in the bottom of her bag, she could almost overlook the dampness of her outer clothing. She couldn't wait until they reached a town and she could rid herself of these clothes and purchase new ones. Fully dressed and feeling much more in control, she slung the pack over her shoulder. She'd wake him up, break their fast and be on their way. Within a day or so, she'd be home.

  She headed up the hill at a brisk pace, eager to get moving, but when the abbey walls came into view she heard a wild whinny from the horse. She skidded to a stop and her hand automatically reached for her bodice knife. A shout sounded from the interior of the ruins and her heart leapt into her throat. Ignoring the lack of a path, she ran the rest of the way. The rain-soaked ground was treacherous underfoot and she almost lost her balance several times. When she reached the wall, she eased into position near a broken window to see into the ruins.

  Nude, Wyn stood near their pallet, brandishing a large stick toward Evi's henchmen. Ber held a sword while Dreg carried a large fishing net. Her eyes narrowed when she saw the blood running down Wyn's arm.

  Did these fools think to attack an unarmed man?

  She slid the pack from her shoulder and dropped it beneath the window. Opening the front pocket, she removed a bola, a weapon made of a leather thong with two iron balls, one at each end. When thrown correctly, it could bring a grown man to his knees with the flick of a wrist.

  "Come here fish-man," Ber taunted. "I have something for you." The early morning light glinted off his sword.

  As Nova slipped through the broken window, she unfurled the weapon. With deliberate steps she moved forward. Dreg stepped toward Wyn and she swung the bola over her head several times, then released it. The weapon shot from her hand and flew through the air to catch Ber around the knees. The momentum of the iron balls twined the thong around his knees, trapping him.

  "What the--!" Ber fell back with a crash and the sword flew from his grasp.

  Wyn wasted no time and leapt on Dreg, using the element of surprise to take him down and tear the net from his grip. Nova ran forward and kicked Ber's sword out of reach. She slid her foot under the blade near the handle and flipped it high enough to catch it. She brought the blade around and aimed at his throat.

  "Did Evi send you?"r />
  "Fuck you," he snarled.

  "Not on your life."

  "Bitch," he snarled.

  "So original." She pressed the tip of the sword against his chest and sliced through his shirt and the first few layers of skin. Blood welled to stain the material.

  "I think we know why they're here," Wyn spoke. He grabbed Dreg on the nape of his neck and squeezed. After a few seconds he sagged to the ground, unconscious. "I'll take care of him." He nodded toward Ber. "You go deal with their horses."

  Nova backed away, taking care to remain out of Ber's reach. His legs were restrained but his arms were still free. "You might want to consider borrowing some of their clothing while you're at it," she said to Wyn.

  "Good idea."

  She ducked through the doorway and ran to the cart, the sword still in her hand. She found their attackers' horses tethered to a small bush around the corner of the abbey. Both animals were in fine shape and, other than identifying marks on the saddles, neither had been branded. Lucky for her because their lack of marks meant she could claim them as her own. These two would fetch a good sum.

  She stripped the saddles and left them on the ground before she led the horses to the cart and secured their reins to the side rail. Taking them also made good sense. They would enable her to travel faster as they could switch the animals when one grew tired of pulling the cart.

  She returned to the abbey and saw Wyn had secured both of the men with a section of clothesline. She was relieved to see he'd taken her advice and had relieved Ber of his clothing. He was dressed in dark trousers, knee boots and a white shirt stained with a small area of blood where she'd poked Ber in the chest. In his big hands, he held her bola.

  "Sorry I ruined that shirt. It didn't occur to me until after I'd put a hole in it that you'd be able to use it," she said.

  "It's nothing." He looked up. "Will you show me how to throw this weapon?"

  "Only if you show me how you knocked him out." She nodded toward Dreg. "And after we put some distance between us and them." Ber was still conscious, though now striped down to stained baggy drawers. He glared at her and she barely resisted the urge to stick out her tongue. She grabbed an armload of blankets. "How's your arm?"

  "Just a scratch. We can deal with it later."

  "As you wish."

  She hurried past their prisoners to dump the blankets in the cart. There was no time to break their fast now, so they'd have to eat on the road. In a few short trips, she'd packed the wagon and retrieved her pack from under the window. When she returned to stow it in the cart, she found Wyn had already harnessed the mare to the cart.

  "Are we ready?" She secured her pack under the seat.

  "Almost. Shall I get rid of the sword?" He pointed to the weapon lying on the damp hay in the cart.

  "No, we can sell it at the market in Wryven."

  He nodded at the horses secured to the rails. "What about them? We aren't taking them, are we?"

  "We sure are." Nova patted one on the rump. "They'll fetch a good price."

  He cocked his head. "Is that all you think"

  She climbed into the driver's seat. "No. I think about food, too."


  Wyn stood on the cliff, his hands on his hips as he gazed across the inlet and miles of open sea below. To the south was his island home, CasadUne in the land of Rom de Mer. The scent of salty water was making him delirious and it took all of his restraint to keep from jumping off the cliffs and into the water. While he couldn't wait to feel the embrace of his beloved ocean again, first he had to deal with Nova's house. Or what was left of it.

  For the past day and a half they'd pushed themselves and the horses to their limits. They'd taken turns driving while the other huddled in the back of the cart to snatch much-needed sleep. They'd made few stops and the last had been in the village market of Wryven, about an hour to the north. After selling the sword, their attackers' horses and her clothes, Nova had purchased fresh food, clothes for both of them and several bags of feed for the mare. Other than a lack of shelter, they should be set for a few days.

  Wyn walked to the front of the house and eyed the structure critically. Surely she didn't mean to live here. This place was unfit for animals, let alone humans. Other than the fact that this hovel commanded an impressive view of the ocean, he could see no other redeeming factor. For the most part, the walls looked sound, though there were significant cracks that needed immediate attention. Crafted of peach-colored stone, the sinking sun set the walls ablaze with its fading rays. The roof had long since caved in and the resulting mess would have to be cleared before anything else could be done. In reality, this venture was well beyond his abilities and, even with experienced help, the work would take weeks before someone could live here.

  He turned to tell Nova what he thought of her home when her expression stopped him dead. She was staring at the wreckage with such longing that it was almost painful to watch. Her eyes were damp with tears and her lower lip trembled. She stood with her arms wrapped around her waist as if to comfort herself.

  He crossed his arms over his chest, then looked at the house again. Okay, it had possibilities, but it would take a lot of work to make it habitable. If this was what she wanted, he'd do everything in his power to make it so. It was the least he could do for her.

  "We need to set up camp," he said. "I'll gather wood if you can clear a place to build the fire."

  She gave him an absent nod, her gaze still fixed on the house. He had no idea what she saw, but whatever it was, it had captured her attention. Leaving her alone with her thoughts, Wyn found an overgrown path leading from the cliff to the beach. With every step his heart rate increased with the anticipation of submerging himself in the sea. Soon he was running down the path, shedding his clothes as he went. In no time at all he was nude and sprinting for the water.

  With a wild shout, he dove into the waves and warm water closed over his head. The salt stung his wounds, but he ignored the pain. Nothing could compare to the sheer ecstasy of the water's embrace. For a few moments he simply floated, allowing the reality of being in the sea to merge with the dreams he'd had while in captivity. His dreams hadn't come close.

  He let out a joyous whoop and allowed his body to sink beneath the waves. Stretching, he began to swim. The going was slow at first as his abused body resisted the natural movements, but soon the pain faded and, aided by the webbing of his hands and feet, he raced around the inlet with ease. He swam in dizzying circles, then along the beach and around the point of Maragorn, more than a mile from Nova's home.

  When his heart was content he returned to shore, his body tired from traveling and the swim. A year ago he could have swum for miles without tiring. Being forced to remain on land had taken away his edge but now he was almost home. If he looked to the south, he could imagine the spires of his island.

  He strode from the water onto the beach, shaking off droplets as he moved. He'd help Nova put her house in order and then he'd be free to go and all would be as it should.

  He ignored the queer little jerk in his gut at the thought of leaving her. She was an amazing woman--intelligent, tough and a bit prickly. He grinned as he pulled on his trousers. And he couldn't wait to get back to her.

  On his way up the path he collected an armload of driftwood. This would be more than enough to keep them warm for the night. Once they started working on the house they'd be able to burn small pieces of the roof for their fire.

  The sun had almost set by the time he returned and Nova had constructed a stone fire ring on the west side, giving them a broad view of the ocean and sunset.

  She sat in the back of the cart, pawing through the basket of provisions as she whistled an off-key tune. She'd changed into a white blouse and leaf-green skirt that left her feet and calves bare as she swung them in an energetic fashion. With her hair unbound, she looked as if she hadn't a care in the world. So unlike a few hours ago. Beside her sat an open bottle of wine.

thought you'd never come back." She pulled an apple out of the basket. "It looked like you were going to swim back home."

  Wyn dropped the wood near the fire ring. He'd thought about leaving her and swimming home, but knew he couldn't go back on his word. He owed her. "I said I'd help you get your house in order."

  "And I appreciate that." She took a noisy bite of the fruit. "You can really swim fast. Probably faster than anyone I've ever seen."

  He dropped into a crouch and constructed a stubby pyramid of twigs before tucking dried grass around the base. He froze when the fading sunlight reflected on the gossamer webbing between his fingers. He clenched his hand into a fist. "Nova, I have something to tell you." He raised his head and their gazes met. "I'm not human."

  "No foolin'?" She cocked her head, her expression curious. "Well, you look human to me. I once saw a man change into a cougar. Can you do that?"

  He couldn't help but grin. He shouldn't have been surprised that she hadn't batted a lash at his statement. Judging from the fact she was a gambler, she'd probably seen many things a gently reared woman would never have been privy to. Though, for someone as tough as she was, she possessed a sense of innocence about her that couldn't be ignored.

  "No, I'm a merman."

  "What's a merman?" She took another bite of the apple while her legs continued an energetic rhythm.

  "My people come from the sea."

  "So you're like a fish?"


  Her gaze dropped to his legs, then back to his face. "You're fooling me--"

  "Well, I didn't mean literally." He added a few more sticks to the pile. "My clan doesn't live in the sea though some still do. We have an island south of here."

  "Can you show me?" Nova hopped off the back of the cart with her ever- present pack in hand. She paused to grab the wine bottle. "I want to see you in the water up close."

  "Maybe in the morning, not now."

  She dropped to a crouch across the fire ring from him, her skirt settling on the ground in a swirl of color. "I've never heard of any such thing." She rooted in her bag until she pulled out a small flint. "And I won't believe it until I see it." She tossed it at him.


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