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Lessons for Lexi

Page 4

by Charlene McSuede

  Her plea was cut short by a sharp crack to her backside. He followed it up with five more before Lexi could even catch her breath. She opened her mouth to plead with him again.

  “Quiet,” Lexi winced as another slap landed. “As soon as we’re done this, you can pack your bags and leave. You’re lucky you’re just getting a spanking instead of criminal charges.”

  Lexi flinched again as his hand cracked against her bottom. Tears pricked her eyelids. Her backside was starting to burn, but it wasn’t nearly as painful as the humiliation of getting a spanking at the age of 28. “JT, please, you don’t understand.” Her voice was thick and she was embarrassingly close to tears.

  “I understand perfectly.” JT slapped her ass again. “You saw a great opportunity to take advantage of an old lady.” His hand landed on her upper thigh, right under the crease in her backside and she jumped in pain. “An old helpless lady.” Another slap. “So you took it,” three more slaps, each one making her clench her teeth harder to keep from crying out. “By turning her house into a zoo and growing drugs in the yard.” He applied five more slaps in rapid succession. “You know, Althea can lose her home if the police find out about the drugs.” Another flurry of whacks hit her backside, each one harder than the last.

  Lexi blinked through her tears, her vision going blurry. She hadn’t even thought of the plants in the backyard. “I’m sorry.”

  “Well, you’re about to be sorrier,” JT informed her darkly.


  JT stared at the wriggling red bottom in his lap. After her apology, Alex had gone silent. The only sounds she made were the occasional stifled sob and a squeak of pain as his hand connected. The sound his hand made every time it hit was surprising loud and extremely satisfying. Alex let out another dry squeak and pushed her toes into the ground, trying to wriggle away from his smacking hand and only succeeded in gyrating against his crotch.

  It wasn’t helping; he was already as hard as a rock. He’d never been more furious, or more turned on, in his life. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to keep hitting her until she couldn’t sit for a month, or if he wanted to toss her on the table and bury himself in her. That made him more furious and he started spanking her harder.

  It wasn’t like his fantasy. It was better than his fantasy. When he initially pictured her first punishment, he pictured giving an incredibly shocked Alex an ultimatum. Either the police or a paddling. She would have pled with him, begged him, but eventually seen no other option and consented to being disciplined.

  Instead, he’d acted on autopilot. Seeing his family home in such disarray had made him realize what a mistake he’d made for the putting his sex drive ahead of his family. As soon as he saw her, he knew that he was going to punish her, right before he tossed her out on her scarlet colored ass.

  Then, once he got started, he couldn’t stop. In fact, he was being absolutely merciless during the punishment. When the stifled whimpers turned into full-on sobbing at three minutes in, he only spanked harder. The slaps kept landing and her backside went from pink, to red, to a shade that was nearly maroon before they heard a car pull up in the driveway. Alex was laying limp across his lap when he finally stopped. He looked at the clock and realized he’d been spanking her for more than 5 minutes. Finally, he stilled his hand. “Get up.”

  Alex stood, her whole body shaking, and she hurriedly pulled up her jeans and zipped them, wincing as the denim covered her punished backside. She wiped the tears off her cheeks and stepped back.

  “Hopefully, you’ll remember that the next time you decide to con an old lady. Now go get packed, I want you out of here within the hour.” JT watched, feeling calmer as she spun on her heal and fled the room.

  Althea and Radford appeared just as Alex had made it out the door to pack. Radford led Althea to a chair at the table, watching JT carefully. “Where’s Alex?”

  “She’s packing,” he responded tersely. “And you should get started too.” He glared Radford and yanked his cell phone out of his pocket. “Althea, I’ll get the mess here taken care of.”

  “Young man,” Althea said stiffly, “what are you talking about?”

  JT turned to his aunt. “Althea, I know your vision is gone, but you have to have heard something, or” he glared at a feral looking cat near his foot, “smelled something.”

  “Is this about the animals?”

  “Among other things.”

  Althea sighed as though he was very stupid. “Part of the charity I’m working for with the ladies auxiliary is to change the areas shelters to no kill shelters. That was why I volunteered to have the barn converted to house animals who had no adopters.”

  “If they are supposed to be in the barn,” JT looked around, “why the hell are they all over the house?”

  “Well, that was Alex.” Althea smiled fondly. “She’s a bit of a softie. When we went there today, it was just to get a dog for me.” She frowned slightly. “Something to pet when I get lonely. But then Alex saw the animals that were going to be put down.” Althea shifted. “She got a little emotional and I simply asked the contractors to expedite the conversions. The animals are only staying in the house until the barn is ready on Friday.”

  JT deflated a little, but the wind wasn’t fully out of his sails. “And the naked hippy in the driveway? Was he going to get put down at the shelter too?”

  Althea snorted. “Oh, that’s just Mr. Pinchpenny. The police threatened to impound his van if he kept parking it in the park and ride, so I offered to let him use the driveway. It’s certainly big enough. As for the nudity,” Althea shrugged, “it doesn’t bother me for obvious reason, and our only neighbor, Mrs. Akins, is enjoying the view. Honestly, I thought you would be more upset about the marijuana.”

  JT’s eyes were bugging out of his head. “You knew about that!”

  “Of course I knew, dear. It was my idea to put it out back. The plants were getting crushed in Mr. Pinchpenny’s van. Truth be told his ‘kind bud’”, Althea made little quote marks in the air with her fingers, “is doing wonders for my hydrangeas.”

  JT stuffed his hands in his pockets, his temper deflated. “Aunt Althea, I really can’t believe I have to say this with you, but you can not grow marijuana in the garden at our family home.” He locked eyes with Radford. “I’m still not entirely sure I’m comfortable have people who even know someone who grows marijuana on the premises.”

  “I will agree to remove the pot plants, but you are not making Radford and Alex move out.” To his surprise Althea clutched Radford’s hand. “They have been an absolute godsend to a lonely old woman. Which is much more than I can say for my own family,” she reminded JT pointedly.

  JT sighed deeply, realizing he was beat. “Fine, they can stay. But no more pot.” Althea nodded solemnly and JT raked his hand through his hair. “I guess I should go talk to Alex.”

  “I hope you weren’t too harsh with her. She’s very sensitive.”

  JT shook his head, knowing that regardless of what his aunt considered harsh, the fact that Alex wouldn’t be able to sit for a week would definitely be considered ‘too harsh’.


  Lexi raced around the room, tears blurring her eyes. They were tears of anger. When JT had initially started spanking her, she’d been so shocked that she’d frozen. By the time she realized what he was going to do, it had been too late to run. She hadn’t bothered to fight him. The spanking was humiliating enough; she hadn’t wanted to add to it by struggling futilely. She rubbed her throbbing bottom again and blinked back tears. Every movement was a painful reminder of what had just happened and the only thing she wanted to do was get the hell out of the house and as far away from JT Hussner as possible.

  “Alex?” She spun around as JT appeared in her doorway.

  “I’m almost done packing. I’ll be gone in a few minutes.”

  “Alex,” JT took a step towards her and she flinched back, ready to run if he lunged. “I don’t want you to leave.”

  She let out a sn
ort and continued packing, her gaze focused on her suitcase. “You might be surprised to learn this, but I don’t care what you want.” She tensed as she heard him enter the room and close the door behind him, but didn’t stop what she was doing.

  “Look, I might have overreacted before.”

  Lexi snorted again and brushed past him to get to her dresser. She started pulling out her clothes, her packing becoming more hurried now that he was present. “Is that what you call it? Save it,” she glared him as she tossed an untidy pile of panties into her open suitcase, “find a new caretaker for your aunt. I like Althea, but I wouldn’t stay here for a million dollars. Not with a psychotic pervert like you running around.”

  JT crossed his arms over his chest and watched her with amusement. “You think I’m a psychotic pervert?”

  “Absolutely,” she put her hands on her hips. “You proved the psychotic part by spanking me and you proved the pervert part by having a hard-on the whole time you were doing it.”

  JT let out a startled laugh. “You felt that?”

  She tossed a half dozen rolled pairs of socks into her suitcase. “Of course I felt it. I was lying on your lap for God’s sake.”

  JT shrugged. “What can I say? You’re a pretty girl and you have a cute ass. There was bound to be a reaction.” His only answer was a glare that could melt ice. “To be entirely honest with you, I was more talking about the kicking you out part than the spanking. Actually, I think a spanking was exactly what you deserved for your part in this. Maybe not as hard as the one I gave you, but yes, I think spanking you was the appropriate response for bringing drugs onto my property.”

  Lexi’s jaw tightened as she closed her suitcase but she didn’t respond. She’d had her moments of misgivings when Pennypinch and Althea had been discussing it, but she didn’t feel like it was her place to stop it. It was Althea’s house after all. Of course, she had ignored the fact that it was also JT’s house. “I didn’t bring drugs onto your property.”

  “No, you brought a person that you knew would bring drugs. Don’t tell me that you didn’t know his van was full of pot plants when he got here.”

  “I didn’t know you were so uptight.”

  JT hand’s clenched. ”It’s not about being uptight, Alex. It’s about a felony. And you’re one to talk about being uptight. You’re getting all upset about one little spanking.”

  “It was an assault and it was humiliating.” Lexi responded, her voice filled with venom.

  “Which is why I can be pretty sure that I won’t find marijuana plants growing in the back yard again. See how that works?” She lifted her suitcase off the bed. “What, you’ve never gotten spanked before?”

  Lexi glared at him but didn’t respond.

  “I’ll be damned, you haven’t.” JT laughed out loud. “Me and my brother just about wore out every belt my father owned. Wow, damn shame.” He gave her a once over. “It probably could have benefitted you if someone started beating your backside earlier.”

  Lexi rolled here eyes and tried to push her way past him.

  “Alex, I’m serious, please stay.”

  “Bite me.” She walked around him but he slid in front of her again.

  “Fine, if you’re going to leave, at least clear the air with Althea. I don’t want her thinking it was something she did.”

  “I was going to do that anyway.” Lexi reached for the door knob.

  “Make sure you tell her what I did too.”

  She stopped. “Excuse me?”

  “Well,” JT crossed his arms over his chest and looked at her lazily, “if you’re going to leave, I think Althea should know the exact reason why. Probably Radford too. It’s only fair that he know the reason he’s being uprooted from his home. Do you want to tell them I spanked you, or should I?”

  “You’re not serious.” Lexi was horrified at the idea of ever even mentioning it again. The spanking she’d gotten earlier was something she’d planned on taking to her grave.

  JT was somber. “It’s the right thing to do.”

  “You’re an asshole.”

  “I know,” JT stepped towards her and leaned down until they were nose to nose. “But you’re going to stay.”

  Lexi calmed her breathing down, taking slow deep breaths. She was stuck. There was no way that she would ever tell anyone what JT had done, and she’d die of humiliation if he did. If anyone ever found out, it would be on the news in no time. She was also sure that the Republican Party would throw JT a parade. “Fine. Just keep your hands to yourself,” she replied darkly.

  “As long as you keep the drugs off my property, that shouldn’t be a problem.”

  Chapter 6

  She didn’t even make it another week before she was getting disciplined again. After JT left, she’d demanded that Pinchpenny move the plants. He’d put them in the van, but when the weather reported a possible frost, she’d relented to them hiding the plants in the garage, just for one night. JT wasn’t expected to show up again for a few days and she figured she’d be safe.

  Unfortunately for Lexi, JT decided to adjust his schedule. On a Saturday night at 7, just as she was getting ready to head up to her room, the house phone rang. She made the mistake of picking it up.

  “Alex, just the person I was hoping to talk to. Can you come meet me in the garage?” Lexi’s stomach dropped as JT’s barely contained anger bled through the phone line.

  Apparently, he’d decided on a surprise inspection. And judging from his location and the anger in his voice, he had found the pot plants they’d hidden. Her mind flashed back to what had happened the last time he’d found pot on the property. She hung up the phone and bolted for the front door.

  Raj looked up at her in surprise. “Where are you going?”

  “China,” she choked out as she yanked open the door.

  He turned his attention back to the TV. “Have fun.”

  Lexi made it to the driveway before she noticed that JT had blocked her in. She spun around and found him watching her from the back of Pinchpenny’s van. In two strides, his hand clamped around her upper arm and he began to drag her forward to his car. “Had a feeling you’d try to run.”

  “JT listen,” she dug in her heels. He kept dragging, opening his passenger side door and pushing her to get it. She looked up at him in alarm. “Where are we going?”

  “My apartment. Based on how long, and how loud it’s going to be, we’ll need our privacy.” He bent over her and buckled her seat belt, then stood, looking down at her again. “If you move one inch out of that spot, I will drag you back and we’ll just do it here in the garage.”

  Lexi swallowed and didn’t move a muscle. It was bad enough she was about to get her ass beat. She didn’t want to worry about someone walking in on it too.

  “The funny thing,” JT said as he buckled his seatbelt, “was that if you had just come down to the garage and pretended to be surprised when you saw the plants, I would have just assumed Althea and your hippy friend did it behind your back.”

  Lexi tensed as he gunned the engine. “Shit, I didn’t even think of that.”

  “Now is not the best time to use four letter words.”

  Lexi clamped her mouth shut so she could resist the urge to tell him to fuck off. The shock of getting caught had worn off and her mind was racing for ways out of what was about to happen. When he paused at a red light at an intersection, she considered jumping out and running for it. As if he had read her mind, he pressed the button for the door lock. She jumped a little as all four locks tumbled shut at once.

  The drive from Althea’s to JT’s was about 20 minutes, but to Lexi, it passed by in seconds. Soon, they were pulling into his parking spot and heading towards the elevator. He kept his hand clamped around her upper arm the entire time as if he expected her to run. She considered it more than once. They rode the elevator in silence and she stiffened as the doors opened on the top floor.

  “The elevator opens right into your apartment?” Lexi was momentarily di
stracted by the view. His apartment was huge, lots of open space, with dark, masculine, geometrically shaped furniture. It reminded her of her loft at home.

  JT raised a key card. “Special key code. Only this card opens the elevator.”

  “Oh,” Lexi walked forward into the room, again feeling nervous. She wrapped her arms around herself as JT walked past her into the kitchen. He picked up the phone and walked back to Lexi. “Call my aunt and tell her you’ll be gone all night. I don’t want her to worry.”

  Lexi had to force her frozen fingers to wrap around the handset. “All night?” Her voice was almost a whisper.

  He only nodded.

  She made the phone call. Raj answered and she thanked god for small favors when he didn’t ask any follow up questions. She hung up quickly, half dreading what was to come and half wanting to just get it over with.

  JT crossed his arms over his chest again and watched her from the center of the room. While she had been on the phone, he’d dragged a chair into the center of his sunken den. It was in front of two large bay windows that gave a view of the city sky line. Lexi hated the spot. Even though she knew no one would see it, she felt like she would be on display.

  “I noticed that last time, the embarrassment is a little worse for you than the actual punishment.”

  Lexi stared at a spot on the floor rather than him. She gave a brief nod.

  “Take off your clothes.”

  Lexi’s entire body went cold. She prayed she had heard him wrong. “What?”

  “I’m assuming a nude spanking is a hell of a lot more embarrassing than a clothed one. Hopefully, that will drive the point home this time.” He nodded at her. “Now strip.”

  She clutched her shirt in her hands. “JT, no.” Her voice was breathy and her plea came out as a choked whisper. Her face was burning red and she knew she was going to start crying at any second.

  He was unmoved. “Either you take them off or I do.”

  Lexi closed her eyes and swallowed. It took her a minute to make her hands move. After a second and a couple deep breaths, she started to lift her shirt to pull it over her head. She couldn’t look at JT. Instead she kept her gaze focused on the floor. She clumsily pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it on the kitchen table. She started to unbutton her jeans. She could feel his eyes on her as she pushed them down to the floor and stepped out of them. Then, she was standing before him in nothing but her underwear, a plain pink cotton set. She froze with her arms crossed over in front of her.


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