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Freshmen Fifteen (Love 101)

Page 13

by J. Nichole

  I laugh. “I don’t think having a boyfriend will keep me from having fun. From what I’ve seen so far, I know I won’t be missing out with the dudes. I haven’t met many who have made a good impression anyway. As far as the social scene, I’m sure you two -” I point at both of them. “Will make sure I stay relevant.”

  “You got that right. We’ll make sure you stay on the scene,” Jennifer says.

  “Thanks Jennifer.” I stand up and give Jennifer a hug around the neck.

  “Our parents will be here on Friday.” Nicole’s voice rises a pitch.

  As I stand up to leave, I say, “We should have lunch together with our parents before we leave out.”

  Jennifer smiles. “Cool with me.” Nicole nods her head.

  “Talk to you ladies later.” I walk to my room. A few days to think about being in a relationship with Chris. I sigh.

  My phone rings as I open the door. “My best friend will be home in a couple of days.” Tanya shrieks before I can say hello. “I can hardly wait. You better have passed all your exams, too. We’ll celebrate while you are home. I have a list of things I want to do while you are here.”

  I laugh. “Slow down girl, I haven’t even said hello yet.”

  “I hope you are as excited as I am for you to be home. Thanksgiving was nice, but I need more time.”

  “I am excited to be coming home. I can’t wait to see your big butt. How is the baby doing?”

  “Girl, this baby is giving me the business. Naps are an understatement.”

  “I can imagine. I’m not pregnant and have suddenly taken a liking to naps. Maybe this is what happens when you get older.”

  “Speak for yourself, honey. I am fabulous, my youth is still alive and well. I’ll bounce back after the baby is born.”

  “All right, Ms. Fabulous. I’m glad the pregnancy is slowing you down. My older side will appreciate it for now.”

  “While you’re home, we need to hit a few of the new restaurants that have opened up. And of course go shopping for the baby.” As excited as I am for the break, I’m sad to leave. I’ll miss Jennifer, Nicole, and most of all Chris.

  “Then we can go to the Christmas festival at the Wharf...” Tanya continues to rattle on about her list of things to do.

  She takes a breath and I say, “I need to go study for my last exams. I’ll call you as soon as I’m home.”

  Climbing on my bed, I flip open my textbook and notes to start studying. Thank God for these study guides. Reading over my notes for English, I feel like I’m prepared for the exam. But Biology, I’ll need more time. Identifying molecules and organisms, my eyes begin to cross, so I decide to take a shower to wake myself up.

  In the bathroom, I can hear one person in the toilet stall, and there are a couple of girls chatting near the sinks. As I wash my face, one girl looks at me and says, “I hope you aren’t planning on taking a nice warm shower, the water is freezing.”

  “Thanks for the heads up.” I grit my teeth as I walk towards the shower. I turn the knob for hot water but brace myself for the cold. I let the water run for a few minutes before I step in. “Ooooohhhh,” I yell as I step into the stream of water. This shit is ice cold, the coldest it’s been all semester.

  After my cold shower, I climb under the covers to warm up. I’ll take a short nap, then finish studying in a couple of hours.

  My phone vibrates and startles me awake. I focus on the screen and see Chris’ name. I clear my throat a couple of times before answering.

  I whisper, “Hey Chris.”

  “Are you sleeping?” I glance at the clock, and realize I’ve been asleep for a few hours, but I don’t like to let him know when he wakes me.

  “I was just resting my eyes.” Not a complete lie.

  He starts laughing, “I love how you are never asleep when I call. One day you will trust me enough to be completely honest.”

  “Why are you awake, up studying?” Does he ever sleep?

  “I just finished studying. I know you said you have exams today and I was trying to keep myself from distracting you, but there is nothing I would love more than to give you a little good luck before your exams.” I can hear a smile spread across his face.

  Damn, his voice is sexy at three in the morning. I can feel the moisture filling my panties.

  “Is that right? I could use the extra luck, but my first exam is at nine. I should probably stay put for tonight.”

  “So responsible. Guess I have to respect that. My last exam is in the evening, can I see you afterwards?”

  “Definitely. Just give me a call when you are finished.”

  “Do well on your exams, make daddy proud.” We both laugh.

  “Goodnight, sweet dreams.”

  “Oh, they’ll be sweet as long as you’ll meet me in them. Sleep tight.”

  I set my alarm for eight, then close my eyes and fall asleep, smiling.

  Chapter 18

  Turning in my exam for my last final of the semester, I take a deep breath and release. I smile at the professor and confidently walk out of the classroom. I’m sure I could have done better, but I know I didn’t fail.

  I zip up my jacket as I walk back to the dorms. The campus now looks much different than it did in August. People are rushing in and out of buildings instead of hanging out in front of them.

  When I get in my room, I pull out my luggage to pack for break. I set aside a small duffle bag to pack a few things for tonight.

  Tonight I’m going to tell Chris I’m ready to be in a relationship. What the hell, why wait? I just don’t think I’m ready to have sex yet, but I’m sure he’ll be ready to give me a parting gift.

  There’s a knock at the door. “Who is it?”

  “It’s Renee.” My resident assistant, probably just here to remind me to take my valuables home over the break. Over Thanksgiving, there were a few break-ins, stolen laptops and printers.

  “Hey Renee, what’s good?” I smile at her as I open the door.

  She’s looking down at her iPad. “Laila, I just wanted to give you some news. May be good, depending how you look at it.” She looks up and curls her shoulders. “You’ll have a roommate next semester. I just wanted to give you a heads up so you can have the room ready in case she is here before you make it back.”

  Damn, I was hoping I could make it through the entire year without a roommate. I enjoy my personal space.

  My smile disappears. “Thanks, Renee. I’ll make sure I move all my stuff to my side of the room.” I follow her gaze to her iPad. “Do you know anything about her?”

  “Not really, we just have a list of room changes.” She scrolls through a page before looking up. “I have to make my rounds before everyone goes home. Have a good break; I’ll see you in January.”

  “You too, see you then.” I close the door and lean against it. Looking around the room, I close my eyes and shake my head. Farewell to my late night rendezvous. A roommate is going to destroy my me time. I shrug and walk back to my bags. Hopefully, I won’t be spending too much time on campus anyway.

  My stomach starts growling. I’m sure Chris will want to feed me when he picks me up tonight, but I need something now. I should have eaten before my first exam this morning but I hit the snooze button too many times. I throw a few more things in my luggage, then walk to the deli.

  I thought finishing off a meal would make me sleepy, but I guess knowing I don’t have to study or go to class gives me energy. A visit to Professor Douglas will take up some time while I wait on Chris to finish class.

  As I approach his office, I hear lots of chatter, sounds like his fan club.

  “Hey Dr. Douglas, how are you.” I smile and nod at the other kids in his office.

  “Hello Ms. Jackson. I’m great. How are yuh, dear?”

  “I’m doing good. Finally finished with my exams. Just relaxing till I leave on Friday.”

  “I hope yuh did well on your exams. Your final article was very well written.” His eyes sparkle. “I hope yuh have pl
ans of writing over the break.” He shakes a finger in my direction. “A journalist never rests. The additional practice will keep yuh on your toes. At the least, like I’ve told dem older kids here.” He nods at the students in the room. “Make a list of article topics.”

  The other students in the room smile and nod. “We will miss all your good advice, Dr. Douglas.”

  A warm smile crosses Professor Douglas’ face. “I’ll miss yuh all coming around. But I’m sure you’ll make us all proud. Expand our presence in the world; one article, blog, or broadcast at a time.”

  “Laila is it?” One girl turns to look at me.

  Surprised she knows my name, I nod my head.

  She clears her throat. “I can’t leave without giving you my two cents.” The other students laugh, and Professor Douglas shakes his head.

  “Be active around the department. The more the professors see you, the more willing they will be to help you.” She looks at Professor Douglas. “Ain’t that right Dr. Douglas?”

  I laugh and say, “Okay, thanks for the advice.”

  “I could give you more, but it’s time for us to leave and wrap things up for the newspaper.” They say their goodbyes to Professor Douglas and walk out.

  I watch the door as they leave out, then turn to Professor Douglas. “Dr. Douglas, next semester I have to do better, studying. I don’t think I failed any of my exams, but I know I didn’t do as well as I could have.”

  “It’s something about being burned out at the end of the semester. It’s difficult to give that extra effort to study. Make sure yuh discipline yourself next semester. Find a time when yuh can commit a few hours to your books each day.”

  “I definitely will. I’m ready for a break. Transitioning this semester has taken a toll on me. I made sure to register for later classes next semester. Oh, and I just found out I’ll have a roommate when I get back.”

  “Just when yuh thought yuh had a routine, next semester you’ll have to learn how to live with another female in yuh personal space.”

  “Right, I’m not looking forward to it. I just hope we can get along. I haven’t had any issues this semester. I’d like to end my dorm adventure on good terms.”

  “Have yuh started thinking about with whom and where yuh will live next year?”

  “No, I haven’t put much thought into the where. I’d consider living with my friends Jennifer and Nicole though.”

  “Don’t wait too long, apartments in the city will fill up quickly.”

  “Dr. Douglas, if I haven’t told you before, I appreciate our talks. You always keep me straight.”

  “That’s what I’m here for. Now yuh enjoy the holidays and I’ll see yuh next year.” Professor Douglas stands and gives my shoulder a slight squeeze.

  “Thanks, enjoy your break. See you next year.”

  I head back to the room to patiently and anxiously wait for a call or text from Chris.

  I rummage through a few outfits I left out as options for tonight. What looks sexy but not over the top? Picking up a pair of jeans, I slide them on and walk over to turn on my curling iron.

  This could be my last night with Chris before I leave, and I want to make sure I make a lasting impression. I decide on a slim fitting sweater that doesn’t show too much cleavage.

  As I’m applying my lip gloss, my phone vibrates. It’s Jennifer, checking on me. I feel bad that I haven’t checked on her or Nicole all day. I have to make a conscious effort to do better. Not lose my friendships as I gain a new love. Tanya and I always maintained our friendship no matter what, but then again we were dating best friends.

  As I reply to Jennifer, my phone rings. Finally. It’s Chris!

  “I haven’t kept you waiting too long, have I?”

  “Not at all. I stayed busy all day. I didn’t even realize what time it was. Are you finished with your exam already?”

  Chris laughs. “We have to work on your lying. When you lie, you sound like you are holding back a laugh.”

  “Okay, I give up. Are you almost here?”

  “I’m outside, don’t take too long.” Chris hangs up. I grin from ear to ear as I grab my bag and try not to sprint out of the door.

  Chris is standing outside his car when I see him. His smile warms my heart and sends tingles between my thighs. His confidence and style catches everyone’s attention. I see a few girls practically staring at him. It helps that he isn’t in his typical sweat pants and gold boots. His fitted jeans and Polo shirt make him look slightly sophisticated.

  As I get closer, his smile grows wider, and he meets me as I approach his car. He quickly embraces me. I sneak a look back at all the girls who were staring, and see their smiles have suddenly faded. He whispers in my ear as we hug, “I missed you.”

  I don’t say anything in return, but instead, I hug him closer, tighter. How did I get so lucky to meet this fine, intelligent, and compassionate man? And to think he seems to care for me as much as I care for him. Time will only tell if he is running game. For now, I’ll bask in the joy he brings me.

  We release our embrace and he opens my car door. I hop in and make myself comfortable. When Chris gets in, he leans over and gives me a quick kiss.

  “How were your exams?”

  I have to get a conversation rolling before we forget where we are and throw our cares away in the parking lot.

  “They were good. I’ve always told you to be comfortable with telling me the truth. I should honor that too. My exam was much earlier today. I’ve been preparing for tonight all afternoon.”

  Preparing for tonight? I wonder what he could have planned. I’m ready to be his girlfriend but I’m not ready to give up the cookies ... not yet, not tonight.

  “Thank you for being honest.” I wipe the smile from my face and look at him seriously. “I think there is an honesty clause that lets you skip the details if it benefits the other person.”

  “Is that right? I bet you were also the kid on the playground who changed the rules when you started losing.”

  We both laugh. “No, really. I appreciate you being honest with me. If you were preparing for tonight, I assume you weren’t doing anything that would hurt me, right?”

  “Never. All I ever want to do is make you smile. However, being honest shouldn’t have boundaries. No exceptions.”


  “How were your exams? You made daddy proud, right?”

  “Since we are being honest. I don’t think I did as well as I should have. Thankfully, I was doing pretty good in my classes as of the finals, with the exception of Biology. Next semester I need to study more.”

  “I hope I wasn’t a hindrance. I’ll make sure we do more studying next semester.” I’m glad Chris is still considering having me around next semester.

  “No, you weren’t. I think the anticipation of a break got the best of me. I couldn’t focus long enough on my books.”

  “Are you really excited to go home?” His smile seems to be fading.

  “I am excited to see my family. It’s crazy because I think I will miss being at school more than I am ready to go home.”

  “I understand. You’ll get used to it eventually. The people you meet at school become like family, and the friends you left at home grow further apart from you. But no matter what, it probably won’t ever be easy going home or coming back to school.”

  As he mentions friends at home, I think of Tanya. Our friendship over the years has remained consistent. I hope her having a baby will not change things.

  We are finally pulling up to his apartment and I let my thoughts about Tanya subside. I glance at Chris and see his smile has returned. He almost looks excited.

  “Excited to be home?” I say with a grin.

  “I’m good.” He says nonchalantly. We step out of the car and walk up to his apartment. Chris pauses for a minute before we walk through the door. He glances down at me, then kisses me on the cheek. When Chris opens the door, I step through and stop, “Wow.” I blink my eyes a few times to k
eep the tears from rolling down my face.

  Chris takes me by the hand and pulls me into him for a hug. There are candles lit all over the living room, the table is set, and on it are a bottle of wine and red roses. Chris steps back and says, “Are you surprised?”

  “Surprised would be a subtlety. Thank you.” I lean in and give him a kiss.

  “Anything to make you smile, Laila.”

  “I was wondering why you hadn’t asked me if I was hungry yet. I have gotten used to you feeding me.”

  Chris laughs. “I hope you like what I’ll be feeding you tonight.” I know he is being serious and referencing the dinner, but my mind is in the gutter.

  “I’m sure whatever you have, I’ll love.” We sit down at the table. Chris pours me a glass of wine, then pulls the plates out of the oven. The food looks delicious. Roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, and vegetables.

  “You haven’t had the chance to try any of my good home cooking. My mother has taught me well.”

  “I’m glad you know how to cook. I was beginning to think you only ate fast food.”

  “My mom wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  I take a bite of his chicken while he anxiously watches for my reaction. “Not bad. Not bad at all.”

  He smiles. “I’m glad you like it. I would hate to tell my mom her recipe didn’t come out that great.”

  “You can tell her you followed directions and it’s a good recipe. How old were you when you learned how to cook?”

  He looks in the air, then looks at me. “I can’t remember. I think I was in elementary school though.”

  “You were pretty young. That’s good.”

  “My mom has always told us that we needed to be able to take care of ourselves and not depend on a woman. She had us washing and ironing our own clothes too.”

  I nod my head. “I’m glad she taught you that. You shouldn’t depend on a woman. I assume you can hold down the manly things too, right?”

  He jerks his head back. “Psshh, of course. My dad wouldn’t have it any other way. We had to fix the cars and do yard work.” His eyes sparkle when he talks about his family.


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