The Hangover

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The Hangover Page 5

by Emma Nichols

  ‘You are gorgeous,’ Eva said. She closed the gap between them, leaned into Rosa and kissed her, lightly, tenderly. Her lips were warm, inviting, and Eva could sense the urgency they both shared. Still, she wanted to slow things down. Savour the moment. Connect with Rosa, become one with her. As Eva pulled back, Rosa’s eyes opened slowly. Her pupils were as dark as the night sky. Eva’s breath hitched. What she saw scared the shit out of her, but she needed to be brave.

  ‘You look pretty hot yourself,’ Rosa croaked, taking Eva’s hand in her own and opening the front door. Neither of them noticed the burst of warm air inviting them in, as their mouths clashed hungrily, and their hands worked frantically to remove the impeding articles of clothing.

  ‘Wait, I need a pee,’ Eva moaned as she pulled away and shot into the downstairs toilet.

  ‘Do I need to get your bladder checked out?’ Rosa laughed, though her body was still tingling from the feeling of Eva’s hungry hands on her.

  Eva had barely stepped back into the hallway and Rosa was on her naked body. Eva groaned with Rosa’s heat as their bodies connected along their length. Warm flesh on warm flesh: soft silky skin on soft silky skin. The urge to dive into Rosa, push her hard against the wall, and fuck her senseless, was driving Eva’s hands to work swiftly - too fast. She had to consciously pull back; open her eyes to see Rosa. She wanted to be present for Rosa, to be in her mind and body. To please her lover, like she had never taken the time to please any other woman. She wanted this for Rosa. She just didn’t know if she had it in her to go there. To go to depths she had never been before. What would happen if Rosa left her? What then? She would leave, eventually. They always did. And what if she had given her heart? Given all of herself, what then?

  Rosa’s eyes opened at the subtle shift she had sensed in Eva. Rosa wanted more, and she wanted it now. Physically. She needed Eva fucking her, making her come hard. Holding her close. Consuming her. ‘Fuck me Eva, please. I want you now.’

  Eva’s hands went to work, like a master craftsman, as she coaxed Rosa’s breasts with her mouth and tongue. She teased out a willing submission and Rosa’s legs struggled to hold her as an electrical charge fired through her cells, lighting every sense in her body. Eva manoeuvred her to the floor carefully, her fingers relentless in their task.

  ‘Ahhh!’ Rosa screamed. The breathy screams continued, building in intensity, slowly taking her to the edge. Eva shifted, pressed a thigh between Rosa’s legs and allowed the rhythmical pressure to guide them both. She pressed her lips hard against Rosa’s, and their tongues danced effortlessly, as they took all they could get - as if it might be for the last time. Eva rode her orgasm in silence; Rosa screamed wildly. As they came down, Eva kissed her lover tenderly on the lips and wiped the tears from her cheeks. They lay on the floor together for some time, no words passing between them. Rosa was the first to rise. She held out her hand. ‘Come on, let’s go to bed.’

  Eva rose into her arms, her lips meeting Rosa’s, and her hands cupping her cheeks. She pulled away holding Rosa’s stare, knowing the words she really wanted to say wouldn’t come. ‘Take me to bed,’ she said.


  Lauren paced the living room then stopped and picked up the short glass, downed its contents, and began pacing again. She ran her fingers through her hair and sighed. Valerie sat in the high-backed chair, looking even more fragile than ever. Even the Kir Royale in her glass had hardly been touched. Her deep-set eyes and thinning skin gave her a ghostly appearance, and her demeanour was a long way removed from her confident and controlling nature.

  Lauren stopped pacing again and looked directly at her mother. The older Vincenti’s eyes were vacant and Lauren felt the void between them. She wished she could make her a promise, but at this point in time, it wasn’t looking that good. On a positive note, her mother had been released. Although she had been allowed home, she was potentially subject to further questioning. ‘Did you help father?’ Lauren asked. She needed to know, even though the timing wasn’t right, and she might have been considered insensitive. She needed the truth.

  ‘No.’ Valerie’s tone held the determination that had gained her a reputation for so many years. ‘There must be another way. We have money. We can make this problem go away… and no one is going to prison.’ She was physically shaking by the time she had finished speaking her thoughts. Lauren looked at her mother intently. She hadn’t answered the question. Or had she?

  ‘Mother, are you okay?’ Lauren asked, walking across to the chair, and lowering herself to her knees, addressing her mother face-to-face. ‘Mother,’ she said softly. Valerie’s attention slowly focused on Lauren’s mouth, but the words hadn’t registered.

  ‘Sorry darling, what did you say?’

  ‘Are you okay?’ Lauren asked again, searching her mother’s face for something familiar and comforting to hook onto. She held Valerie’s ageing hands and squeezed lightly.

  ‘Sorry, yes I’m fine.’

  Lauren admired the stoic response, knowing full well this latest incident had knocked her mother sideways. Whether Valerie’s main point of concern was for her husband and herself, or whether it was all still about the Vincenti name, she hadn’t quite worked out. But whatever it was, it was taking its toll. Lauren squeezed her mother’s hands again and Valerie responded this time. The pressure on her own hands gave Lauren some reassurance that her mother wasn’t completely consumed by the turn of events.

  Valerie reached up and cupped Lauren’s face and Lauren turned to kiss the soft palm. ‘I love you darling.’

  Lauren’s eyes burned with the significance of the words she had always longed to hear. ‘I know. I love you too,’ she said, holding back the tears.

  ‘Thank you for coming so quickly.’ Valerie’s tone had shifted to one with more assertiveness and focus. ‘I didn’t ask, how are my darling granddaughter and Anna?’ she asked, pushing her own concerns to the back of her mind.

  Lauren’s heart melted at her mother’s sincere interest. Her smile had depth. ‘They’re fine, awesome in fact.’ Lauren could feel her eyes welling up again and pulled away from the intimate moment. ‘I’m wondering if they should come over here while we’re sorting this little problem out?’ Lauren asked. She had posed the question without really giving it much thought, on the basis that the timescales could be longer than she had originally anticipated.

  ‘I’d like that.’ Valerie said. Her smile was broad and lit up her eyes.

  Lauren straightened. She hadn’t expected her mother to agree in that instant, but she was delighted that she had. ‘If you’re sure?’ she asked, giving Valerie the time to adjust and maybe come to a different answer.

  ‘I think it would be wonderful. Take our minds off this ridiculous charade,’ she said, her words becoming stronger, as if she had already started to prepare for a fight. ‘In fact, why don’t you all stay for our first wedding anniversary and Christmas? It’s only a few weeks away and I’m sure you’ve got plenty you could be getting on with at the vineyard.’ The smile on Valerie’s face had more of a pleading than controlling expression to it, and Lauren felt her head nodding in response.

  ‘I’ll text Anna,’ she said.

  Valerie reached for the tall glass resting on the side table. The tiny bubbles started to rise again as she moved the glass to her lips, and she savoured the sensation on her tongue. ‘That’s better,’ she said. It was unclear to what she was referring. ‘Shall we have a snack before bed?’ she asked. ‘I haven’t eaten since lunch and that,’ she held up the glass in her hand, ‘has just gone straight to my head.’

  Lauren sniggered, stood, and reached out to help her mother out of the chair. Valerie linked arms with Lauren until she steadied herself and they walked arm-in-arm into the dining room.


  Eva opened the door to her mum’s office. She hadn’t bothered to stop for donuts, and not because she was already late.

  ‘Good morning Eva.’ Carine’s words came before Eva could see the tall blonde wom
an sitting in her mum’s chair. She started to roll her eyes then stopped herself, hoping the Parisian hadn’t seen her. She couldn’t have. She was still on the other side of the door. But, that was the feeling Eva was left with in the presence of Carine Delfosse. She could see through barriers. It was an unnerving feeling that caused her mouth to parch and her mind to go numb.

  Eva entered the room, which to all intents and purposes looked the same as it had done when she had left it on Friday afternoon. Except that it wasn’t the same. The soft, familiar, energy that had previously filled the director’s chair behind the desk had been replaced. And that change came with a sharp sensation that seemed to cut through Eva.

  ‘Morning,’ Eva said, in as chirpy a voice as she could muster, trying to ignore her disconcerting physiological response. She made a point of heading straight to the coffee machine - dumping her coat and handbag on the couch as she passed - and popping a pod into the slot, hoping the hiss and gentle aroma would settle the dark feeling sitting in her gut. She had tried not to make eye contact, but Carine’s gaze had followed her every step and she couldn’t fail but look up and catch her eye. Carine smiled. Eva felt the heat of assessment spread across her chest and up the back of her neck. The woman made her feel naked, and not in a good way, but there was also something else. A sort of power the woman wielded, effortlessly; a seductive force that drew you in.

  ‘I’ll have one please.’ Carine said. She paused, smiled, and for a moment Eva thought she noticed something akin to compassion in her eyes.

  ‘Sure, how d’ you take it?’ Eva grabbed a cup.

  ‘Double espresso, black, two sugars please.’ Carine watched Eva attentively as she prepared the coffee. She stood, walked around the desk, and sat on the couch, her weight barely making an impact where Rowena’s mark would most certainly have been felt by the leather seat. ‘It might be more comfortable here,’ she said, patting the cushion to her right.

  For the first time since entering the room, Eva noticed the box of donuts on the table and smiled to herself. Perhaps she had misunderstood Carine, after all. She took the two coffees and placed them on the short table in front of the couch.

  ‘That look suits you,’ Carine suddenly announced. ‘You didn’t strike me as the dressy type,’ she added, her eyes scanning down to Eva’s long legs, lingering at her exposed thighs as the dress rode up her legs when she sat.

  Heat invaded Eva’s body, her cheeks reddening instantly. This was one of the reasons she didn’t normally wear dresses. Whilst she enjoyed the attention other women paid her, a dress made her feel somehow more vulnerable. And that wasn’t the most comfortable of sensations. She fidgeted the dress down a fraction, raising a slight chuckle from the Parisian whose eyes hadn’t left her since she had entered the room. ‘Thank you,’ Eva said in a slightly hoarse voice, picking up her cup and sipping at the hot drink. The bitter taste hit the back of her throat and she shuddered. Carine smiled and reached for her coffee, sipping delicately, taking the strong coffee in her stride.

  ‘Right, let’s get down to business, shall we?’ Eva nodded. ‘Donuts. Help yourself,’ Carine said, reaching for the box and stealing a chocolate topped one.

  Eva looked on in surprise. Judging by the stick-like frame of the woman, and the fact that she had barely touched her lunch during their meeting the previous week, she had assumed nothing more calorific than a lettuce leaf would pass her lips. There was something more reassuring in the fact that she was now munching happily through the sugary, sweet cake. She smiled, comforted by the normality of eating donuts at the office, and dived into the box. ‘Where d’ you want to start?’

  ‘With you.’

  Eva winced, the donut poised on her lips. Her heart skipped a beat. ‘What about me?’

  ‘Everything. If I’m going to help you shape up to take over this business, I want to know what makes you tick,’ she said, enjoying the power she was exerting a little too much in Eva’s view.

  Eva froze. The accusation regarding her incompetence was one thing, but she hadn’t expected to be having any conversation about herself, and certainly not with this stranger. So, she didn’t understand why, in the next moment, her mouth opened, and words spilled out. The donut remained in mid air as she spoke. ‘I’m thirty-one years old and I’ve worked with mum since I left Uni. I studied Graphic Design, got a 2:1 and have worked on a whole load of different projects.’

  ‘No.’ Carine stopped her. ‘I’m not interested in what you’ve done. I want to know about you. What makes you tick? What you like, what you don’t? I know you like women for example, as do I.’

  ‘Umm.’ Eva stammered. She hoped the fire she felt inside wasn’t showing through her cheeks. Carine’s directness and openness sent a pulse down through her, and a warm, wet, sensation pooled between her legs. The woman was gutsy, there was no doubt about it. She knew what she wanted, and it seemed she wouldn’t think twice about how to get it either.

  ‘It’s all right I don’t bite. Let me tell you a bit about myself first.’ Carine finished the donut, wiped her hands on a paper napkin, dabbed at her lips and sipped at her coffee. Eva watched the preparation with slight trepidation and just an ounce of amusement, relieved that Carine was willing to share her story first. Eva placed the donut in her mouth and bit down, savouring the sugar on her tongue.

  ‘So, I’m forty-four.’

  Eva’s eyebrows raised, and she scanned Carine’s face and neck. ‘Wow.’ The word escaped her before she could censor her thoughts.

  ‘Thank you.’ Carine responded confidently. Eva’s eyes were instantly drawn to the bright white smile aimed at her. ‘I was married to a man, until seven years ago. I now live with my partner, Tori. She is forty-two and we met three years ago when I was working on a project she was managing. My parents have both passed on now and I have no siblings. I am focused; some might say pig-headed.’ She laughed, and Eva was instantly drawn to the soft lines that shaped her face.

  ‘Well mum can be pretty determined too,’ Eva added, with her own warm smile.

  ‘You have a lovely smile,’ Carine stated, her eyes lingering on Eva’s lips. ‘When you’re not up your own arse,’ she said, but with a lightness in her tone that softened the words.

  Eva smiled coyly. ‘You noticed.’

  ‘Haha. Errmm… Yes. You’re pretty easy to read. And I mean that in a nice way… not to freak you out,’ she added, before Eva had the chance to withdraw.

  Eva nodded. She’d never come across anyone saying she was easy to read. Even Rosa had never said that to her. Was she? Maybe. ‘So, what do you see?’ she asked, challenging Carine.

  ‘Oooh… Let me see.’ Carine leant towards Eva and studied her carefully, holding her eyes intently.

  The tingling in Eva’s gut expanded. She tried to hold Carine’s gaze. She wanted to know what the tall, temptress saw… and then again, she didn’t. The unnerving feeling was causing her to sweat, but at the same time she couldn’t explain the excitement that was also titillating her senses. ‘It’s okay, you don’t…’ she started.

  ‘Shhh…’ Carine pressed her index finger to her lips in a move that caused a rush of electricity down Eva’s back, the Parisian’s eyes continuing to explore the depths of Eva’s inner world.

  Eva’s eyes were suddenly drawn to the thin, shapely lips, delicately but perfectly painted. She cleared her throat and lifted her eyes, instantly locking onto Carine’s dark blue, near black, irises. She tried to swallow but couldn’t. She wanted to run, but felt rooted to the couch.

  ‘You have pain, a lot of pain. In your past, but it’s happening now too. You are frightened to love because you can’t deal with being hurt. Am I close?’ She asked the question with sincerity. Eva just nodded, the smallest of movements, but enough for Carine to continue. ‘There’s something missing in your life, but you don’t know what that is. Unanswered questions. You can’t settle, but you’re frightened to find out the answers too. You’re frozen in time. So, you drink, have casual sex, and hope
it will all go away.’

  Eva’s jaw dropped, and her eyes widened. ‘I don’t have casual sex anymore,’ she said, defensively, still trying to process the sweeping statements Carine had made, knowing full well that they weren’t too far from the truth.

  ‘Well, that’s good to know, I guess,’ Carine responded, but her smile didn’t convey that she was convinced. ‘You can be defensive, clearly. You isolate people and your communication sucks.’

  ‘Okay, I get it.’ Eva responded, sitting more upright, feeling something between seduced and battered by the turn in the conversation. Carine didn’t stop.

  ‘You’re also kind and loving, but this rarely comes through because of your fears, and when you really care about people you will move heaven and earth for them. The last bit doesn’t happen much though because you never allow yourself to get too close. I think there is a fun-loving person in you too, but again, it’s suppressed.’

  ‘Are you some psychic?’ Eva retorted.

  ‘No. I just know people. And I like you. But you are nowhere near fulfilling your potential and currently, from what I can see, pissing your life down the proverbial pan. I can spend the next few months pandering to your whim, or we can get it all out in the open now and get you up to scratch quickly. That’s down to you. The reality is, unless you own yourself Eva, you’ll carry on the same way as you have. It’s not rocket science. Any self-help book will tell you the same thing.’

  ‘Fuck,’ Eva mumbled under her breath. ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t realise you’d been employed to be my therapist,’ she muttered, beginning to stand.

  ‘Wait.’ Carine stood, rising above Eva to her full height of six-feet. ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you in the slightest. My interest is in getting you to a position to take over this business as quickly as possible.’


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