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Wolf Desire: 5 Delicious Alpha Wolf Shifter Tales

Page 6

by Clarissa Black

  Interesting. A lot of foreign companies seemed to have entered the economy. Which is good for me but I wonder how those other local businesses are reacting to it?

  “As part of good will from the Tanada group. They will be holding a light meet and greet with their entire operational team. Local suppliers, company CEO, local workforce, and even our governor, will be present at the event. Everyone who wants to attend will be able to blitz in their state-of-the-art facility. I do believe they have a small events building in the facility.”

  I turned the radio down as another wave of emotion stunned me about Hideki. I mean he’s really here. After all these years. A ghost from my childhood in flesh. I don’t think I’ve missed him. I don’t know. There’s always that special place in our heart for the first of our loves. He was mine.

  Rice towers grew even sparser replaced by grazing cattle as I drove in the facility under the clear blue sky above me. A new book, I thought to myself. A new chapter in my life.

  Mud, glorious mud. My leathers boots hit slops of mud as I pulled onto the barely constructed driveway of this cow breeding facility.

  The smell of manure was overwhelming. I quickly placed my wrist sprayed with the eternal scent perfume over my nose. Looking around, it was a wonder I had found this place. I drove through a dilapidated service road with a small sign at the outpost.

  Dollops of mud now adorned my boots. I grabbed what I can of my gear, my briefcase, and some papers from the car and tried to balance myself towards the newly built office building. Everything was under construction it seemed like.

  The slippery ground of softened clay dirt must have caught my boots as I suddenly lost my balance and fell palms down to the slop of stinking mud. It was disgusting feeling.

  “Can I help you ma’m?” a bystander said as I tried to get up from the mud that had ensnared me.

  “No. I got it.” I said feeling embarrassed at the situation. First day in the office and already covered in mud. What a great professional worker I was.

  “Overalls. Ma’m. It would be good to have them overalls.” The man said as he pointed me towards the entrance of the office.

  I got up feeling disgustingly drenched with this vile mud. I suppose overalls would help after all, but what could be more helpful were extra change of clothes which I did not have. Groan.

  The mud filled doorknob, opened to air conditioned office space. They stared at me like I was sort of alien who just landed in their office. I mean people with suits and ties, most likely architectural workers and engineers stopped in their tracks and looked at me.

  “Oh you must be the new girl. Cindee was it?” said the woman sitting in the reception desk. She was a beautiful blonde haired woman with seductive lips and large doll-like eyes. I felt insecurity bite me with its sharp pangs.

  “Next time Cindee. Try parking from the front instead of the back. That part is under-construction. You should have followed the signs.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t see the signs.” Never-mind I was basked in mud on the very first day of work, but I had a feeling this woman did not like me. I mean she was the only woman here as far as I could see.

  “Here. Put these on. And sign the material release forms.” She plopped a box containing boots and overalls. Thoughts whether there must have been a misunderstanding hit me. I was supposed to be an architect, not a farm hand; why on heaven’s name would I put on a laborers outfit? Whatever, I’ll play along with this and see how far I would go.

  Cramped in the ladies locker, I couldn’t help but think about that time I spent with Hideshi. How he saved me from those school jocks. I’ve come a long way, I thought to myself. I don’t know exactly how I’ll feel when I see Hideshi. I removed my mud filled clothes and put on the overalls, boots, and a hard hat.

  Looking at the mirror, I felt a little funny with my get-up. I looked like someone who cleaned the sewers from the city which grew up in. I mean sure I had a cute face and free-flowing hair and hard curves from my aerobic regimen. But all the beauty I had was hidden in these overalls. I looked like a troll. I washed the remaining mud from my hair and went back to the office.

  When I returned I saw that the office had emptied out. Where the heck were they? I saw movement at the edge of the office, in one of those meeting rooms. Did that receptionist not tell me of a meeting in the first place? I’ve dealt with these types before. She most likely felt threatened by my presence here: another attractive female in a sea of male architects. Well damn, I’m also an architect and she should have treated me with respect. I hate these little office grievances.

  Butterflies in my stomachs stung like bees, reminding me of first day of school. I entered the room and was pleasantly surprised that it was a large auditorium. The people looked at me when I entered. Their eyes trailed at me as if I was again some alien landing from mars. Oddly, I was the only one wearing overalls. I didn’t know what her game was, but I wanted to kill her there and then. There were likely one hundred people in that auditorium, most wearing suits and ties. Probably suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, engineers, finance, and all white-collared professionals. I peeked and saw the luscious blonde hair girl sitting beside men that were obviously enjoying her attention. She looked at me with disdain, trailing me for a second, before curling her hair and facing another person.

  A sudden hand went up in the air, calling my attention away from the ditzy blonde bitch that had ensnared me in a dubious triangle of hate. My eyes trailed this hand raised in the air to a man sitting in the front row pew, usually a VIP section for investors and shareholders.

  To my amazement, dressed in a professional suit wearing sunglasses was Hideshi’s bodyguard himself – the Samurai. I couldn’t believe my eyes seeing that this man from years in my childhood did not even seem to age one bit. Everything about him still looked the same. I moved closer amidst the crowd to an empty seat, which was seemingly reserved for me. His motion was quite robotic and then he shifted his glance away from me and to the center stage.

  I couldn’t help feeling so out of place with my laborers outfit about to watch a business presentation. Good thing the presentation of the project was delivered in a swift 10 minutes. Japanese efficiency at its finest. When the speaker gave the final thought, I wondered where Hideshi was. Then from the corner of the stage, I saw him.

  Dressed in a ridiculously sexy business suit. He looked ravishing as ever. He had grown to maturity. The sharp angles of his face were clear in its distinct lines. His chin sliced of masculinity were just like his eyes, which were devilishly sexy to look at. I mean Hideshi was even better looking like those samurai in the movies. His suit was sharp, showcasing his muscular athletic frame; he was a collection of elegant, simple lines of efficiency, which drew the eye in a cadence of lust.

  I knew he wouldn’t make the center stage. These were the preferred style of Japanese taipans, which are business moguls – which Hideki now was.

  From what I’ve gathered from my research was that Hiddy hailed from a long line of samurai family. The family, however, started as scribes, artisans who preserved words in paper using their kanji writing systems. According to his story, and confirmed by my research, his ancestors were sent to Europe to learn about the Europeans. When the first Tanada returned to the homeland, he was not the same man. It was rumored that he had fallen in love with a Duchess of France but it had not been confirmed if they interbred.

  The family’s ascent to the samurai-warrior class was quick. His family had been known to have conquered whole tracts of lands; even at one point challenging the emperor of ancient Japan. Their banner as opposed to the flowery symbols of other clans was a large white wolf, the now-extinct canis hupus lattai.

  They also have been known as having instable psychologies. With his ancestors often building large castles in their estates and locking themselves in for prolonged periods of time. They were also known to entertain European visitors, a sort of ancient bloodlines that tied them together to the western world.
/>   Their western disposition had largely been a cause of great concern for the Emperor who had initiated a tokugawa, or great closing, a period of time when Japan had closed its borders to the outside world. The family fought this, even declaring war to the closed-mindedness of keeping an insular Japan. The Tanada clan, who wanted a free Japan, declared a war on the child of the sun, the emperor.

  The war of the sun and wolf had been long lost in history but a few scholars had recently uncovered the truth behind it. The sun had won during the time, and a great darkness descended upon the land. The imprisonment of his ancestors was swiftly followed.

  When the war for a new government of Japan broke out, the fledgling nation found itself as part of a highly globalized world. It needed help. The Tanada clan was again brought to light, serving as diplomats and politics into its affairs. They championed opening up the borders and allowing their culture to evolve with direct influence of other nation states.

  I know their history because ever since Hideshi left I’ve developed a strong fascination with Japanese history. I’ve just fixated on the idea of having another culture to learn and understand. Maybe it was my escape. My way of reconnecting with Hideshi. I don’t know. All I know is that I found beauty in their culture, and started incorporating much of their designs in my architectural drawings. When I was in college, I focused on Japanese style architectural design, which was not a mainstream concept.

  There really is a limited market for Japanese inspired architectural design in the USA. But I followed my heart and had mastered the rich details, and sophistry of their design. I loved their culture, and now that I think about it, could be the reason why I chose to date Asian men. Maybe it was the memory of Hideshi. But the more dated them, the more I felt closer to him. A psychological quirk maybe? But reading anime’s and watching Asian telenovela became my escape. It was a dream, an unfulfilled dream that I had for him.

  And here he was, standing a short distance from me. My high school sweetheart now in the midst of purchasing a major piece of food production in the world. When I again regained my composure, I realized the auditorium had emptied out, except for a loyal man next to me. He was wearing his shades.

  “Come. Cindee,” said the Samurai patiently waiting for me.

  We went back to the office and found that everyone had huddled together into small groups. I got funny stares for being the only woman and the only one at that wearing laborer overalls. Small plates were being passed around. When I got mine I looked at the most delicious looking beef I’ve ever seen. It was, apparently, kobe beef. A highly marbleized beef from Japan. It was enormously expensive in Japan, but with increasing technology, they were able to replicate their success here in American shores.

  Kobe beef was such a high quality commodity that it was the only type of beef that could melt just from the touch of one’s fingers. I plumped the beef in my mouth, and its deliciousness melted in my tongue. Its creaminess glided down my throat. I was amazed that anything like it even existed. There will be no doubt in my mind that Hideshi will have a very successful venture. I know Americans, and we love beef! If it’s this good, and it’s priced to sell, then we’ll all flock to it.

  Speaking of Hideshi, I saw him standing a short distance from me. He was being entertained by none other than that blonde secretary. She was gesturing to him, laughing, and even placing her hand on my Hiddy’s suit. But I could see through it, Hideshi, like as he was before, wasn’t showing any sign of emotion. He actually looked a little irritated. For a second I saw the Blonde secretary scrape her luscious breast on Hideki’s arm. I could see right through it!

  I was about to approach her and show her, but I was tapped on the shoulder. When I looked around me, I saw the guy who helped me earlier when I was stuck in the mud.

  “Ma’m jolly gee! This is good beef ain’t it? Them japs sure know how to treat a cow. Well I came here to get ya, you’re supposedly the arkitekt for that party out here on the weekend. The press-event” He said as he plumped one more bite sized beef into his mouth.

  “Oh yeah. The event.”

  I left the party with still a half-eaten kobe beef in my hands. Time to see where these succulent beef nuggets comes from.

  “What’s your name missy?” asked the man while we walked through the mud to the site of the new events building.

  “Cindee. Is there the new site map for the events building how come there hasn’t been any progress done on it?” I asked inquisitively. The event was less than a month from now and it had to be constructed as quickly as possible. It was going to be an impossibly close deadline.

  “I’m Dillon. Good to meet you ma’m.” He tipped his hardhat as to greet me. “I am the jack of all trades here ma’m. I live in the small town a few minutes away from here. I don’t know anything but construction, but they needed people so here I am. I am actually the animal protection specialist of the facility. And I help around where I can. It’s a good thing that these guys are providing us jobs because I don’t know what I’ll do without this work.”

  I agreed with him. That’s why we had to get this building constructed ready for the press event. But did he say, “Animal protection specialist?” I was confused about that -- did he mean the cows?

  “Well ma’m it’s been a little secret of the facility and I think you should know. I advise that you don’t go see them cattle ma’m. Especially alone at night. It turns out there is something killing off the cattle at night. We suspect it might a wolf. That’s why I’m here. If I can catch that stupid parasitic beast, I swear I’ll shoot it between its eyes.” Dillon said as he showed me his gun, a particular design I noted.

  “It’s Japanese ma’m. It looks futuristic ain’t it? Only gun allowed to be used in the facility,” he said as the chrome of the gun shone brilliantly against the sun. It looked more of a sniper, an advanced military grade arsenal. It looked it would shoot plasma energy bolts. I personally couldn’t handle guns, but his particular gun had such ascetic design to it, an architectural futuristic design. Like it was a gun version of a Katana, a revered Japanese sword. It looked awkward in the hands of this older man wearing mud splattered country clothes. “I see that you like it. It was given to me as part of my task to shoot down that dang wolf.”

  “Wolf? Out here in Omaha?” I pressed on as I inspected the soil, mentally tallying the amount of concrete we would need to pour in. We’d have to drain this water of the mud first then everything should fall into place.

  “Yes ma’m. I suppose these things happen. Especially with them tasty cows that we’re breeding here. Can’t blame those rascals as the beef is pretty good – top notch crem de la crem as the French would say. Anyways, I think I saw it one night. Pretty interesting story I got for you because I saw the old Japanese guy, Mr. Tanagi, right before it and I think he shot it. He had the same gun as I have.”

  The mention of the old man suddenly drew my attention. “Mr. Tanagi?”

  “Yeah the old man. He moves like a ninja though. One night during my watch he suddenly popped behind me and gave me those eerie friendly smile, like he was a cartoon or something. Anyways, that Mr. Tanagi is always out at night stalking the cow sheds or perched in roof tops. Something funny about that man though ma’m Cindee. I’d stay away from him if I were you.”

  Yeah, yeah, stay away from him. That’s what I should have done many years ago, but I insisted and that’s how I found Hideshi.

  Days peeled off the calendar. Time moves quickly when you like what you do. I was back at my apartment, away from the facility. In front of me was a sketch mold of my structural design. I peered at it, dissecting all the components that would make this structure both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Lost in time absorbed at my model, I was snapped to the present with the buzzing of my cellular phone.

  “Hey Jazzy. How you doing girl?” I said as I picked up without my eyes even leaving the model.

  “Very good thank you very much Cindee. How’s that project of yours going?”

/>   “It’s going great. I’ll be able to finish it for sure.” I proudly said. This shouldn’t be hard concept to pull-off Japanese-American influenced design. A mishmash of culture.

  “Well that’s great. I think you’re going to like what I have to say. I just received an employment fulfillment from none other than the Garden-Parion group. They’re looking for associates. They thumbed through your portfolio and was pleasantly surprised to see one of your works and requested that you work for them immediately. I mean it doesn’t happen very often. Actually it never happened before.”


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