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Diaries 1969–1979 The Python Years

Page 91

by Palin, Michael

  family history, 408–9

  talk at Brasenose College, 413–14

  happiness, 414

  in Barbados, 428–35

  water-skiing, 430, 431, 435

  guest host on Saturday Night Live, 436, 446, 447, 453–62, 475

  false teeth, 437, 439, 443, 473, 490, 497

  play idea (day in life of BBC film Unit), 440

  writing problems, 441–2, 443

  flies on Concorde, 451

  tax liabilities, 479, 480, 511, 559

  anti-smoking radio commercial, 483

  uses Alexander technique, 483

  second novel, 505, 511, 539, 550, 553, 558, 602

  car accident, 509

  Ripping Yaws book-signing tour, 513–14

  ambition to be an explorer, 516

  second appearance on Saturday Night Live, 525, 528–31

  third stint on Saturday Night Live, 547, 550, 551–3

  turns second novel into play, 553, 558, 581, 582, 583, 584, 594, 597, 601

  holiday on Long Island, 565–70

  asked to write children’s book, 585, 589

  on Desert Island Discs, 591–2, 593

  see also Monty Pythons’ Flying Cirais and individual films and television series

  Palin, Rachel (MP’s daughter), xii, 208, 358

  birth, 205

  at film premiere, 226

  in New York, 306

  in Crystal Palace Park, 317

  swims at Holiday Inn, 363

  in Tunisia, 502

  birthday party, 523

  and MP’s birthday, 551

  bike rides, 560

  Palin, Thomas (Tom, MP’s son), xii

  birth, 8

  Great Picnic, 4

  in Southwold, 15

  on Hampstead Heath, 19–20, 29, 163

  first flight, 31

  passport problem, 34

  early mornings, 59–60

  visits the Zoo, 77–8

  and MP’s illness, 110

  Indian canoes, 128

  starts school, 135, 138

  birthdays, 139, 584

  visits MP in Scotland, 178, 179

  learns to tie shoelaces, 194

  school concerts, 269, 422, 558, 602, 605

  visits Geological Museum, 284

  in New York, 310, 311

  at Christmas, 358

  sees Jabbenvocky, 166

  in Abbotsley, 385

  visits Shepperton Studios, 426

  in The Life of Brian, 503

  and William Ellis School, 553, 554

  bicycle, 560

  swiimning success, 564

  Palin, William (MP’s son), xii

  birth, 45–7

  christening, 55–6

  as a baby, 59, 60

  and loss of MP’s diary, 63

  visits the Zoo, 77

  and MP’s illness, 110

  birthdays, 145, 266, 416–17

  visits MP in Scotland, 178, 179, 180

  MP on, 183

  school concerts, 269, 354, 396, 421, 602, 605

  kite flying, 281

  visits Geological Museum, 284

  in New York, 310, 311

  at Christmas, 358

  at parties, 366, 367

  bicycles, 373, 560

  in Abbotsley, 385

  visits Shepperton Studios, 426

  wants to go to America, 428

  tries ethnic food, 443

  Scalextrix set, 518

  at football match, 522

  Rachel’s birthday party, 523

  and William Ellis School, 553, 554

  Palio de Siena, Earl’s Court Road, 11

  Pan Am, 82, 597, 600

  Panorama (television programme), 193, 324, 580

  Pao, Basil, 545 and n, 555, 573

  Paramount Pictures, 533, 543, 579, 588

  Pardo, Don, 460, 530

  Parfitt, Judy, 253, 256

  Paris, 279, 546

  Parkes restaurant, Beauchamp Place, 47

  Parkin, Bryon, 462, 482, 558, 570

  Parliament Hill, 17, 60, 108, 139, 198, 281, 367, 418, 574–5

  Parsons, Nicholas, 257

  Pascall Bon-Bon commercial, 463–4

  Pasolini, Pier Paolo, 74, 146

  Patisserie Valerie, Old Compton Street, 381

  Pavilion restaurant, London, 314 and n

  Paymortax and McWhirter, 266

  PBS (Public Broadcasting Service), 417, 531

  screens Monty Python, 187 and n, 206, 215, 273, 276

  Pythons visit, 220, 221

  and Ripping Yarns, 418, 425, 482

  Peacock, Michael, 523 and n

  Peary, Commander Robert, 361

  Peck, Gregory, 20n

  Peel, John, 53, 81, 226, 266, 390, 391

  Pegram, Nigel, 349 and n

  Pembroke Casde, 314, 338, 339, 340

  Penguin Dictionary of Modern Quotations, 421

  Penhaligon’s, Covent Garden, 364 and n

  Penn, Arthur, 38

  Penrhos Brewery, Kington, 394n, 397

  Penthouse Club, 136

  Penzance, 535, 538

  The People, 227

  Percy (Canadian television interviewer), 120–1

  Percy (screenplay), 23 and n, 26

  Personal Call (radio programme), 602 and n

  Perth and Kinross Fire Brigade, 173

  ‘Peter Lodynski’s Flea-Market Company’, 59

  Peterborough, 389

  Pethig, Hazel, xiv, 64, 139 and n

  Monty Python and the Holy Grail, 169, 170

  Monty Python show in New York, 305

  Jabberwocky, 329, 340

  petrol shortages, 145, 517, 521, 603

  Pettifer, Julian, 604

  Philadelphia, 194, 219–20, 239, 302

  Piccadilly, 107, 197

  Piccoli, Michel, 151n

  Pickles, Sheila, 364 and n, 539

  Pickup, Ronald, 292

  Piero (restaurant owner), 314 and n

  Pinewood Studios, 23, 41, 320–1, 345, 346, 376, 377, 411, 412, 589

  Pink Floyd, 146, 148, 190, 234, 268

  The Pink Medicine Show (comedy show), 561n

  Pink Panther (film), 406, 447

  Pinter, Harold, 77n, 139n, 334, 373, 424n

  Pirsig, Robert, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle

  Maintenance, 303 and n, 322

  Pizza Express, Hampstead, 448, 597

  Place des Arts, Montreal, 121

  Plant, Robert (Led Zeppelin), 226, 232

  Plath, Sylvia

  The Bell-Jar, 472

  Letters, 322

  Plato, Republic, 588

  ‘Play for Today’ (television series), 108

  Playboy, 13, 22, 86, 232, 537

  Playboy Club, Park Lane, 40

  Plaza Cinema, New York, 597

  Plaza Hotel, New York, 229, 576

  Plomley, Roy, 591–2

  Plum Island, Long Island Sound, 568

  Plush, Dorset, 199–200

  Plymouth, 535

  A Poke in the Eye with a Sharp Stick (Amnesty charity show), 298–9, 300–1, 322

  Pomme d’Amour, Holland Park, 444, 602

  Pont (cartoonist), 318

  Pontevecchio, Brompton Road, 7, 150, 258

  Pontins Holiday Camp, 31

  Pope, Reg, 478

  Porridge (television series), 320

  Post House, Birmingham, 114

  Post Office Tower, London, 110, 205

  Potterton, Reg, 537

  Powell, Anthony, 569

  Powell, Dilys, 227, 415

  Powell, Enoch, 28, 338

  Powell, Robert, 235 and n

  Powell, Robin, 3–4, 10, 48, 82–3, 263, 324, 437n, 467

  Powell, Tristram, 97

  Powell and Moya, 92–3

  power-cuts, 47, 48, 71–3, 413

  Pratt, Lily, 384 and n

  Pratt, Roger, 342 and n

  Prebble, John, 425

  Presley, Elvis, 82, 422, 591

  Press Guild Crit
ics’Award, 445

  Pretty Baby (film), 455, 456

  Price, Alan, 102, 103, 313, 390, 391

  Price of Coal (film), 374–5

  Priestland, Gerald, 592–3

  Princeton University, 379

  Pringle, Bryan, 329, 332

  Private Eye, 40, 53n, 118, 156, 331, 579

  Professional Foul (television play), 450

  Prowse, Dave, 339

  Pryce, Jonathan, 255, 415

  Publisher’s Weekly, 547

  Punch, 39–40 and n, 156, 437, 442

  Purser, Philip, 104, 281, 584

  Purvcs, Peter, 413

  Pushkin, Alexander, 368

  Puttnam, David, 108 and n, 253

  Pyjama Tops (sex show), 381

  Pym, Mr and Mrs (neighbours), 387

  Python (Monty) Pictures Ltd, 321, 447

  Python Productions Ltd, 57, 261, 321

  formation of, 13

  and German Python shows, 71, 356–7

  contributes to Gay News libel case, 376


  Q5 (television programme), 501

  Quaker Oats, 91

  Queen Elizabeth Theatre, Vancouver, 124

  Queen’s Crescent market, 108

  Queens Head, Blyford, 184

  Queen’s Hotel, Penzance, 538

  Queen’s Hotel, Leeds, 590

  Questors Theatre, Ealing, 36

  Quick, Diana, 6 and n, 8, 423, 426, 443, 447–8, 472

  Quo Vadis restaurant, London, 31


  Race, Steve, 589 and n

  Radcote Lock, 246

  Radio Clyde, 514

  Radio Forth, 514

  Radio Nottingham, 70

  Radio One, charity football match, 390–1

  Radio Operators, 483

  Radio Sheffield, 104

  Radio Times, 35, 131, 151, 407

  Radner, Gilda, 423, 462, 529

  Rae, Dan, 478

  Raeburn, Tommy (Props), 173, 174, 175, 180

  RAF Lossiemouth, 587

  Rafelson, Bob, 439n

  Rafferty, Gerry, 36n

  rail strikes, 152, 154, 524

  Rainbow Theatre, Finsbury Park, 112, 153

  Raise the Titanic (film), 548n

  Ramport Ltd, 369, 400, 406

  Randolph Hotel, Oxford, 352

  Rantzen, Esther, 143

  Raphael, Frederic, 285

  Rappaport, David, 605

  Ratcliffe, Michael, 280

  Rathbone, Basil, 458

  Rattle of a Simple Man (play), 521

  Ray (American lawyer), see Brodie

  Raymond, Paul, 381

  RCA, 454

  RCA building, New York, 453

  Reagan, Ronald, 229

  Record, Eugene, 457

  Red Cross Bazaar, Hampstead, 416

  Redgrave, Corin, 423n

  Redgrave, Lynn, 255

  Redgrave, Sir Michael, 469

  Redgrave, Vanessa, 109, 345n, 423n, 455, 459

  Redwood Studios, 403, 406, 422, 448, 483, 584–5

  Reed, Carol, 330n

  Reeve, Christopher, 377, 466

  Regent’s Park, London, 297, 368, 369, 394, 576

  Regina, Python tour, 123–4

  Reiner, Carl, 68n, 231

  Reiner, Rob, 68n

  Reiss, Fanny, 347 and n

  Reiss, Frank, 347 and n

  Remenham church, Berkshire, 4

  Reydon, Suffolk, 8, 382, 607

  Reynolds, Debbie, 393

  Reynolds, Stanley, 49

  Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 6

  Rice, Tim, 269n, 594

  Richard, Cliff, 173

  Richards, Keith, 334, 351

  Richardson, Ralph, 469, 470–1

  Richmond, Fiona, 381

  Richmond, Tony, 335

  Rick (camera operator), 75

  Rickmansworth, 346–7

  Rigg, Diana, 364

  Ripping Yarns, 375, 401, 416

  further shows to be made after Tomkinson’s Schooldays, 283, 285–6, 288

  writing, 290 and n

  filming, 293, 295

  casting, 339, 342, 344, 387–8

  pre-production, 342

  costs, 345

  Jim Franklin becomes producer, 362, 364

  Terry Hughes unable to continue with, 362

  previews, 402–3, 407

  PBS interested in, 418, 425, 482

  Graham Chapman criticizes, 424

  book, 435, 571

  second series, 438, 445, 448, 465, 521, 569, 570, 584, 585, 588

  BBC promotes, 441

  MP believes to be flawed, 442

  awards, 445

  reviews, 466, 468

  BBC refuses to commission any more, 509–10

  book-signing tour, 513–14

  new director, 520, 521

  shown in US, 547

  full-length film proposed, 558, 569, 570, 583

  success of, 591

  ‘Across the Andes by Frog’, 290, 294, 295, 299, 320–1, 324, 339, 342, 344, 345, 349, 388, 402–3, 473, 474, 514n

  ‘Curse of the Claw’, 293, 323, 366, 387–8, 389, 407–8, 412, 423, 471 and n

  ‘Escape from Stalag Luft 112B’, 317–18, 378, 386, 399, 418, 468, 475

  ‘Golden Gordon’, 504, 522, 533, 536, 539–43

  ‘Murder at Moorstones Manor’, 293, 295, 299, 339, 346–7, 388, 402–3, 410, 481

  ‘Roger of the Raj’, 467, 468–71, 472, 475–7, 478, 481, 554, 582, 589, 593, 606

  ‘The Testing of Eric Olthwaite’, 314, 323, 345, 364, 377, 407–8, 411 and n, 418, 441, 480, 481, 542, 589

  ‘Whinfrey’s Last Case’, 504, 515, 517, 521, 522, 532, 535, 536–9, 542, 546, 585

  see also Tomkinson’s Schooldays

  Rippingale, Lincolnshire, 389

  The Rise and Rise of Michael Rimmer, 6 and n, 44–5

  Ritz Brothers, 452–3

  Robertson, Bruce, 592

  Robertson, Cliff, 406n

  Robin’s Nest (television programme), 508 and n

  Rockefeller Center, New York, 306

  Rocky (film), 533

  Rod (neighbour) 92

  Rodhouse, Roy, 507

  Roeg, Nie, 335

  ‘Roger of the Raj’ see Ripping Yarns


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