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Bloodlines: Everything That Glitters

Page 16

by Myunique C. Green

  I looked into her pale blue eyes and spoke. “Why not? I deserve to know these things, especially if someone is out there using people to find me. It shouldn’t be that big of a secret.” I was becoming upset and letting the pressure get to me.

  As much as I wanted to pretend to be normal, I knew I was not and if going through some sort of power training was the only way for people to start talking, so be it. Besides, I knew I wouldn’t be able to run forever- or could I?

  Centure only looked at Corey then back at me, her face was still calm and patient. “You are not ready. Now, if you will excuse me I have to go.”

  Without another word, the front door opened and Centure floated out of it and disappeared.

  I got up from the armchair and looked at Corey. “If you knew anything else you would tell us right?”

  “Of course I would. You and your family have been very kind to me.” She looked down into her lap.

  I nodded then went into the kitchen to find an old bowl that I could feed Triton out of until I bought him a proper food bowl; he hadn’t eaten anything since he had found some old scraps of popcorn on the fair grounds. Surprisingly his shyness didn’t last long today, he still wanted to be under me but occasionally he would jump out of my arms and run up to random children and adults.

  “We need to talk about something,” Ash said as he entered the kitchen.

  “If it’s about Nikko or Triton, save it,” I replied shifting Triton to one arm and holding up my hand in his face.

  “It’s not about that, it’s about sleep. Have you been getting any lately?”

  “You can see the black rings can’t you? If I’m lucky I can maybe be thirty minutes,” I replied, sitting the bowl on the counter.

  “Same here. Do you think it’s because we’re stressed out?”

  I looked at him closely; he had the rings as well. “We’ll ask Centure about it tomorrow, I’ve been stressed before and it’s never knocked a perfectly healthy eight hours of sleep down to thirty minutes.”

  He shook his head and looked down at something on the floor, “Exactly. What’s weirder is that even though I’m tired beyond all control, I’m awake and can function. When I try to sleep I end up just lying there.”

  “Wow, I honestly thought it was just me.”

  I walked over to Ash and put a hand on his shoulder then pulled him in for a warm hug. Though we had differencing opinions we were family and I loved my brother. Triton jumped down from my arms and barked at Ash’s shoe, “I think he wants you to pick him up. He likes you, even if you don’t like him.” I smiled.

  “Hey Corey could you come in here for a minute?” I yelled into the living room.

  “What’s going on?” she answered while stepping through the kitchen entrance.

  “How do you sleep?” I asked.

  “Like a baby,” she smiled as she watched Triton licked Ash in the face. “Why?”

  “No reason.” I didn’t feel the need to tell her too much if she couldn’t relate anyhow.

  The living room door opened and closed and my mother and father walked past the kitchen door. “Watch him,” I said to Ash as I ran out of the kitchen in pursuit of my parents who had failed to speak when they came in. I knew I had a five-minute window before they both crashed and went to sleep. I ran up to my room and grabbed the permission paper that Louise had given me from my desk. When I returned downstairs my mom was coming out of the room, “Hello Aliza, how was your day today?” she asked tiredly.

  I handed her the paper first then spoke, “It was well. Sign this so I can work.”

  She looked over the paper and reached out for a pen, realizing that I hadn’t grabbed one, I ran back up to my room and rummaged through the mess on my desktop. I jogged down the stairs then handed the pen to my mother who smiled as she signed the document. “I’m so happy for you. Now you can learn the value of money.” She said as she handed the pen and paper back to me. I folded it up and slid it into my pocket.

  “I’ve missed you today. Did you and dad have fun?”

  “You missed me?” She replied surprised.

  “More like I missed your cooking.” I joked while reaching out to give her a hug. Triton barked in the kitchen and my mother looked towards the noise.

  “Was that a dog I heard?”

  “Yeah, a puppy, really. But before you say I can’t keep him, just know that I am fully capable of taking care of him.” I responded nervously. “Ash could you bring Triton in here?”

  “You already gave him a name?” My mom questioned.

  Ash came into the living room with Triton cuddled in one arm, a huge smile on his face. “He’s good in my book.” He said as he handed him to me. I smiled back at him as I accepted my little pooch.

  He sniffed around then looked up at my mother, she looked at him sternly then her face softened, “I’ve always wanted a dog like this, but they were always too expensive. Where did you get him?”

  “He was homeless and hungry.” I replied, leaving out the unnecessary.

  “Poor thing. You can keep him, Alizarin, and as you know he will be your responsibility. What does his little name tag say?”

  I handed Triton over to her and watched her eyes light up as he greeted her with his small tongue. “Read it for yourself.” I knew then that he wouldn’t only be my responsibility; she loved him, as did I, already.

  “I was just about to feed him, and then take him outside so he can go potty. I have to be up early to get this paperwork back to the boss man.” I said as I reached out for Triton.

  My mom pulled away then looked at me, “Don’t worry about Triton, I’ll do it.”

  “He’s my responsibility remember?” I was shocked; she was attached to him now.

  She looked down and twirled her fingers around in his curls, “Yes, it’s your responsibility to go and get him a bed and also a small cage for travel and one for when he’ll have to be home alone. I’ll watch him until you get back, Ash go with her.”

  I take that back, she wasn’t attached; she was obsessed. I turned away and went upstairs to grab my keys with no further complaint.

  “I got your text earlier,” she called behind me. “Corey your new phone is in my room, give me a moment and I’ll go get it for you. You can thank Aliza.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  I got up early the next morning and took the papers to Louise like I said I would and after dropping them off, found out that my first day of training would be today. All around, today would be an exciting day- I was headed up to Centure’s cabin in the northern forest. I looked around in my room for something to wear while dodging Corey, who was obsessed with going with me for today’s rendezvous.

  “Thanks but I can handle myself. You’d probably be too wrapped up in your new phone to be of any use anyhow.”

  “I’m just saying I should go with you just in case. I can put the phone down, as a matter of fact, I’ll leave it here.”

  I picked up my keys from the dresser then headed out of the room and into the hallway. I was on schedule for work at 6:45 tonight so I couldn’t stay out too long.

  “Come on Triton!” I yelled into the hallway for my curious pooch. Seconds later I heard his little bells jingling and he trotted out of Ash’s room holding a pair of lace panties in his mouth. “That’s gross,” I cringed as I stooped down to grab them out of his teeth.

  Corey followed me closely as I headed down the stairs with Triton resting calmly in my arms, “I swear I’ll leave it here.” She took the phone out of her pocket and held it in her hands as we walked down the stairs. I stopped at the last step and turned to face her, “Can I just do this alone? What’s so hard to understand about that?”

  “But Ash is going…”

  Choosing not to reply hastily, I stepped down from the step and walked to the door, “Well come with him, but me and Triton are making this trip alone. Text him and tell him to pick you up before he starts driving to Centure’s.” I took a glimpse of the disappointment on her face before open
ing the front door and heading to my car.

  Every gust of wind always reminded me of the night at the pool hall and the sight of the stranger bursting into flames; this world was real. I hurried to my car and after putting Triton into his travel cage I sat in the car in silence; I was beginning to let it get to me. Burying my face in my palms and sobbed lightly, it was becoming too much. My once beautiful thirty minutes of sleep dwindled to me lying in bed staring at the ceiling for hours and maybe, just maybe getting a little shut eye, until eventually I didn’t sleep at all. My hair slowly turned pale; no amount of luster or shampoo tamed it, it has even started taking on a completely different color.

  The worst part was that I was going through this alone; yeah there are others with strange forms of abilities but all of them still looked normal. Ash’s eyes and hair still remained the same appearance and vigor. I wiped the tears from my face and started the car; hopefully Centure could tell what was happening to me. Triton barked loudly in the backseat as I backed out of the driveway, he still wasn’t used to the car. I listened to him act like a child in the backseat, knowing that turning the radio on to drown him out would only make him bark louder. Finally he tired himself out and laid down for a nap.

  When I arrived at the address, I parked the car at the entrance of the trees then walked around to let Triton out of his cage. Triton trotted closely to me as we walked into the forest, “Wonder why she decided to stay in the woods?” I said softly to Triton as we approached the small log cabin.

  “I like seclusion.” Centure responded, several feet away from me. “Go on inside, I’ll join you in a moments time.” She stood in the mist of several tree stumps and the trunks of them lying around in a circle.

  Triton and I walked into the cabin, the smell of fresh cedar filled my nose as I scanned my hands across the wood. I briefly looked at each picture on the wall, all of which had no apparent meaning at all.

  Behind me something hit the floor and I jumped in surprise, I didn’t think anyone was in here. When I turned around to investigate, Triton began barking at the strangers. Two tall and chubby ladies stood on the far side of the room staring in shock at the little puppy. I picked him up and cuddled him so that he would hush the noise when he settled down, the first girl walked over and extended her hand, “Greetings, I’m Zerra.”

  I shifted Triton to cradle in one arm, “Aliza.” I replied while reaching my free hand out to accept her acquaintance. Immediately she dropped to the ground with a loud thud; I didn’t actually think I had grabbed her hand that intensely. “Are you alright?” I leaned over to help her up but she knocked my hand away and got up on her own.

  The second girl only shook her head and looked annoyed before walking over to the loveseat that sat in the middle of the room. “I’m Zenaya, the twin sister of the idiot you just dropped to the floor. What brings you here today?”

  I studied her briefly; trying to decide if her attitude was towards her sister or me. “I’m here for Centure.” I replied with an equal amount of attitude. Zerra stepped in front of me and stared blankly into my eyes with a wide smile planted across her face as I felt pressure begin to build.

  “Stay out of my head.” I warned coldly.

  She blinked her eyes twice then shrugged and walked over to the love seat to sit beside her sister. Their long brown hair hung in loose curls down past their broad shoulder; I found myself easily jealous as I brushed my tangled mess behind my ears. At least Triton loved me without judgment; I held my pooch closely as walked over to an available chair. “So are you Centure’s daughters?”

  “Yeah you could call us that, she took us in about a year and a half ago,” Zerra replied.

  “When you shook her hand she absorbed some of your power,” Zenaya interrupted, “Apparently it was too much for her to handle.”

  Zerra looked at me shyly then lowered her head, “It’ll wear off in a minute.” She said softly.

  Surprised by the lack of attention Zerra and Zenaya paid him, Triton bolted up out of my arms and hopped down from the chair, “What a cute little dog, what’s his name?” Zerra asked happily as Triton jumped up into her lap and licked her face.

  “His name is Triton. So what can you girls do?” I responded casually as I watched Zerra play around with my pup.

  Zenaya looked over at the two then back at me, not interested enough to entertain the two. “Our powers are identical like us. We both have momentary inclusion and we can also use the abilities of any animals we meet without shifting entirely into it.”

  In the next second, Zerra opened her mouth wide while I sat and watched as her jaw extended into a snout; at the same time, long razor sharp teeth grew up and replaced her human ones. Triton cowered then jumped down from her lap and ran over to me, burying his head between my thighs. I clenched my teeth together tight as the sounds of breaking bones filled the room.

  “Okay, I get it,” I responded, covering my mouth. A low growl rumbled up Zerra’s throat then instantly she was back to normal.

  “Is that all?” I asked plainly.

  “You say that like you’re not amazed.” Zerra scoffed.

  “Amazed, no, but impressed a little bit.”

  The girls looked at each other then back at me. “What can you do, big shot?” they replied at the same time.

  Before I could show them anything, Centure drifted into the room. “I am ready for you outside.”

  I got up from the recliner. “You girls are welcome to join us outside.”

  I followed Centure out of the backdoor and into the field I’d seen her standing in earlier. Zerra and Zenaya stayed seated in the cabin; I shrugged as Triton ran to catch up with me.

  Ash was just pulling up as I stepped into the cleared field. “Glad you finally decided to show up,” I mumbled. Corey stepped out of the passenger door and they both jogged over to the field.

  “What did we miss?” He panted lightly.

  “Nothing yet. You’re right on time.”

  “Then why’d you make it sound like I was late?” He questioned.

  “To make you feel bad,” I joked.

  We stood silently for a moment waiting for Centure’s instruction.

  “First, summon Wade.”

  I closed my eyes and did as she said, only hoping that I wasn’t catching him at a bad time.

  “Uh, Aliza? What am I doing here?” Wade asked.

  “Not sure; I was told to summon you and that’s what I did.”

  Centure now smiled at the four of us. “Call your Beasts,” She said quickly.

  I looked at the other three then gave Centure my attention. “What Beasts?”

  Her smiled faded now and she looked directly at Corey. “No one told you about your beasts?”

  I looked at Wade and Ash then shrugged while Corey looked solely at the grass beneath her feet. “Do you have Beast?” I questioned Wade.

  “I’ve been told I was supposed to get one, but I’ve never seen it,” he replied casually.

  “What are they?”

  “You’ll soon find out,” Centure yelled from across the field. “Ash we will start with you. Step forward and I will be right back.”

  By the time Ash had took a step forward, Centure had completely left and returned. She now held in her hand a long wooden rod with a large clear crystal affixed to the top of it. “Take this,” she said, throwing the rod to Ash.

  “Repeat after me…”

  She spoke words that made no literal sense then Ash repeated them. Once he had spoken the last word, the crystal on top of the rod glowed with the color blue. “Congratulations. Go back now.”

  Ash turned around awkwardly then walked back to my side.

  “What was it like?” I whispered.

  He slowly turned his head to look at me. Like being electrocuted, he thought.

  I shuddered as fear built in my chest. “Well, you’re still alive, so I guess it can’t be that bad,” I said aloud.

  “Wade, hurry along.”

  After Wade had spo
ken the same three words, the crystal on the end of beamed a deep purple then faded and shown a second color, red.

  “You’re a mighty one, just like your mother,” Centure smiled brightly then motioned her hand for me to come forward.

  Wade slowly turned around and lost his footing, toppling to the ground. When he regained his standing he was fine.

  A million things ran through my mind as I reached out for the wooden rod that Centure extended. My forehead perspired as I tried to think of what it must have been like for those too- surely getting electrocuted was no fun.

  “Repeat after me,” she said softly.

  “Guess it’s time to find out if it’s really her,” I heard Corey whisper.

  “Nomen egnaro edahs.”

  I let the words jump out of my mouth before Centure had the chance to say them; I made sure to pronounce every syllable.

  When the large crystal began to glow, an intense burn built up from my feet up into my chest, and then slowly up my throat as it completely paralyzed me. Suddenly it was as if someone was rubbing lava into my skin like lotion and it coursed through my veins. I stood motionless for what felt like a lifetime until Centure pried the rod out of my hands. I came back into reality quickly and the pain was gone just as instantly as it had begun. I turned on my heels then walked back over to stand between Ash and Wade.

  “You’re next, Corey,” Ash said, giving her a nudge on the arm.

  “I already have one,” she responded plainly; as if we were already supposed to know that.

  I rolled my eyes and caught a glimpse of something flying high above us as a large shadow cast over the field.

  “They’re here,” Centure said excitedly.

  The ground shook lightly beneath our feet until eventually the earth quaked and I fell to the ground. An enormous onyx-colored bear galloped through the tree clearing and onto the field. It was taller than Centure’s entire cabin and had two heads- I looked up at them in awe as they approached Wade. Both of them wore silver crowns, one had a dark purple jewel in the middle of it while the other had a red ruby.

  Next, wind blowing twelve miles per hour swirled all around us and an immense shadow eclipsed the sun briefly. I looked at Centure –who was not affected by the wind at all- and tried to tell her to calm down using my hands. She shrugged and pointed upwards as a large bird with a fiery tail landed first then a snow-white tiger followed, both of them rocking the earth. I examined the creature as it touched down to the ground- its fiery golden tail was spread like a peacock, but it’s neck and face resembled something else, something I couldn’t quite put my finger on.


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