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Loving A Highland Enemy: Ladies of Dunmore Series (A Medieval Scottish Romance Story)

Page 18

by Freya, Bridget

  Ultimately, she had to explain to them that she had fallen in love with a Hanoverian and had every intention of marrying the man.

  Grace had no idea how they might respond to this news, but it had to be done if she was ever to have a future with Douglas.

  “Ye ken I’ll not be complete until I’m back in yer arms,” she swore to him.

  “Nor I. But it will not be long. I will be staying just a half hour’s ride from here. It will not be long at all until you have discussed things with your family. Should all go well, I will wait for you at the inn. Should they refuse to allow us to be together, please send word to me by messenger so that I at least know.

  “But remember this, Grace, my beautiful Grace; I will not accept a ‘no’ lightly. And while I would never harm you or your family, I cannot say that I will depart quietly. I will beg and plead with your father until he allows me to be your husband. I cannot allow us to relive the fate of my own parents,” he said passionately.

  Grace threw her arms around him. “They cannot keep me from ye. This is their chance to accept it. Should they refuse to do so, they have lost me forever. I cannae stay here without ye. Ye have become me everything, Douglas, and I am yers. They cannae stop that. I will be yer wife whatever the consequence. I promise ye,” she replied with equal desperation.

  They kissed deeply and lovingly once more before Douglas had to pull himself away with deep agony. They would be together again, but for this day, Grace had a mission to do and it meant being apart.

  Grace could not pull away from him, but as they both knew well that it had to happen, Douglas finally did.

  He called back over his shoulder from his position seated on the mare like a Scotsman, “I love you, my bonnie lass!”

  Grace laughed against the tears in her eyes at her darling speaking to her like that. It was a difficult sight, watching him leave her like that. Nevertheless, she knew it had to be done.

  Grace turned on her heels and made toward the castle.

  The first order of business was finding her friends and letting them know she was okay. She worried for her family as well, but in all truth, she needed help from her friends in how she might approach the subject of Douglas with her father.

  Her only fear was whether her friends would be willing to see her.

  She used the servant’s entrance. It was evening and she knew that it would be busy as they prepared for dinner, so Grace had to try to enter in disguise. She was in a nice dress, but it was terribly dirty.

  The servants on the other hand, wore simple, but clean, clothing. For that reason, she first went to the washroom when she saw it was empty and changed into a simple dress and bonnet hanging in there. She then wrapped a scarf around the bottom half of her face and practiced a cough to sell the idea that she was just an ill servant.

  After that, she made her way up the stairs, past servants who ignored her as they went about their duties. Up the stairs, she was on her way to Adeline’s room when she saw Joanna walking swiftly, looking at something in her hands.

  “Joanna!” she whispered loudly, getting her friend’s attention without alerting the guards to her place in the shadows.

  Joanna looked about to see where the voice came from and finally laid eyes strained on the ill servant.

  “It’s me,” she whispered again.

  Joanna’s eyes tried to peer into the darkness, but as everyone knew by now that her vision was imperfect, she could not understand why she was being ushered over.

  “It’s Grace,” Grace finally said openly, though still using her hushed tones.

  Joanna shifted her body backward for a quick second to adjust to this news. Then she looked around and saw that there were no guards nearby. “Quickly, we must get to yer room,” Joanna said, grabbing Grace’s wrist.

  They were fast, but the room was quite close, so it was only a few moments before they were in the door.

  “Grace! What the devil is going on?” Joanna demanded.

  Grace sighed. “Listen, Joanna. Much has happened. Truly, it is as if I am a changed woman. I am going to be married. To General Douglas Warwick. But I have to speak with Adeline. And I have to get me faither’s permission. See, I didnae mean to disappear like that.

  “It’s just that with the fight I had with Adeline, I couldnae sleep and I was desperate. I needed to do something, to be with him. Ye have to understand. I wasnae looking out to hurt anybody. I just wanted him in me life so badly,” Grace pleaded.

  Joanna shook her head. “That’s all well and good, but ye are a fool. People did get hurt. They are still hurting. They think ye are dead or worse. Ye have to make it right. And I dinnae ken about them, but if me daughter came home to ask to marry a man she ran off in the night for, I’d say no.”

  Joanna added the last part harshly, as tended to be her way. She was unconcerned about Grace’s feelings, or how it might be for her in this season. Joanna wanted her to understand the gravity of what she had done.

  “Anyhow, get yerself to Adeline. She’s the one who really needs to ken about it all. She was raging at ye for disappearing. Ye’ll eventually need to explain to that Grennock boy too, but truthfully, I think ye were right to cast him off,” she added in a cold manner.

  Grace felt horrible at thinking of these two people who were pained by her absence. It would take time to handle things with Callum. More time than she could bear at the moment. However, Adeline she could deal with immediately.

  “Joanna, ye’re right. And I ken Adeline’s room is close, but I cannae be seen just yet. Not until I’ve spoken to her and prepared to see me faither. Can ye bring her here?” Grace requested.

  Joanna rolled her eyes. “Aye.” She then went out the door and Grace waited.

  After a few minutes, Adeline entered with a look of pure shock on her face.

  “Adeline, please dinnae be angry with me,” Grace begged desperately.

  Adeline looked at her for a moment. “Grace, ye ken I dinnae want to be. I love ye and I want us to be close again as we once were. I am terribly angry with ye, but ye ken I cannae stay that way forever. Not with ye,” she promised. “For now, just tell me why ye ran off.”

  Grace sighed and prepared to tell her story. She shared how their fight had gotten so deeply under her skin that she finally realized the clear choice had been in front of her all along. The clear choice was not to marry Callum. Once she recognized that, it came over her to find Douglas.

  She went on to tell about being kidnapped in the woods after she went to find Douglas and then being taken to Fort Amswold as a prisoner.

  Adeline gasped when she heard Grace’s description of Major Dashfield. Grace was a known truth teller and the thought of her being before such a brute was difficult for Adeline to conceive.

  Finally, she talked about being rescued by Douglas, how they’d vowed to love one another forever, how they wished to be married and spend their lives together. Once she had finished, Adeline had tears in her eyes.

  “I can say for certain that ye’re forgiven. I am so proud of ye for following yer heart and choosing to be with the man ye love so dearly. What are ye going to do now?” Adeline asked nervously. Grace’s father was a good man, far kinder than the laird, but it would still be a challenge to gain his permission on this.

  “I have to ask me faither. I am frightened, Adeline. Douglas is half Scottish, but he has been fighting for the Hanoverians a long time,” she said.

  “The only way ye’ll ever ken is if ye go and try,” Adeline replied.

  Grace nodded and within the hour, she was on her way to speak with her father, who had been called to the castle upon hearing of her disappearance. The best place she could think to look for him after dinner was in the laird’s meeting hall.

  Grace made her way there and was seen by one of the guards. She had abandoned her disguise and looked more like herself now. The guard escorted her without so much as a word about her vanishing.

  She reached the door of her uncle’s hall and gave a
firm knock.

  The door opened to reveal a room inhabited only by her uncle and father, both of whom stared at her in shock.

  “Grace!” her father finally said after a moment of stunned silence, rushing to her. He threw his arms around her and she returned the gesture.

  “Where have ye been?” the laird asked in a less comforting manner.

  “I have much to tell ye both,” she replied. “Much of it ye willnae like, but be patient with me. I’m doing me best,” she promised. Her father nodded.

  Grace sat down at the table in the room, holding one of her father’s hands. “I’ve had quite the ordeal the past couple of days, but truly it was me own fault. I’ve a story to tell ye, Faither. One that I hope will leave ye in peace, but I am certain there will be parts that ye will not like so much,” she began.

  Grace went on to tell her father all about Douglas. A few times she saw him side-eyeing her uncle for being unaware of the things happening at Dunmore under his nose.

  By the time she finished her story, her father looked confused but delighted.

  “So this young man, the one who has saved you, the one who has learned that he can change and be kind and good, he wants to wed ye?” her father asked.

  “Aye, Faither. And I wish to wed him. He is truly a good man, whatever his past affiliation,” she implored.

  “He must be. He was a general, but he abandoned it for yer safety? That’s a good man if ever I heard of one,” he replied.

  Grace nodded.

  “Ye have me blessing over yer choice, Grace,” her father finally said.

  Grace’s face lit up with joy. It was everything she had ever hoped for.

  She and Douglas could be together. Forever.

  A Day Of Celebration And Delight

  Grace woke at dawn. She had much to prepare. The remembrance of the previous few months was a consistent surprise to her. She was getting everything she had ever desired and more. She was going to be his. She was going to marry Douglas.

  However, the day was only beginning. Adeline came through the door only moments after she woke and carried with her a tray of fruits, cheeses and pastries.

  Grace laughed. “What are ye doing with all of those?” she asked.

  “A gift for the bride! I have to be here to bring ye a good bit of pleasure, dinnae I? Ye’ve a big day ahead of ye and not a lot of time to refuel yer energy. I thought ye had best start early with it,” Adeline replied.

  “Thank ye,” Grace laughed again. “I cannae tell ye how much it means to me.”

  “If ye think ye need it now, trust me, ye’re going to need it more later on tonight,” Adeline teased, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. This got Grace laughing even more as Adeline typically made no such types of suggestions.

  Their friendship truly had mended in the month since she had been home.

  “Did ye hear about his faither? Is he coming to the wedding?” Adeline asked, referring to the many conversations had after Douglas informed his father about his marriage and all that he had learned of his heritage.

  “Aye. He is coming. Douglas had to go in person and speak with him to convince him that it was all true, everything about his mother. But alas, he is coming and is now supportive of our union,” Grace replied.

  Adeline smiled with delight and clasped her hands together.

  Both girls were truly grateful that this man had been willing to give Scotland a second chance after realizing that his young love had never wished to be parted form him.

  Grace was mostly just relieved that she would never have to be parted from the man that she loved so dearly. After today, they would spend the rest of their lives together.

  “Now, be fast and eat yer breakfast. Once ye’re done, we’ve got a whole lot of work to do on that hair,” Adeline warned.

  “Me hair? What’s wrong with it?” Grace asked, tugging a lock of brown waves. She knew it needed a good brushing, but beyond that, she wasn’t aware of anything dire about it.

  “Well, no offense, but all yer rides in the wilds have made for a rather untamed appearance. I ken ye dinnae mind that, ye’ve grown more and more like Colla by the day. But this is yer wedding. Ye’ve got to look tamed,” Adeline teased.

  Grace relented, but she allowed herself a bit of a pout as she did. She stuffed the cheese and pastries into her mouth, leaving behind the fruit as punishment to Adeline.

  Adeline laughed when she realized it, which caused Grace to laugh too and soon both were hysterical in their joy and excitement for the day ahead.

  “Calm yerself! What have I been saying all along?” Adeline challenged, still teasing.

  “Ye’ve been saying that I am a terribly amazing woman who deserves every bit of what is coming to her today. And ye’ve been saying that there’s no need for me to eat any fruit because me figure is already quite perfect,” Grace replied.

  After they finished with that, Adeline brushed Grace’s hair before telling her to go bathe and wash it. Grace did as instructed and ensured that her body was perfectly clean, that she smelled exquisite, and that she was prepared to be seen by her husband.

  When she came out of the bath, Adeline went to work on her now wet hair, brushing through the tangles again and easing it into smoothness. She would not allow Grace to look at herself yet.

  Adeline put just a few hints of power on Grace’s face and a bit of the kohl that she had been brought by her father once during his travels. After what had seemed hours, Grace was ready.

  “Ye mean I’m truly ready? I can see meself?” she asked.

  “Wait. Ye should put on the dress first. I think it’s better if ye see the whole picture as he will,” Adeline replied, grabbing the beautiful tartan and white gown that Grace was to wear.

  Once the dress was fastened and in place, Adeline smiled. She went and grabbed the looking glass and told Grace to close her eyes. After a moment, she opened them.

  The sight before her was someone else entirely. A brunette beauty with a cascading up-do of waves and curls. Blue eyes burst through the upper rim of black. Her skin was porcelain. Flawless, even. In addition, the dress hugged her curved perfectly in a way that left her feeling quite an amazing woman.

  “Adeline. How did ye do this?” she asked breathlessly.

  “Ha! I didnae. That’s just how ye look,” Adeline replied.

  Grace disagreed, but she was thrilled by the sight before her and could not wait for Douglas to see her.

  * * *

  “We are thrilled to have ye both join our clan’s family,” Grace’s father, Conner, said as he greeted Douglas and his father. The two men smiled and returned the sentiment that they were thrilled to be so welcomed by the MacGowan clan. It was a new dawn for both families, this union.

  “I am glad my son had the will to follow his leads and discover the truth. And I am glad that it was your daughter who helped him do it, as she is a lovely girl,” his father said honestly.

  For Douglas, watching the exchange between the two men was a joy he had never expected. His own father was accepting that the Scots were not who he had come to believe them to be. Much like Douglas, he had learned to forgive and move on from the lies he had been told.

  A lot had changed between the two of them and that peace was worth everything that had to be endured throughout the journey.

  It was also a delight to be joining this new family and the way in which Grace’s father had accepted him. Douglas could not believe he had been so fortunate as to find a man like this for a father-in-law.

  He was still sad for everything he had left behind, and his father was still attempting to clean up the mess in England, but at least there was a bit of peace and the knowledge that they would remain in Scotland, north of the battles.

  The two fathers went off to speak and discuss this new family dynamic and how they might use it to find peace between their two nations, but Douglas stayed behind, knowing it would not be long before his bride emerged.

  “You look amazing, my friend,�
�� came a voice. Douglas turned and a smile widened his face when he saw Richard.

  “My goodness, you came!” Douglas exclaimed, throwing an arm around Richard’s shoulder.

  “Of course I came. There was no way that I would ever miss something as grand as your wedding. Congratulations. I am thrilled that our efforts were worth it,” Richard said.

  “And you are one of the primary reasons this day was able to come to pass,” Douglas replied.

  “Well, it was worth every moment for me.”

  “So how are you here? They didn’t discover your part in the plan, did they?” Douglas asked in concern.

  “No, nothing of the sort. Honestly, I feigned a reason to take leave. But Douglas, I don’t know if I can return. I simply cannot serve under that man and it concerns me about the Hanoverian cause. Is that truly who we are?” Richard asked.

  “Why don’t you stay here for a bit? Stay and get to know the people of Dunmore. After my honeymoon, I will send for you and you can stay with Grace and I for a short time while we discuss a few things. You don’t have to go back, Richard. Not if you don’t believe in the cause. Especially if you don’t believe in the cause,” Douglas said.

  Richard nodded. “I will consider it.”

  Soon it was time for the wedding to begin and Douglas went and took his place to await his bride. The priest stood beside him, excited to be a part of the day of union between two differing nations.

  As Douglas watched, his beautiful bride came toward him. Her eyes were shining brightly and he could not take his eyes off them until he finally allowed them to fall over her curves. She was stunning to him, as if he was under a spell.

  Her smile was broad and wide, despite its small size. She could not have been more overjoyed, he could see, and neither could he. It was more than he could ever have hoped for the day.

  Upon reaching him, Douglas took Grace’s hand and held it tightly. The priest began the ceremony and all their guests sat tearfully excited by the union. It was splendid in every way.


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