Bloodlines: Everything That Glitters

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Bloodlines: Everything That Glitters Page 18

by Myunique C. Green

  “Suddenly our life is nothing but time.” he responded lowly. We both stared out of the window for a moment; I felt his calm wash over me as I sank deeper into thought. “We’re in this together no matter what and that’s all that matters.”

  A small tear formed and fell softly down my cheek, “Forever.” I whispered. Wiping the tear from my face, I unhooked the charm from my wrist then reached over to open the window. “You ready to go for a spin?” I threw the charm out of the window and watched Azlyn break from the silver and come to life. Her wings flapped gently up and down causing mild winds to blow through the room.

  “Mind if we join?”

  He tossed his charm out of the window and Aspen fell to the ground before breaking free of his entrapment. I laughed as the house lightly rocked when the tiger rolled to the ground.

  “Use your wings!” Ash yelled down to Aspen.

  “You use yours!” He replied sarcastically.

  I climbed out of the window and onto Azlyn’s saddle, “I’m leaving town.” I told Ash as he jumped onto Aspen.

  “As long as we can be back before school in the morning, I’m down.”

  “Who needs school?” I laughed as I led Azlyn off into the night. Ash stayed close as we danced around in the clouds. I didn’t know where I was headed, I’d go wherever the skies took me and that usually just got me a few cities away on weekdays.

  I never actually lingered in any of the cities; more like flew over them just so I could say I’d been there but one day I’d stop to meet the citizens. Azlyn was still working on stealth mode and she’d get exhausted after two minutes and go back to visibility, which is why we stayed hidden in the clouds.

  “Is Azlyn still having trouble with stealth?” Ash called over to me through the sounds of the fast winds.

  Yeah unfortunately, she’ll pick it up soon though, I thought in reply.

  “I was going to suggest we stop somewhere and talk about what happened the other day, I never got to thank you for the picture. I loved it.”

  I caught every other word as I paid more attention to other things until he repeated what he’d said in thought. “Not a problem, we’re good. No need to talk about old stuff.” I looked down at the ground as the tiny lights of a town faded into the night skies. “I feel like a wedge is forming between us, not saying that it’s a bad thing because I think we actually do need to figure these things out on our and within ourselves. I don’t want you to feel the same way I feel about a lot of things because you feel like you have too.” I said at normal pitch, fully aware that he could hear me whether I tried to speak above or below the wind.

  How about we land them out of sight and go and see what’s happening down there? Ash thought enthusiastically.

  I thought about it for a moment before decided that it couldn’t hurt anything to stop and see what kind of trouble was out there to be had. “Can we neglect to pick up strangers and bring them into our home to eat our food and lie to our faces this time?”

  He laughed and started to dive with Aspen. Makes life more interesting don’t you think?


  Corey was no longer served her purpose and to add insult to injury she was also slowly drifting and becoming a person I no longer thought I knew. Most -if not all- of her bruises and scars at this point were healed and after another wardrobe update she wanted to show a little skin. I thought back to the scared girl I met in the gas station a month and a half ago and compared her to the person that sat across from me at dinner last night; they could never be more different. Although a part of me wanted to be glad that our family was able to help her come out of the cocoon, I still couldn’t bring myself to trust her. I hadn’t seen Centure in a week partly due to having to haul Corey around to look for a job every day after school and all day on weekends. But seemingly, Ash had begun spending large amounts of time with her, and for once in my life I felt ostracized by my very own family.

  Azlyn expanded her wing to the window and I walked over and climbed in through it, shaking off all of my unease with Corey. I knew deep down that I should be happy with all of her progress. I looked down at my watch before retreating Azlyn; my mom would be calling for breakfast within the next few minutes. I figured I’d get a head start and go down early, maybe even getting the chance to help my mom prepare something.

  I changed out of my clothes from last night and slipped into the pajamas I no longer wore, I ignored the slippers as I walked out of the room barefoot and onto the cold and unforgiving wood floors in the hallway. I walked into the bathroom and washed my face and hands then headed downstairs. I could hear my mom humming in the kitchen as she moved swiftly around doing three things at once. “Good morning,” I said gruffly as if I’d just waken up.

  “Morning sunshine,” my mom replied smiling. “You’re up early.”

  “Slept off and on all night,” I lied. “Waffles?” I asked while reaching into the refrigerator and grabbing ingredients for the batter.

  “Yeah sure, thank you,” she answered while slicing red apples and tossing them into the juicer.

  I bundled the ingredients into my arms and walked them over to a cleared counter. My mom questioned me about work and responsibility as we worked side-by-side in the kitchen; I realized that I hadn’t done this since I was younger; it used to be the highlight of my day years ago. I smiled as I recalled old memories at our old house in the kitchen then began pouring the powered waffle mix into a bowl.

  “Are my eyes deceiving me?”

  I turned my head to look at Ash as he entered the kitchen. “Surprise, surprise.” I replied. My mom had already finished the juice and cut up the additional fruit for the waffles then took out the whipped cream. Ash offered a hand by setting up the table and getting dad’s paper from the porch.

  “I don’t know if I’ve told you, but I am really proud of you Aliza, and so is your father.” My mom danced over to me and kissed my cheek. I blushed for a moment then returned to gesture, “Thank you.”

  I had made only four waffles and put away the mess before remembering our extended houseguest. Part of me wanted to make her one but eventually I just sat down and started to eat my own. If she’s hungry let her make her own breakfast, it’s not like we have to eat anyways.

  Seconds later my dad came out of his room just as Ash was returning from fetching the paper. “Thanks son.” He said while reaching out to grab it. “Eventually we’ll get Triton trained to do it, of course that would require the doggy door someone keeps forgetting to get scheduled to be done.” He continued, looking in my direction.

  “I’ll get around to it.” I replied with a mouthful of whipped cream.

  “Since you guys are already awake, I don’t see any reason to yell. Would one of you go up and wake Corey?”

  “I will mom,” Ash answered quickly while raising from the table. “Aliza there’s only four waffles here, you wouldn’t mind making a fifth one for Corey would you?”

  I narrowed my eyes at him, wishing for a moment that eyes could kill; if he hadn’t been outside when I’d thought it I would have sworn he was an eavesdropper. I dropped the fork on the plate and stood, “Sure thing, must have just been an oversight.” I walked over to the fridge and got out the remaining waffle batter. After lifting the lid of the waffle iron, I poured the mix into the mold. It wasn’t the hardest thing in the world to do but it went against every fiber of me to do it; she owed me, not the other way around. She got by with living here for free; my parents clothed her and took care of everything that she needed. I intentionally let the waffle cook for a minute too long before pulling it out of the iron; I reached over and grabbed a pinch of powdered sugar over the top to disguise some of the burn marks.

  When Corey and Ash finally returned downstairs, I walked the plate over and sat it in front of her. “Thanks Aliza, you’re so kind.”

  I gave her a fake smile then walked around the table and sat in my seat and began eating my waffle again, which had gotten cold.

  “Driver’s educ
ation courses begin next week, Corey. Are you excited?”

  I looked at my mom then dropped my fork, suddenly no longer in the mood for food. While getting up from the table I noticed Ash’s hand locked with Corey’s under the table. I quickly moved around before vomit forced its way from my stomach to the table. All of it made sense now; the long hours they spend together and the places I was never invited to go. Ash was banging her and keeping it a secret; I felt more betrayed now than if he had just came out and told me he was doing her from the beginning. After throwing the leftover waffle in the trash I put the plate into the dishwasher and whistled for Triton as I headed upstairs.

  Surprisingly my parent didn’t question me as Triton and I made our way out of the door. When I got into the car I realized that I was a little more upset than I should have been; I could easily think back to the time their love affair had begun and then I’d refused to admit it to myself. Maybe the problem was I hadn’t been laid in a while and there was built up agitation that just needed to be released; Ash was clearly happier with his strange tail.

  Shaking the thoughts off, I pulled into the parking lot of the Anne Lake Park and parked near the jogging trail. Triton never needed a leash whenever we ran because he knew which side his bread was buttered on; occasionally he would trail away but he never went very far. We ran around the track a couple of times then slowed it down to a fast-paced walk; I tried hard to get my thoughts into perspective so I could think clearly. I was glad to have Triton along with me, he never complained or stabbed me in the back by hooking up with the enemy; he just ran paced himself beside me. I jogged another mile before stopping to give Triton water and food; sometimes I’d forget because I could do this for hours without being exhausted. I bent over to scoop Triton into my arms when Nikko ran up to us.

  “Hey stranger, are you running?” He smiled as he reached over to pet Triton.

  “We just finished and thinking about heading home, I don’t think Triton can handle anymore,” I replied.

  “Put him in the car and run with me, or walk. Whatever you can do.”

  I looked at him then down a very tired puppy before deciding it couldn’t hurt anything. I walked Triton over to the car and sat him in the backseat traveler cage. “Be right back,” I whispered to him before closing the door. I heard him whimpering softly as I walked away and joined Nikko on the track.

  “I really don’t want to leave him alone like that,” I said as I thought about just turning around and getting into the car with him.

  “He’ll be fine. How are you?” Nikko responded while starting off with a brisk jog.

  “I’m fine, just a little stressed. What about you?” I jogged beside him, keeping up well with his pace. “So, you were born into this, huh?” I quizzed. “Must be nice.”

  He smiled and kept his eyes ahead. “Yeah, it was pretty nice at first, until the responsibility started to set in. Trust me, you are not ready for that.”

  My stomach turned in anger. “If I hear one more person tell me what I am and are not ready for, I’m going to lose it.”

  Nikko only shook his head slightly and began jogging faster. “It’s a grim, grim life beyond this one. Make sure you find a reason to smile,” he called behind his back.

  I paused in mid stride and looked after him. “What’s that supposed to mean!” I yelled before running to catch up. “What’s so grim about it?”

  He slowed down then completely stopped in the middle of the track, I panted as I stood beside him. “What am I missing?” I huffed.

  “You just don’t get it. There’s a lot going on out there besides your own problems. My mother, your mother, Skylark- they’ve all given up their lives to protect you. Why would they do that if there were nothing or no one to protect you from? Open your eyes Alizarin,” he answered passionately. “We were both born into this thing, get ready, and make the best of it.”

  He left me with that sobering thought and disappeared from the track. My mind couldn’t help but wonder if this whole town was crawling with people like us; if so, where were they hiding? What could they tell us that Centure and Corey were hiding from me?

  I pulled the keys from my pocket and ducked into the car; surprisingly Triton was still awake when I looked in the back to check on him. During the drive home though, he tried fighting it some more then eventually gave in and passed out.

  I noticed Wade’s car in the driveway as I pulled in; I had totally forgotten that he was coming over today. After taking Triton out of his cage I walked into the house and saw him sitting on the couch. “Come up to my room,” I said without stopping. When we got to my room, I laid Triton down on his bed and sat at the computer desk.

  “He’s gotten so big,” Wade said as he fell down on the bed and stretched out.

  “Make yourself at home,” I laughed as I watched him take his shoes off and got comfortable. I crossed my legs on the chair and looked at him. “How has your day been?”

  “Come and sit next to me,” he patted the space next to him, “I promise not to bite.”

  “It’s not your bite I’m worried about,” I teased as I slowly got up from the chair.

  As much as I tried to fight it, I couldn’t help but resent the thing that reminded me of humanity the most. I sat a few inches away from him and flinched a little bit when he moved closer.

  Soon my mother was tapping on the door and asking if we wanted anything, then eventually just asked me to leave the door open if just a crack; I had no trouble complying because I knew she had to be to work within the next ten or fifteen minutes anyhow.

  “Why haven‘t you been training with Centure? This could mean your life,” he said excitedly.

  “Yeah, I know. I got something like the same speech from your brother just a while ago. Besides, I barely have any real time to do anything, with work, school and homework taking up most of my time. Not to mention there have been a few new clubs I’ve joined. This is a rare day in which I can do anything I really want to do.”

  “Drop some of the clubs and learn to defend yourself!”

  His tone startled me, my pulse quickened as I began to feel ashamed of myself.

  I thought about it for a moment then shook my head. “Nah, I can’t do that. Not now anyways, we’re in the middle of some really big projects.”

  Wade looked at me with worry on his face. “You sound like you’re trying to hold on to something that you’re not. Be glad you’re not a miserably frail creature who will die; enjoy your royal flush and embrace who you are.”

  I looked away then got up from the bed. “It’s not that simple. My parents are a part of that miserably frail crowd.” I walked to the window and opened it, inviting the cool air to blow through the room.

  “I know exactly what you need,” he got up from the bed and rubbed his hands together. “Close your eyes.”

  Without questioning him, I shut them and waited until the sounds of ocean waves and seagulls swept through the room.

  “Okay you can open them,” he said finally.

  I only peaked at first, expecting to see Wade standing in the room with a ocean breeze CD playing in the background; what I saw instead was white sands and a crystal blue ocean with waves crashing softly against the shore. “This is amazing.” I breathed.

  “I don’t know if I mentioned before that I’m also an illusionist.” Wade responded casually.

  “Yeah you forgot to mention that part.” I told him before running through the shores of the beach and splashing into the water.

  “In this world we can do whatever we want; be whoever we want to be,” he called out to me.

  I barely paid him any attention as the tropical sun lit up the darkness I felt in my heart lately. “Do your other powers work here?” I got up from the water and walked over across the sandy shores to be near him.

  “This is your world, whatever you wish I shall do.”

  I smiled as I pulled the wet shirt over my head. “Oh, is that so? Well my wish is for you to take me right here on the
sands of this beach.”

  His face radiated as he looked down at my exposed chest. “It wouldn’t be real. When I take you, I truly want to feel and enjoy every moment of it.”

  The sand and beach faded away and reality came back into view; I quickly folded my arms over my chest then realized that I still wore my shirt. “So is Bethany still coming or do we have to get started without her?”

  The notification tone buzzed on my phone moments later; Bethany wasn’t going to be able to make it. “She’s not coming.” I announced to Wade.

  “Well let’s go ahead and get started then,” he replied, taking a notebook from his backpack and sitting down at the desk. “What do you want to get started on first: logo, event or the actual design of the product?”

  I shrugged and walked over to stand over him, “It doesn’t matter because I don’t really feel like doing any of it to tell you the truth.” I unknowingly touched his shoulder and he got up and moved away; that’s when I realized that even though he was adorable and had a lot of good and great things going for him, I couldn’t see a future with a guy I could touch. “If we were going to do anything, how would it work without you invading my past?”

  His heart was saddened, he knew as well as I did that it wasn’t possible, at least not now. “Maybe Centure can help?” he quietly suggested. “I think it’s at least worth checking out.”

  I nodded in agreement and picked up the keys from the desk and walked to the door; I didn’t bother waking Triton since he was sleeping peacefully. “Let’s go find out then.”

  “No time, I’ll just leave some of the stuff I’ve done already here with you and you can get around to it whenever you feel like it. I have to be leaving for work, so just call me if you have any questions.”

  It was my day off and I could spare a little time to train with Centure; it seemed to be what everyone else was doing without me. “Well I’ll go see her by myself,” I replied as I walked out of the door. “We can walk out together.”

  I waited for him before walking out into the hall as he threw on his shoes then headed out of the door behind me. “It was nice seeing you today.” I led the way down the stairs and walked through the living room and to the front door.


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