Freshmen Fifteen (Love 101)

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Freshmen Fifteen (Love 101) Page 4

by J. Nichole

  “Now that you have given up your cookies, do you feel any different? Jessica said we were naive. Do you think you’ve gained any wisdom from your night with Devon?” I lean my face on my hand and stare into her hazel eyes. Nope, I still don’t see the glow.

  “Girl, Jessica is crazy. You know she lost her virginity a while ago. She would say anything to make herself feel better. I don’t think losing my virginity all of a sudden made me so much more aware of my surroundings. Don’t let it get to you. Your time will come.” She reaches over and pinches my cheek.

  Tanya knows just how to calm me down. I appreciate her reassurance. Although it doesn’t matter much. Had she said otherwise, it’s not as if I have a man around to help me test the theory.

  “I’m starting to get hungry. Are you ready to eat?” I’m glad she asked. The sound of my stomach rumbling is getting louder than the conversation.

  “Ready to eat is an understatement. I hope your mom cooked up enough to feed an army ‘cause I feel like I could eat a cow right about now.” We both laugh and head into the kitchen.

  As we approach the kitchen, I can still hear what seems to be arguing between Tanya’s parents. This isn’t unusual, they typically bicker about politics or something going on in the news.

  Tanya’s mom is in front of the stove and her father is close beside her, hovering a few inches taller than the stainless steel refrigerator. The natural, earthy colors are the direct opposite of the mood in the room. Tanya motions for me to sit down with her at the island.

  “I would have done the same thing if I were his mother. These fraternities take it too far sometimes with the hazing. If Josh came home all busted up I would have reported the frat too. I don’t see how you couldn’t. You would just turn your head to your child being hurt?” Tanya’s mom has one hand on her hip and the other flailing in her husband’s face.

  Tanya’s dad laughs and looks at us. “You girls ready to eat? Your mother and I were just discussing a hazing incident that happened at A&T. We’ll have to agree to disagree on this matter, babe. If Josh allows another man to hit him, he would have to deal with the consequences.”

  We fix our plates and sit down at the table. Josh isn’t here. I wish we could have another night together without Tanya ruining it.

  “Laila, are you all set and ready for orientation in a few weeks?” Tanya’s mom passes me the broccoli casserole.

  “Yes ma’am. I’m looking forward to all that orientation has to offer. This is the first year I’ve wanted the summer to pass by quickly.”

  Mrs. Jones gives me a warm smile. “Oh dear, I understand. That first year of school, you will make some of the best memories of your life. Just remember while you are having fun that you are there to get an education. The last thing you need is to be sent home for your grades.”

  “Amen, Mrs. Jones. Besides missing out on more fun, my parents would kill me if I were sent home. What was one of your favorite memories from your freshman year?”

  “All my years of college were memorable. I truly lived out the full college experience. You both will soon learn that college is not all about the education you receive, but also the memories you create and the relationships you build.” She pauses and looks at her husband. “If I had to narrow it down to one memory, it would be my campaign for the royal court. At A&T, the campaigns are intense. People go all out to win a spot on the court or the student government. The fact that I won wasn’t as memorable as the fun I had campaigning. I was all over the place, meeting tons of people. Many of the people I met are still my closest friends today.” She pats her husband’s hand.

  “Mom, did you party a lot your freshman year?”

  Tanya’s mom snickers. “Did I party? Of course, I partied! What’s your college experience without partying? Of course, I was responsible though. Which I can’t stress enough. You girls will have plenty of opportunities to party. Remember … while at the parties, if offered liquor, don’t go overboard with it. Watch out for each other and make sure you all make it back to your room safely.” She waves her finger in Tanya’s face. “You should also make sure you get your butt up for classes the next day. The problem with some college students is that partying becomes their priority and going to class takes a back seat.”

  “Sounds like you had some fun college years, Mrs. Jones. What about you Mr. Jones? I’m sure pledging made your experience a lot of fun.”

  “You got that right, Laila. Kappa Alpha Psi till the day I die!” He does a shimmy. “Playing basketball and joining the frat made my experience very enjoyable. I partied as much as Mrs. Jones did. But playing ball limited the amount of time I had to really kick back. Between traveling with the team and making sure I kept up with my classes I stayed pretty busy.”

  “I’m so excited for you girls. These next few years will be life changing. Are all the plans set for orientation? Laila, I know we all agreed we would travel down together. I have to talk with your mother about what time we should leave.”

  Tanya groans. “Yes, mom, we have all the plans together, and Laila and I can work out what time we should leave. Do you know if Josh still plans on riding down with us?”

  “Yes, I believe he will still be coming.” She shrugs her shoulders. “I haven’t seen the two of you around each other much since last weekend. Was everything okay? Or do you two just need a break after all that time together?”

  I wish I had a camera to catch Tanya’s bottom lip fall and her eyes buck out as her mother mentioned the weekend at the Wharf. I had to look away to keep myself from laughing.

  Tanya gulps. “Yes, we are good. You know Josh likes to do his own thing. Hanging with us was probably cramping his style.” Thank God, she recovered quickly.

  “Thanks for dinner. As always, it was delicious. I know one thing for sure, I will miss these home-cooked meals while we are at school.” If the food at school is anything like the food at the high school cafeteria, I’ll lose weight instead of gaining the freshman fifteen that Josh mentioned.

  In Tanya’s room, I joke with her about her mom’s comment. I hear a car door closing outside. My stomach flutters. I hope it’s Josh.

  A few minutes later, there is a knock at Tanya’s door. I jump. “What’s up? I saw Laila’s car outside and just wanted to say hey. You been good?”

  He flashes that smile, and as always, I just about melt. “Yeah, I’ve been good. Haven’t seen you in a few days. How have you been? You aren’t hiding from us, are you?”

  Josh shoots a look at Tanya and stares at her for a few seconds. I turn to look at Tanya briefly before turning back to Josh to watch his biceps flinch.

  “Don’t look at me like that. You are acting like somebody’s daddy.” Tanya rolls her head. In a whisper, “Acting like you haven’t been fucking for years.”

  Josh nods his head, “Let’s see if mom and dad will feel the same.”

  Chapter 7

  My mom peeks in my bag. “Do you have everything you need for the weekend?”

  “Yes. I think I have everything and even if I don’t, you and dad will not be far away. I just hope I can stay in the dorm for the entire weekend. Not sure if I’m ready to commit to the lifestyle quite yet. I’m really not excited about the shower situation.”

  My mom laughs. “Laila, even if you aren’t ready to commit, it won’t be long before that will be your reality. So, you might as well get used to it now. But you’re right, your father and I won’t be far. Even if you do decide it’s too rough, you can stay at the hotel with us. Let’s finish up. I’m sure the Jones’ are all ready to go and should be pulling up shortly. You know how punctual they are.”

  Just as my mom walks out of the room, my phone starts to vibrate with a text from Tanya.

  We will be pulling up shortly. Let’s roll!

  Before starting our trip, we decide to stop at a breakfast spot. A little hole in the wall that has the best pancakes in Fort Walton Beach. I’m a little disappointed that Josh decided not to join us. Having him here to admire woul
d have made this early start much better.

  We quickly finish eating. “I’m ready, are you guys ready to go?” I look at Tanya, who starts doing a dance before hopping out of her chair.

  “What are you girls rushing for? It’s only a three-hour drive.” My dad shakes his head towards Mr. Jones. “I guess they are excited. Let’s go.”

  As we are driving, my parents decide to take a trip down memory lane, telling me about their time at college. As they reminisce, I have a flashback of pictures from their younger years. I laugh at the memory — bell-bottoms, floral shirts, and afros.

  We are about an hour into the ride, and my phone vibrates with a text from Tanya. I look out the back window and see the Jones’ car closely behind us.

  Does your breakfast feel like it is about to come back up?

  I knew we shouldn’t have picked that hole in the wall before this road trip.

  I feel like shit. We may have to pull over soon.

  That’s odd, I feel fine. “Hey, do you guys feel sick at all? Tanya just sent a text saying she feels like she is about to throw up.”

  My parents say they feel fine, and luckily, we make it to the hotel without needing to pull over for Tanya. It was a quick trip, but I definitely need a stretch break.

  I love when my parents pick the DoubleTree hotel. I quickly devour the chocolate chip cookie. If only I could get that cookie recipe.

  We stash our bags in the room, freshen up, and then leave for the campus.

  Welcome to Lee University Freshman Orientation the banner across from the check-in area on campus announces. It is beautiful. I begin to clap when we pass it.

  I’m in awe of all of the sexy men I see walking across campus. I also see quite a few fly ladies. Unfortunately, I see more women than men. I’ve heard about the ratio of men to women in college, but I didn’t think it would be this noticeable. I pull out my mirror and do a quick check to make sure my hair and make-up are in order.

  As we pull up to the dorm room we are staying in, Tanya and I exchange looks. I feel my parents watching me for a reaction, and I fake a smile.

  Our parents start laughing, saying how their dorms would have been much better, even twenty years ago. Tanya and I will have to suck it up and get through this weekend or we will never hear the end of this.

  Our room is bare, with the exception of twin beds. I ignore the dust piles in the corner and the unfamiliar stench. We put our bags down and throw out sheets and pillows. We don’t get too comfortable because we have a meeting on the other side of campus shortly.

  Unlike our dorm rooms, the campus is nicely manicured, with several new buildings. As we walk to the auditorium, our parents seem to be impressed with what they see — the campus. But Tanya and I are in awe of the men we see in passing.

  I joke with her. “So who is Devon?”

  She smirks, hits my arm, and then grabs at her stomach as she laughs. Rubbing her back I ask how she’s feeling.

  Just as Tanya is answering, we arrive at the building and step inside the large hall. “I’m feeling...”

  I nod my head as I take a look around the auditorium. Several conversations from random people distract me from Tanya’s response. Suddenly I’m stiff as I look around the room. This is it, I’m in college!

  Finding seats for all of us is difficult, but there is a row away from the stage with six seats together. The distance from the stage won’t matter, it’s not like we are here to see a performance.

  I lean over and whisper, “Tanya, I hope you start feeling better soon. We have so much to do this weekend. Being sick will kill it.”

  The students and administrators on the panel introduce themselves. There’s a senior on the panel who catches my eye. When he talks about the extra-curricular activities, his voice captures my attention. I squint my eyes and lean forward, wishing now that we were closer to the stage.

  Even from here, I can tell he is attractive. He takes control of the stage. Unlike the other panelists, he stands while he talks. Not tall enough to be on the basketball team, but he has an athletic build. His boyish grin contrasts with his manly face, which is trimmed with a goatee.

  The other panelists chime in to tell us about the schedule of events, how to prepare for the fall semester, and what we can expect for the next four years. I try to listen, but their words are faint.

  As the presentation wraps up, I look over at Tanya and see sweat dripping down her chest and her face is flushed. “Girl, are you okay? Should we get you out of here before you get sick?”

  “I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I feel terrible. I need to kick whatever it is so I can enjoy the weekend. Besides, sounds like we also have some work to do.” This weekend won’t be all play. Before we can register for classes, we have to take our entry exams to determine which level of classes we qualify for.

  We leave out of the hall and decide we should take a walk around the campus before grabbing a late lunch. While we are walking, a few people hand us flyers for parties. A few of the parties are near the campus and the others will have shuttles from campus to the parties. I’m pretty sure we can make it to at least one party.

  My cotton shirt is clinging to my body. I lift my arms a few times to avoid the inevitable sweat stains. A fan, a breeze, someone blowing in my face would be nice right about now. I never realized how much the Gulf kept Fort Walton Beach cool. What I wouldn’t do for that Gulf breeze right now.

  Tanya takes a few more steps and pauses. Her hair is now sticking to the back of her neck. We decide to break for lunch and give Tanya a break from the heat. Olean’s Cafe, which is near the campus, advertises soul food. The smell of collard greens and fried chicken lingers before we even open the door. I can see now, this will be my home away from home when I start missing my mom’s cooking.

  Mrs. Jones wraps her arm around Tanya. “Tanya, honey, if you don’t feel comfortable staying in the dorm this weekend you can crash with me and your dad. We know you have to take those tests and we want to make sure you have the energy to do well.”

  “Ma, I’m not sure what’s going on. Maybe it’s something I ate this morning, mixed with this heat. I didn’t realize it was so hot here.” Tanya glances at me with a slight smile. “And I don’t want to leave Laila hanging in that room by herself. I think I can manage. Besides, when we are here in school I will have to deal with it, right?”

  “Thanks Tanya. But if you feel that bad, we can both stay at the hotel. I admit, I wouldn’t want to stay in the room by myself. But I also don’t want you to feel horrible and have to use the community bathroom.” Anything that can give us a break from the room, I’m all for it!

  “Laila, you sound a little too excited to get out of that room. I thought it was a nice room?” My mom jokes and we all laugh.

  After eating, Tanya manages to perk up enough to convince her parents she will be okay, and they can leave us on campus.

  “We should walk around and make a few friends before going out tonight. I like to be thick as thieves going to a club.... especially in a new city.”

  “Laila, you are crazy, but I feel you. I got your back. Just in case, we could use a few extra chicks to hang with us. I also wouldn’t mind catching up with that fine man from the orientation panel.” Tanya giggles.

  I snap around to look at Tanya. “Um, excuse me ma’am.” Nudging her in the side. “He is not Devon. And besides, I have my eye on him. He was super sexy.”

  “You’re right, he isn’t Devon. But nobody ever said I couldn’t look. I definitely don’t mind finding him for you. Just another glance at him will make my day.” Tanya smiles.

  “Okay. Let’s go sit out by the hall.” I point in the direction of the auditorium. “Looks like that spot was pretty busy. I’m sure we will find a few chicks chilling out there.”

  People are congregated in front of the hall. We take a seat next to a few girls. Like most of the girls on the campus, they are cute. Each girl is a different shade of brown. They look like the heat has gotten the be
st of them though, and what would have been cute hairstyles are now ruined. As one girl fans herself with her hand, she speaks to us.

  Acknowledging her makeshift fan, I look at her and say, “I know. It’s hot as hell out here.”

  “Where are y’all from?” Her southern accent is so thick it sounds fake.

  “We’re from Florida, Fort Walton Beach.”

  They introduce themselves. A couple of the girls claim to be from Atlanta, but I think every damn person from Georgia claims they are from the A. One is from Chicago, and Ms. Southern Belle is from Texas.

  “What dorms are you staying in?”

  Jennifer rolls her eyes and says, “Those sorry ass dorms on the other side of campus. I don’t even remember the name. I think everyone here for orientation is staying in the same dorm.”

  “I hope we won’t be stuck in those dorms in the fall.” Tanya pulls her hair up to wipe the sweat off her neck.

  “No. Make sure you apply for Harris Hall. It’s ten times better than the dorms we are in now. In fact, all the other dorms are better than the ones we are staying in now.” Carla, from Chicago, continues telling us about the other dorms, then her eyes wander in the direction of the guys approaching us.

  They don’t really represent most of the guys we have seen on campus. They aren’t cute, not ugly, but just average. Nobody I would give a second glance. But as they begin to talk to us, I recognize their humor. I love a guy who can make me laugh.

  “I thought this weekend was about fun. Shit, if I knew we had to take some tests I may have stayed my ass at the crib. I’ve been chilling this summer. I told myself I wouldn’t start thinking again till the fall. I told my brain it could take a break.” We all start laughing, but really I think we are all on the same page. I’m sure I overlooked tests in the orientation package they sent.

  We keep laughing and talking for another hour, then decide we will hook up for the party tonight. The guys convince us we are all too pretty to go to our first college party without bodyguards.


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