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BARE SKIN: A Dark Bad Boy Romance

Page 11

by Callie Pierce

  It was hard as rock, the veins exposed along the shaft, stopping just before the bulbous head. The skin there was the same soft honeyed hue as the rest of him, but the mushroomed head was pinker. And glistening.

  He kicked off his pants and threw them aside. I saw that his legs were just as muscular as the rest of him and I found them to be sexy, which was not the norm for me. I didn’t usually check out a guy’s legs, but when he was standing over you like the statue of Adonis, it was hard not to notice.

  Settling back down on his knees, he leaned over me. He supported his weight on his strong, muscular arms. I wanted to reach out and touch them, but suddenly wasn’t sure if I should.

  Biting at my lower lip, I glanced up at him, then asked, “Can I touch you, sir?”

  He smiled down at me. It was almost tender.

  “Yes. Tonight, touch me wherever you want.”

  So I did.

  My hands caressed his large arms and down his chest, exploring the hard muscles there. I touched at the darts at his hips, remembering how I’d wanted to lick at them. Maybe I’ll have a chance later.

  My fingers ran through the short hairs at his navel, tracing them down lower and lower, until—

  “Oh, yes,” he groaned. My eyes jerked up to look at him and found that there was a strained look on his face, his eyes hooded.

  I watched him as I trailed my hand lower still. I found hard flesh at the same time he sucked in a heavy breath.

  His member. I’m touching his length.

  I let my fingers explore him and touch him, but when they wrapped around his hardness, he stopped me.

  “No. Not tonight. We’ll get to that later.”

  I didn’t have time to be embarrassed. He took my hand away and tucked it into his other hand, which held me above my head. His free hand traveled the length of my body, caressing my large breasts and flicking over a nipple. “You have a beautiful body,” he told me.

  It wasn’t something I really thought of, but it was so good to hear. Something I needed to hear.

  His hand moved down my stomach and across my hips to dip between my legs. I inhaled deeply as his fingers slipped between my swollen and moist lips. Then he pulled them away. A second later, I felt something else at my entrance. Warm, hard, thick.

  “I’ll be as gentle as I can,” he murmured to me.

  I blinked at him. “What?” My head was foggy with lust and all that my senses were taking in.

  He smiled down at me kindly. “This’ll hurt. You’ve never done this before and I’m… well-endowed. But I’ll go slow, let you adjust. Just tell me if you need to stop.”

  I was only half hearing him; it was all I could do to nod in answer.

  I felt the smallest pressure at my entrance. I had just enough time to think, This isn’t so bad, when that pressure changed. The pain came quickly as my opening was stretched wide, being forced open to accommodate this huge, hard length being forced inside me.

  A whimper of pain escaped my lips and the movement stopped. Above me, I saw Jude frozen, straining against what must have been an impossible need to thrust the rest of the way inside me.

  After a few moments, the pain eased, though the pressure remained. In a quiet voice, I told him, “It’s okay. Keep going.”

  He nodded once and I felt that pain again. I dealt with it better this time, more prepared, and nodded at Jude to continue. He did, inch by inch. It seemed to take forever to fill me and when he finally did, he stopped altogether. I swear I could feel him at the very back of me, filling up every available inch inside of me. I was completely full.

  “You’re so tight. Tighter than anything I’ve had before,” Jude murmured from above me. His eyes were bright with passion as he strained against the need to keep going.

  I let out a stuttering breath. It took until that moment for me to realize it, but when I did, I told him. “You feel good.”

  His full mouth tugged into a grin. “I thought you might feel that way. Are you ready for me to move?”

  I nodded.

  He began to shift. It was a little uncomfortable, but not bad. It was like stretching a sore muscle. It was almost painful, but it also felt good. Really good. And as Jude began to move his considerable length back out of me, I was beginning to realize just how good he felt sliding against my walls.

  He pulled out until just the head of him was trapped within me. Then he started to push in again.

  His movements were slow, deliberate, and very obviously hard for him. I could see the concentration on his face as he struggled against losing control and just pounding into me. But as the sensations within me became less sore and more filled with a full, needy pleasure, I became less concerned about that. In fact, I found that my body was almost craving it.

  What would it feel like for him to lose control within me?

  My free hand went to touch his shoulders and chest as I whispered to him, “Please, sir, move.”

  And that must have been what he was waiting for. Grabbing my other hand, he shoved it down on the bed next to the other so that it was trapped above my head. He held both wrists in just one hand so that his other could be free.

  “Remember your safe word,” he told me, then he really began.

  His next thrust was hard and shoved his entire length inside my body so that I felt like I might break with the force of it. But my body liked it, I liked it. His free hand came to grab my left breast. As he pulled out, only to shove back inside me, he squeezed at my flesh. I let out a moan and the speed of his thrusts increased.

  He massaged my breast and pinched at the nipple there, just hard enough that there was a spike of pain, but nothing more.

  His hard length shoved inside me again and again, filling me up completely each time. My back arched and my hips struggled to meet his thrusts. His hand moved from my breast and slid down to capture my hip, preventing my matching thrusts. I struggled anyway, losing myself in the moment.

  Smiling down at me, he shushed me. I hadn’t realized that I was crying out.

  “Shh, pet. I’ve got you.”

  Then he did something that we hadn’t tried yet: He kissed me.

  His mouth was warm and incredibly soft, his full lips gentle as they pressed into mine. He was soft, sweet, in direct odds with the power of his thrusts. With his teeth, he nipped at my lower lip, not hard at all. My reaction was to gasp, opening my mouth against his. He took the opportunity to snake his tongue inside, his hips pounding against mine at the same time so that I felt like I was being consumed by him.

  My legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him to me, needing him as close as he could be.

  His mouth made love to me the way his body claimed me.

  At some point, his hand released mine. My arms wound their way around his neck, pulling him closer as we kissed and moved against each other. His arm supported his weight above me, while the other caressed my body, my hair, my face. He seemed to need to touch me as much as I wanted him to.

  It was more than I ever could have hoped for.

  He broke the kiss suddenly, his body going rigid. His jaw worked tightly as I felt him stiffen within me. One of his hands reached between us. I wondered why until I felt his thumb brush against my swollen nub, sending shocks through my body.

  I realized why.

  He was reaching his climax and he wanted me to fall over that edge with him. I was about to tell him that that wasn’t important – he’d already brought me there once – when I felt the familiar building of pressure within me.

  It took only moments of his length buried within me and his fingers stroking my sensitive nub before I cried out to him again. He swallowed that cry with a kiss and then he spilled himself inside of me.

  It was unlike anything I’d ever experienced before, more than I ever expected.

  Exhausted, he pulled himself out of my sore, limp body and rolled over to collapse beside me. For several minutes, all we did was breathe heavily. I was too exhausted to do much more.

after a while, the bed shifted beside me. I was disappointed to see that Jude was getting up. In fact, I was… hurt.

  That’s not a good reaction to have.

  Unfortunately, it wasn’t one I could change.

  Jude found a pair of loose sweats and slipped them on as I let my eyes wander over his firm backside. Then he turned to me. “I forgot to ask, do you have any allergies?”

  I blinked at him. What? After all that… he wants to know if I’m allergic to anything?

  “Um, no, sir.”

  He nodded once. “Good. Feel free to get cleaned up. I made quite a mess of you.” My cheeks flushed crimson as I felt exactly what he meant. His fluids and mine both coated my inner thighs.

  He turned then to leave the room. I bit my lip and had almost convinced myself not to ask when it slipped out. “Where are you going?” As an afterthought, I added, “Sir.”

  Pausing at the doorway, he offered me a smile. “To bring you food. You need to eat after that. Then you’ll sleep. You need your rest; tomorrow’s going to be a rough day.”

  I stared at him wide eyed and watched as he grinned, then left. A rough day… I didn’t know exactly what I meant, but as I slung my feet over the edge of the bed and winced, I thought I could guess.

  That had been amazing, but it had left my body a hot mess.

  I went to the adjoined bathroom and cleaned up. I thought of how careful he’d been with me, until I asked him for more. How he’d treated me like I was precious. How he’d kissed me like he couldn’t get enough.

  Was that how all men were? Was that how all sex was? Or had this been… different?

  That was how it had felt to me. I’d gotten this feeling like he was making love to me, like I was the only woman in the world.

  “Don’t be an idiot,” I muttered to myself ruefully. “This is just a business deal. Don’t forget that.”

  After I was clean, he brought me a quick dinner that was mostly fresh fruit. Then he tucked me into bed like I was a kid, kissed my forehead, and told me to sleep. I couldn’t, not right away. I was too wired. And I wanted him to lie down with me. But eventually, I drifted off, only barely registering the dip in the bed or the strong, hard arms that wrapped themselves around my tired body.

  Chapter Twelve


  I woke to softness beside me.

  Sometimes when I would wake, there was this moment between sleep and consciousness that was like floating. It was soft and comfortable and a little disorienting, but in the best kind of way. It was holding onto a dream even after you felt it slipping away and it was as good a way to start your day as any.

  That’s what I thought this was.

  Softness and warmth. Being wrapped around a body that wasn’t a pillow. It’s the sort of feeling that every person out there craved, a universal need, even if not all of us were willing to acknowledge it.

  And here it was. Was it any wonder I thought I was still lingering in a dream?

  But as I slowly opened my eyes, my lids still lined in sand, I realized the truth. This wasn’t a dream. It was me, lying in bed with a beautiful brunette that had let me not only eat her pussy, but spill my seed as deep inside her as I could get.

  Fucking unreal.

  I was pressed against her from behind, her back against her chest and my crotch at her ass. My growing hard on was nestled between her cheeks, reaching as though to slide between her legs and repeat last night all over again.

  Which I wasn’t at all opposed to.


  Her voice was soft and sweet and definitely awake. I wasn’t sure how long she’d been up, but I had the feeling she’d woken before me. I wondered how long she’d spent backed up into me.

  I grinned a little as I thought of my cock having a mind of its own. Morning wood, wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it.

  Well, there is something I can do about it, if her pussy is feeling up to it.

  But I decided not to press that just yet. There were a lot of things I wanted from her today and I decided I’d start with focusing on those. I was willing to bet her pussy was sore from last night, especially since it was her first time. I didn’t want to make it painful for her, so I would wait if I needed to.

  “Good morning, pet,” I greeted her, my voice gravelly with lingering sleep.

  “Good morning… sir.”

  She was getting the hang of sir at least, but time to press some of the other expectations. “How long have you been up?” I asked.

  I felt her shrug in my arms. “Not long, sir.”

  “Alright. Go do your business then. After that, I want breakfast.”

  She shifted in my arms, turning her head so that she could look back at me. I was startled by how beautiful she looked first thing in the morning. Hair mussed, makeup gone, eyes wide and mouth small. “Breakfast?”

  “Mhm. I expect you to make it for me and bring it to me here in bed.”

  I wondered if she’d protest, but she didn’t. Instead, she pulled away from my grasp – my cock complained about this – and threw her legs over the side of the bed. She winced a little, I thought, but didn’t complain.

  “Can I have a robe, sir?”

  Ah, and now the fun began.

  I sat up a little, propping myself up on my elbow and grinning at her wickedly. “No, you may not.”

  She glanced back at me, her eyebrows high and her mouth parted slightly. “Sir?”

  “No robe. You don’t need clothing. You’ll be spending the entire weekend naked unless I give you something… specific to wear.” Like a collar, I thought but didn’t say. There were a few other straps and cuffs and things of that nature that also came to mind, but I shuffled them away for later. Start small, then build.

  She flushed from her face down her neck and to the tops of her full tits. It was a strangely erotic thing to see on her.

  When she just sat there staring at me, I raised a single eyebrow at her. “Is there a problem with that?”

  Quickly, she hopped up and shook her head. “No, sir. I’ll… get started on it. Is there anything you prefer?”

  I shook my head. “Surprise me.”

  She headed out the door then and I watched with appreciation. Her ass was perky and round, full but not overly large. It bounced just right as she walked and I felt the urge to swat at it again, just for fun.

  When she disappeared out the door, I rolled over onto my back and stared up at the ceiling. What are you doing, Jude?

  The situation came crashing down around me as I realized just how fucked up this was. I didn’t have a problem with paying her for sex or even for taking her virginity, though maybe a better man would have. I was paying her well for the experience, and I made sure it was good for her, too. She came twice last night and I doubted she’d find many men that could or would do that for her.

  Something hot and angry formed in my chest at the thought of her with someone else.

  Not a good sign.

  “I can’t do this with her,” I muttered to the ceiling.

  Because if this was all about sex or money, I wouldn’t have been concerned, but at some point last night, possibly while I was buried deep inside of her, I realized the truth. It wasn’t just about either of those things. It was about something more desperate, more primal. I had needed things and unexpectedly found them in her.

  Which was dangerous, because I could feel myself becoming attached. I wanted to keep her for myself, not send her back out into the world wiser and more experienced. I wanted to make her my submissive, to have her wear the clothes I picked out for her and to have her make my breakfast and to make sure she didn’t cut herself as she shaved her perfect pink pussy. I wanted her in bed, my hardened cock was proof enough of that, but I wanted her in my life, too.

  “I can’t fall in love with her.”

  And with those words spoken out loud, I realized my true worry: That I already was falling in love with her.


/>   Smart.



  How easy it would be to put her on a leash and keep her here all to myself. Just like I had with Sarah. And that thought was why it couldn’t happen.


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