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A Lady's Seduction [Highland Menage 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Reece Butler

  Remembering what she’d done on the horse, she leaned forward. She caught his finger between their groins. He rubbed on her clit, making her squirm.

  “Alana, I canna wait. I’m sorry lass.”

  His hands went around her waist and lifted. He helped her move to his rhythm, one she enjoyed as well. He went slowly, up and down, three times. His harsh breath, and hers, filled the stall.

  She touched her breasts, pinching and rolling them, then dropped one hand to her clit. Her ears filled with the wet sloppy sounds of flesh slapping, hers against Cormac’s. She whimpered as the tension coiled. She clenched her pussy around him, giving her new sensations. He growled something and sped up even faster, slamming into her from below. Her explosion caught her off guard. Cormac took over, low growls filling her ears as he slammed up into her. Finally, her shudders slowed, along with his. She slumped over him, fighting for breath of her own. He pressed her to his heaving chest.

  When they could move he shifted her, so her back was to his front. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight as they slowly relaxed.

  “We’ll get ye a hot bath on the morrow,” he promised.

  “Stable lads don’t get hot baths,” she replied, grumbling. “Or soft beds.”

  “Brides do. We’re off to Castle Leod to find us a priest. Ye mind Colin MacKenzie? He fostered with yer da.”

  “Aye, he was younger than the other boys, and smaller.”

  “William beat him until I put that snake in his bed. I told Colin ‘twas yer idea. He is sure to find a priest for ye, and put us up, in thanks. We’ll ride there tomorrow.”

  She groaned at the thought of climbing on her horse. “How far?”

  “‘Tis only a few miles. We’ll ride easy, taking our time, and get there early.” His hand squeezed her breast. “Methinks we’ll need to touch ye together first.”

  “In the light?”

  “Aye, lass. Whatever a man and woman choose to do, that harms none, is good. I wish to see every wee inch of yer body. So does James. We’ll find a hollow in the sun, let our horses graze, and then we’ll graze on ye.”

  Her body flamed at the thought. “And I wish to see you, and nibble as well.” His cock, resting against her back, twitched. “And I can have a hot bath when we get there?”

  “Aye, and a wedding. Then a pair of hot husbands will show ye what we can do in a bed.” He kissed the top of her head. “‘Twill be even better.”

  “I’ll hold ye to that promise.”

  Chapter Ten

  Cormac woke from an erotic dream, a common one where he held the woman he knew he’d always want. Her breast filled his hand. His cock had entered her, balls deep. He inhaled, and her scent filled his nostrils.

  He froze. He’d never smelled Alana in his dreams. Nor had he woken with a warm arse clasped to his belly. His heart slammed, the realization this was no dream bringing him to full awareness. Alana would not fade with the morning leaving him hard and frustrated at knowing she would never be his. She was here, with him. Naked!

  His hips moved without thought, gently filling her, proving she was his. Or would be, once they wed. Her body responded to him, her pussy thickening and stretching, swelling around him. Her nipple rose in his palm. She twitched, inhaled deeply, and then went still.


  “Aye. ’Tis a most wondrous feeling, waking like this.”

  She relaxed, almost purring. Her lips curved up in a smile.

  “I canna remember when I last slept so well.”

  She did something that caught his cock in a vise. He groaned.

  “Lass, ye make it hard for me to stop.”

  “And why would I want you to stop? This feels so good.”

  She tightened her buttocks, flexing them against his groin. He dropped his hand from her breast to her clit and began circling. Her breath hitched. He circled some more, listening to what he did to her. He lifted his hand. She whimpered.

  “Use yer own finger, Alana. We have but a moment afore the stable lads come in.”

  He was so close, and so was she. A moment later her pussy clenched around him as her body went into spasms. He came a moment later, surging into her as silently as he could. It was over in a moment, yet it was perfect. He held her tight, kissing the top of her head as they fought to breathe.

  “‘Twas short and sweet. We’ll make up for it with ye this morning. We’ll take our time, bring ye near yer peak and then hold ye there ‘til ye can no longer stand it.”

  He reluctantly slipped out of her and knelt, pulling his shirt down. He found her breeks and handed them over. She moved, opening her legs. Blood on her thighs made him choke. He looked down and lifted his shirt. It was on his cock as well. Not much, but enough that the thought of what he’d done stained his cheeks with the same color. He’d taken her maidenhead in a stable, for God’s sake! Her first time, bundled in a stranger’s straw. Shame flowed over him. He would make up for this, and more. He covered her again with his plaid, gently tucking it around her.

  “I’ll get ye some water and a cloth.”

  Cormac had no method to warm the water so held the cold, wet cloth against his chest before gently cleaning the evidence she was no longer a virgin. She winced, gasping, when he helped her to stand. He cringed.

  “Did I hurt ye? I ken I’m a big man—”

  “Not that. I liked that. The hurt is from riding all day yesterday. I’d no doubt be worse if you hadn’t given me a massage last night. My thanks.”

  “If we had a room I could make ye forget ye are sore. I’d put my tongue on yer—”

  “Cormac!” She covered his mouth with her fingers. “Hush!”

  “My wee bride is blushing.” He winked. “Best get ye covered or I’ll nay stop with touching ye with my hands and mouth.”

  They’d just finished dressing, Alana giggling as she slapped away his ‘helping’ hands, when James arrived.

  “We’ll break our fast after Alana bathes and dresses as befits her station,” said James.

  “A bath?” Her expression pleaded that he was speaking true.

  “Aye, a hot one. ‘Twill ease yer sore muscles from riding.” James winked. “And perhaps being ridden as well?”

  “Aye. We’ve done the beddin’. We just need the weddin’,” said Cormac.

  He didn’t hold back his pride at knowing Alana would soon be theirs to comfort and protect. He put a possessive arm around her. The sooner they were away the sooner he’d see her in the light of day. Every inch of her, front and back.

  “Ye’ll have to wait for more,” said James to Cormac. “Laird Munro was not happy to discover Lady Alana Sinclair slept in his stables. ’Twould be an insult to ride off without him able to offer hospitality.”

  “The lass did well riding yesterday, and with nay complaint.” Cormac squeezed her hip reassuringly. “I wilna deny my lady the comfort of a bath and a wee visit.”

  “We’ll break our fast,” agreed James. “Then be off. ’Twas a hard night I had, and I dinna mean just the stone floor. We’ll be stopping in the first meadow to take care of this.” He motioned to the front of his plaid.

  Alana’s pink face made Cormac think of her nipples. He wanted to know their color. Pink? Coral? Rose? Before they arrived at the MacKenzie stronghold he would know the answer. His mouth and tongue would also know the taste of every inch of her.

  “Sir Robert Munro, Laird of Foulis, is a regular visitor at Lovat Castle,” said Alana. “He is a good man and ally. And he plays a reasonable game of chess. He married his heir to one of Laird MacKenzie’s daughters so he’s not feuding with them at the moment.”

  “Munro’s a wily old fox,” said James. “He has to be, surrounded on three sides by MacKenzies wishing to push him into Cromarty Firth. He's in good favor with the king, which no doubt helps.” He gestured for Alana to lead the way. “’Tis no more than a few miles to Castle Leod. We have time to bring Munro to our side while we break our fast. All allies have worth.”

* * *

  Alana would never take a hot bath for granted again. When Cormac washed her that morning he’d gallantly tried to warm the cloth. It helped, but when she’d climbed in the tub of hot water she’d moaned almost as loud as when she reached her peak that first time. Lady Janet had not exaggerated when she said sharing a husband’s bed need not be a duty. Considering how she’d enjoyed James and Cormac in the stables, what would it be like in a bed? Someplace where they could see each other and where no one could see or hear them.


  She kept her hair dry as she’d recently washed it. The dress they brought her was serviceable but of good quality. It not only looked decent it would pack well. By the time she was shown into Munro’s office her stomach was rumbling. She’d had only bread and cheese the night before and little to break her fast or at their nooning while riding.

  “Ah, Lady Alana. ’Tis a pleasure to see ye again.” Laird Munro’s hair was white, but his blue eyes sparkled with mischief. “And such a surprise. I hear ye rode all the way from Lovat Castle yesterday, dressed as a lad, and then spent the night in my stables. ’Twas most naughty of ye.”

  The look he gave the men had more than a touch of ire in it. She greeted him with a smile, holding out both her hands.

  “Sir Robert, Laird Fraser hired Cormac and James MacDougal of Duncladach to return me to Castle Girnigoe on the earl’s orders. ‘Twas safer for me to travel with no one the wiser. You have a fine stable, and I slept well.” She couldn’t do anything about the heat rising up her face as to the reason she slept so well. “Words cannot express how thankful I am for your hospitality.”

  He took her hands in his and squeezed. “Ye would have slept in a bed by a fire last night had these rascals said ye were here. I was given news from others about the MacDougals but nothing about the dear foster daughter of my good friend Fraser. Why did yer father call ye home now?” He looked behind her. “The two of ye look like ye swallowed frogs.”

  She turned. Both James and Cormac stared at her.

  “Ye were a pretty lass when spewing venom at fifteen,” said James. His eyes shone with something that made her pussy quiver. “In breeks and a shirt ye were still pretty. Cleaned up, in a gown, ye are a most beautiful woman.” He took her hand in his, lifted it to his mouth, and kissed her knuckles. His tongue flicked over them as he had her clit. She trembled. “’Tis proud I am to be with such a bonnie lassie.”

  That James spoke in a broad brogue showed how much he was affected. So was she. As they would soon be married she no longer had to hide. She lifted her head, smiling back.

  “And I am proud to be seen with such braw MacDougal men.” Munro cleared his throat. He raised a bushy white eyebrow at her in question. “Did you not speak to Laird Munro of my father’s plans, and our response?”

  “Ye ken the man but I’ve nay met Laird Munro afore.” Cormac shrugged. “I thought ‘twould be best he hear it from yer lips, but if ye wish.” He turned to the laird. “James will handfast with Alana this morn. She and I will share vows when we find a priest. Ye wouldn’t have one hangin’ about, would ye?”

  Munro’s jovial welcome was gone. He had the same expression Laird Fraser used when negotiating. He narrowed his eyes at Cormac, then James, before turning to Alana.

  “Lass, I’ve kenned ye for nigh on ten year. Ye were always quiet and biddable, modestly working on yer tapestry when ye weren’t doin’ yer best to beat me at chess. Yet I see before me a strong woman who, if these lads speak true, will wed a pair of MacDougal bastards. I ken ye are nay fond of the earl. Why did he call ye home now, makin’ ye leave yer safe bower to ride astride as a lad?”

  “It seems my father wishes me wed to the man who caused me to be banished. I choose to marry these men instead.”

  Munro’s kindly expression and posture evaporated as the warrior that had kept Clan MacKenzie at bay took over. “Who was it that beat ye, lass?”

  She should have realized the man who was so close to her hosting laird and lady would know of her past. He’d never shown her anything but courtesy, as if she was a young woman without a fearful past.

  “’Twas William Sinclair of Braal Castle who put his hands on Lady Alana,” said Cormac with a growl. “He will die for it.”

  “By my hand!” she snarled, turning on him. “He did it to me, and I have the right of vengeance!”

  Cormac straightened. His face got as hard as Laird Munro’s. She hadn’t seen this side of him before. He looked down at her from under thick black brows.

  “’Tis my right to protect my wife, which ye will soon be.”

  She balled up her fists, furious, and took a step forward. She had to tilt her chin high to glare up at him.

  “And my right to protect myself!”

  “I forbid ye to go after him,” declared Cormac. He touched his finger to her nose. “That spankin’ ye are due is nothing to what will happen if ye try.”

  The thought of a spanking made her face heat. That Laird Munro heard Cormac speak of it changed her initial flush of arousal to a blush of embarrassment. That soon changed to fury. She hardened her face and her voice, imitating him.

  “I willna go riding my horse after him, Cormac MacDougal. But if he comes to me and as much as suggests he will harm me, my dirk will flash!”

  James sighed. “Lass, ye canna—”

  “Did ye nay ken that Lady Janet had the women trained with their dirks?” asked Munro softly. He shifted his eyes from one man to the other. “The lass had good reason to learn her lessons well.”

  Cormac eyed her suspiciously though James gave her a wink of praise.

  “I’ve seen them practice,” continued the laird. “Ye are both braw warriors. Yet should a lady charm ye with wine and then slip off yer shirt to run her hands over ye, her wee blade might slip atween yer ribs and into yer black heart afore ye ken what she’s doin’.”

  “A knife through the ribs is nay the way of a warrior,” said Cormac with a growl.

  “Women dinna have the strength of warriors, so must use what they have,” replied Alana. “I will fight William, or any who attack me or my bairns, while I have breath in my body!”

  “I’ll take yer dirk,” threatened Cormac.

  Alana reared back. She lifted one hand, holding her fingers like claws. “I was blessed with strong fingernails. William has three reminders marring his face. If ye wish to share my bed ye’ll nay take what I consider mine.”

  Cormac shuffled his feet. His boots scraped against the stone floor. He muttered things she couldn’t quite hear.

  “What my older brother is trying to say,” said James formally, “is that he wishes his lady wife never have a need to protect herself. And that he’s proud of her for kenning how, should it be necessary. As am I.”

  James bowed to Alana. Trained as courtier, he knew how to sway others with words. Cormac was the bull who put his head to a rock and pushed until either the rock moved or his hooves dug a hole so deep he buried himself.

  Cormac reached out an arm and hauled her into his embrace. “I dinna like to think of ye hurtin’,” he murmured. “Ye are precious to me.” He heaved a great sigh. “I have dreamed of ye for years, lass, though I’d not believe I’d ever have the right to touch ye.”

  He brought his face closer to hers. His eyes stared into her soul. She licked her lips, opening them, hoping for a kiss.

  “The MacKenzie has a priest at Castle Leod,” said Laird Munro, interrupting loudly. “Ye can be handfasted to James now, and married to Cormac afore supper. If MacKenzie will allow it.”

  “And why should he not?” demanded Cormac.

  “Ye said it yourself. Her father, the Earl of Caithness, wishes her to marry another.”

  “I was banished at fifteen,” said Alana, interrupting before Cormac said something that could anger their host. “I am said to be disgraced and have no dowry yet must produce grandsons. If my father knew these good men wished my hand in marriage he would not have demanded William marry me.”

/>   “Does William want ye?” asked Munro. “Ye said ye have no dowry.”

  “Aye, but he’ll have access to my body with none to stop him. He could do as he chooses to me, short of death. Cousin William is not fond of me.” Her voice shook. James came up behind her. He didn’t touch her, but his calm, solid presence eased her mind.

  “And are ye fond of these wee laddies?” asked Laird Munro. “Or would ye scratch them as well?”

  “The lass wouldna have agreed to wed, nor done what she did last night, and agin’ this morn, if she were not fond of us,” said Cormac.

  He grinned down at her, daring her to say a thing. A week ago she would have been mortified at the thought of someone thinking she might wish a kiss from a man. A week ago she had much to lose if she spoke up. Now she could do as she chose, which included speaking her mind. She pulled herself out of his arms. His grin didn’t dim one bit.

  “If ye recall, ‘twas I who proposed!”

  He chuckled, not at all bothered by her behavior. Many men would consider their woman speaking out in such a way, especially in front of a laird, as worthy of punishment. That he did not, had her wanting him more.

  “Aye, and ‘twas I who took care of the bedding. We’re just after the weddin’ now.”

  “I’ll be witness to the lady’s approval of ye,” said Munro.

  Alana’s stomach complained loudly. She pressed her hand over it.

  “Later. The lady wishes to break her fast, as do I.”

  They waited for her to be seated before starting in. They ate in companionable silence, all four of them hungry.

  “If I’d known ye were here last night, tired from yer long ride, I might have beaten ye in chess,” said Munro once the worst of their hunger had been appeased.

  She laughed, shaking her head. “Mayhaps, though it has been some time since we’ve played. Have you been practicing?”

  “Aye, but if ye bided here for a wee while, I might learn more.”


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