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Secret Heir_A Forbidden Love, Enemies to Lovers, Royal Romance

Page 11

by MJ Prince

  “What the hell are you doing here?” I demand, aware that I’m being rude. Dani is gaping at me, as if I’ve just lost my mind. I scan the crowd then, because if Baron is here, then it means that Raph must be close by. But I don’t see him.

  “Relax, sweetheart, I’m not stalking you. Lance is playing in the battle tonight. I’m here to support.”

  Dani lets out a yelp.

  “Lance is playing?” she asks.

  Baron notices her standing next to me then.

  “Yeah, he’s playing with his band—you know the Ten Knox Nails.”

  “No way! Lance is in Ten Knox Nails?” Dani’s forgets her usual star struck demeanor whenever she’s around one of the Dynasty heirs and it’s replaced by her enthusiasm for music.

  “Yeah, they rock. You’re Dani, right?” Baron says, flashing that smile that no doubt makes all the panties on campus drop.

  Dani and I are both surprised that he knows her name. Somehow it makes him less of an ass in my eyes.

  “Yeah, nice to meet you,” she replies, reverting back to shyness.

  He regards her curiously for a moment.

  “Do I know you from somewhere?” he asks, and we’re all confused now.

  “Yeah, she goes to your school, remember?” I say, sarcastically.

  Baron only shakes his head and his eyes look like they’re trying to piece together a puzzle. Clearly thinking makes his brain hurt, because he doesn’t look like he’s enjoying it.

  “No—I mean somewhere else?”

  I see Dani flush then and now I’m curious.

  “Well, ah … my parents are workers on the Aldebran estate so …”

  My eyes dart to Dani in surprise. I wonder why she hadn’t mentioned this before. But then I know all too well what it’s like not to want to tell people about your background, because you don’t want anyone judging you. I get that and I can respect that. I remember then what Dani told me on the first day of school, about not being of noble lineage. But I find myself admiring her courage all the more now—all these years she’s had to go to school with these privileged pricks, all of them probably looking down their noses at her because her parents are the hired help.

  I feel myself stiffen as I watch Baron’s reaction, ready to tell him to get lost if he says anything even remotely derogatory. But he just flashes that easy smile, not a hint of snobbery.

  “So, about those drinks—can I get you girls one?” He asks.

  Despite his surprisingly cool reaction to Dani’s revelation, the invitation still makes me eye him suspiciously, and my guard is back up.

  “Why? Are you going to piss in them?” I ask, eyes narrowed.

  Baron throws his head back and lets out a loud laugh, which is kind of infectious.

  “No, of course not. Call it a peace offering,” he replies, eyes twinkling.

  “I need to go help the band set up, but you guys go ahead,” Dani says then.

  “You’re playing?” Baron asks.

  “Yep. Gotta go—you’ll be okay here, right, Jazmine?”

  I want to say no and beg her to stay, but I know that would be ridiculous. So, I nod and force myself to smile.

  “Well …?” Baron prompts, gesturing to the bar.

  I think it over. I still don’t trust him, but I guess a truce with at least one of the people responsible for making my life a living hell, can only be a good thing.

  “Fine. But I’m going to the bar with you—just in case.”

  He looks offended.

  “Jeez, you think I’d drug your drink? Got trust issues much? I may sleep around, but I don’t need to drug girls to get them into bed with me. I can do that with just a smile.”

  He flashes me what must be his most charming smile, and I let myself laugh in response. This guy is incorrigible, well aware of his reputation and proud of it. Somehow, it doesn’t infuriate me like it does when it comes to Raph.

  “Not that this is me trying to get you into bed—I mean unless you want to.”

  His eyes travel the length of me, and I can see that the little black dress has got his full attention.

  “Because I mean—damn, sweetheart, that dress is … just damn.”

  I roll my eyes then.

  “Just get me the damn drink,” I retort. “I’ll have a vodka and soda.”

  We stand at the edge of the dance floor with our drinks. The place is rammed and I don’t see anyone else I know. A group of guys who Baron says are from the soccer team greet him with some fist bumps and macho hugging as they pass. But other than that, I don’t see anyone that I know. I’m still not convinced that Baron is here alone, but I don’t ask about the other Dynasty heirs. Mostly because I don’t want to know.

  “Look, I know you haven’t exactly been welcomed with open arms. I’ve played my part in that. But you’re one hell of a fighter and I guess what I’m trying to say is, that I respect you for that.”

  I find myself smiling in response to that.

  “Thanks—I think.”

  “Besides, anyone who has the guts to throw their lunch on Raph in front of the entire school, is okay in my book.”

  I let out a laugh then, because in hindsight, it was pretty damn funny.

  “And don’t even get me started on how pissed he was when you blew up his ride.”

  I laugh even louder, and he joins in.

  “Man, he was so pissed, I think he busted an artery. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a solar eclipse on Earth as a result.

  “Throwing his trophies into the ocean is probably my favorite, though.”

  I cover my face, and let out a groan. Not that I feel bad for what I did. The fucker deserved it.

  “Couple your kickass attitude with the fact that you’re drop dead gorgeous, and I think you’re pretty much every guy’s dream girl.”

  I get the feeling that Baron probably gives compliments out to girls like candy—everyone gets one. But I’m not offended by that, Baron doesn’t pretend to be anything other than he who he is—he’s fun and I guess in that moment, I’m long overdue for that. Plus, there’s the fact that he doesn’t make my skin feel like it’s on fire whenever I’m within two feet of him or make me feel like my insides are being put through the grinder whenever we lock eyes.

  I roll my eyes in response to his words.

  “Oh, come on, don’t tell me you don’t know how fucking gorgeous you are?” He echoes Dani’s words from a few days ago.

  “Because, I know that every guy at Regency sprang a boner that first moment you walked onto campus.”

  “Ew.” I cringe and Baron laughs in response.

  “If that were true, then I wouldn’t be standing here all alone with you. Most guys at school treat me like I’ve got some contagious disease.”

  Baron winces then. “Blame that one on Raph—he pretty much warned every guy to stay clear.”

  I think that’s odd. But Baron is probably referring to the school-wide outcast label that I’ve been given and for that, I do most definitely blame Raph.

  Baron and I get through two more rounds before Dani’s band starts playing. I’m no battle of the bands expert, but they’re pretty damn good.

  “Your friend Dani’s an amazing singer,” Baron says as the band moves into their second set. I agree with him. she’s absolutely amazing and on stage the girl next door is replaced by a star who’s difficult to look away from.

  “Wanna dance?” Baron asks. I hesitate at first, but the alcohol in my system, coupled with the irresistible beats blaring from the stage, makes me want to get on the dance floor. Plus the fact that, pervy jokes aside, Baron is surprisingly a pretty decent guy.

  We move to the upbeat tempo, singing or more like shouting along to the songs. Baron keeps his hands to himself, apart from twirling me around a few times. It’s during one of those twirls that I spot something, or someone across the room which makes my stomach drop.

  Raph is walking in through the club entrance, Layla in tow. I look over to the far corner, which
looks like the VIP section and see that Keller and Ivy are already there, along with a group of people who I recognize from the popular table.

  Heads turn as Raph enters. I don’t think the guy can even help it. He’s that irritatingly beautiful. It’s almost impossible not to look his way. Plus of course, there’s the fact that he’s next in line to the throne. I realize that he probably can’t go anywhere without people knowing who he is.

  Tonight he’s wearing a plain black sweater and dark jeans. His golden hair and skin glow, even in the dim light. Those impossibly blue eyes lock onto Baron and me almost instantly. Layla is raging at him about something. Clearly they’re in the middle of some kind of argument. If I think that my dress is indecent, then Layla is practically naked in her nude, skin tight dress, with so many cut outs, that she actually does just look naked. Guys are visibly drooling in her direction. But Raph, who her attention is fixed on, isn’t paying her a shred of attention as she grabs onto his arm. He’s too busy giving Baron and me the look of death. He looks like he’s fuming and I have no clue why.

  Dani’s band finishes their set and bows before going backstage. The crowd erupts with applause and I see Lance walk on stage next with a group of four other guys. The song which starts up is a slow one.

  I feel awkward at first but Baron’s easy going manner makes it difficult to stay that way. He draws me close, but keeps a respectful distance as we begin to sway to the lead singer’s raspy vocals. Lance is playing electric guitar, and even in the midst of the other instruments, I can hear how good he is.

  I’m so busy trying to block out a certain pair of burning blue eyes, that I don’t sense Raph approaching, no, more like stomping towards us, until he’s standing right in front of me.

  “What the fuck is this?” he demands. If his expression from afar looked like he was fuming, then up close he looks positively furious.

  I stare back at him in confusion, because I have no idea why he’s so pissed. Not one. I can feel people beginning to stare. Most notably, the people in the VIP section, Keller, Ivy and Layla included. Layla’s eyes are narrowed to slits and she looks like she wants to claw my face off.

  Baron looks alarmed by Raph’s apparent rage. But I’m not. I’m just angry.

  “What does it look like?” I snap back.

  “It looks like you’re standing here in not enough clothes, with your tits on display and your hands all over someone else.”

  I try to block out his words, but his insult stings and at the same time, I’m utterly baffled by his reaction.

  “Fuck you, asshole—and what do you mean by someone else?” I shout back. “As opposed to who?”

  “Raph, calm down,” Baron is interjecting now, trying to pull Raph away.

  “Sorry,” Baron shoots an apologetic look my way and he’s looking between me and Raph, as if Raph has lost his mind. I think I agree with him.

  “Just stay the hell away from us,” Raph seethes.

  I don’t know what makes me do what I do next. I could blame it on the alcohol, but I think it has more to do with the way those impossibly blue eyes burn into me.

  I walk over to Baron, closing the distance between us as I pull his head down and kiss him. Baron is surprised at first, no, more like utterly shocked. He recovers quickly and kisses me back after a second, taking control of the kiss as his tongue sweeps into my mouth. I have very little kissing experience. In fact I have none. But Baron clearly has plenty for the both of us. He lives up to his reputation, because he is a damn good kisser. There’s no butterflies or fire or any of the other crazy things that you hear about in romance novels. But it’s a damn good kiss.

  I break away and Baron looks a little dazed. Raph, however, looks like he’s about to lose his shit.

  I don’t stick around to watch. Fuck him.

  I turn on my heel and walk away, well aware that everyone is witnessing this floor show.

  I catch a glimpse of Baron and Raph as I walk out of the bar, still standing in the middle of the dance floor, locked in some heated argument. What the fuck ever.

  I send a text to Dani to tell her that I left early and that I don’t need a ride back to campus when I realize that I have no idea where I am and I also think I’m drunk. I contemplate going back to the bar, but I can’t bear the thought of seeing that asshole’s stupid face again.

  I’m just about to text Dani again, when I hear the rumble of an engine behind me, following me down the otherwise deserted street.

  I can feel my skin prickle with panic, but I force myself to stay calm. I command myself to keep walking, my gaze darting around for any sign of safety. The shops lining the darkened street are all closed, and there doesn’t seem to be any houses on this street.

  I can see a gun metal sports car in the corner of my eye. I don’t recognize it. I hear the sound of the electric window lowering and I almost scream when someone says my name.

  “Jaz, get in.”

  I whirl around to find that infuriatingly perfect face looking back at me from the driver’s seat of what is probably his new ride.

  I let out a harsh laugh as my nerves calm.

  “No. Fucking. Way.”

  Raph lets out a growl of frustration.

  “Get in the car, Jaz,” he repeats.

  “Are you deaf?” I shout back. “I said no.”

  “If you think I’m going to leave you out here when I know that you’re drunk and you have no idea where you are, then you’re wrong.”

  I stare back at him in confusion.

  “What the fuck do you care, asshole? You hate me, remember?”

  He gets out of the car himself then and all six foot three of him towers over me on the sidewalk.

  “Please, just get in the car.” I don’t know whether it’s the alcohol making me hear things, but his voice sounds different—gentle in a way that I don’t think I’ve ever heard him speak before.

  My confusion only grows; but he’s right—I am drunk and I have no idea where I am. The stubborn part of me would rather get lost and mugged than get in the car with the guy who has made my life here in Eden a living hell so far. But I know I’d only be punishing myself. Plus, I fully believe that this equally stubborn asshole will just continue to follow me if I don’t get in.

  I say nothing as I let Raph open the passenger side door for me and I climb in.

  The silence in the car is both painfully awkward and deafening. The atmosphere in the small compartment is so charged, that I’m finding it hard to breathe, even though the window is fully open.

  “I’m sorry for what I said earlier. I was …I was just pissed and I didn’t mean what I said,” Raph says haltingly, as if apologizing is a foreign concept to him. It probably is.

  Once I get over my initial shock, I turn to him. I don’t ask him for an explanation of why he was pissed, because I don’t think I want to know the answer.

  “Did that hurt?” I ask instead.

  “Did what hurt?” he replies, frowning.


  He surprises me by laughing. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him genuinely laugh before and it makes him look almost innocent. Almost.

  We fall into silence again and I look out at the darkened streets as we pass, once again surprised by how similar everything looks to Earth.

  I don’t know what makes me ask the next question. It could be the alcohol in my system or the darkness of the night that makes it feel like it’s safe to bare something.

  “Isn’t your girlfriend going to be super pissed that you just walked out on the gig and left her there?”

  Raph is silent for a long moment.

  “If you mean Layla, then she’ll be fine. There’s plenty of other guys there to keep her entertained … and she’s not my girlfriend anymore. It’s not like that between us.”

  I don’t really know what that’s supposed to mean, and I don’t know why I care.

  I wait for him to bring up my kiss with Baron, but he doesn’t. I don’t know why I feel disa
ppointed. Of course, he doesn’t even give a shit, because as I have to remind myself, he hates me. This uncharacteristic act of mercy doesn’t change that.

  Neither of us speak again until Regency Mount looms on the horizon. The sight reminds me that while there seems to be a temporary cease fire tonight, tomorrow we’ll still be enemies. Still, while we’re still under the cover of the night, I bare another piece of myself.

  “Most days I think you’re right, you know.”

  I can feel those blue eyes turn to me, burning bright, even in the darkness.

  “I don’t belong here.”

  “When I saw you in elements class today—what you did … I can’t do anything like that. I don’t have those kinds of powers. I shouldn’t be here. I mean I’ve gone through ten different foster homes, ten different towns and I didn’t belong in any of them. I don’t know why I thought that this place would be any different.”

  I look over at Raph and find him gripping the steering wheel so tightly, that his knuckles are turning white.

  He closes his eyes for a split second, rubbing his brow in a gesture of frustration.

  “Dammit, Jaz,” he lets out a frustrated groan, but says nothing else.

  Eventually, I feel my eyes drifting shut and I let myself float into the darkness.


  “What the hell happened last night?”

  Dani’s voice is way too loud in my ear and I hold my cell away from it. My head is pounding with what is definitely a hangover.

  I start to explain myself, although I actually have no idea how I got back into my bed. I remember dancing with Baron, kissing Baron, Raph being furious, me walking out of the club, Raph following me, then taking me home.

  I think I must have fallen asleep in the car, because I have no recollection of how I got back to my room. Only that I woke up this morning still fully clothed, and tucked into bed. Did Raph do that? The thought of it makes my head spin in confusion, which is the last thing I need, given my hungover state.

  “I heard that Raph saw you dancing with Baron and he completely lost his shit, then you and Baron kissed, and he started laying into Baron right in the middle of the club.


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